4,692 research outputs found

    An Integrated Pedal Follower and Torque Based Approach for Electronic Throttle Control in a Motorcycle Engine

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    Nowadays, electronic throttle control system is widely adapted in the motorcycle for better drivability, fuel economy and reduces the emissions. In such systems, pedal follower or torque based approach are used for calculating the required throttle angle for the given torque demand by driver. This work presents a throttle control system for the precise estimation of throttle angle based on the integrated pedal follower and torque based approach for the given accelerator position and torque demand by the driver. A mathematical model for an electronic throttle body is developed to understand the effects of nonlinearities due to friction and limp home dual springs. A PID controller with compensators are developed to handle the nonlinearities due to the friction and limp home dual springs in the proposed electronic throttle control system. A simulation study has been carried out using software in loop and hardware in loop simulation approaches for step, sinusoidal, and ramp input signals. The responses of electronic throttle body for opening the throttle angle and error are analyzed for the given input signals. The simulation result shows that the proposed compensators has significant advantage in reducing the throttle angle error and gives the desired output


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    Ayurveda is the science of living beings which deal with maintenance of a healthy individual as well as removal of the diseases through which one can get the Sukha (happiness) and removal of Dukha (Miseries). There are three most auspicious books of Ayurveda or triad of Charaka samhita, Sushruta samhita and Ashtanga hridaya jointly known as Brihattrayi. Sushruta samhita is written by Acharya sushruta (Vriddha sushruta). Sushruta has compiled and collected all the speech of lord Dhanvantari in a systematic form which became the famous book of Shalyatantra as a Sushruta samhita. Ayurveda stands on its own basic pillars and concepts regarding Doshas are one of them. Doshas are responsible for physiological actions in the body manifested as health and pathologically manifested as disease specially Vata dosha. Vatadoshas etymology has been described in two forms, aetiologies, separate group of diseases under Vatavyadhi, six stages of Kriyakala according to Vata dosha, characteristics of Vataprakritti etc. have been innumerated and analysis regarding Vata dosha in available Sushruta samhita has been presented in this paper


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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM), belongs to the elegance of metabolic sicknesses which the mainsymptom related to this disorder is the excessive sugar ranges in blood for a protracted period. It may be categorised to the world’s principal sicknesses thinking about that influences excessive populace in earth and affords principal sorts I and II. Diabetes headaches include viable blindness, amputation of decrease limb, renal failure, and cardiac arrest or stroke. This evaluate summarizes the pathophysiology for each kinds of DM, the type of antidiabetic medicinal drugs in addition to destiny perspectives. Until now injectable medicinal drugs are greater regularly used which will acquire the proper remedy. Patients choose oral antidiabetic medicinal drugs given that are less complicated to be administered and for that reason researchers consciousness their research at this direction. This paintings additionally aimed to provide and compare viable oral formulations towards DM kind II. Methodology: Data from 50 no of Patient with Diabetes on the Outpatient of VIMSAR,Burla changed into gathered in step with element Semistructure questionary. The Data encompass Demographic facts and Prescription survey Regarding Drug Prescription Patteren and Drug Utilisation Patteren. Results and Discussion: In the existing Study amongst Participants the male percent changed into a great deal greater. More male patient. Metformin changed into the maximum famous and regularly prescribed drug for Patient coming to inpatient department. Beside this Sulfonylurea organization is the every other drug prescribed to massive no of Patient. Conclusion: To acquire most reliable glycemic control, The efficacy of Antidiabetic drug changed into simplest 40% Satisfactory. Hence intensification of modern-day drug remedy in addition to making plans more than one drug remedy with changed way of life justify closer to a hit oral anti diabetic therapy

    On Availability of a Series system with Imperfect Detectors

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    An n-unit series system with exponential distributions for life-times and repair-time has been considered. Each unit is equipped with a detector to detect failures. Detectors are subject to two failure modes: viz. (i) instantaneous failure i.e. it fails at the time of need when a unit fails; (ii) gradual failure i.e. it fails and gives false alarm for system failure. Steady-state availability of the system is obtained by studying the underlying system equations. Behavior of steady-state unavailability has also been studied analytically


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The current research work is intended to formulate propranolol HCl (PLH) as orally disintegrating tablet (ODT). It is also intending to checkthe superiority in a combination of superdisintegrants and effervescent mixture than the use of superdisintegrants alone by a direct compressiontechnique. To fasten the onset of action and thereby enhancing the bioavailability of PLH in comparison to its conventional tablets.Methods: Standard calibration curve of PLH was obtained in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer by spectrophotometric method, drug-excipient compatibilitystudies were carried by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) studies. All the formulations were evaluated for pre and postcompression studies.Accelerated stability studies were carried out up to 6 months for the optimized formulation, EF3.Results and Discussion: Superdisintegrants used in the study are compatible with PLH. Pre- and post-compression parameters were within theacceptable limits for all formulations. In vitro dissolution kinetic studies indicate the release of PLH from ODT increases as the concentration ofsuperdisintegrants as well as the ratio of citric acid: NaHCO3 of effervescent mixture increases. Formulations with an effervescent mixture are havingrapid disintegration and dissolution rate when compared to the formulations with superdisintegrants alone. The order of superdisintegrants inenhancing the dissolution rate of PLH is crospovidone (CPV) > croscarmellose sodium (CCS) > sodium starch glycolate (SSG). Formulation, EF3 (10%CPV and 1:3, citric acid: NaHCO3 ratio, respectively) had the highest dissolution efficiency at 10 minutes (DE10=82.74%); the first order dissolutionrate constant (K1=0.141/minutes) with a regression coefficient (r2=0.974) and lesser time for 90% of drug release (t90=4 minutes), was considered asthe optimal ODT in this study. Formulation EF3, passed the test for stability.Conclusion: Hence, an effective PLH ODT was formulated by the direct compression technique with disintegration by combination of superdisintegrantsand effervescent mixture, will fasten the onset of action and enhances the bioavailability of PLH in comparison to its conventional tablets.Keywords: Propranolol HCl, Orally disintegrating tablet, Sodium starch glycolate, Croscarmellose sodium, Crospovidone, Direct compression, In vitrodissolution studies

