703 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis infection among women presenting with vaginitis in Jama'a Hospital, Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria

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    Background: Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC) is a fungal infection of the female lower genital tract and it is commonly caused by Candida albicans. Complications of untreated VVC include abortion, preterm delivery, menstrual disorders and infertility. Trichomoniasis is caused by parasitic protozoa called Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomoniasis is associated with vulvovaginal erythema and frothy yellow-gray or green vaginal discharge. The research aimed to determine the prevalence of Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis infections among women presenting with vaginitis in Jama'a Hospital, Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria.Methods: A Total of 100 samples were collected from female patients using sterile swab sticks. The samples were screened for Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis using cultural and microscopic tests. Structured questionnaires were used to collect relevant data on socio-demographic factors, risk factors, signs and symptoms of the infection from the women.Results: It was observed that (38%) of the women were positive for Candida albicans and(2%) positive for Trichomonas vaginalis. It was also noted that women within age group 36-40 years had highest prevalence of Candida albicans (57.1%). Prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis among age group 26-30 years was 4.3% and 11.1%among age group 31-35 years. Candida albicans was found to be more prevalent among single women (39.6%), non-pregnant women (39.1%), and students (47.8%) compared to married women (36.5%), pregnant women (25.0%), and non-students 30.0% respectively. Non-pregnant women had the higher prevalence of C. albicans(39.1%), compared to pregnant women with prevalence of 25.0%. Prevalence of T. vaginalis among non-pregnant women was 2.2% and no prevalence was recorded among the pregnant women. Those with multiple sex partners had C. albicans prevalence of 46.7% and T. vaginalis was 2.2%. Patients with vaginal discharges had C.albicans prevalence of 40.0%, and 3.1% for T. vaginalis. Patients with dyspareunia had C. albicans prevalence of 6.4% and 18.2% for T. vaginalis.Conclusion: It was therefore concluded that 38 out of 100 women attending Jama'a hospital had vulvovaginal candidiasis and 2 out of 100 had trichomoniasis at detectable level. Control measures including health education, treatment of infected individuals, personal hygiene are highly recommended. Further research should also be carried out in the study area todetermine prevalence of bacterial vaginitis

    On Strong Small Loop Transfer Spaces Relative to Subgroups of Fundamental Groups

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    Let HH be a subgroup of the fundamental group π1(X,x0)\pi_{1}(X,x_{0}). By extending the concept of strong SLT space to a relative version with respect to HH, strong HH-SLT space, first, we investigate the existence of a covering map for strong HH-SLT spaces. Moreover, we show that a semicovering map is a covering map in the presence of strong HH-SLT property. Second, we present conditions under which the whisker topology agrees with the lasso topology on X~H\widetilde{X}_{H}. Also, we study the relationship between open subsets of π1wh(X,x0)\pi_{1}^{wh}(X,x_{0}) and π1l(X,x0)\pi_{1}^{l}(X,x_{0}). Finally, we give some examples to justify the definition and study of strong HH-SLT spaces.Comment: 16 page

    Occurrence of helminths on Clarias gariepinus, (African Catfish) caught in selected points along river Kaduna, Nigeria

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    Fish is an important source of food and income to many developing countries, parasites usually affect the marketability of the commercially produced fish, thus raising public health concern especially in areas where raw or smoked fish is eaten. The study is aimed at assessing the prevalence of helminths in fish sold in selected catching point along river Kadona. A total number of eighty [80] African Catfish were randomly purchased from fishermen along River Kaduna [Malali and Kabala Doki] on weekly basis from June – December, 2018.The samples were subjected to examination for helminth parasites using standard parasitological techniques. The result shows that out of eighty [80] examined, 15[35.0%] and 11[27.5%] were infected at Malali and Kabala Doki respectively. Larger fish weighed between 601-1000g had the highest prevalence 11[45.4%)] and 2[50%] in Malali and Kabala Doki respectively. The standard length ranges between 31-50cm from Malali and Kabala Doki had 5[50%] and 3[60%] prevalence respectively. Female sample have the highest prevalence in Malali 8[38.1%] and Kabala 7[31.8%].The helminth parasites recorded are cestode having two [2] different species [Polyonchobothrium sp. and Bothriocephalus sp.], others include Paracamellamus sp. [Nematode] and Heterophase sp. [Trematode]. Endoparasites recorded the highest number of parasite with stomach having [10] and small intestines [12] in Kabala and Malali area respectively. The statistical analysis showed no relationship between ecto and endo parasites infection. More helminth parasites were recovered from the intestine (17) than the gills and skin (03). Females were infected more with 31.8 and 38.1% than the males with 22.2 and 31.6% in Kabala Doki and Malali catching points respectively. Further research is recommended on a large scale to ascertain the level of damage on the histopathology of the tissues and organs of infected fish


