31 research outputs found

    Omvårdnadsfaktorer av betydelse för patienter som genomgått hjärtinfarkt

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    Vid hjärtinfarkt har blodflödet försämrats i en kransartär vilket skapat skadlig syrebrist i hjärtat. Patienterna upplevde hjärtinfarkten som livsförändrande. Hjärtrehabiliteringsprogram där utbildning och rådgivning från bland annatsjuksköterskor ingick kunde hjälpa patienterna att upprätthålla fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Syftet var att belysa omvårdnadsfaktorer av betydelse för patienter som genomgått en hjärtinfarkt. En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes där 15 artiklar som var relevanta för syftet inkluderades. Genom att artiklarna klassificerades, granskades, kvalitetsbedömdes och bearbetades kom författarna fram till en konsensus. Tre kategorier identifierades;information/kommunikation, undervisning och stöd. Patienterna kände sig nöjda när de fick god information från sjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskan uppmuntrade patienterna genom att föra en god dialog. När patienterna fick möjlighet att delta i olika hjärtrehabiliteringsprogram ökade deras psykiska välbefinnande. Patienterna kände trygghet genom att sjuksköterskan fanns tillgänglig när de behövde stöd. Det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan anpassade sin information till patienterna eftersom de hanterade återhämtningen efter hjärtinfarkten på olika sätt. Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienten gav patienterna möjlighet till att känna trygghet med sig själva och sin livssituation. Eftersom patienterna hade den största kunskapen om sig själva, var det av stor betydelse att patienterna var delaktig i omvårdnaden. Stöd i form av råd och information till patienter borde lyftas fram som en viktig del av vården till hjärtinfarktspatienter. Sjuksköterskan kan möta patienternas behov av stöd genom att erbjuda individuell vård och information. Sjuksköterskan borde sträva efter att behandla och se patienterna som unika individer

    Mental disorders and Mobile cell phone usage - An international comparison

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    Mental health disorders and the cost associated with them for have long been a global burden. Recently a rise in mental disorders especially among the younger generations have been seen in a number of studies while the same group have seen a rapid change in mobile cell phone habits. This paper therefore aims to investigate potential connections between the mobile phone internet usage and mental disorders adding other social variables commonly used while measuring mental health. Three different regressions are made on international panel data to investigate change in mental health in the general population. Significant results cannot be found for mobile internet usage and many of the other variables are only significant in the last form of regression known for variance bias. For further and more significant research to be conducted the importance of a more common and systematically reported metric of the prevalence of mental disorders is stressed

    On Patterns for Refactoring Legacy C++ Code into a Testable State Using Inversion of Control

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    Amending old projects of legacy code to include agile practices such as extensive unit testing and refactoring has proven difficult. Since automated unit testing was not widely used a decade ago, much code has been written without unit testing in mind. This is especially true for C++ where RAII has been the dominant pattern .This has resulted in a lot of code that suffers from what best can be described as low testability. This also strongly impedes the creation of new unit tests to already existing code. Due to the lack of unit tests, refactoring is done sparsely and with great reluctance. This thesis work tries to remedy that and, in the scope of a limited case study on an existing code base, looks into different ways of creating and utilizing object seams in legacy C++ code to decouple dependencies to make isolated testing possible. This regards to: What are the impediments for code to be testable in an isolated setting? What are the steps for refactoring code to a testable state? The results can be summarized as to contain a list of factors affecting testability, among them: the use of asserts, global state, object instantiation, work in constructor and breaking Law of Demeter. Further with regards to patterns for refactoring code to a testable state, two types of patterns have crystallized: the injection of dependencies and the masking of dependencies using various techniques. The effect these two base patterns have on breaking dependencies on the base level and the Meta level is outlined. A catalogue of patterns has been compiled as part of the appendix.   Inversion of Control (IoC) is a principle used to decoupling classes and since strong dependences is often an attribute giving grievances with regard to testability, it was a central concern in this thesis. IoC can be simplified from a developer standpoint with the help of frameworks or what is usually referred to as IoC containers. Two IoC containers for C++ were evaluated: Autumn Framework PocoCapsule In the evaluation of the two IoC containers it was concluded that Autumn was not mature enough as of the time of the evaluation to be used in production setting. PocoCapsule, even though compelling for some of its powerful features with regard to DSM and HOT, its configuration sometimes require in-code workarounds, affecting its usability in some set of scenarios. However, the big difference was with regard to how the two containers approaches configuration. PocoCapsule uses static analysis of its XML configuration file making it truly declarative while Autumn does runtime parsing and dynamic invocations resulting in a situation closer to procedural scripting

