30 research outputs found

    Mapping the risk of Rift Valley fever in Uganda using national seroprevalence data from cattle, sheep and goats

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    Uganda has had repeated outbreaks of Rift Valley fever (RVF) since March 2016 when human and livestock cases were reported in Kabale after a long interval. The disease has a complex and poorly described transmission patterns which involves several mosquito vectors and mammalian hosts (including humans). We conducted a national serosurvey in livestock to determine RVF virus (RVFV) seroprevalence, risk factors, and to develop a risk map that could be used to guide risk-based surveillance and control measures. A total of 3,253 animals from 175 herds were sampled. Serum samples collected were screened at the National Animal Disease Diagnostics and Epidemiology Centre (NADDEC) using a competition multispecies anti-RVF IgG ELISA kit. Data obtained were analyzed using a Bayesian model that utilizes integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approaches to estimate posterior distributions of model parameters, and account for spatial autocorrelation. Variables considered included animal level factors (age, sex, species) and multiple environmental data including meteorological factors, soil types, and altitude. A risk map was generated by projecting fitted (mean) values, from a final model that had environmental factors onto a spatial grid that covered the entire domain. The overall RVFV seroprevalence was 11.3% (95% confidence interval: 10.2–12.3%). Higher RVFV seroprevalences were observed in older animals compared to the young, and cattle compared to sheep and goats. RVFV seroprevalence was also higher in areas that had (i) lower precipitation seasonality, (ii) haplic planosols, and (iii) lower cattle density. The risk map generated demonstrated that RVF virus was endemic in several regions including those that have not reported clinical outbreaks in the northeastern part of the country. This work has improved our understanding on spatial distribution of RVFV risk in the country as well as the expected burden of the disease in livestock

    A high-intensity cluster of Schistosoma mansoni infection around Mbita causeway, western Kenya: a confirmatory cross-sectional survey

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    In Kenya, communities residing along the shores and islands of Lake Victoria bear a substantial burden ofschistosomiasis. Although there is a school-based deworming program in place, the transmission of Schistosomamansoni varies even at a fine scale. Given the focal nature of schistosomes’ transmission, we aim to identify areaswith high intensity of S. mansoni infection in Mbita, Homabay County, western Kenya, for prioritized integratedcontrol measures. Our findings confirm a high intensity of S. mansoni infection cluster around Mbita causeway.While the current efforts to curtail morbidity due to schistosomiasis through preventive chemotherapy in schoolsare crucial, fine-scale mapping of risk areas is necessary for specific integrated control measures

    Pro-vitamin A carotenoid content of 48 plantain (Musa AAB genome) cultivars sourced from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is widespread in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Unlike in developed countries, where the main source of vitamin A comes from meat, the diet of poor populations in SSA is largely plant based. It is thus important to identify local / popular plants with higher vitamin A content for combating VAD. Banana (including plantains) is an important staple food crop in this region. The identification and promotion of vitamin A‐rich banana cultivars could contribute significantly to the alleviation of VAD in areas heavily dependent on the crop. We assessed pro‐vitamin A carotenoid (pVACs) content in the fruit pulp of 48 local plantains from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, to identify cultivars that could help reduce VAD, especially among young children and women of reproductive age

    Computer-based technology and student engagement: a critical review of the literature

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    Computer-based technology has infiltrated many aspects of life and industry, yet there is little understanding of how it can be used to promote student engagement, a concept receiving strong attention in higher education due to its association with a number of positive academic outcomes. The purpose of this article is to present a critical review of the literature from the past 5 years related to how web-conferencing software, blogs, wikis, social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter), and digital games influence student engagement. We prefaced the findings with a substantive overview of student engagement definitions and indicators, which revealed three types of engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) that informed how we classified articles. Our findings suggest that digital games provide the most far-reaching influence across different types of student engagement, followed by web-conferencing and Facebook. Findings regarding wikis, blogs, and Twitter are less conclusive and significantly limited in number of studies conducted within the past 5 years. Overall, the findings provide preliminary support that computer-based technology influences student engagement, however, additional research is needed to confirm and build on these findings. We conclude the article by providing a list of recommendations for practice, with the intent of increasing understanding of how computer-based technology may be purposefully implemented to achieve the greatest gains in student engagement. © 2017, The Author(s)

    Parental Burnout Around the Globe: a 42-Country Study

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    High levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to parental burnout, a condition that has severe consequences for both parents and children. It is not yet clear, however, whether parental burnout varies by culture, and if so, why it might do so. In this study, we examined the prevalence of parental burnout in 42 countries (17,409 parents; 71% mothers; M_{age} = 39.20) and showed that the prevalence of parental burnout varies dramatically across countries. Analyses of cultural values revealed that individualistic cultures, in particular, displayed a noticeably higher prevalence and mean level of parental burnout. Indeed, individualism plays a larger role in parental burnout than either economic inequalities across countries, or any other individual and family characteristic examined so far, including the number and age of children and the number of hours spent with them. These results suggest that cultural values in Western countries may put parents under heightened levels of stress

    Simulating autonomic sla enactment in clouds using case based reasoning

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    Abstract. With the emergence of Cloud Computing resources of physical machines have to be allocated to virtual machines (VMs) in an ondemand way. However, the efficient allocation of resources like memory, storage or bandwidth to a VM is not a trivial task. On the one hand, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) that defines QoS goals for arbitrary parameters between the Cloud provider and the customer should not be violated. On the other hand, the Cloud providers aim to maximize their profit, where optimizing resource usage is an important part. In this paper we develop a simulation engine that mimics the control cycle of an autonomic manager to evaluate different knowledge management techniques (KM) feasible for efficient resource management and SLA attainment. We especially focus on the use of Case Based Reasoning (CBR) for KM and decision-making. We discuss its suitability for efficiently governing on-demand resource allocation in Cloud infrastructures by evaluating it with the simulation engine

    Seed delivery system in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo: characteristics, stakeholders mapping and challenges towards building a well-functioning seed system under humanitarian and security crises

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    Quality seed is one of the most important farm inputs. The Ituri province, in northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), faces enormous challenges in implementing a coherent formal seed sector, an essential gage for seed quality. This study aimed at diagnosing the Ituri seed value chain to propose improvements at all levels. Data collection was conducted using focus group discussions and direct interviews with key players at all levels, household surveys across the province, and a review of seed intervention programme reports, farm visit reports and other literature. Results showed that the seed system in the northeastern DRC is mainly informal due to several socioeconomic and technical factors. Less than a third of crops in the region had a formal seed delivery system. The cash flow in the seed sector was high owing to high seed demands from humanitarian organizations and farmer support structures, estimated at ∼1.5 million US$ in 2022 for the top three commercial seed commodities (common beans, maize and peanuts). However, the province seed production capacity through formal pathway is low (only ∼35 and 69% of the demands for common bean and maize, respectively, are covered by local productions), meaning that the seed demand is met either through importation or fraudulent conversion of farmer-saved seed. Due to lack of technical capacities, Ituri seed multipliers mainly produce open pollinated and synthetic varieties, while hybrids are imported from neighbouring countries. The lack of functional breeders in the provincial seed production chain, disproportionately low seed multipliers-to-distributors ratio, the weakness of the seed certification and regulation services, the border porosity, poor coordination among actors, and low awareness of farmers on seed qualities and advantages of using certified quality seed are the main structural and functional factors hindering the well-functioning of northeastern DRC seed system. This study provided an insight on the characteristics, stakeholders and challenges facing the seed sector in northeastern DRC and proposed an action plan for its improvement.</p