17 research outputs found

    Parlamentní volby 2011 v Turecku a jejich zobrazení v tureckém tisku

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    Tato bakalářská práce podává obraz o politické scéně v Turecku před parlamentními volbami v roce 2011. Na základě podrobné analýzy tří tureckých deníků (Cumhuriyet, Zaman a Milliyet) jsou identifikovaná hlavní témata, která dominovala v tureckém tisku v průběhu předvolební kampaně. Cílem je porovnání postojů a vyjádření kandidujících politických stran a zhodnocení celkového zobrazení daného tématu v novinách. Práce se konkrétně zaměřuje na diskuze okolo projektu nové ústavy, kurdské otázky, stavu turecké demokracie, kauz provázejících volební atmosféru a hlavních bodů předvolebních programů. Pozornost je také věnována historickému kontextu vývoje pluralitního volebního a formování současných předních politických stran.In the present work we provide a research on the Turkish domestic politics before the 2011 parliamentary elections. A detailed analysis of three Turkish daily newspapers (Cumhuriyet, Zaman and Milliyet) enabled us to identify major elections-related topics that appeared in the Turkish press during the political campaign. Our aim is to compare reactions and positions of different political parties and evaluate how a particular topic was being covered in the newspapers. The work especially focuses on the project of a new Constitution, the Kurdish issue, the state of Turkish democracy, the pre-election scandals and the key points of the political agenda of leading parties. In order to reach a better understanding of the current situation we study also the historical context of electoral system in Turkey and the formation of main political parties.Institute of Near Eastern and African StudiesÚstav Blízkého východu a AfrikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Analysis of the plasma donor market

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    The master´s thesis discusses the analysis of the plasma donor market in the Czech Republic with focus on Prague and Central Bohemian Region. The main aim of this thesis is to assess this market, identify behaviour of blood plasma donors and motives leading to regular donations, through research of primary and secondary data. Further the thesis deals with detection the awareness of donating blood plasma among studnets of prague universities and barriers to become a donor. The theoretical part of this thesis defines a donor market with legislation. Application part includes competitor analysis based on secondary data and research of blood plasma donators and Prague students. Thesis concludes with a marketing recommendations for a selected donor centre, which are deducted from the analysis

    The 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey and their coverage in the Turkish press

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    In the present work we provide a research on the Turkish domestic politics before the 2011 parliamentary elections. A detailed analysis of three Turkish daily newspapers (Cumhuriyet, Zaman and Milliyet) enabled us to identify major elections-related topics that appeared in the Turkish press during the political campaign. Our aim is to compare reactions and positions of different political parties and evaluate how a particular topic was being covered in the newspapers. The work especially focuses on the project of a new Constitution, the Kurdish issue, the state of Turkish democracy, the pre-election scandals and the key points of the political agenda of leading parties. In order to reach a better understanding of the current situation we study also the historical context of electoral system in Turkey and the formation of main political parties

    The 2011 parliamentary elections in Turkey and their coverage in the Turkish press

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    In the present work we provide a research on the Turkish domestic politics before the 2011 parliamentary elections. A detailed analysis of three Turkish daily newspapers (Cumhuriyet, Zaman and Milliyet) enabled us to identify major elections-related topics that appeared in the Turkish press during the political campaign. Our aim is to compare reactions and positions of different political parties and evaluate how a particular topic was being covered in the newspapers. The work especially focuses on the project of a new Constitution, the Kurdish issue, the state of Turkish democracy, the pre-election scandals and the key points of the political agenda of leading parties. In order to reach a better understanding of the current situation we study also the historical context of electoral system in Turkey and the formation of main political parties

    Event management of chosen cultural event

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    V této bakalářské práci autorka řešila téma "Event management vybrané kulturní akce", kde teoretické poznatky z této oblasti jsou aplikovány na festival Divadelní léto pod plzeňským nebem. Práce obsahuje popis stávajícího projektového plánu, upozornění na nedostatky a nabízí návrhy na zlepšení. Součástí plánu je definování cílů eventu, jeho cílové skupiny, harmonogram prací a časový plán, soupis veškerých potřebných zdrojů hmotné, lidské a finanční, řízení rizik a marketingový mix eventu. Doplnění projektového plánu zejména o časové plány a návrhy řízení rizik by mělo být organizátorům festivalu nápomocné pro úspěšné pořádání celé akce. Nechybí ani finanční zhodnocení a návrh financování zlepšujících opatření.Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služebObhájenoIn this bachelor thesis, the author discusses the topic "Event management of chosen cultural event", where theoretical learnings from this area are applied to festival "Theatrical summer under pilsner sky." The text contains current project plan description, points out shortcomings and offers suggestions for improvement. Project plan contains event aims, its target audience, work schedule and timetable, list of all necessary resources material, human and financial, risk management and event marketing mix. Especially the addition of timetables and risk management suggestions into the project plan should aid the event organizers in successful management of the event. Financial evaluation and suggestions for improvements funding are also included

