1,013 research outputs found

    Two-band superconductors: Extended Ginzburg-Landau formalism by a systematic expansion in small deviation from the critical temperature

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    We derive the extended Ginzburg-Landau (GL) formalism for a clean s-wave two-band superconductor by employing a systematic expansion of the free-energy functional and the corresponding matrix gap equation in powers of the small deviation from the critical temperature tau = 1-T/T_c. The two lowest orders of this expansion produce the equation for T_c and the GL theory. It is shown that in agreement with previous studies, the two-band GL theory maps onto the single-band GL model and thus fails to describe the difference in the spatial profiles of the two band condensates. We prove that except for some very special cases, this difference appears already in the leading correction to the GL theory, which constitutes the extended GL formalism. We derive linear differential equations that determine the leading corrections to the band order parameters and magnetic field, discuss the validity of these equations, and consider examples of an important interplay between the band condensates. Finally, we present numerical results for the thermodynamic critical magnetic field and temperature-dependent band gaps (at zero field), which are in a very good agreement with those obtained from the full BCS approach in a wide temperature range. To this end, we emphasize the advantages of our extended GL theory in comparison with the often used two-component GL-like model based on an unreconstructed two-band generalization of the Gor'kov derivation

    Limits on non-Gaussianities from WMAP data

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    We develop a method to constrain the level of non-Gaussianity of density perturbations when the 3-point function is of the "equilateral" type. Departures from Gaussianity of this form are produced by single field models such as ghost or DBI inflation and in general by the presence of higher order derivative operators in the effective Lagrangian of the inflaton. We show that the induced shape of the 3-point function can be very well approximated by a factorizable form, making the analysis practical. We also show that, unless one has a full sky map with uniform noise, in order to saturate the Cramer-Rao bound for the error on the amplitude of the 3-point function, the estimator must contain a piece that is linear in the data. We apply our technique to the WMAP data obtaining a constraint on the amplitude f_NL^equil of "equilateral" non-Gaussianity: -366 < f_NL^equil < 238 at 95% C.L. We also apply our technique to constrain the so-called "local" shape, which is predicted for example by the curvaton and variable decay width models. We show that the inclusion of the linear piece in the estimator improves the constraint over those obtained by the WMAP team, to -27 < f_NL^local < 121 at 95% C.L.Comment: 20 pages, 12 eps figure

    Gadamer, la belleza y la improvisación musical

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    Gadamer’s On the Relevance of the Beautiful makes telling reference to musi-cal improvisation and the importance of musical listening in addition to fore-grounding the need for justification. Situating this discussion via Goethe and Plato along with Adorno’s late 1950s lectures on Aesthetics together with a discussion of Nietzsche and antiquity, what is at stake is attunement and a tension which invites a discussion of Carson on the lover’s arrest and Heidegger on tarrying. By reviewing Gadamer’s hermeneutic of musical pro-gramming and performance, including improvisation and the challenge of new music, Gadamer may be read on music culture in the context of social culture and his reflection not only via Plato and Goethe but Hölderlin and Rilke on ‘the beautiful.’ At work is a cultural ‘conversation’ where audience input can be in tension with progressive musical programing along with the dynamic of response emergent in the energeia of improvisation for performer and listener

    Probing local non-Gaussianities within a Bayesian framework

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    Aims: We outline the Bayesian approach to inferring f_NL, the level of non-Gaussianity of local type. Phrasing f_NL inference in a Bayesian framework takes advantage of existing techniques to account for instrumental effects and foreground contamination in CMB data and takes into account uncertainties in the cosmological parameters in an unambiguous way. Methods: We derive closed form expressions for the joint posterior of f_NL and the reconstructed underlying curvature perturbation, Phi, and deduce the conditional probability densities for f_NL and Phi. Completing the inference problem amounts to finding the marginal density for f_NL. For realistic data sets the necessary integrations are intractable. We propose an exact Hamiltonian sampling algorithm to generate correlated samples from the f_NL posterior. For sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios, we can exploit the assumption of weak non-Gaussianity to find a direct Monte Carlo technique to generate independent samples from the posterior distribution for f_NL. We illustrate our approach using a simplified toy model of CMB data for the simple case of a 1-D sky. Results: When applied to our toy problem, we find that, in the limit of high signal-to-noise, the sampling efficiency of the approximate algorithm outperforms that of Hamiltonian sampling by two orders of magnitude. When f_NL is not significantly constrained by the data, the more efficient, approximate algorithm biases the posterior density towards f_NL = 0.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Multi-mass solvers for lattice QCD on GPUs

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    Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) are more and more frequently used for lattice QCD calculations. Lattice studies often require computing the quark propagators for several masses. These systems can be solved using multi-shift inverters but these algorithms are memory intensive which limits the size of the problem that can be solved using GPUs. In this paper, we show how to efficiently use a memory-lean single-mass inverter to solve multi-mass problems. We focus on the BiCGstab algorithm for Wilson fermions and show that the single-mass inverter not only requires less memory but also outperforms the multi-shift variant by a factor of two.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, 3 Table

    Can billiard eigenstates be approximated by superpositions of plane waves?

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    The plane wave decomposition method (PWDM) is one of the most popular strategies for numerical solution of the quantum billiard problem. The method is based on the assumption that each eigenstate in a billiard can be approximated by a superposition of plane waves at a given energy. By the classical results on the theory of differential operators this can indeed be justified for billiards in convex domains. On the contrary, in the present work we demonstrate that eigenstates of non-convex billiards, in general, cannot be approximated by any solution of the Helmholtz equation regular everywhere in R2\R^2 (in particular, by linear combinations of a finite number of plane waves having the same energy). From this we infer that PWDM cannot be applied to billiards in non-convex domains. Furthermore, it follows from our results that unlike the properties of integrable billiards, where each eigenstate can be extended into the billiard exterior as a regular solution of the Helmholtz equation, the eigenstates of non-convex billiards, in general, do not admit such an extension.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure