13,218 research outputs found

    Three years clinical experience with intestinal transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: After the successful evolution of hepatic transplantation during the last decade, small bowel and multivisceral transplantation remains the sole elusive achievement for the next era of transplant surgeons. Until recently, and for the last thirty years, the results of the sporadic attempts of intestinal transplantation worldwide were discouraging because of unsatisfactory graft and patient survival. The experimental and clinical demonstration of the superior therapeutic efficacy of FK 506, a new immunosuppressive drug, ushered in the current era of small bowel and multivisceral transplantation with initial promising results. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-three consecutive patients with short bowel syndrome, intestinal insufficiency, or malignant tumors with or without associated liver disease, were given intestinal (n=15), hepatic and intestinal (n=21), or multivisceral allografts that contained four or more organs (n=7). Treatment was with FK 506 based immunosuppression. The ascending and right transverse colon were included with the small intestine in 13 of the 43 grafts, almost evenly distributed between the three groups. RESULTS: After six to 39 months, 30 of the 43 patients are alive, 29 bearing grafts. The most rapid convalescence and resumption of diet, as well as the highest three month patient survival (100 percent) and graft survival (88 percent) were with the isolated intestinal procedure. However, this advantage was slowly eroded during the first two postoperative years, in part because the isolated intestine was more prone to rejection. By the end of this time, the best survival rate (86 percent) was with the multivisceral procedure. With all three operations, most of the patients were able to resume diet and discontinue parenteral alimentation, and in the best instances, the quality of life approached normal. However, the surveillance and intensity of care required for these patients for the first year, and in most instances thereafter, was very high, being far more than required for patients having transplants of the liver, kidney or heart. CONCLUSIONS: Although intestinal transplantation has gone through the feasibility phase, strategies will be required to increase its practicality. One possibility is to combine intestinal transplantation with contemporaneous autologous bone marrow transplantation

    Abdominal multivisceral transplantation

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    Under FK506-based immunosuppression, 13 abdominal multivisceral transplantations were performed in 6 children and 7 adults. Of the 13 recipients, 7 (53.8%) are alive and well with functioning grafts after 9 to 31 months. Six recipients died: Three from PTLD, one from rejection, one from sepsis, and one from respiratory failure. In addition to rejection, postoperative complications occurring in more than isolated cases included PTLD (n=6), abdominal abscess formation (n=5), pancreatitis (n=3), and ampullary dysfunction (n=2). In addition, infection by enteric microorganisms was common during the early postoperative period. Currently, all 7 survivors are on an oral diet and have normal liver function. Two recipients (one insulin-dependent) require antidiabetes treatment, in one case following distal pancreatectomy and in the other after two episodes of pancreatic rejection. Thus, abdominal multivisceral transplantation is a difficult but feasible operation that demands complex and prolonged posttransplantation management. It is not yet ready for application and awaits a better strategy of immune modulation. © 1995 by Williams & Wilkins

    Plasmon polaritons in photonic superlattices containing a left-handed material

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    We analyze one-dimensional photonic superlattices which alternate layers of air and a left-handed material. We assume Drude-type dispersive responses for the dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of the left-handed material. Maxwell's equations and the transfer-matrix technique are used to derive the dispersion relation for the propagation of obliquely incident optical fields. The photonic dispersion indicates that the growth-direction component of the electric (or magnetic) field leads to the propagation of electric (or magnetic) plasmon polaritons, for either TE or TM configurations. Furthermore, we show that if the plasma frequency is chosen within the photonic =0=0 zeroth-order bandgap, the coupling of light with plasmons weakens considerably. As light propagation is forbidden in that particular frequency region, the plasmon-polariton mode reduces to a pure plasmon mode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    75^{75}As NMR of Ba(Fe0.93_{0.93}Co0.07_{0.07})2_{2}As2_{2} in High Magnetic Field

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    The superconducting state of an optimally doped single crystal of Ba(Fe0.93_{0.93}Co0.07_{0.07})2_2As2_2 was investigated by 75^{75}As NMR in high magnetic fields from 6.4 T to 28 T. It was found that the Knight shift is least affected by vortex supercurrents in high magnetic fields, H>11H>11 T, revealing slow, possibly higher order than linear, increase with temperature at T0.5TcT \lesssim 0.5 \, T_c, with Tc23KT_c \approx 23 \, K. This is consistent with the extended s-wave state with A1gA_{1g} symmetry but the precise details of the gap structure are harder to resolve. Measurements of the NMR spin-spin relaxation time, T2T_2, indicate a strong indirect exchange interaction at all temperatures. Below the superconducting transition temperature vortex dynamics lead to an anomalous dip in T2T_2 at the vortex freezing transition from which we obtain the vortex phase diagram up to H=28H = 28 T.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Onset of Phase Synchronization in Neurons Conneted via Chemical Synapses

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    We study the onset of synchronous states in realistic chaotic neurons coupled by mutually inhibitory chemical synapses. For the realistic parameters, namely the synaptic strength and the intrinsic current, this synapse introduces non-coherences in the neuronal dynamics, yet allowing for chaotic phase synchronization in a large range of parameters. As we increase the synaptic strength, the neurons undergo to a periodic state, and no chaotic complete synchronization is found.Comment: to appear in Int. J. Bif. Chao

    Metallic spin-glasses beyond mean-field: An approach to the impurity-concentration dependence of the freezing temperature

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    A relation between the freezing temperature (TgT^{}_{\rm g}) and the exchange couplings (JijJ^{}_{ij}) in metallic spin-glasses is derived, taking the spin-correlations (GijG^{}_{ij}) into account. This approach does not involve a disorder-average. The expansion of the correlations to first order in Jij/TgJ^{}_{ij}/T^{}_{\rm g} leads to the molecular-field result from Thouless-Anderson-Palmer. Employing the current theory of the spin-interaction in disordered metals, an equation for TgT^{}_{\rm g} as a function of the concentration of impurities is obtained, which reproduces the available data from {\sl Au}Fe, {\sl Ag}Mn, and {\sl Cu}Mn alloys well.Comment: 4 figures. This is a strongly revised version, where several aspects have been improved, and the equation for the freezing temperature has been refined. It is equivalent to the published version in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 13600

    Pulsar Prospects for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    In the last few years, the Fermi-LAT telescope has discovered over a 100 pulsars at energies above 100 MeV, increasing the number of known gamma-ray pulsars by an order of magnitude. In parallel, imaging Cherenkov telescopes, such as MAGIC and VERITAS, have detected for the first time VHE pulsed gamma-rays from the Crab pulsar. Such detections have revealed that the Crab VHE spectrum follows a power-law up to at least 400 GeV, challenging most theoretical models, and opening wide possibilities of detecting more pulsars from the ground with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this contribution, we study the capabilities of CTA for detecting Fermi pulsars. For this, we extrapolate their spectra with "Crab-like" power-law tails in the VHE range, as suggested by the latest MAGIC and VERITAS results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. In Proceedings of the 2012 Heidelberg Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1211.184