103 research outputs found

    Java AST Query Language

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    Cílem této práce je návrh dotazovacího jazyka nad abstraktním syntaktickým stromem Java kódu a implementace nástroje, který využívá tento dotazovací jazyk. V práci se nachází průzkum dostupných grafových databází a podrobnější studium grafových databází Neo4J a Titan. Následuje průzkum dostupných nástrojů pro analýzu Java bajtkódu a opět podrobnější zkoumání nástrojů Procyon a BCEL. Dále práce obsahuje návrh jazyka a detailní popis implementace nástroje společně s popisem uložení jednotlivých entit do grafové databáze. Závěrem se práce zabývá experimenty s vytvořeným nástrojem a vyhodnocením časové složitosti knihovny.The purpose of this thesis is to design a Java AST query language and implement tool that uses the query language. This work overviews graph databases and their libraries with focus on Neo4J and Titan. This thesis overviews tools Java bytecode analysis as well. Libraries Procyon and BCEL are described in detail. The work includes a proposal the query language and detailed description of the tool implementation, together with the detailed description of the way how Java entities are stored into the graph databases. In the end, the work deals with experiments and the evaluation of the time complexity of the library.

    Determination of radionuclides in water and sediments

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    Diplomová práce byla vypracována pro DIAMO, státní podnik, odštěpný závod GEAM Dolní Rožínka. Literární rešerše obsahuje popis ionizujícího záření, přírodních radionuklidů, těžby uranové rudy a ložisek; Běstvina a Licoměřice. Experimentální část práce zahrnuje odběr vzorků, jejich analýzu a zhodnocení obsahu vybraných radionuklidů ve dvou zvolených lokalitách. Obsah uranu a radia v kalech z čistíren důlních vod se stanovuje jednou ročně externí laboratoří, za použití polovodičové gamaspektrometrické analýzy (GSA). Stanovení obou radionuklidů ve vodách, ve zmíněných lokalitách se provádí ve středisku zkušebních laboratoří (SZLAB) v Dolní Rožínce. Aktivita uranu i radia v důlních vodách z ložiska Běstvina bývá pod mezí stanovitelnosti. Kaly z Běstviny, dle výsledků externí laboratoře, běžně vykazují aktivitu obou radionuklidů. Cílem práce je ověřit jinou metodou obsah radionuklidů v kalech z ČDV Běstvina. Jako srovnávací metoda bylo vybráno stanovení uranu pomocí UV-VIS spektrofotometrie s dělením na silikagelu. Lokalita Licoměřice byla vybrána jako srovnávací. Dodatkovou metodou pro stanovení koncentrace uranu byla zvolena ICP MS. Pro stanovení radia byla zvolena radiochemická metoda se scintilátorem ZnS(Ag).This thesis has been prepared for DIAMO, Branch GEAM Dolní Rožínka. Literature research includes a description of the ionizing radiation, natural radionuclides, mining of uranium ore and mineral deposits; Běstvina and Licoměřice. The experimental part includes sampling, analysis and evaluation of the content of selected radionuclides in the two selected locations. The content of uranium and radium in sludge from mine water treatment plant is determined annually by an external laboratory, using of semiconductor gamma-spectrometric analysis (GSA). Determination of both radionuclides in waters in these areas is carried out in the Centre of testing laboratories (SZLAB) in Dolní Rožínka. Uranium and radium activity is below the detection limit. Sludges from Běstvina, according to the results of external laboratories, routinely show activity of both radionuclides. But activity in the waters from this locality is below the detection limit. The goal of this diploma thesis is to verify the radionuclide content in sludge from CDV Běstvina by another method. As a comparative method was chosen determination of uranium using the UV-VIS spectrophotometry with separation on silicagel. Location Licoměřice was chosen as a reference. Like a supplementary method for determining the concentration of uranium was chosen ICP-MS. For the determination of the radium was chosen radiochemical method scintillator ZnS (Ag).

    Assembling Honing Machine

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    Bílek, J. Montáž honovacího automatu: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VšB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologie, 2017, 43 str. Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. Vladimír Vrba, CSc. Bakalářská práce je zaměřená na montáž honovacího automatu pro firmu Poneco Poděbrady s. r. o. V první části práce je pojednáváno o metodě honování, superfinišování a jejich srovnání. Jsou zde popsány základní znaky a základní rozdíl mezi metodami. V druhé části práce je popsána samotná kompletace honovacího automatu a zhodnocení dosaženého výsledku.Bílek, J. Honing machine assembly: bachelor thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Machining, Assembly and Engineering Metrology, 2017, 43 str. Lecturer: doc. Ing. Vladimír Vrba, CSc. The bachelor thesis is focused on the assembly of the honing machine for Poneco Poděbrady s. r. o. The first part of the thesis deals with the method of honing, superfinishing and their comparison. Here are the basic features and the basic difference between the methods. The second part of the thesis describes the assembly of the honing machine itself and the evaluation of the achieved result.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievelmi dobř

    Can air quality gas sensors be used for emission monitoring of small-scale local air pollution sources? Pilot test evaluation

