40 research outputs found

    Thermal description of hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu alloys using silicon equivalency

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    The modeling of casting processes has remained a topic of active interest for several decades, and availability of numerous software packages on the market is a good indication of the interest that the casting industry has in this field. Most of the data used in these software packages are read or estimated from the binary or multi-component phase diagrams. Unfortunately, except for binary diagrams, many of ternary or higher order phase diagrams are still not accurate enough. Having in mind that most of the aluminum binary systems are very well established, it has been tried to transfer a multi-component system into one well known Al-Xi pseudo binary system (in this case the Al-Si phase diagram was chosen as a reference system). The new Silicon Equivalency (SiEQ) algorithm expresses the amounts of major and minor alloying elements in the aluminum melts through an 'equivalent' amount of silicon. Such a system could be used to calculate several thermo-physical and solidification characteristics of multi component as cast aluminum alloys. This lends the model the ability to make predictions of solidification characteristics of cast parts, where cooling rates are slow and the solidification process has to be known in great detail in order to avoid problems in the casting. This work demonstrates how the SiEQ algorithm can be used to calculate characteristic solidification temperatures of the multi-component hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu alloys as well as their latent heats. SA statistical analysis of the results obtained for a wide range of alloy chemical compositions shows a very good correlation with the experimental data and the SiEQ calculations


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    In German law, the succession is determined either by law, or by disposition in contemplation of death. The heirs, or the residuary devisees of the deceased step into the shoes of the decedent at his death, by virtue of law. In other words, transmission of property at death occurs ex lege; it does not require a constructive decision of the probate court. The certificate of inheritance (Erbschein) is a document, issued by the probate court in Germany, at the successorā€™s request, as a proof of his right as beneficiary. This certificate states who became heir(s), and at which share, and is indispensable for the heir(s) to dispose of real estate, or bank assets. The author examines different types of certificates of inheritance, the proceedings before surrogate courts in which they are issued, presumption of accuracy of these certificates, and legal protection of the reliance in their accuracy in good faith. The author calls special attention to comparative differences between the German legal institute of certificate of inheritance, and the decisions rendered by the Serbian courts in probate proceedings.Za sticanje nasledničkog svojstva u nemačkom pravu nije potrebna konstitutivna sudska odluka, jer zaostavÅ”tina ex lege prelazi na naslednika u trenutku ostaviočeve smrti. Da bi olakÅ”alo nasledniku dokazivanje njegovog svojstva, nemačko pravo predviđa ustanovu nasledničkog uverenja (Erbschein). To je uverenje o naslednom pravu i veličini naslednog dela koje nasledniku na njegov zahtev izdaje ostavinski sud. Funkciju koju u nemačkom pravu ima nasledničko uverenje, u srpskom pravu vrÅ”i ostavinsko reÅ”enje. Autor analizira vrste nasledničkih uverenja, sudski postupak za njihovo izdavanje, kao i pravna dejstva koja se odnose na pretpostavku tačnosti i zaÅ”titu pouzdanja savesnih pribavilaca u tačnost nasledničkog uverenja. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ukazivanju na razlike između nemačkog nasledničkog uverenja i srpskog ostavinskog reÅ”enja

    Prognostic significance of immunohistohemical parameters and histomorphological score in assessment of degree of cervical dysplasia

