36 research outputs found

    Konstruksjon av gassturbin til undervisningsformÄl. En konstruksjonsoppgave

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    Gjennom denne oppgaven er det konstruert, produsert og testet en gassturbin basert pÄ en turbolader. Pensum ved maskiningeniÞrutdanningen er grunnlaget for bÄde det praktiske og teoretiske arbeidet som er gjennomfÞrt i utredningen Oppgaves kompleksitet gjÞr det nÞdvendig Ä avgrense oppgaven gjennom fire primÊrmÄl for den endelige gassturbinen: Gassturbinen skal vÊre funksjonell, sikker Ä operere, vÊre mulig Ä videreutvikle og den skal kunne benyttes i undervisning. Til Ä lÞse oppgaven er det konstruert et brennkammer som sammen med turboladeren utgjÞr gassturbinen. I tillegg er det konstruert en ramme som bÊrer og stabiliserer gassturbinen. For Ä sÞrge for sikker drift av gassturbinen, er det laget systemer for kjÞling, smÞring og brennstoff. Til Ä drive disse systemene er det laget et elektrisk anlegg og et system for styring og overvÄkning. MÄloppnÄelsen til oppgaven er hÞy. Tester viser at gassturbinen starter enkelt og er selvgÄende. Turboladeren er konstruert for Ä minimere risiko ved drift og prosedyrer skrevet for Ä gi nye brukere nÞdvendig informasjon og opplÊring for sikker drift av gassturbinen. Det romslige og intuitive designet av gassturbinen, sammen med konstruksjonstegninger og fullstendig liste over deler gjÞr gassturbinen tilpasset videre utvikling. Gassturbinen kan benyttes til undervisning slik den er, men vi anser ikke mÄloppnÄelsen for dette mÄlet til Ä vÊre fullstendig. Likevel er det grunnlag for at dette mÄlet oppnÄs gjennom videre utvikling av turbinen

    Temporomandibular joint pain and associated magnetic resonance findings: a retrospective study with a control group

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    Background To better understand and evaluate clinical usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), parameters for the evaluation are useful. Purpose To assess a clinically suitable staging system for evaluation of MRI of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and correlate the findings with age and some clinical symptoms of the TMJ. Material and Methods Retrospective analysis of 79 consecutive patients with clinical temporomandibular disorder or diagnosed inflammatory arthritis. Twenty-six healthy volunteers were included as controls. Existing data included TMJ pain, limited mouth opening (<30 mm) and corresponding MRI evaluations of the TMJs. Results The patients with clinical TMD complaints had statistically significantly more anterior disc displacement (ADD), disc deformation, caput flattening, surface destructions, osteophytes, and caput edema diagnosed by MRI compared to the controls. Among the arthritis patients, ADD, effusion, caput flattening, surface destructions, osteophytes, and caput edema were significantly more prevalent compared to the healthy volunteers. In the control group, disc deformation and presence of osteophytes significantly increased with age, and a borderline significance was found for ADD and surface destructions on the condylar head. No statistically significant associations were found between investigated clinical and MRI parameters. Conclusion This study presents a clinically suitable staging system for comparable MRI findings in the TMJs. Our results indicate that some findings are due to age-related degenerative changes rather than pathological changes. Results also show that clinical findings such as pain and limited mouth opening may not be related to changes diagnosed by MRI.publishedVersio

    Establishment of a novel cancer cell line derived from vulvar carcinoma associated with lichen sclerosus exhibiting a fibroblast-dependent tumorigenic potential

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    Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma associated with lichen sclerosus (VLS-VSCC) are rare tumors but with higher recurrence and worse prognosis than other types of VSCC. Lack of experimental models has limited the search for better understanding of the biology and development of treatment modalities. In this study, we isolated and characterized primary cells from VSCC (n = 7) and normal vulvar tissue adjacent to tumor (n = 7). Detailed characterization of the novel spontaneously immortalized cell line, VCC1 revealed a characteristic epithelial morphology in vitro and a well-differentiated keratinizing SCC histology in vivo, closely resembling the tumor of origin. VCC1 expressed higher levels of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers and higher clonogenic properties as compared to other established non VLS-VSCC cell lines. In vitro 3D organotypic assays and in vivo xenografts revealed a prominent role of cancer-associated fibroblasts in VCC1 invasion and tumor formation. In conclusion, VCC1 mirrored several major VLS-VSCC features and provided a robust experimental tool for further elucidation of VLS-related oncogenesis and drug testing.publishedVersio

