16 research outputs found

    Interactions between landscape changes and host communities can regulate echinococcus multilocularis transmission

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    An area close to the Qinghai-Tibet plateau region and subject to intensive deforestation contains a large focus of human alveolar echinococcosis while sporadic human cases occur in the Doubs region of eastern France. The current review analyses and compares epidemiological and ecological results obtained in both regions. Analysis of rodent species assemblages within quantified rural landscapes in central China and eastern France shows a significant association between host species for the pathogenic helminth Echinococcus multilocularis, with prevalences of human alveolar echinococcosis and with land area under shrubland or grassland. This suggests that at the regional scale landscape can affect human disease distribution through interaction with small mammal communities and their population dynamics. Lidicker's ROMPA hypothesis helps to explain this association and provides a novel explanation of how landscape changes may result in increased risk of a rodent-borne zoonotic disease

    Landscape Composition and Spatial Prediction of Alveolar Echinococcosis in Southern Ningxia, China

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    In humans, larvae of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis typically infect the liver where metastasis, calcification and necrosis cause the zoonotic disease alveolar echinococcosis (AE). Treatment is difficult. Early detection greatly increases patient life expectancy but under-detection is a problem. Understanding the ecological conditions that elevate AE risk would help identify at-risk communities. Voles and lemmings of the subfamily Arvicolinae are important intermediate hosts in most AE endemic areas, and arvicoline habitat has been proposed as a predictor of AE risk. Using a model of spatial autocorrelation with land cover identified from satellite remote sensing imagery, we identified AE hotspots in southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR), China. Hotspots were not located near optimal arvicoline habitats. Thus, non-arvicolines provide principal reservoirs in NHAR and the range of ecological conditions sustaining E. multilocularis transmission in China is greater than previously thought. We also show: social factors explain higher prevalence in females than males; dogs increase infection risk; and we argue that water source quality is important via interaction with other environmental variables. Our map of AE prevalence represents the current state-of-the-art regarding the spatial distribution of AE in southern NHAR and provides an important baseline for future monitoring programs there

    Combined ultrasound and serologic screening for hepatic alveolar echinococcosis in central China

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    Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by Echinococcus multilocularis, is a zoonotic helminthic disease that can mimic malignancy. In the 1970s, foci of the disease were found in central China. The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of AE in humans in 2 districts of south Gansu Province, China, by use of ultrasound and Echinococcus serology. After answering an epidemiological questionnaire, 2,482 volunteers from 28 villages underwent ultrasound. Serology via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibody activity was performed on whole blood collected on filter paper in all subjects; on serum from subjects with an abnormal ultrasound image; and on randomly chosen subjects that either had no lesions or had atypical lesions. At least one (25.3%) abnormal ultrasound image was observed in 630 of the subjects screened. A typical lesion of progressive AE was found in 84 subjects (3.4%). Serologies were positive in 77 (96%) of 80 of patients who had lesions typical of progressive AE. Ultrasound is useful for screening for AE in endemic regions

    Unique family clustering of human echinococcosis cases in a Chinese community

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    We have identified a significant focus and unusual clustering of human cases of cystic echinococcosis (CE) and alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in the village of Nanwan, Xiji County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, in one of the most highly endemic areas for both diseases in China. The village, a Chinese Hui Islamic community, is composed of 167 members of four extended families. A total of 28 people died (12 of echinococcosis) since the village was first settled in the 1950s. Despite similar life patterns, the number of AE and CE cases occurring in each family was different. Overall, the prevalences of AE and CE were 9% (20 cases) and 5.9% (13 cases), with a combined prevalence of 14.9%. In contrast to CE, a comparison of the prevalence of AE indicated significant differences between the four family clusters. Although suggestive that host genotype might play a role in susceptibility to AE, this hypothesis requires further investigation

    An epidemiological and ecological study of human alveolar echinococcosis transmission in south Gansu, China.