    Integration at the open daycare : benefits of open daycare

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    An ethnological essay about two open daycares in Söderköping, one by the Swedish church and one by the community. -How to integrate refugees and there children in the social enviroment in the town.The benefits of the daily activites at the open daycares by singing and interacting with other children. In the ethnological essay I spend 3 days at the community daycare and 3 days at the daycare by the Church. After my field time I interview the daycare teachers and the priest about integration in the daycare. The essay has also got a interview with the civil servants at the social office in Söderköping aout integration.  En etnologiskt uppsats om integration på den öppna förskolan i Söderköpings kommun.Den ena öppna förskolan som bedrivs av kommunen och den andre öppna förskola som bedrivs av svenska kyrkan.-Vad finns det för fördelar med den öppna förskolans aktiviteter som sång och lekar för barn med utländsk härkomst för att lättare komma in i samhället.  Under min etnologiska fältstudie var jag 3 dagar på den kommunala öppna förskolan och 3 dagar på kyrkans öppna förskola. När min tid på fältet var färdig intervjuades förskolepedagogerna både i kyrkans öppna förskola och den kommunala öppna förskolans pedagoger och prästen inom kyrkans öppna förskola.För att få ett större förståelse om integration intervjuades några anställda ur socialkontoret.

    Transitioner i f-9-skolor : - en smidig “röd” tråd eller en med svårlösta knutar

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    The aim of this study was to identify and make transitions in Swedish preschool-class-9-years elementary schools visible with a special-needs educational perspective. Transitions in focus were those between preschool-class and primary school, between grade three and four and the last between grade six and seven.In the 1960’th Swedish elementary school were devided into three levels; primary school, intermediate level school and upper level lower secondary school. Those levels were officially removed when the curriculum of 1994 was introduced. However, in some way such levels still exist, for example in organisation and structure of schools, the curriculum and teacher education.How did school leaders design transitions between levels and which tools were used? What kind of information was transferred to help children with special needs and what was the role of the special pedagogue in the transition process?The study was a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method, a questionnaire survey complemented with qualitative interviews with special pedagogues in three schools in a middle-sized Swedish town.The result of the study shows that schools in focus had a work plan. The design of the work plan and handling transitions depended on the organization and school administration. Main tools used in transitions were transition conferences, mainly attended by principals, pedagogues from lower and higher levels and special pedagogues as well as transfer documents. The special pedagogue main roll at transitions was to supervise teachers

    Multi Purpose Electro-Hydraulic Converter for More Electrical Power : A Case Study of Using Electro-Hydraulic Energy Converters in a Fighter Aircraft Application

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    The hydraulic system in a fighter aircraft is not fully utilised during large parts of the flight mission were more electrical power is needed. To better utilise the hydraulic power the current Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump (AHP) and the Emergency Hydraulic Pump (EHP) can be exchanged to an Electro Hydraulic Energy Converter (EHEC). The EHEC has the possibility to provide hydraulic power to the system, but also convert hydraulic power into electric power. The control for such a unit can be implemented in different ways. A literature study was performed to decide a suitable architecture for use in a fighter aircraft application. A simulation model representing the resulting architecture was created. The simulation model was successful in describing the basic behaviour of the hydraulic system, but lacks a realistic representation of hydraulic consumers.  Different control strategies were created and tested on the simulation model with several test scenarios based on real flight data from tests performed on the aircraft. The control strategies were compared and suitable candidates were presented based on their relative performance and compared with the current hydraulic system behaviour. An architecture consisting of a variable displacement pump with over-center capabilities combined with a permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) was decided to be used. A PI-controller with a feedforward on consumer flow was the best performing controller for use in emergency operation of the EHEC. For the case when regenerating electrical power a PI-controller with load pressure feedback is desired initially during start up. When reaching steady state a PI-controller without load pressure feedback is then advantageous

