346 research outputs found

    Equivalence-based Security for Querying Encrypted Databases: Theory and Application to Privacy Policy Audits

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    Motivated by the problem of simultaneously preserving confidentiality and usability of data outsourced to third-party clouds, we present two different database encryption schemes that largely hide data but reveal enough information to support a wide-range of relational queries. We provide a security definition for database encryption that captures confidentiality based on a notion of equivalence of databases from the adversary's perspective. As a specific application, we adapt an existing algorithm for finding violations of privacy policies to run on logs encrypted under our schemes and observe low to moderate overheads.Comment: CCS 2015 paper technical report, in progres

    Labour Market and Social Policy in Italy: Challenges and Changes. Bertelsmann Policy Brief #2016/02

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    vEight years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, Italy has still to cope with and overcome a plethora of economic and social challenges. On top of this, it faces an unfavourable demographic structure and severe disparities between its northern and southern regions. Some promising reforms have recently been enacted, specifically targeting poverty and social exclusion. However, much more remains to be done on the way towards greater economic stability and widely shared prosperity

    Efficient Large-scale Trace Checking Using MapReduce

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    The problem of checking a logged event trace against a temporal logic specification arises in many practical cases. Unfortunately, known algorithms for an expressive logic like MTL (Metric Temporal Logic) do not scale with respect to two crucial dimensions: the length of the trace and the size of the time interval for which logged events must be buffered to check satisfaction of the specification. The former issue can be addressed by distributed and parallel trace checking algorithms that can take advantage of modern cloud computing and programming frameworks like MapReduce. Still, the latter issue remains open with current state-of-the-art approaches. In this paper we address this memory scalability issue by proposing a new semantics for MTL, called lazy semantics. This semantics can evaluate temporal formulae and boolean combinations of temporal-only formulae at any arbitrary time instant. We prove that lazy semantics is more expressive than standard point-based semantics and that it can be used as a basis for a correct parametric decomposition of any MTL formula into an equivalent one with smaller, bounded time intervals. We use lazy semantics to extend our previous distributed trace checking algorithm for MTL. We evaluate the proposed algorithm in terms of memory scalability and time/memory tradeoffs.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Monitoring Time Intervals

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    Run-time checking of timed properties requires to monitor events occurring within a specified time interval. In a distributed setting, working with intervals is complicated due to uncertainties about network delays and clock synchronization. Determining that an interval can be closed - i.e., that all events occurring within the interval have been observed - cannot be done without a delay. In this paper, we consider how an appropriate delay can be determined based on parameters of a monitoring setup, such as network delay, clock skew and clock rate. We then propose a generic scheme for monitoring time intervals, parameterized by the detection delay, and discuss the use of this monitoring scheme to check different timed specifications, including real-time temporal logics and rate calculations

    Taxonomic and functional patterns of macrobenthic communities on a high Arctic shelf: A case study from the East Siberian Sea

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    The Siberian Arctic is one of the regions, where the ongoing climate change is the most evident. There is limited knowledge available on the distribution of macrobenthic communities in the Siberian Arctic, their stability and functional structure. We used data from two latitudinal transects from the East Siberian Sea shelf to describe the distribution of macrobenthic communities as well as to identify the main environmental drivers responsible for the observed patterns. Almost all the studied area was under the direct influence of river runoff. Macrobenthic communities were dominated by the bivalve Portlandia arctica and were generally characterised by low species and functional diversity. We suggest that the observed pattern is a direct consequence of considerable river runoff combined with low primary productivity. The overall pattern of macrobenthic distribution corresponds well with the data obtained in the previous decades, suggesting long-term stability of these communities.publishedVersio

    On-Line Monitoring for Temporal Logic Robustness

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    In this paper, we provide a Dynamic Programming algorithm for on-line monitoring of the state robustness of Metric Temporal Logic specifications with past time operators. We compute the robustness of MTL with unbounded past and bounded future temporal operators MTL over sampled traces of Cyber-Physical Systems. We implemented our tool in Matlab as a Simulink block that can be used in any Simulink model. We experimentally demonstrate that the overhead of the MTL robustness monitoring is acceptable for certain classes of practical specifications

    Monitoring Partially Synchronous Distributed Systems using SMT Solvers

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    In this paper, we discuss the feasibility of monitoring partially synchronous distributed systems to detect latent bugs, i.e., errors caused by concurrency and race conditions among concurrent processes. We present a monitoring framework where we model both system constraints and latent bugs as Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) formulas, and we detect the presence of latent bugs using an SMT solver. We demonstrate the feasibility of our framework using both synthetic applications where latent bugs occur at any time with random probability and an application involving exclusive access to a shared resource with a subtle timing bug. We illustrate how the time required for verification is affected by parameters such as communication frequency, latency, and clock skew. Our results show that our framework can be used for real-life applications, and because our framework uses SMT solvers, the range of appropriate applications will increase as these solvers become more efficient over time.Comment: Technical Report corresponding to the paper accepted at Runtime Verification (RV) 201

    Fauna associated with shallow-water methane seeps in the Laptev Sea

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    Background Methane seeps support unique benthic ecosystems in the deep sea existing due to chemosynthetic organic matter. In contrast, in shallow waters there is little or no effect of methane seeps on macrofauna. In the present study we focused on the recently described methane discharge area at the northern Laptev Sea shelf. The aim of this work was to describe the shallow-water methane seep macrofauna and to understand whether there are differences in macrobenthic community structure between the methane seep and background areas. Methods Samples of macrofauna were taken during three expeditions of RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 2015, 2017 and 2018 using 0.1 m2 grabs and the Sigsbee trawl. 21 grabs and two trawls in total were taken at two methane seep sites named Oden and C15, located at depths of 60–70 m. For control, three 0.1 m2 grabs were taken in area without methane seepage. Results The abundance of macrofauna was higher at methane seep stations compared to non-seep sites. Cluster analysis revealed five station groups corresponding to control area, Oden site and C15 site (the latter represented by three groups). Taxa responsible for differences among the station groups were mostly widespread Arctic species that were more abundant in samples from methane seep sites. However, high densities of symbiotrophic siboglinids Oligobrachia sp. were found exclusively at methane seep stations. In addition, several species possibly new to science were found at several methane seep stations, including the gastropod Frigidalvania sp. and the polychaete Ophryotrocha sp. The fauna at control stations was represented only by well-known and widespread Arctic taxa. Higher habitat heterogeneity of the C15 site compared to Oden was indicated by the higher number of station groups revealed by cluster analysis and higher species richness in C15 trawl sample. The development of the described communities at the shallow-water methane seeps can be related to pronounced oligotrophic environment on the northern Siberian shelf.publishedVersio
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