9 research outputs found

    An hp-Efficient Residual-Based A Posteriori Error Estimator for Maxwell\u27s Equations

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    A Fully Automatic hp-Adaptive Refinement Strategy

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    Convergence of an adaptive hp finite element strategy in higher space-dimensions

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Convergence of an Automatic hp-Adapative Finite Elemet Strategy for Maxwell\u27s Equations

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    We develop a general convergence analysis for a class of inexact Newton-type regularizations for stably solving nonlinear ill-posed problems. Each of the methods under consideration consists of two components: the outer Newton iteration and an inner regularization scheme which, applied to the linearized system, provides the update. In this paper we give a novel and unified convergence analysis which is not confined to a specific inner regularization scheme but applies to a multitude of schemes including Landweber and steepest decent iterations, iterated Tikhonov method, and method of conjugate gradients

    Robust and scalable 3-D geo-electromagnetic modelling approach using the finite element method

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    We present a robust and scalable solver for time-harmonic Maxwell's equations for problems with large conductivity contrasts, wide range of frequencies, stretched grids and locally refined meshes. The solver is part of the fully distributed adaptive 3-D electromagnetic modelling scheme which employs the finite element method and unstructured non-conforming hexahedral meshes for spatial discretization using the open-source software deal.II. We use the complex-valued electric field formulation and split it into two real-valued equations for which we utilize an optimal block-diagonal pre-conditioner. Application of this pre-conditioner requires the solution of two smaller real-valued symmetric problems. We solve them by using either a direct solver or the conjugate gradient method pre-conditioned with the recently introduced auxiliary space technique. The auxiliary space pre-conditioner reformulates the original problem in form of several simpler ones, which are then solved using highly efficient algebraic multigrid methods. In this paper, we consider the magnetotelluric case and verify our numerical scheme by using COMMEMI 3-D models. Afterwards, we run a series of numerical experiments and demonstrate that the solver converges in a small number of iterations for a wide frequency range and variable problem sizes. The number of iterations is independent of the problem size, but exhibits a mild dependency on frequency. To test the stability of the method on locally refined meshes, we have implemented a residual-based a posteriori error estimator and compared it with uniform mesh refinement for problems up to 200 million unknowns. We test the scalability of the most time consuming parts of our code and show that they fulfill the strong scaling assumption as long as each MPI process possesses enough degrees of freedom to alleviate communication overburden. Finally, we refer back to a direct solver-based pre-conditioner and analyse its complexity in time. The results show that for multiple right-hand sides the direct solver-based pre-conditioner can still be faster for problems of medium size. On the other hand, it also shows non-linear growth in memory, whereas the auxiliary space method increases only linearly.ISSN:0956-540XISSN:1365-246