249 research outputs found
Automotive Diagnostic Systems
Práce přináší přehled o současném stavu automobilní diagnostiky. Zaměřuje se na principy vnitřní i vnější diagnostiky a objasňuje čtenáři používané normy. Dále přibližuje základní používané palubní diagnostické systémy, včetně principů diagnostiky jejich součástí. Na prakticky provedeném měření, pomocí diagnostického softwaru SuperVag, práce ukazuje praktické možnosti a funkce dnešních diagnostických systémů.This thesis is written to make a review abstracting of contemporary systems of automotive diagnostics. It is aimed at the principles of serial and parallel diagnostics and informs about contemporary norms. It brings nearer the basics of used on-board diagnostic systems, including the diagnostics of its components. The thesis also exemplifies the practical functions and possibilities on the elementary diagnosing by using the diagnostic software SuperVag.
The Global Wealth Chains of Private-Equity-run Physician Practices
Currently, numerous physician practices in industrial and emerging countries are being taken
over by private equity firms and integrated into novel physician corporations. This involves
private equity firms producing a global wealth chain (GWC) between their investors and the
target asset, using offshore financial centres to facilitate tax-avoiding reflux of capital. Moreover, they are opening up ambulatory health care as an asset for capital investment by overcoming previous market barriers to ambulatory health care via a legal construct. In this paper, we trace the spatial links of these finance-side and sector-specific corporate chains based on a capital flow analysis of private equity takeovers of Medical Care Centres (MCCs) in Bavaria, Germany. With our heuristics of a double-layered GWC, which enables the extraction of value from the German health system, we contribute to the emerging GWC debate that aims to conceptualise the complex and often opaque spatialisations of financialisation processes
Simmelova sémiologie
Simmel’s social theory, namely his formal sociology, has long been considered if not dead, then of little relevance for contemporary sociological theories. This study is an attempt at proving the contrary. Our aim is to show that Simmel’s social ontology can be seen as a form of semiology, i.e. a complex body capable of integrating seemingly irreconcilable segments of society into a social science of signs, thus showing that his “social grammar” is a true social theory of sign systems. A keystone which helped us span the bridge between society and language, linguistics and sociology, was the concept of value. By dint of Simmel’s theory of economic value we try to connect his social theory, on which it lies, with his theory of sign-money, which it supports. Simmel’s social theory is based on an unorthodox concept of interaction, whose main qualities are that of perfect synchrony and unity that is dealt with by Simmel on the empirical as well as experience level. The puzzling term of form is revealed as Simmel’s attempt to conceptually grasp this synchronic dimension of interaction. Simmel’s theory of economic value is seen as an extension of Simmel’s formal sociology. Simmel conceives value as a relation between two processes of valuation brought about within the exchange as a form of interaction. Money is the physical representation of this relation. To prove that Simmel’s social theory can be regarded as a fully-grown theory of sign systems, as well as to elaborate our analysis of his social theory, we use the conceptual apparatus of Saussure’s linguistics showing that not only does Simmel’s theory imply all Saussure’s key concepts, but it also solves some of its blind spots in contemporary sociology and spans the so far unsurpassable gulf between the individual and society or structure and development
Improving the Quality of Services in a Metrology Company
Import 22/07/2015Hlavním cílem této práce je identifikace problémových oblastí poskytovaných služeb kalibrační laboratoře a nalezení priorit pro jejich zlepšení. Dílčím cílem je nalezené problémy následně analyzovat a nabídnout návrhy pro jejich řešení. Teoretická část práce se zabývá východisky kvality služeb s ohledem na metrologii. Dále na ni navazuje část o přestavení firmy. Praktická část se zabývá vyhodnocení kvality služeb metrologického podniku. Obsahuje konkrétní postupy měření spokojenosti, které navazují na teoretická východiska práce. Výsledky výzkumu jsou následně shrnuty do seznamu návrhů na zlepšení, ze kterého se vychází při konkrétních doporučeních pro problematická místa, která vyplynula z provedeného výzkumu. Závěrem budou autorem zhodnoceny zjištěné výsledky provedeného výzkumu a navrženy možné postupy zlepšení.The main goal of this thesis is to identify the problem areas of provided services by calibration laboratory and find priorities for their improvement. The partial goal is to analyze existing problems and suggest their solution. The theoretical section deals with the bases of quality of service regarding to metrology. The following part presents basic information about the company. The practical section deals with the evaluation of service quality metrology company. This includes specific procedures of the satisfaction measurement, which builds on the theoretical basis of the work. The results are summarized in the list of proposals, from which comes with specific recommendations for problematic areas from that emerged from the research as the result of the research. At the end the author will evaluate results as well as suggest possible improvements in procedures.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř
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