11 research outputs found

    Glosa do wyroku Wojew贸dzkiego S膮du Administracyjnego w Poznaniu z dnia 23 maja 2019 r., IV SA/Po 1185/18

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    WSA in Poznan reasonably assumed that breach of law in the case of the local legal enactments is also breach of law with the rules of legislative drafting, which require the preparation of explanatory statement to the draft of local law enactments; the evaluation of the effect of breach of the rules of legislative drafting should take place in any case separately. The court mistakenly assumed that the obligation for the organs of local government to provide substantive grounds for the decision may be inferred from the obligation to draw up explanatory statement to the draft of local law enactments. However the court has not demonstrated the existence of a sufficient legal basis justifying the claim that the failure to disclose essential grounds for adopting the resolution constitutes a substantive breach of law.WSA w Poznaniu zasadnie przyj膮艂, 偶e sprzeczno艣膰 uchwa艂y z prawem oznacza r贸wnie偶 sprzeczno艣膰 z zasadami techniki prawodawczej, kt贸re dotycz膮 sporz膮dzenia uzasadnienia do projektu aktu prawa miejscowego, a ocena skutku naruszenia zasad techniki prawodawczej powinna nast膮pi膰 odr臋bnie w ka偶dym przypadku. S膮d b艂臋dnie jednak przyj膮艂, 偶e z obowi膮zku sporz膮dzenia uzasadnienia do projektu aktu prawa miejscowego mo偶na wywie艣膰 obowi膮zek przedstawienia przez organ stanowi膮cy merytorycznych podstaw rozstrzygni臋cia. S膮d nie wykaza艂 jednak istnienia dostatecznej podstawy prawnej uzasadniaj膮cej twierdzenie, 偶e nieujawnienie merytorycznych podstaw podj臋cia uchwa艂y stanowi istotne naruszenie prawa

    Kryzys idei neutralno艣ci moralnej prawa

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    The idea of the moral neutrality of law is a characteristic element of liberal political and legal doctrines. This concept is also an element of constitutional principles regulating the limits of permissible legislative interference in the sphere of freedom. In such context, the bond linking it with the clearly defined axiology from which it derives is severed. The aim of this study is to consider to what extent the principle of the moral neutrality of law, being a principle affecting the activity of the legislator, retains its potential in identifying and limiting totalizing practices aimed at systematically limiting choices in the field of the concept of a good life and favouring a specific vision of the legal and political order in both spheres of human activity, individual and collective. The numerous variants of the moral neutrality of law formulated in political philosophy, and the distinctions between individual variants, in conjunction with the criticism of this concept, make it necessary to pay attention to whether this way of limiting totalizing practices is a good tool, resistant to the changing conditions. A review of critical arguments directed against the idea of neutrality leads to the conclusion that the weakening of the concept of the moral neutrality of law translates not only into its value in identifying and preventing totalizing practices, but also into weakening the protection of fundamental values, such as individual autonomy.The idea of the moral neutrality of law is a characteristic element of liberal political and legal doctrines. This concept is also an element of constitutional principles regulating the limits of permissible legislative interference in the sphere of freedom. In such context, the bond linking it with the clearly defined axiology from which it derives is severed. The aim of this study is to consider to what extent the principle of the moral neutrality of law, being a principle affecting the activity of the legislator, retains its potential in identifying and limiting totalizing practices aimed at systematically limiting choices in the field of the concept of a good life and favouring a specific vision of the legal and political order in both spheres of human activity, individual and collective. The numerous variants of the moral neutrality of law formulated in political philosophy, and the distinctions between individual variants, in conjunction with the criticism of this concept, make it necessary to pay attention to whether this way of limiting totalizing practices is a good tool, resistant to the changing conditions. A review of critical arguments directed against the idea of neutrality leads to the conclusion that the weakening of the concept of the moral neutrality of law translates not only into its value in identifying and preventing totalizing practices, but also into weakening the protection of fundamental values, such as individual autonomy


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    The article presents three viewpoints on the notion of right, all three deriving from different research perspectives. An attempt is made at finding connection between the concepts of W. N. Hohfeld, H. L. A. Hart, and R. Dworkin, making an assumption that the notion of right has an ethical dimension and its analysis cannot be free from axiological complications