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    Cilj:Karcinom grlića je treći po uĉestalosti u svetu meĊu malignim bolestima. Displazije epitela grlića predstavljaju niz prekursorskih lezija karcinoma grlića.Najznacajniji faktor rizika za displaziju epitela grlića jeste infekcija humanim papiloma virusima.Cilj ove disertacije je bio da se utvrdi dijagnostiĉki znaĉaj imunohistohemijskih metoda markerima p16, p63, ciklin d1 i survivin u epitelnim displazijama grlića,morfometrijske nalize i histomorfoloÅ”kog skora. Metodologija:Retrospektivnom studijom je bilo obuhvaćeno 100 pacijentkinja pregledanih na GinekoloÅ”kom odeljenju Vojnomedicinske akademije u trogodiÅ”njem periodu.Kriterijumi za ulazak u studiju su: primarna, ranije netretirana lezija, kolposkopski nalaz koji upućuje na prisustvo premaligne lezije grlića: uĉinjen citoloÅ”ki test epitela grlića po metodi Papanikolau koji je interpretiran po Bethesda kriterijumu sa nalazom displazije lakog stepena (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion,LSIL), displazije teÅ”kog stepena (high-grade sqamous intraepithelial lesion,HSIL), atipiĉnih ćelija neodreĊenog znaĉaja (atypical squamous cells of undeterminated significance,ASCUS);uĉinjena tipizacija humanih papiloma virusa reakcijom lanĉane polimerizacije sa dokaznim prisustvom virusa tipa 16,18,31,33 kod svih zena. Ovoj grupi pacijentkinja je uradjena biopsija, imunohistohemijske i morfometrijske analize bioptiranog tkiva. Primenjena su imunohistohemijska bojenja p16, p63, ciklin d1 i survivin. Analiza imunohistohemijskih reakcija je vrÅ”ena svetlosnim mikroskopom u zonama displazije. Od 100 zena koje su uÅ”le u studiju, kod kojih je prvom biopsijom dokazano prisustvo displazije (HSIL, LSIL), kod 48 zena je ucinjena ponovna biopsija u perodu do sedam meseci, na osnovu istih dijagnostickih kriterijuma kao za prvu biopsiju, gde su primenjivane sve metode istraživanja koje su koriŔćene u prvoj biopsiji. Kontrolnu grupu su ĉinile 12 žena,koje su se javile na kontrolni pregled bez displazije i bez verifikovane infekcije grlića materice visokoriziĉnim HPV virusima, zbog mioma, na materijalu dobijenom nakon histerektomije...Aim:Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in the world.Cervical dysplasia, such as minor and severe dysplasia, is a group of precursor lesion of the squamous cell carcinoma. The most important etiologic risk factors for dysplasia are infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV).The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of correlation between epithelial p16,p63,ciklin d1 and survivin expression and the degree of human papilloma virus (HPV)- induced cervical epithelial dysplasia, as well as, to establish the significance of morphometric analysis of nuclear area and histomorphologic score in assessment of cervical dysplasia degrees Methodology: This retrospective study included 100 patients examined at the Department of Gynaecology of the Military Medical Academy in the period from three years.Criteria for inclusion into the study were primary, previously untreated lesions, colposcopic findings that suggest the presence of premalignant lesions of the cervix; findings from Papanikolaou cytological test, interpreted by the Bethesda criteria with the findings of LSIL, HSIL, ASCUS. HPV typisation was done by PCR with evidence of viruses type 16, 18, 31 and 33 in all women. After the bipsy of the cervical mucosa, we performed pathohistological analysis by hematoxilineosin staining, immunohistochemical analysis for p16,p63,ciklin d1 and survivin and morphometric analysis of cervical epithelium. After the first biopsy, during next seven months in group of 48 patients with dysplasias, according the same criteria for inclusion, we performed rebiopsy and uniform examination . The control group consisted of 12 women without dysplasia and without verified infection of cervical high-risk HPV, with pathological diagnosis of leiomyoma in material obtained after the hysterectomy.Criteria for exclusion from the study was previously diagnosed and treated dysplasia or squamous cell carcinoma..

    Određivanje koncentracija metamizol-natrijuma u inflamiranim zglobovima svinja posle intravenske i elektroforetske aplikacije

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    Concentrations of the NSAID metamizol sodium (MmNa) in the synovial fluid and hyaline cartilage of inflamed knee and elbow joints of pigs after i.v. application and iontophoresis (IPh) were investigated. The research was conducted on 14 male pigs divided equally into two experimental groups and exposed to artificial inflammation of knees and elbows prior to the application of MmNa. The first group (A) was administered 2.5 g (twice the maximum therapeutic dose) MmNa intravenously, whilst the second group (B) was exposed to the same dose, but applied by IPh into contralateral knee and elbow joints. Four hours after the application of MmNa biopsies of the affected knee and elbow joints were performed. The average concentration of MmNa in the synovial fluid of inflamed joints in group A was 9.81Ā±1.96Ī¼g/g, while in group B was 170.66Ā±2.07 Ī¼g/g, being 17 times higher. The average concentration of MmNa in the hyaline cartilage was 2.29Ā±1.16Ī¼g/g following i.v. administration and 98.36Ā±21.58Ī¼g/g after IPh, i.e. approximatelly 43 times higher. This led to the conclusion that IPh of MmNa, resulting in incomparably higher concentrations in inflamed joints without any adverse systemic effects, has an advantage over i.v. application.U sinovijalnoj tečnosti i hijalinoj hrskavici inflamiranog kolenog i lakatnog zgloba svinja određivane su koncentracije metamizol-natrijuma (MmNa) aplikovanog i.v. i putem elektroforeze. Arteficijelno zapaljenje kolena i lakta prasadi izazvano je terpentinskim uljem. Metamizol-natrijum je primenjen u dozi od 2.5 g u prvoj grupi prasadi intravenski, a u drugoj putem elektroforeze u kontalateralni koleni i lakatni zglob. Četiri sata posle aplikacije MmNa urađena je biopsija tretiranih zglobova. Prosečna koncentracija MmNa u sinovijalnoj tečnosti inflamiranih zglobova prasadi posle i.v. aplikacije iznosila je 9,81Ā±1,96Ī¼g/g, a posle elektroforeze bila je 170,66Ā±2,07Ī¼g/g tkiva, odnosno oko 17 puta viÅ”a. Izmerena prosečna koncentracija MmNa u hijalinoj hrskavici iznosila je 2,29Ā±1,16Ī¼g/g posle i.v. aplikacije i 98,36Ā±21,58Ī¼g/g posle aplikacije elektroforezom, odnosno oko 43 puta viÅ”e. Zaključujeno je da MmNa primenjen elektroforezom postiže statistički veoma značajno viÅ”e prosečne koncentracije u inflamiranim zglobovima u odnosu na i.v. aplikaciju. Primena MmNa elektroforezom ima značajnu prednost nad i.v. aplikacijom ovog leka ne samo zbog postizanja značajno viÅ”ih koncentracija u inflamiranim zglobovima, već i zbog izostajanja sistemskih neželjenih reakcija