    Nurses' experience and attitudes towards inpatient aggression on psychiatric wards

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    Aim: To determine the incidence rate of forms of inpatient aggression towards nurses who working on psychiatric wards; to identify their attitude to patient aggression, to the factors that condition the occurrence and management of aggression. To determine the differences between nurses in relation to educational training aimed at the issue of patient aggression. Design: Quantitative cross-sectional study. Methods: Selection of respondents was deliberate. The sample comprised 223 nurses with an average of 21.27 (± 11.41) years of clinical practice. Data collection was implemented by means of the self-assessment scales: Violence and Aggression of Patients Scale (VAPS), Attitude Towards Aggression Scale (ATAS), The Management of Aggression and Violence Attitude Scale-Likert (MAVAS-L). Results: 98.58% experienced inpatient aggression in the course of the previous year. Negative attitudes to patient aggression predominated in the sample. Nurses expressed strongest agreement with the idea that internal factors foster patient aggression. Regarding methods of aggression management, nurses expressed strongest agreement with the use of medical therapy and restraints. They held a neutral attitude towards the use of non-physical methods. The age of nurses had an effect on how strongly they agreed with the importance of internal factors in prompting patient aggression and with the use of medical therapy and restraints. Conclusion: A high percentage of nurses have had personal experience of various forms of patient aggression. Negative attitudes to aggression predominated in our sample of nurses, emphasizing the influence of internal factors. The attitude of nurses towards patient aggression influences the selection of aggression management strategies

    Pharmacotherapy as a fall risk factor

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    Aim: To determine the correlation between pharmacotherapy and high risk of fall based on the Morse Fall Scale (MFS score ≥ 45) in acute and long-term care settings. Design: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive correlation study. Methods: The study was conducted at a University Hospital in Martin (UHM) and a selected long-term care facility (LTC) in Martin (Slovakia) June–October 2016. The pharmacotherapeutic data were obtained from the health documentation of the respondents. The fall risk was assessed by using the MFS screening tool within 24–48 hours of admission to the facility. Results: For the group of UHM patients (n = 63), the mean MFS score for fall risk was high (60.6 ± 22.4), and the correlation (p = 0.030) between the number of medications administered in 24 hours and high risk of fall was significant. For the group of LTC patients (n = 89), the mean MFS score for fall risk was moderate (35.4 ± 15.9). The correlations were not significant. Conclusion: Pharmacotherapy is an important fall risk factor; therefore, it is necessary to determine it within the assessment of overall fall risk. The risk management of pharmacotherapy is an effective and important multifactorial intervention in programmes of fall prevention in acute and long-term care. Keywords: fall, hospital, long-term care, Morse Fall Scale, pharmacotherapy, screening, senior


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    Aim: The goal of this study was to analyse relevant research studies focusing on the testing of the predictive value of the Morse Fall Scale measuring device on hospitalized patients. Design: Literature review. Method: Search for full text research studies in Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Summon Discovery Tool (licensed electronic information databases), based on pre-established criteria, and key words, from 1989 to 2016. Results: Sensitivity values ranged from 31% to 98%, and specificity values ranged from 8% to 97% in 14 analysed studies. The predictive value of the tool in validation studies varies depending on the tested cut-off value, the type of clinical ward, the frequency of assessment, the size and age of the sample, and the length of hospitalisation; therefore, the validity of the results from one study cannot by extrapolated to the entire hospitalized population of patients. Conclusion: The predictive values of the Morse Fall Scale are not stable; they vary in clinical conditions according to various factors. When implementing a tool for a specific clinical ward, an optimum cut-off score must be established to ensure that preventative strategies do not require unnecessary effort on the part of the staff, and do not increase hospital costs. Keywords: falls, hospital, Morse Fall Scale, sensitivity, specificity, review

    Selected indicators of mental health in the elderly - the participants the University of the Third Age

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    Aim: The aim of the research study is to identify the selected indicators of mental health, such as meaning of life, experience of well-being, hope, and feelings of loneliness and depression in the elderly participating in the University of the Third Age, in relation to their age and gender. Design: A quantitative descriptive study. Methods: The selection of respondents was deliberate. The sample consisted of 147 seniors with a mean age of 67.4 (± 4.9) years enrolled at the University of the Third Age at Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University. Data were collected by means of self-assessment scales - the Life Meaningfulness Scale, Snyder´s Hope Scale, the Emotional Habitual Subjective Well-being Scale, the Loneliness Scale, and the Geriatric Depression Scale. Results: Seniors considered their life meaningful, and expressed a high level of hope. Their emotions were predominately positive. We identified low levels of loneliness and found no indication of depressed mood. We identified significant differences between men and women in evaluation indicators of mental health only in the frequency of positive emotions. Conclusion: The study indicates the presence of salutogenic factors affecting the mental health of the sample of seniors in the process of active aging. The results could form the basis for implementing preventive strategies in clinical nursing practice