    Systemic Activation of the Kynurenine Pathway in Graves Disease With and Without Ophthalmopathy

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    Context Graves disease (GD) is one of the most common autoimmune disorders. Recent literature has shown an immune response involving several different inflammatory related proteins in these patients. Objective This work aimed to characterize the kynurenine pathway, activated during interferon-Îł (IFN-Îł)–mediated inflammation and cellular (T-helper type 1 [Th1] type) immunity, in GD patients with and without thyroid eye disease (TED). Methods We analyzed 34 biomarkers by mass spectrometry in serum samples from 100 patients with GD (36 with TED) and 100 matched healthy controls. The analytes included 10 metabolites and 3 indices from the kynurenine pathway, 6 microbiota-derived metabolites, 10 B-vitamers, and 5 serum proteins reflecting inflammation and kidney function. Results GD patients showed significantly elevated levels of 7 biomarkers compared with healthy controls (omega squared [ω2] > 0.06; P < .01). Of these 7, the 6 biomarkers with the strongest effect size were all components of the kynurenine pathway. Factor analysis showed that biomarkers related to cellular immunity and the Th1 responses (3-hydroxykynurenine, kynurenine, and quinolinic acid with the highest loading) were most strongly associated with GD. Further, a factor mainly reflecting acute phase response (C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A) showed weaker association with GD by factor analysis. There were no differences in biomarker levels between GD patients with and without TED. Conclusion This study supports activation of IFN-Îł inflammation and Th1 cellular immunity in GD, but also a contribution of acute-phase reactants. Our finding of no difference in systemic activation of the kynurenine pathway in GD patients with and without TED implies that the local Th1 immune response in the orbit is not reflected systemically.publishedVersio

    Jord- og vannovervÄking i landbruket (JOVA). Feltrapporter fra programmet i 2021/2022

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    Program for jord- og vannovervĂ„king i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av NIBIO divisjon for miljĂž og naturressurser og gjennomfĂžres i samarbeid med Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse, flere av forskningsstasjonene i NIBIO og andre institusjoner. JOVA overvĂ„ker jordbruksdominerte nedbĂžrfelt over hele landet, og feltene representerer ulike driftsformer og ulike jordbunns-, hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. JOVA rapporterer Ă„rlig om jordbruksdrift, avrenning og tap av partikler, nĂŠringsstoffer. Tap av partikler og nĂŠringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk Ă„r, 1. mai – 1. mai. Tap av plantevernmidler overvĂ„kes i for fem av feltene og rapporteres for kalenderĂ„r.Jord- og vannovervĂ„king i landbruket (JOVA). Feltrapporter fra programmet i 2021/2022publishedVersio

    Housing system and herd size interactions in Norwegian dairy herds; associations with performance and disease incidence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>According to the Norwegian animal welfare regulations, it has been forbidden to build new tie-stall barns since the end of 2004. Previous studies have shown that cow performance and health differ between housing systems. The interaction between housing system and herd size with respect to performance and disease incidence has not been evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cow performance and health in 620 herds housed in free-stall barns were compared with in 192 herds housed in tie-stall barns based on a mail survey and data from the Norwegian Dairy Herd Recording and Cattle Health Systems. The housing systems herds were comparable with respect to herd size (15-55 cows). Associations between performance/disease incidence and housing system, herd size and year of building the cow barn were tested in general linear models, and values for fixed herd size of 20 and 50 cows were calculated. On the individual cow level mixed models were run to test the effect of among others housing system and herd size on test-day milk yield, and to evaluate lactation curves in different parities. All cows were of the Norwegian Red Breed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Average milk production per cow-year was 134 kg lower in free-stall herd than in tie-stall herds, but in the range 27-45 cows there was no significant difference in yields between the herd categories. In herds with less than 27 cows there were increasingly lower yields in free-stalls, particularly in first parity, whereas the yields were increasingly higher in free-stalls with more than 45 cows.</p> <p>In free-stalls fertility was better, calving interval shorter, and the incidence rate of teat injuries, ketosis, indigestions, anoestrus and cystic ovaries was lower than in tie-stalls. All of these factors were more favourable in estimated 50-cow herds as compared to 20-cow herds. In the larger herd category, bulk milk somatic cell counts were higher, and the incidence rate of mastitis (all cases) and all diseases was lower.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study has shown that there is an interaction between housing system and herd size, and that performance and health is not universally better in small free-stalls than in tie-stalls.</p

