63 research outputs found

    An improved pig reference genome sequence to enable pig genetics and genomics research.

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    BACKGROUND: The domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is important both as a food source and as a biomedical model given its similarity in size, anatomy, physiology, metabolism, pathology, and pharmacology to humans. The draft reference genome (Sscrofa10.2) of a purebred Duroc female pig established using older clone-based sequencing methods was incomplete, and unresolved redundancies, short-range order and orientation errors, and associated misassembled genes limited its utility. RESULTS: We present 2 annotated highly contiguous chromosome-level genome assemblies created with more recent long-read technologies and a whole-genome shotgun strategy, 1 for the same Duroc female (Sscrofa11.1) and 1 for an outbred, composite-breed male (USMARCv1.0). Both assemblies are of substantially higher (>90-fold) continuity and accuracy than Sscrofa10.2. CONCLUSIONS: These highly contiguous assemblies plus annotation of a further 11 short-read assemblies provide an unprecedented view of the genetic make-up of this important agricultural and biomedical model species. We propose that the improved Duroc assembly (Sscrofa11.1) become the reference genome for genomic research in pigs

    Window constrained inversion of gravity gradient tensor data using dike and contact models

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    We have developed a constrained inversion technique for interpretation of gravity gradient tensor data. For dike and contact models striking in the y-direction, the measured g(xz) and g(zz) components can be jointly inverted for estimating the model parameters horizontal position, depth to the top, thickness, dip angle, and density contrast. For a given measurement point, the strike direction of the gravity gradient tensor caused by a quasi 2D structure can be estimated from the eigenvector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue. Then, the measured components can be transformed into the strike coordinate system. It is assumed that the maximum of g(zz) is approximately located above the causative body. In the case of gridded data, all measurement points enclosed by a square window centered at the maximum of g(zz) are used to estimate the source parameters. The number of data points used for estimating source parameters is increased by increasing the size of the window. Solutions with the smallest data-fit error were selected as the most reliable solutions from any set of solutions. The gravity gradient tensor data are deconvolved using both dike and contact models within a set of square windows. Then, the model with the smallest data-fit error is chosen as the best model. We studied the effect of random noise and interfering sources using synthetic examples. The method is applied to a gravity gradient tensor data set from the Vredefort impact structure in South Africa. In this particular case, the dike model provides solutions with smaller data-fit errors than the contact model. This supports the idea that in the central dome area there is a predominance of vertical structures related to the formation of the transient crater and subsequent central uplift of the lower and middle crustal material

    Copywriting trends in Latvian russian-speaking newspapers in 2000-2007

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    Å is darbs apraksta mÅ«sdienu tendences divu svarÄ«gu komunikācijas zinātnes jomuā€“ klasiskās krievu ā€“ franču virziena avīžu žurnālistikas un mÅ«sdienu sabiedrisko attiecÄ«bu (Public Relations) mijiedarbÄ«bā. Darbā ir aplÅ«kota tēma par sabiedrisko attiecÄ«bu speciālistu iedarbÄ«bu uz žurnālistiem, lai samazinātu iespiestās preses komerciālo nozÄ«mÄ«gumu visā plaÅ”saziņas lÄ«dzekļu tirgÅ«. PētÄ«juma pamatā ir pamatotās teorijas (Grounded theory) metodes, kas tiek izmantotas, lai iegÅ«tu objektÄ«vu informāciju par žurnālistu nodomiem un motivāciju no vienas puses, un lielo kompāniju sabiedrisko attiecÄ«bu dienestiem no otras puses. Kā konkrēts piemērs pētÄ«jumiem tika paņemts tāds jēdziens, kā ā€žreklāmas tekstu sastādÄ«Å”anaā€, kas nodroÅ”ina pētÄ«juma vēsturisko, informatÄ«vo un ekonomisko bāzi.This scientific research is about Public Relations and their interaction with the common journalistic practice in Latvia. It is based on modern qualitative research methods, and itā€™s goal is to discover, how the modern public relations are influencing the work of press. The emphasis has been put on the conceived attempts to influence the media. Therefore a deep investigationary method ā€“ grounded theory-based qualitative research was used to convey a series of special interviews with the journalists. The idea was to uncover the existence of influence by using the keyword denotation method. Other important aspects of interation between media and Public Relations were also uncovered and studied during this research

    The relationship between dyspepsia and increased radiotracer uptake in the gastric wall during 99mTc-MIBImyocardial perfusion imaging

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    AbstractBackground and purpose: There are evidences indicating increased 99mTc-MIBI uptake by the gastric wall in myocardial perfusion SPECT connected with dyspepsia symptoms. In this study we aimed at investigating the frequency and structure of dyspeptic symptoms in patients showing gastric wall hyperactivity in 99mTc-MIBI myocardial perfusion SPECT and to determine any association between the existing symptoms and this scintigraphic finding.Materials and Methods: 1120 consecutive outpatients referred for myocardial perfusion SPECT were interviewed about the dyspeptic symptoms, current gastric medications and previous gastroduodenal interventions. The intensity of gastric wall activity was graded qualitatively as A or hyperactive gastric wall (equivalent to the heart activity) and B (less than heart activity).Results: Increased gastric wall uptake was seen in 1.78% of the patients. Dyspeptic symptoms were present in 80% and 19.3% of A and B patients, respectively (P<0.001). The dyspeptic symptoms were classified as ulcer-like in 37.5%, dysmotility-like in 43.75% and GERD-like in 18.75% of the dyspeptic A patients. Considering the classification of dyspepsia, there was no significant difference between the different groups. All of the eight different symptoms of dyspepsia had significantly higher prevalence in group A (all P values were less than 0.001). The history of previous upper GI endoscopy past history of previous gastroduodenal surgery and frequency of current use of gastric medications were significantly higher in group A.Conclusion: Although the clinical role of gastric wall hyperactivity detection is not yet clearly defined, report of this infrequent accidental finding should be part of the report of radionuclide imaging of the heart and may identify a category of patients, who require additional diagnostic gastrointestinal investigation to specify other possible noncardiac origins of their pain (and even the only origin of patients symptoms)
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