    Classical and alternative polarization of macrophages

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    Makrofagi s膮 kom贸rkami linii mieloidalnej, kt贸re pochodz膮 pierwotnie z woreczka 偶贸艂tkowego i p艂odowej w膮troby, a nast臋pnie produkowane s膮 w szpiku kostnym. Kom贸rki te wyst臋puj膮 w organizmie albo w formie osiad艂ej np. jako mikroglej m贸zgu czy kom贸rki alweolarne w p艂ucach a tak偶e w formie w臋druj膮cej. Z uwagi na bardzo r贸偶norodne, cz臋sto przeciwstawne funkcje makrofagi dzieli si臋 na: spolaryzowane klasycznie, prozapalne M1 i spolaryzowane alternatywnie M2. Makrofagi M1 powstaj膮 w 艣rodowisku prozapalnym, pod wp艂ywem lipopolisacharydu oraz cytokin prozapalnych takich jak: TNF-伪 i IFN-纬. Kom贸rki te uczestnicz膮 w inicjacji i rozwoju reakcji zapalnej a charakteryzuje je wysoka ekspresja indukowalnej syntazy tlenku azotu, IL-12 a niska ekspresja przeciwzapalnej IL-10. Z kolei makrofagi M2 w zale偶no艣ci od czynnika stymuluj膮cego i typu aktywno艣ci dzieli si臋 obecnie na szereg populacji: M2a, b, c, i d. Makrofagi M2a powstaj膮 pod wp艂ywem IL-4 i IL-13 i charakteryzuj膮 si臋 wytwarzaniem takich cytokin jak IL10, TGF-尾 oraz chemokin CCL22 i CCL17. Makrofagi M2b powstaj膮 pod wp艂ywem kompleks贸w immunologicznych oraz ligand贸w receptor贸w TLR i wykazuj膮 wysok膮 ekspresj臋 IL-10, a nisk膮 IL12. Czynnikami wywo艂uj膮cymi polaryzacj臋 M2c s膮 glikokortykosteroidy, IL-10 i TGF-尾, a kom贸rki te wydzielaj膮 IL-10, TGF-尾, PTX3. Makrofagi M2d produkuj膮 VEGF, IL-10, iNOS, a ich polaryzacja nast臋puje pod wp艂ywem TGF-尾, IL-10, IL-6 oraz prostaglandyny E. Og贸lnie rzecz bior膮c makrofagi M2 uczestnicz膮 w wyciszaniu reakcji zapalnej i promuj膮 gojenie ran. Kom贸rki te jednak spe艂niaj膮 tak偶e funkcje negatywne np. promuj膮c progresj臋 nowotworu. Wydaje si臋, 偶e dog艂臋bne poznanie biologii makrofag贸w oraz czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na ich polaryzacj臋/plastyczno艣膰 mo偶e w przysz艂o艣ci pozwoli膰 na zaprojektowanie nowych terapii leczenia chor贸b nowotworowych, zapalnych i metabolicznych.Macrophages are myeloid cells arised from yolk sac and fetal liver. Later, in mature organism, macrophages derive from bone marrow. There are two types of these cells in organism, tissue macrophages such as microglia in brain or alveolar cells in lungs and circulating cells. Due to high range of macrophage functions they are divided into two main groups: clasically activated proinflammatory macrophages (M1) and alternatively activated anti-inflammatory macrophages (M2). M1 macrophages arise in inflammatory environment upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and/or pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-伪 and IFN-纬 These cells are involved in the initiation and development of inflammatory reaction. M1 macrophages show high expression of iNOS and IL-12 while low expression of IL-10. Depending on the stimulant and type of activity M2 macrophages can be divided into a number of populations: M2a, b, c, and d. M2a cells polarized upon stimulation with IL-4 and IL-13 and produce IL-10, TGF-尾 and chemokines: CCL22 and CCL17. M2b macrophages arise upon treatment with immunological complexes and TLR ligands, while glucocorticoids, IL-10 and TGF-尾 cause M2c polarizations. M2c macrophages produce IL10, TGF- 尾 and PTX3. M2d macrophages espress VEGF, IL-10, iNOS and their polarization is caused by TGF-尾, IL-10, IL-6 and prostaglandin E2. Generally M2 macrophages contribute to the development of anti-inflammatory reaction and promote wound healing. However they may play a negative role for example by promoting cancer progression. It seems that an in-depth knowledge of the biology of macrophages and factors affecting their polarization/plasticity in the future may allow us to design new therapies for the treatment of cancer, inflammatory and metabolic diseases

    Psychotic Disorders in the Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Uncomplicated Amantadine Treatment?—Case Report

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    The mental health impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection is currently the subject of intense research. Mental disorders in the course of coronavirus infection are non-specific. They most often have a sudden onset and short-term course and resolve spontaneously or after the administration of low doses of antipsychotic drugs. At the same time, attempts have been made to develop recommendations for COVID-19 therapy. Single reports suggest the effectiveness of amantadine in the treatment. The mechanism of action of the drug in this case is not known; it is expected that amantadine, by reducing the expression of the cathepsin L gene, may interfere with SARS-CoV-2 replication. In addition, this drug stimulates dopaminergic transmission, which may result in numerous side effects, often of a neuropsychological nature, the most common of which are visual hallucinations. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to unequivocally diagnose the cause of mental disorders among patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection who took amatatide for off-label treatment. A clear assessment of whether the psychological symptoms in this group of patients are the primary or secondary clinical manifestation of the infection or a complication of amantadine treatment is difficult. In this context, we attempted to describe a case of a patient with psychotic symptoms who was confirmed with SARS-CoV-2 infection and treated with amantadine

    Temporary Trends Concerning the Extent and Efficacy of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Using Radiofrequency Energy in a Polish Single-Center Experience

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    Background and Objectives: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common supraventricular arrhythmia. Currently, catheter ablation is a preferred treatment strategy. The main objective of our study was a temporary trends analysis of patients’ data undergoing a single AF ablation procedure using radiofrequency energy (RF). The efficacy of the procedure underwent assessment during a 12-month follow-up. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 585 consecutive patients with symptomatic, recurrent, and drug-refractory AF hospitalized in our department between 2013 and 2018 who underwent RF ablation supported by a 3D electroanatomical system. The baseline characteristics, periprocedural parameters, and efficacy of the procedure at 6-, 9- and 12-month follow-ups were analyzed over the years. Results: The number of patients undergoing ablation increased. Patients with paroxysmal AF predominated (71.5%). However, the number of patients with the persistent type of arrhythmia increased over the years. The percentage of patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) increased to 27.5% in 2018, and patients presented with increasingly larger left atria (LA). In all patients, circumferential pulmonary vein isolation was performed. The percentage of patients who underwent arrhythmogenic substrate modification and cavotricuspid isthmus ablation increased. Over the years, the efficacy of a single procedure at the 12-month follow-up remained without significant differences between the years (72.0%, 69.6%, 75.5%, 74.8%, 71.7%, 71.7%). Conclusions: The rate of patients with CHF and advanced LA disease undergoing more extensive ablation increased over the years. The efficacy of a single procedure remained without significant differences between the years