    The Smart Chair - Inducing dynamic seating through integration of smart technology in chairs

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    The world is becoming increasingly sedentary. Many jobs centered around physical work are being automated, and the time spent physically active is sinking. Various CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) chairs, and other chairs designed for increasing the activity-while-seated level have been made, and research on them are somewhat conflicted, with a majority not finding a statistically significant difference in the in the level of activity while seated (L. L. van Deursen et al. 1999; O Sullivan, O Sullivan, O Keeffe, et al. 2013; O Sullivan, O Keeffe, et al. 2012; Aota et al. 2007; Groenesteijn et al. 2012). Building on the previous work done the project thesis (appendix D) , and in TMM4245 The Fuzzy Front end 2016, two prototypes have been built capable of classifying sitting postures, estimating activity levels and altering tilt resistance. This thesis documents the building of the two prototype chairs, designed to test the effect of automated tilt resistance on a user s level of activity while seated. One chair is built to be immediate, and the tilt resistance alter the neutral angle of the chair, the other with a subtler change. A small pilot test was performed ensuring that the prototypes were working as intended, but the limited testing did not yield enough data to determine the effects either prototype could have on seating behavior. Further field tests are strongly recommended. It is also recommended to implement a reinforcement learning algorithm to the tilt resistance setting. The result could be very interesting both commercially, and with regards to research on human computer interaction

    "You create the discomfort yourself" - Thoughts around the importance of alcohol in the student introductory week at the University of Bergen

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    Unge i Noreg blir blant fleire skildra som Ă„ inngĂ„ i ein alkoholkultur der det Ă„ drikke mykje alkohol ved kvart drikkehĂžve stĂ„r sentralt. Fadderveka har blitt tolka som ei stadfesting av denne alkoholkulturen, ved at fokuset i veka ligg pĂ„ Ă„ drikke mest mogleg alkohol. Tidlegare forsking pĂ„ fadderveka har vist at veka i stor grad dreiar seg rundt alkoholkonsum. Likevel har fokuset blant studentane vore pĂ„ Ă„ ha kontroll pĂ„ seg sjĂžlv og sitt eige alkoholinntak. Tradisjonell fylleĂ„tferd som utagering og seksuell tilnĂŠrming blir sett pĂ„ som oppfĂžrsel som avviker frĂ„ norma i fadderveka. I denne oppgĂ„va er det eit ynskje Ă„ bygge vidare pĂ„ denne kunnskapen ved Ă„ undersĂžke korleis studentane ved Universitetet i Bergen opplever alkoholfokuset i fadderveka, og deira oppleving av fadderveka som arrangement. Analysen baserer seg pĂ„ tre underspĂžrsmĂ„l: (i) Korleis kan alkohol vere med Ă„ legge til rette for fellesskap i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? (ii) Kva skildringar gjev studentane av alkoholen si tyding i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? (iii) Kva sosiale normer synes Ă„ vere sentrale i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen – og korleis opplevast dei av studentane? Med utgangspunkt i dette vil det avslutningsvis bli drĂžfta eit overordna spĂžrsmĂ„l i hĂžve studentane si oppleving av fadderveka: Kva forhold har studentane til alkohol i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? Datamaterialet bestĂ„r av 10 semistrukturerte djupneintervju med studentar frĂ„ ulike fakultet, som deltok i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen, hausten 2017. I analyseprosessen har ei grounded theory-tilnĂŠrming vore ei stor inspirasjonskjelde, ved at respondentane sin kunnskap og innsikt i stor grad har forma valet av teoretisk rammeverk. MĂ„let har vore Ă„ forstĂ„ fadderveka som struktur, gjennom respondentane sine auge. Respondentane skildrar korleis det Ă„ delta i fadderveka er eit innviingsritual til livet som student. Alkoholen er sĂ„leis viktig for Ă„ kunne sleppe seg laus Ă„ bli kjend med nye menneske i veka. Dei som ikkje deltek pĂ„ festane opplever Ă„ vere utanfor fellesskapet. Festane i veka blir sĂ„leis ein viktig arena for Ă„ bli kjend. Det gjeld samstundes tydelege sosiale normer for oppfĂžrsel i fadderveka, som studentane mĂ„ halde seg til. Konklusjonen blir at alkoholen er viktig for studentane, fordi den gjer det lettare Ă„ bli kjend med nye og ha det kjekt. Fokuset ligg ikkje pĂ„ Ă„ drikke seg mest mogleg full, men Ă„ ha det kjekt saman. Studentane opplever likevel at fokuset pĂ„ alkohol er litt for sterkt, og at det er slitsamt Ă„ drikke alkohol sĂ„ mange dagar pĂ„ rad. Alkoholen og fokuset pĂ„ festane ekskluderer ogsĂ„ dei som ikkje drikk. Fleire av studentane framhevar difor at det hadde vore betre Ă„ ha ei jamnare fordeling mellom alkoholarrangement og alkoholfrie arrangement. Det er likevel viktig Ă„ legge til rette for at flest mogleg dĂ„ mĂžter pĂ„ dei alkoholfrie arrangementa.SOS36