    Integration at the open daycare : benefits of open daycare

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    An ethnological essay about two open daycares in Söderköping, one by the Swedish church and one by the community. -How to integrate refugees and there children in the social enviroment in the town.The benefits of the daily activites at the open daycares by singing and interacting with other children. In the ethnological essay I spend 3 days at the community daycare and 3 days at the daycare by the Church. After my field time I interview the daycare teachers and the priest about integration in the daycare. The essay has also got a interview with the civil servants at the social office in Söderköping aout integration.  En etnologiskt uppsats om integration på den öppna förskolan i Söderköpings kommun.Den ena öppna förskolan som bedrivs av kommunen och den andre öppna förskola som bedrivs av svenska kyrkan.-Vad finns det för fördelar med den öppna förskolans aktiviteter som sång och lekar för barn med utländsk härkomst för att lättare komma in i samhället.  Under min etnologiska fältstudie var jag 3 dagar på den kommunala öppna förskolan och 3 dagar på kyrkans öppna förskola. När min tid på fältet var färdig intervjuades förskolepedagogerna både i kyrkans öppna förskola och den kommunala öppna förskolans pedagoger och prästen inom kyrkans öppna förskola.För att få ett större förståelse om integration intervjuades några anställda ur socialkontoret.

    Patients’ experiences of care in the cataract surgery

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    Katarakt står för cirka hälften av all världens blindhet, vilket motsvarar flera miljoner människor. Patienter som kommer till en operationsavdelning kan ha goda, inga eller mindre bra erfarenheter av vården. Pilotstudiens syfte var att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av omvårdnad vid kataraktoperationen. Pilotstudien genomfördes som en intervjustudie med en beskrivande kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: Att erfara trygghet, Att erfara strategier för att hantera fysiska och psykiska symtom samt Att erfara bristfällighet. Bemötandet från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen skapade förtroende genom kompetens, information och förhållningssättet. Det spelade ingen större roll i vilken form informationen gavs, huvudsaken var att det framkom vad som skulle ske. Informanterna använde sig av olika strategier för att klara av operationen. Det framkom kunskapsluckor i informationen kring operationen. Vidare forskning med en fullskalig studie bör vara inriktad på hur informationen tydligast ges till patienterna inför kataraktoperationen. En slutsats av pilotstudien är vikten av patienternas delaktighet i omvårdnaden kring en kataraktoperation samt patienternas erfarenheter av operationen vilket i sin tur genererar relevant kunskap till ögonsjuksköterskor som kan utveckla en bättre ögonsjukvård. I utbildningen av ögonsjuksköterskor bör patientperspektivet användas som underlag.Cataract accounts for about half of all blindness in the world, which represents several million people. Patients who come to the surgery department may have good, none or less good experiences of care. The aim of the pilot study's was to describe patients' experiences of care in the cataract surgery. The pilot study was conducted as an interview with a descriptive qualitative design with an inductive approach. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results revealed three categories: Experiencing security, Experiencing strategies to deal with physical and psychological symptoms and Experiencing deficiency. The response from health care professionals created trust through their expertise, information, and their approach. It did not matter in what form the information was given according to the informants, the main thing was that it showed what would be done. All informants used various strategies to cope with the surgery. It was revealed gaps in information about the operation. Further research with a full-scale study should focus on how the information is clearly given to patients before cataract surgery. One conclusion of the pilot study is the importance of the patients´ involvement in care around a cataract surgery and the patients´ experience of the surgery which in turn generate relevant knowledge for ophthalmic nurses who can develop a better eye care. In the education of ophthalmic nurses a patient perspective should be used as a basis

    Drop in samtal som vägledningsmetod

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    The point of the study is to investigate educational and vocational counselors' strategies on drop in calls. In order to answer the purpose, the issues concerning the educational and vocational counselors' strategies and guidance models/methods at drop-in calls investigated. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six educational and vocational counselors'. In the study it appears that the educational and vocational counselors' are unable to have any strategies for drop-in conversation because the applicant will come spontaneously and the educational and vocational counselors' lack information about the individual and its purpose of the interview. Guidance models/methods designed to facilitate for the applicant and give them a sense of understanding about them selves there environment and results in a clarification of the election, not often used during the drop-in calls.These are not often used due to the lack of time because the intention of the call is to provide with information to the applicant in as little time as possible. In an educational and vocational counselors’ perspective the guidance that is offered at drop-in calls defective