    The procedure proposal for order pick area design

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    Problem definiranja komisione zone pri projektiranju skladiÅ”ta je vrlo složen zadatak koji zahtijeva opsežnu analizu i Å”tovanje niza različitih faktora. Konfiguracija komisione zone je u funkciji niza kriterija koji se razlikuju po značaju i utjecaju pri donoÅ”enju odluke. U ovom članku predložena je hijerarhijska iterativna procedura za tehnoloÅ”ko uobličavanje komisione zone, čija primjena omogućava minimizaciju troÅ”kova uz Å”tovanje zahtjevane razine servisa. Procedura obuhvaća generiranje alternativnih koncepcija komisione zone, određivanje njene veličine i procjenu relevantnih troÅ”kova primjenom parcijalnih analitičkih metoda.The problem of order pick area (OPA) defining during warehouse designing is a very complex task that requires a full set of analysis and trade offs of different factors. Configuration of OPA is the function of numerous criteria, which differ by their significance and impact on decision-making. In this paper, hierarchy iterative procedure for technological configuration of picking area is proposed, whose appliance enables cost minimization respecting the required service level. The procedure includes generating alternative concepts, determinating size of OPA and evaluating relevant costs of certain concepts using partial analytical methods

    Contribution to knowledge of the vascular flora of the Resava Gorge, Eastern Serbia

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    The Resava Gorge is situated in Eastern Serbia in the region of the Gornja Resava River, extending westward from Mt. Globski KrÅ” to the town of Lisine. In floral research conducted during 1997 and 1998, 297 taxa of vascular flora belonging to 68 families were discovered. The families Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) and Lamiaceae (19) were best represented. The presence of 49 floral elements was also noted. The greatest number of plants are sub-Central European (18,86 %), Eurasian (14,14 %), sub-Mediterranean (8,75 %), Central European (6,40 %) and sub- Eurasian (6,40 %). As for life forms, hemi-cryptophytes (49,50 %), phanerophytes (19,53 %) and geophytes (11,11 %) were noted as dominant.Resavska klisura se nalazi u predelu Gornje Resave i prostire se od Globskog krÅ”a na istoku do varoÅ”ice Lisine na zapadu. Floristička istraživanja na ovom području vrÅ”ena su tokom 1997. i 1998. godine, kada je zabeleženo 297 vrsta vaskularnih biljaka svrstanih u 68 familija. Najveći broj vrsta pripada familijama Poaceae (28), Asteraceae (21), Fabaceae (20) i Lamiaceae (19). Konstatovano je prisustvo 49 flornih elemenata, od kojih su najzastupljeniji subsrednjeevropski (18,86 %), evroazijski (14,14 %), submediteranski (8,75 %), srednjeevropski (6,40 %) i subevroazijski (6,40 %). U spektru životnih formi dominiraju hemikriptofite (49,50 %), fanerofite (19,53 %) i geofite (11,11 %). Veliki procenat drvenastih vrsta u ovom regionu, ukazuje na polidominantnu strukturu i na reliktnost biljnih zajednica.nul

    A contribution to studies of the ruderal vegetation of Southern Srem, Serbia

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    Floristic research investigating the presence and phytocoenological differentiation of ruderal vegetation, and how it is conditioned structurally and anthropogenically, was undertaken over a period of several years (2007-10) in the south Srem region. The ruderal flora of the research area comprised 249 plants categorized into 63 families, of which the most frequent were: Asteraceae (36), Poaceae (29), Fabaceae (18), Lamiaceae (15), Polygonaceae (15), Brassicaceae (11) and Rosaceae (11). Three ruderal communities are analyzed in this work: Asclepietum syriacae Kojić et al., 2004, as well as Chenopodio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae ass. nova and Amorpho-Typhaetum ass. nova, which are described for the first time. It was established that the level of moisture at the habitat, anthropogenic factors, and the immediate proximity to cultivated areas had the most pronounced effect on the differentiation of the researched vegetation.Projekat ministarstva br. 17301

    Facile chemical synthesis and characterization of polyester/magnesium oxide nanoparticles for biomedical aplication

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    Magnesium, a naturally occurring mineral, is very important for the normal functioning of the body. However, certain situations such as poor diet, alcoholism, poorly controlled diabetes, etc., cause body to lose magnesium faster than it can be replace it from diet. Magnesium also plays a role in body's detoxification processes and therefore is important for preventing damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins. Polyesters like polylactide (PLA), polyglycolide (PGA) or poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) are used for the controlled delivery of several classes of medicaments like anticancer agents, immunomodulatory drugs, hormones, vitamins, antibodies, etc. Magnesium oxide nanoparticles (MgO) have been synthesized by chemical reduction method and additionally encapsulated within spherical polyester poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) particles (PLGA/MgO). Synthesized particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)