    «Du skapar ubehaget sjÞlv» - Tankar rundt alkoholen si tyding i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen

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    Unge i Noreg blir blant fleire skildra som Ă„ inngĂ„ i ein alkoholkultur der det Ă„ drikke mykje alkohol ved kvart drikkehĂžve stĂ„r sentralt. Fadderveka har blitt tolka som ei stadfesting av denne alkoholkulturen, ved at fokuset i veka ligg pĂ„ Ă„ drikke mest mogleg alkohol. Tidlegare forsking pĂ„ fadderveka har vist at veka i stor grad dreiar seg rundt alkoholkonsum. Likevel har fokuset blant studentane vore pĂ„ Ă„ ha kontroll pĂ„ seg sjĂžlv og sitt eige alkoholinntak. Tradisjonell fylleĂ„tferd som utagering og seksuell tilnĂŠrming blir sett pĂ„ som oppfĂžrsel som avviker frĂ„ norma i fadderveka. I denne oppgĂ„va er det eit ynskje Ă„ bygge vidare pĂ„ denne kunnskapen ved Ă„ undersĂžke korleis studentane ved Universitetet i Bergen opplever alkoholfokuset i fadderveka, og deira oppleving av fadderveka som arrangement. Analysen baserer seg pĂ„ tre underspĂžrsmĂ„l: (i) Korleis kan alkohol vere med Ă„ legge til rette for fellesskap i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? (ii) Kva skildringar gjev studentane av alkoholen si tyding i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? (iii) Kva sosiale normer synes Ă„ vere sentrale i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen – og korleis opplevast dei av studentane? Med utgangspunkt i dette vil det avslutningsvis bli drĂžfta eit overordna spĂžrsmĂ„l i hĂžve studentane si oppleving av fadderveka: Kva forhold har studentane til alkohol i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen? Datamaterialet bestĂ„r av 10 semistrukturerte djupneintervju med studentar frĂ„ ulike fakultet, som deltok i fadderveka ved Universitetet i Bergen, hausten 2017. I analyseprosessen har ei grounded theory-tilnĂŠrming vore ei stor inspirasjonskjelde, ved at respondentane sin kunnskap og innsikt i stor grad har forma valet av teoretisk rammeverk. MĂ„let har vore Ă„ forstĂ„ fadderveka som struktur, gjennom respondentane sine auge. Respondentane skildrar korleis det Ă„ delta i fadderveka er eit innviingsritual til livet som student. Alkoholen er sĂ„leis viktig for Ă„ kunne sleppe seg laus Ă„ bli kjend med nye menneske i veka. Dei som ikkje deltek pĂ„ festane opplever Ă„ vere utanfor fellesskapet. Festane i veka blir sĂ„leis ein viktig arena for Ă„ bli kjend. Det gjeld samstundes tydelege sosiale normer for oppfĂžrsel i fadderveka, som studentane mĂ„ halde seg til. Konklusjonen blir at alkoholen er viktig for studentane, fordi den gjer det lettare Ă„ bli kjend med nye og ha det kjekt. Fokuset ligg ikkje pĂ„ Ă„ drikke seg mest mogleg full, men Ă„ ha det kjekt saman. Studentane opplever likevel at fokuset pĂ„ alkohol er litt for sterkt, og at det er slitsamt Ă„ drikke alkohol sĂ„ mange dagar pĂ„ rad. Alkoholen og fokuset pĂ„ festane ekskluderer ogsĂ„ dei som ikkje drikk. Fleire av studentane framhevar difor at det hadde vore betre Ă„ ha ei jamnare fordeling mellom alkoholarrangement og alkoholfrie arrangement. Det er likevel viktig Ă„ legge til rette for at flest mogleg dĂ„ mĂžter pĂ„ dei alkoholfrie arrangementa