347 research outputs found

    Automatic 3D facial model and texture reconstruction from range scans

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    This paper presents a fully automatic approach to fitting a generic facial model to detailed range scans of human faces to reconstruct 3D facial models and textures with no manual intervention (such as specifying landmarks). A Scaling Iterative Closest Points (SICP) algorithm is introduced to compute the optimal rigid registrations between the generic model and the range scans with different sizes. And then a new template-fitting method, formulated in an optmization framework of minimizing the physically based elastic energy derived from thin shells, faithfully reconstructs the surfaces and the textures from the range scans and yields dense point correspondences across the reconstructed facial models. Finally, we demonstrate a facial expression transfer method to clone facial expressions from the generic model onto the reconstructed facial models by using the deformation transfer technique

    Extracellular electrical signals in a neuron-surface junction: model of heterogeneous membrane conductivity

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    Signals recorded from neurons with extracellular planar sensors have a wide range of waveforms and amplitudes. This variety is a result of different physical conditions affecting the ion currents through a cellular membrane. The transmembrane currents are often considered by macroscopic membrane models as essentially a homogeneous process. However, this assumption is doubtful, since ions move through ion channels, which are scattered within the membrane. Accounting for this fact, the present work proposes a theoretical model of heterogeneous membrane conductivity. The model is based on the hypothesis that both potential and charge are distributed inhomogeneously on the membrane surface, concentrated near channel pores, as the direct consequence of the inhomogeneous transmembrane current. A system of continuity equations having non-stationary and quasi-stationary forms expresses this fact mathematically. The present work performs mathematical analysis of the proposed equations, following by the synthesis of the equivalent electric element of a heterogeneous membrane current. This element is further used to construct a model of the cell-surface electric junction in a form of the equivalent electrical circuit. After that a study of how the heterogeneous membrane conductivity affects parameters of the extracellular electrical signal is performed. As the result it was found that variation of the passive characteristics of the cell-surface junction, conductivity of the cleft and the cleft height, could lead to different shapes of the extracellular signals

    Bayesian Point Set Registration

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    Point set registration involves identifying a smooth invertible transformation between corresponding points in two point sets, one of which may be smaller than the other and possibly corrupted by observation noise. This problem is traditionally decomposed into two separate optimization problems: (i) assignment or correspondence, and (ii) identification of the optimal transformation between the ordered point sets. In this work, we propose an approach solving both problems simultaneously. In particular, a coherent Bayesian formulation of the problem results in a marginal posterior distribution on the transformation, which is explored within a Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme. Motivated by Atomic Probe Tomography (APT), in the context of structure inference for high entropy alloys (HEA), we focus on the registration of noisy sparse observations of rigid transformations of a known reference configuration.Lastly, we test our method on synthetic data sets.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Frontier in three-dimensional cave reconstruction—3D meshing versus textured rendering

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    Underground caves and their specific structures are important for geomorphological studies. This paper investigates the capabilities of a new modelling approach advanced for true-to-life three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of cave with full resolution scan relative to 3D meshing. The cave was surveyed using terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) to acquire high resolution scans. The data was processed to generate a 3D-mesh model and textured 3D model using sub-sampled points and full resolution scan respectively. Based on both point and solid surface representation, comparative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches were examined in terms of data processing efficiency, visualization, interactivity and geomorphological feature representation and identification. The result shows that full scan point representation offers advantage for dynamic visualization over the decimated xyz point data because of high density of points and availability of other surface information like point normal, intensity and height which can be visualized in colour scale. For the reconstructed surface, mesh model is better with respect to interactivity and morphometric but 3D rendering shows superiority in visual reality and identification of micro detail of features with high precision. Complementary use of the two will provide better understanding of the cave, its development and processes

    Dynamic 3D shape of the plantar surface of the foot using coded structured light:a technical report

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    The foot provides a crucial contribution to the balance and stability of the musculoskeletal system, and accurate foot measurements are important in applications such as designing custom insoles/footwear. With better understanding of the dynamic behavior of the foot, dynamic foot reconstruction techniques are surfacing as useful ways to properly measure the shape of the foot. This paper presents a novel design and implementation of a structured-light prototype system providing dense three dimensional (3D) measurements of the foot in motion. The input to the system is a video sequence of a foot during a single step; the output is a 3D reconstruction of the plantar surface of the foot for each frame of the input. Methods Engineering and clinical tests were carried out to test the accuracy and repeatability of the system. Accuracy experiments involved imaging a planar surface from different orientations and elevations and measuring the fitting errors of the data to a plane. Repeatability experiments were done using reconstructions from 27 different subjects, where for each one both right and left feet were reconstructed in static and dynamic conditions over two different days. Results The static accuracy of the system was found to be 0.3 mm with planar test objects. In tests with real feet, the system proved repeatable, with reconstruction differences between trials one week apart averaging 2.4 mm (static case) and 2.8 mm (dynamic case). Conclusion The results obtained in the experiments show positive accuracy and repeatability results when compared to current literature. The design also shows to be superior to the systems available in the literature in several factors. Further studies need to be done to quantify the reliability of the system in clinical environment

    3D Volume Reconstruction by Serially Acquired 2D Slices Using a Distance Transform-Based Global Cost Function

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    Abstract. An accurate, computationally eÆcient and fully-automated algorithm for the alignment of 2D serially acquired sections forming a 3D volume is presented. The method accounts for the main shortcomings of 3D image alignment: corrupted data (cuts and tears), dissimilarities or discontinuities between slices, missing slices. The approach relies on the optimization of a global energy function, based on the object shape, measuring the similarity between a slice and its neighborhood in the 3D volume. Slice similarity is computed using the distance transform measure in both directions. No particular direction is privileged in the method avoiding global osets, biases in the estimation and error prop-agation. The method was evaluated on real images (medical, biological and other CT scanned 3D data) and the experimental results demon-strated the method's accuracy as reconstuction errors are less than 1 degree in rotation and less than 1 pixel in translation.