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    In recent years we have seen a growing number of applications that use various sensory measurements of physicochemical features. Within the research project “Research on the identification of combustion of unsuitable fuels and systems of self-diagnostics of boilers combustion solid fuels for domestic heating”, the authors tested and evaluated the possible use of an air quality monitoring sensor unit for the measurement of operating parameters of solid fuel burning boilers and stoves. In the Czech Republic, programs to support citizens in the replacement of domestic boilers of poor combustion quality have been subsidized for several years. Unfortunately, no assessment of the impact of subsidies on air quality has been carried out. However, the increased pollutant emissions due to improper use of domestic boilers are supposed to be one of the greatest problems with domestic boilers. Hence, providing users with real-time feedback may lead to changes in combustion conditions and consequently to a reduction in air pollution. We focus on sensory measurements of CO, CO2 , NO, and VOCs as compounds that correspond to the operating conditions of the combustion process. The research included sampling, construction of the flue gas dilution duct, and the influence of direct measurement on the service life of the sensors.Web of Science142art. no. 24

    Experimental analysis of the sewing machine

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    This paper is concerned with experimental analysis of the behaviour of mechanisms of sewing machines. There has been carried out mapping of the sound field in the vicinity of the sewing machine, in order to locate the source of impact loading and to establish the overall hygienic loading of the machine. Based upon this analysis, the acceleration of the needle bars has been measured. These two measuring have led to the conclusion that it is the cam mechanism which most contributes to the noise and impact loading. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017

    Ambient air quality measurement with low-cost optical and electrochemical sensors: An evaluation of continuous year-long operation

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    Sensor technology is attractive to the public due to its availability and ease of use. However, its usage raises numerous questions. The general trustworthiness of sensor data is widely discussed, especially with regard to accuracy, precision, and long-term signal stability. The VSB-Technical University of Ostrava has operated an air quality sensor network for more than two years, and its large sets of valid results can help in understanding the limitations of sensory measurement. Monitoring is focused on the concentrations of dust particles, NO2, and ozone to verify the impact of newly planted greenery on the reduction in air pollution. The sensor network currently covers an open field on the outskirts of Ostrava, between Liberty Ironworks and the nearby ISKO1650 monitoring station, where some of the worst air pollution levels in the Czech Republic are regularly measured. In the future, trees should be allowed to grow over the sensors, enabling assessment of the green barrier effect on air pollution. As expected, the service life of the sensors varies from 1 to 3 years; therefore, checks are necessary both prior to the measurement and regularly during operation, verifying output stability and overall performance. Results of the PMx sensory measurements correlated well with the reference method. Concentration values measured by NO2 sensors correlated poorly with the reference method, although timeline plots of concentration changes were in accordance. We suggest that a comparison of timelines should be used for air quality evaluations, rather than particular values. The results showed that the sensor measurements are not yet suitable to replace the reference methods, and dense sensor networks proved useful and robust tools for indicative air quality measurements (AQM).Web of Science811art. no. 11

    Low-cost sensors for air quality monitoring - The current state of the technology and a use overview

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    In recent years the monitoring of air quality using cheap sensors has become an interesting alternative to conventional analytical techniques. Apart from vast price differences conventional techniques need to be performed by the trained personnel of commercial or research laboratories. Sensors capable of measuring dust, ozone, nitrogen and sulphur oxides, or other air pollutants are relatively simple electronic devices, which are comparable in size to a mobile phone. They provide the general public with the possibility to monitor air quality which can contribute to various projects that differ in regional scale, commercial funding or community-base. In connection with the low price of sensors arises the question of the quality of measured data. This issue is addressed by a number of studies focused on comparing the sensor data with the data of reference measurements. Sensory measurement is influenced by the monitored analyte, type and design of the particular sensor, as well as by the measurement conditions. Currently sensor networks serve as an additional source of information to the network of air quality monitoring stations, where the density of the network provides concentration trends in the area that may exceed specific measured values of pollutant concentrations and low uncertainty of reference measurements. The constant development of all types of sensors is leading to improvements and the difference in data quality between sensors and conventional monitoring techniques may be reduced.Web of Science261-2544

    Cement Kiln By-Pass Dust: An Effective Alkaline Activator for Pozzolanic Materials

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    Cement kiln by-pass dust (CKD) is a fine-grained by-product of Portland clinker manufacturing. Its chemical composition is not suitable for returning back into feedstock and, therefore, it has to be discharged. Such an increasing waste production contributes to the high environmental impact of the cement industry. A possible solution for the ecological processing of CKD is its incorporation into alkali-activated blast furnace slag binders. Thanks to high alkaline content, CKD serves as an effective accelerator for latent hydraulic substances which positively affect their mechanical properties. It was found out that CKD in combination with sodium carbonate creates sodium hydroxide in situ which together with sodium water glass content increases the dissolution of blast furnace slag particles and subsequently binder phase formation resulting in better flexural and compressive strength development compared to the sample without it. At the same time, the addition of CKD compensates the autogenous shrinkage of alkali-activated materials reducing the risk of material cracking. On the other hand, this type of inorganic admixture accelerates the hydration process causing rapid loss of workability