74 research outputs found

    Zum Gedenken an Wilhelm Kühle

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    Am 28.11.2010 verstarb Wilhelm Kühle plötzlich und unerwartet im Alter von nur 58 Jahren. Mit ihm verlieren wir einen tatkräftigen und engagierten Mitarbeiter und Kollegen in der Naturschutzverwaltung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt. Wilhelm Kühle trat am 16.9.1991 in den Dienst des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt und übernahm an der damaligen Bezirksregierung Magdeburg in der oberen Naturschutzbehörde die Aufgaben eines Fachdezernenten für Naturschutz. Zum 27.3.1992 wurde Wilhelm Kühle zum Regierungsrat berufen und am 5.6.2001 rückwirkend zum Biologierat ernannt

    Dokumentation eines Einstroms von warmem salzhaltigem Wasser in das Bornholmbecken im Oktober 1996

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    The Institute for Baltic Fisheries, Rostock, performed three research cruises with different aims in autumn (September - November) 1996. The area of investigation ranged from the southern Kattegat, the Belts, the Arkona Sea to the Bornholm Basin. With a CTD memory probe hydrographical data were sampled after many trawl stations from the surface to the bottom. These data document a saltwater inflow in the deeper water of the Bornholm Basin at the beginning of November

    Germination of phagocytosed E. cuniculi spores does not significantly contribute to parasitophorous vacuole formation in J774 cells

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    The obligate intracellular microsporidia have developed a unique invasion mechanism to infect their host cells. Spores explosively evert a tube-like structure and extrude the infectious spore content through this organelle into the host cell. Spores from species of the genus Encephalitozoon were also shown to be efficiently internalized by phagocytosis, which led to the hypothesis that spore germination from inside a phagosome might contribute to the infection process. Here, we challenge this hypothesis by quantifying Encephalitozoon cuniculi infection rates of J774 cells that were incubated with the phagocytosis inhibitor cytochalasin D. We demonstrate that the invasion rate in cytochalasin D-treated cells is identical to untreated controls, although phagocytic uptake of E. cuniculi spores was less than 10% of control samples. This study suggests that germination of phagocytosed spores is not a significant infection mode for E. cuniculi

    Identifying eastern Baltic cod nursery grounds using hydrodynamic modelling: knowledge for the design of Marine Protected areas

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    Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of juvenile cod is essential to closing the life cycle in population dynamic models, and it is a prerequisite for the design of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) aiming at the protection of juveniles. In this study, we use a hydrodynamic model to examine the spatial distribution of eastern Baltic cod larvae and early juveniles. The transport patterns of the larvae spawned at the three major spawning grounds in the central Baltic Sea were investigated by drift model simulations for the period 1979–2004. We analysed potential habitats for their suitability for juvenile settlement, i.e. the change from pelagic to demersal life. The results revealed a clear dependence of the probability for successful settling on wind-induced drift of larval cod, which is controlled by the local atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, we found evidence that the final destinations of juvenile cod drift routes are affected by decadal climate variability. Application of the methodology to MPA design is discussed, e.g. identifying the overlap of areas with a high probability of successful juvenile cod settlement and regions of high fishing effort in small-meshed fisheries targeting sprat and herring

    Metabolic reprogramming of osteoclasts represents a therapeutic target during the treatment of osteoporosis

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    Osteoclasts are specialised bone resorbing cells that control both physiological and pathological bone turnover. Functional changes in the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts are accompanied by active metabolic reprogramming. However, the biological significance and the in vivo relevance of these events has remained unclear. Here we show that bone resorption of differentiated osteoclasts heavily relies on increased aerobic glycolysis and glycolysis-derived lactate production. While pharmacological inhibition of glycolysis did not affect osteoclast differentiation or viability, it efficiently blocked bone resorption in vitro and in vivo and consequently ameliorated ovariectomy-induced bone loss. Our experiments thus highlight the therapeutic potential of interfering with osteoclast-intrinsic metabolic pathways as possible strategy for the treatment of diseases characterized by accelerated bone loss

    Thematic assessment on Hazardous Submerged Objects in the Baltic Sea - Warfare Materials in the Baltic Sea

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    Contemporary society’s perception of past wars is almost exclusively driven by historic sources such as film recordings, photographs and written documents that are presented in mass media. However, the legacy of these wars is still present throughout European soil and waters, including the Baltic Sea. The marine waters of every Baltic Sea state contain warfare materials. Resulting risks may be direct and short-term. Fishermen, divers, offshore wind farm constructors and beachgoers can potentially be exposed to their remains while performing their daily work or while collecting objects in the surf. Other potential effects might be indirect and long-term such as the accumulation of carcinogenic toxic substances and their metabolites in the marine food web. Since 1974 Contracting Parties of the Helsinki Convention are seeking to address the increasing environmental challenges from human activities and that were having a severe impact on the marine environment. This includes the protection of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, and thus munitions in the Baltic Sea are addressed by HELCOM since 1993. The convention commits the signatories to take measures to conserve habitats and biological diversity and for the sustainable use of marine resources. In addition, warfare materials potentially constitute a hazard and an obstacle for the utilization of the sea floor for economic purposes. The global ocean economy is predicted to double in size by 2030, as compared to 2010 (OECD 2016). In the Blue Growth Strategy laid out by the European Commission the economic potential for the extended economic usage of the oceans was recognized and focus was placed on five blue growth sectors. Two of these sectors (ocean energy and seabed mining) require the ability to safely access large areas of the sea floor (European Commission 2017). In order to exploit the economic potential of the ocean energy and seabed resources sectors, the detection and removal of warfare materials in affected areas will become increasingly important (European Parliament 2021). Recently, numerous HELCOM Contracting Parties supported increasing the knowledge concerning warfare materials in the Baltic Sea and their effects on humans and the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. As a result of national, regional and international scientific research the understanding of the issue grows and consequentially numerous recommendations are published on how the warfare materials challenge can be addressed. However, international coordination is necessary to identify synergies and to avoid a duplication of efforts. This report provides the current state of knowledge on warfare materials in the Baltic sea based on recent research projects

    GRIPS - Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy

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    We propose to perform a continuously scanning all-sky survey from 200 keV to 80 MeV achieving a sensitivity which is better by a factor of 40 or more compared to the previous missions in this energy range. The Gamma-Ray Imaging, Polarimetry and Spectroscopy (GRIPS) mission addresses fundamental questions in ESA's Cosmic Vision plan. Among the major themes of the strategic plan, GRIPS has its focus on the evolving, violent Universe, exploring a unique energy window. We propose to investigate γ\gamma-ray bursts and blazars, the mechanisms behind supernova explosions, nucleosynthesis and spallation, the enigmatic origin of positrons in our Galaxy, and the nature of radiation processes and particle acceleration in extreme cosmic sources including pulsars and magnetars. The natural energy scale for these non-thermal processes is of the order of MeV. Although they can be partially and indirectly studied using other methods, only the proposed GRIPS measurements will provide direct access to their primary photons. GRIPS will be a driver for the study of transient sources in the era of neutrino and gravitational wave observatories such as IceCUBE and LISA, establishing a new type of diagnostics in relativistic and nuclear astrophysics. This will support extrapolations to investigate star formation, galaxy evolution, and black hole formation at high redshifts.Comment: to appear in Exp. Astron., special vol. on M3-Call of ESA's Cosmic Vision 2010; 25 p., 25 figs; see also www.grips-mission.e