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    The study was conducted to assess the level of residue of permethrin (pifpaf), Aluminium phosphide (cyclone) and Dichlovors (dakshi) in protected grains of cowpea, maize and bambaranut groundnut each stored for 1 month, 3 month, and 6 months in Mubi (10° 16 N, 13° 10 E) Nigeria. Based on grain type and time of storage, the pesticide were extracted from 2g of powdered grains using acetonitrite and methanol (4:1) and then analyzed for the composite fractions using the high performance liquid chromatography technique. The result shows that each of the grains has residues of all the insecticide considered in the study. On average, cowpea had higher levels of insecticide residues while maize had lower over the study period. The lowest residue of any of the insecticide (1.0mg/kg of dakshi, 1.04mg/kg of cyclone and 1.11mg/kg of pifpaf) 6 months after storage was higher than the FAO no-observed adverse effect level, even though residue levels decreased with storage time. The implications of the findings on insecticide based stored grains protected by Nigerian merchants/farmers are discussed.    Â

    Laboratory assessment of hypoglycaemia due to malaria in children attending general hospital, Katsina

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    Early and accurate laboratory diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia as well as assessment of its severity which include among other parameters; blood glucose concentration are very important in the management of children with complicated malaria. In this study, the conventional thick blood film examination was used to detect malaria parasitaemia, while enzymatic colorimetric glucose-oxidae technique was used to estimate blood glucose level. A total of (450) chlidren were assessed for malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria over a period of five months in paediatrics ward of General Hospital Katsina, Nigeria. From the results obtained, 380 (84.4%) children had primary diagnosis of malaria and 113 (25.1%) of the malaria positive children were hypoglycaemic on the first day of admission. Highest incidence of malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria were recorded in children between the age of 2-5 years with 37.3% and 9.3% respectively. Lowest incidence of malaria and hypoglycaemia due to malaria were recorded in children between the age of 11-15years with 9.3% and 3.3% respectively. Although apparently there was difference in the number of males and females found to be malaria positive as well as hypoglycaemic, chi-square (χ2) test at P≤0.05 showed no significant difference. Questionnaire analysis in this study showed that high incidence of severe malaria leading to hypoglycaemia in children could be attributed to poverty, malnutrition, inadequate management of uncomplicated malaria in the health centres as well as late arrival at the hospital. Early laboratory and clinical diagnosis, correct treatment and improved quality management are key strategies for malaria control. Key words: Hypoglycaemia, Malaria, Childre

    The Capability and Support of Structure Capital on BIM Innovation in SME

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    The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry has been changing over the years with the emergence of BIM. The small and medium sized enterprises are not left out of the change, bringing distortion to their business environment and process. Extant studies have revealed that Structure Capital (SC) is an integral part of the innovative capacity of firms, this study examines the capability of SC on Architectural SME firms in Nigeria. The research was designed in three stages, empirical enquiry, analysis, and synthesis. The empirical enquiry comprised of theory formulation and fieldwork data collection. The theory formulation was achieved by proposing an evaluation framework using a systematic literature review on three SC components; system structure, infrastructure and facilities, and process and scheme. The evaluation framework constituted a set of independent variables comprising thirteen indicators categorised under these three components. The evaluation framework was used to collect data from the fieldwork. It involved a questionnaire survey and case study interviews with a sample of SME architectural firms in Nigeria. The survey involved administering questionnaires to 334 firms which yielded 217 completed questionnaires. Six case study interviews were also conducted within the same period.  The survey data enabled the evaluation of the framework using a multiple regression analysis. To examine the relationship between these components and the BIM Business Value Capital (BBVC), a multiple linear regression and correlation analysis was conducted to assess whether the independent variables predict the dependent variable. The result indicated that all the three components of the SC have a significant correlation with BBVC. However, some indicators were not found to be useful in predicting BBVC, which include: flexible administrative systems and knowledge management system structures. In comparison, the availability of specific office infrastructures for BIM and the availability of in-house training were found to be useful. The research concluded that the development of the SC of SME firms in the AEC industry is essential for the business process of BIM adoption. Keywords: BIM, Structure Capital (SC), SME, Architect, BBVC. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-2-0
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