    Improved DC utilization using advanced modulation techniques with Z source Inverter

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    Generally, an inverter is required to convert DC power generated by PV cell into AC power. A multilevel inverter (MLI) can synthesizes a staircase waveform. In this paper, a comparative study is made on performance of 5-level Z Source H Bridge inverter by considering advanced pulse width Modulation (PWM) strategies. PWM strategies of proposed ZSI’s is quite similar to the traditional carried-based PWM control method, the only difference is that to turn null states into shoot through states and keep the active switching states unchanged, so that the reliability of the inverter is greatly improved because miss-gating can no longer destroy the circuit. Keywords: Z source Inverter; PWM Schemes; Shoot Through; Photo voltai

    Prospects of Citrus sinensis (masumbi) cultivation in Haryana State, India

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    The empirical study on prospects of Citrus sinensis cultivation by farmers indicated that overall prospects of masumbi (C. sinensis) crop were medium to high since 77.5% respondents belonged to these categories. Majority of respondents agreed that better market facilities (weighted mean score 2.72), increased purchasing power of people (2.65), better fruit quality (2.62), better economic return (2.53) and increase in demand of fruit were the major prospective aspects for its wider adoption (2.53), whereas better technical support (1.20) and better credit facilities (1.08) both were not up to the desired level as expressed by the farmers. So the government should make concerted efforts to further strengthen the highly prospective aspects like better marketing facilities, cultivars of better quality fruits at farm gate or village level. On the basis of result obtained, the prospects of masumbi (C. sinensis) cultivation may be high in future

    Constraints faced by farmers of Haryana state in adoption of masumbi (Citrus sinensis) cultivation

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    The study focused on the constraints faced by farmers of Haryana state in adoption of masumbi (Citrus sinensis) cultivation. The study was conducted in Bhiwani district. The constraints as perceived by the respondents were measured by the scores on the basis of magnitude of the problems. Constraints were categorized into inputs, marketing, production, technical and psychologicalconstraints. While analyzing overall constraints as perceived by farmers the findings revealed that high price of insecticides/pesticides (weighted mean score 2.25), non-availability of inputs at proper time (1.13), absence of agro-processing units (2.05), no support price (1.86), aberrant climatic conditions (1.99), unawareness about proper and balanced fertilizer application and time of application (1.99), lack of guidance of post-harvest technology (1.95), lack of knowledge of current advances in fruit cultivation (1.34), longer time taken in fruit bearing (1.51) and orchard maintenance(1.34) etc. were major constraints faced by the farmers

    Clinical study on abdominal tuberculosis and its emergencies

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Abdominal tuberculosis is sixth most common type of extra pulmonary tuberculosis. Abdominal tuberculosis denotes tuberculosis infection of gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, lymph nodes, and solid organs i.e. spleen, liver, and pancreas. The diagnosis is usually delayed due to non specific symptoms and signs. The clinical study of abdominal tuberculosis was conducted with the aim to evaluate the incidence of abdominal tuberculosis, various sites of presentation, incidence of surgical emergencies due to abdominal tuberculosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in the Department of General surgery in Government Kilpauk medical college Hospital and Government Royapettah Hospital between July 2011-June 2013. 50 patients were included in the study. Data were collected from all patients. Patient’s age and sex were noted. Detailed history was obtained. Thorough clinical examination was performed. Every patient had chest x-ray and abdominal x-ray. CT abdomen was performed in inconclusive cases. Tissue diagnosis by histopathological examination had proven positive for all patients. The details of all the patients were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Abdominal tuberculosis mostly occurred in the middle age group (21- 40 years). The most common presenting symptoms are abdominal pain and abdominal tenderness is the most common sign elicited. Ileocaecal region is the most commonly affected region in the abdominal tuberculosis. About 26% of patients had associated pulmonary tuberculosis.Surgery is usually indicated in patients with complications of abdominal tuberculosis. The most common surgical emergency is intestinal obstruction due to either ileocaecal mass or stricture followed by perforation. Limited bowel resection and anastomosis was mostly commonly performed surgery in abdominal tuberculosis followed by adhesiolysis and band release is the most common procedure performed. All the patients are started on anti tuberculous therapy. Anti- tubercular treatment still forms the mainstay of treatment. All patients started on category I anti tubercular treatment
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