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    International audienceHuman alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is usually a rare, highly pathogenic zoonotic disease, transmitted across the northern hemisphere between fox and rodent hosts. In China the first cases were described in 1965; however very few epidemiological studies have been undertaken since. Following identification in 1991 of a serious focus of human AE in south Gansu province, detailed village-based community and ecological studies were carried out between 1994 and 1997. Hepatic ultrasound mass screening with serological testing (five tests) identified 84/2482 new AE cases (3%). An overall prevalence of 4.1% (135/3331) was recorded for the area when previous cases were also included. Based on a seropositive result only, without an ultrasound scan indication, no additional AE cases were identified. Of the evolutive AE cases, 96% were seropositive in at least one test, while up 15-20% of individuals who exhibited hepatic calcified lesions and 12-15% exhibiting hepatic nodular lesions were seropositive for specific Em2 or Em18 antibodies. Village (n=31) human AE prevalence rates varied from 0 to 15.8%. Questionnaire analysis indicated that total number of dogs owned over a period was a risk factor (P0.6). Rodent ecology studies revealed an association between density indices of voles (Microtus limnophilus) and village AE prevalence rates, on the one hand, and village landscape characterised by a ratio of scrub/grassland to total area above 50% (P<0.005). Long-term transmission of Echinococcus multilocularis and risk of zoonotic infection of south Gansu farmers may be related ultimately to a process of deforestation driven by agriculture. This in turn probably results in creation of optimal peri-domestic habitats for rodents that serve as intermediate host species (such as M. limnophilus) and subsequent development of a peri-domestic cycle involving dogs

    An epidemiological and ecological study of human alveolar echinococcosis transmission in south Gansu, China.

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    International audienceHuman alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is usually a rare, highly pathogenic zoonotic disease, transmitted across the northern hemisphere between fox and rodent hosts. In China the first cases were described in 1965; however very few epidemiological studies have been undertaken since. Following identification in 1991 of a serious focus of human AE in south Gansu province, detailed village-based community and ecological studies were carried out between 1994 and 1997. Hepatic ultrasound mass screening with serological testing (five tests) identified 84/2482 new AE cases (3%). An overall prevalence of 4.1% (135/3331) was recorded for the area when previous cases were also included. Based on a seropositive result only, without an ultrasound scan indication, no additional AE cases were identified. Of the evolutive AE cases, 96% were seropositive in at least one test, while up 15-20% of individuals who exhibited hepatic calcified lesions and 12-15% exhibiting hepatic nodular lesions were seropositive for specific Em2 or Em18 antibodies. Village (n=31) human AE prevalence rates varied from 0 to 15.8%. Questionnaire analysis indicated that total number of dogs owned over a period was a risk factor (P0.6). Rodent ecology studies revealed an association between density indices of voles (Microtus limnophilus) and village AE prevalence rates, on the one hand, and village landscape characterised by a ratio of scrub/grassland to total area above 50% (P<0.005). Long-term transmission of Echinococcus multilocularis and risk of zoonotic infection of south Gansu farmers may be related ultimately to a process of deforestation driven by agriculture. This in turn probably results in creation of optimal peri-domestic habitats for rodents that serve as intermediate host species (such as M. limnophilus) and subsequent development of a peri-domestic cycle involving dogs

    Classification, follow-up and recurrence of hepatic cystic echinococcosis using ultrasound images

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    Ultrasound image and morphological structure of hepatic cystic echinococcosis (CE) were analysed in 277 human cases (385 hepatic hydatid cysts). These included 65 CE cases from community surveys carried out between 1995 and 2000 in 3 countries (China, Mongolia and Jordan) and 212 cases from a clinical hospital survey from Xinjiang, China. A new simplified WHO ultrasound classification for human CE was assessed, and considered useful. It is proposed that type, size and number in particular need to be included in the ultrasound classification of hepatic CE. For comparative purposes 6 categories of type were classified in the study as Type 0 to Type 5 (T0-T5): T0, univesicular without pathognomonic signs; T1, univesicular with pathognomonic signs; T2, cysts with sagging or floating laminated membrane; T3, cysts containing daughter cysts; T4, solid mass or mixed cysts; and T5, cysts with partial or full calcifications. This differs from the WHO classification wherein Type T3 cysts (daughter cysts present) are considered a pathological stage to occur in general prior to the sagging or floating membrane (T2) stage. Recurrent hydatid cysts in the liver were also studied based on morphological structures observed directly from surgical intervention. Case follow-up over 1-5 years since endocystectomy in the community surveys indicated 10% (2/10) recurrence of cysts in the residual surgical cavity. Recurrent CE included 2 (2/4) cases after percutaneous treatment