144 research outputs found

    CƓuré S., Pierre Pascal. La Russie entre christianisme et communisme

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    Fin connaisseur de Dostoevskij, traducteur infatigable, grand professeur, Pierre Pascal (1890-1983) est une figure de proue de la slavistique française du XXe siĂšcle. Depuis qu’il avait publiĂ© ses journaux intimes dans les annĂ©es 1970, on savait aussi qu’il avait Ă©tĂ© un tĂ©moin privilĂ©giĂ© de la rĂ©volution russe et que son importance ne se bornait pas Ă  ses mĂ©rites scientifiques. Si Georges Nivat et François Furet lui avaient consacrĂ© quelques belles pages, l’homme conservait toutefois une part..

    Ray M. Douglas, Les expulsés

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    La gĂ©ographie humaine de l’Europe centrale et orientale subit de profondes transformations au cours des annĂ©es qui suivirent la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La modification des frontiĂšres de nombreux États provoqua d’importants transferts de populations : Polonais des Confins, Ukrainiens de Petite Pologne, Italiens d’Istrie et surtout les millions d’Allemands ethniques Ă©tablis depuis des siĂšcles en dehors des frontiĂšres actuelles de la RĂ©publique fĂ©dĂ©rale d’Allemagne. De 1945 au dĂ©but des annĂ©es ..

    Timothy Snyder, Le prince rouge. Les vies secrùtes d’un archiduc de Habsbourg

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    L’Ukraine est depuis longtemps au centre des prĂ©occupations de Timothy Snyder. En 2003, l’historien amĂ©ricain lui avait consacrĂ© plusieurs chapitres de sa Reconstruction of Nations. Deux ans plus tard, il rĂ©cidivait avec Sketches from a Secret War. Cette rĂ©gion constitue enfin l’épicentre des Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin qui ont inspirĂ© Ă  ce fin connaisseur de l’Europe centrale et orientale un ouvrage bouleversant. Elle est aussi l’un des leitmotivs du Prince rouge. Paru en an..

    Myriam Anissimov, Vassili Grossman. Un Ă©crivain de combat

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    Vassili Grossman a longtemps Ă©tĂ© un communiste sincĂšre et convaincu. NĂ© en 1905 Ă  Berdičev en Ukraine dans une famille de la bourgeoisie juive assimilĂ©e, l’écrivain a trĂšs tĂŽt adhĂ©rĂ© Ă  la vision du monde soviĂ©tique. Ses premiers ouvrages de fiction, publiĂ©s dans les annĂ©es 1930 et inspirĂ©s par son expĂ©rience d’ingĂ©nieur dans une mine du Donbass – Grossman avait Ă©tudiĂ© la chimie Ă  l’universitĂ© de Moscou – sont autant d’hymnes Ă  l’industrialisation de l’Union soviĂ©tique et recueillent l’approba..

    CƓuré S., Pierre Pascal. La Russie entre christianisme et communisme

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    Fin connaisseur de Dostoevskij, traducteur infatigable, grand professeur, Pierre Pascal (1890-1983) est une figure de proue de la slavistique française du XXe siĂšcle. Depuis qu’il avait publiĂ© ses journaux intimes dans les annĂ©es 1970, on savait aussi qu’il avait Ă©tĂ© un tĂ©moin privilĂ©giĂ© de la rĂ©volution russe et que son importance ne se bornait pas Ă  ses mĂ©rites scientifiques. Si Georges Nivat et François Furet lui avaient consacrĂ© quelques belles pages, l’homme conservait toutefois une part..

    A conative educational model for an intervention program in obese youth

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    Background Obesity in children has increased in recent years throughout the world and is associated with adverse health consequences. Early interventions, including appropriate pedagogy strategies, are important for a successful intervention program. The aim of this study was to assess changes in body mass index, the ability to perform sport activities, behavior in the classroom and academic performance following one year of a health-wellness intervention program in obese youth. Methods The CEMHaVi program included 37 obese children (19 girls and 18 boys). Participants received an intervention program consisting of physical activity and health education. Assessment included body mass index, academic performance, classroom performance and ability to perform sport activities. Paired t tests were used to assess the effects of intervention, and chi square was used to assess inter-action between measures. Results Findings of the study suggest significant decrease in Z scores of Body Mass Index and an improvement of academic performance, classroom behavior and the ability to perform sport activities (p \u3c 0.05). Chi square testing showed significant positive inter-actions between body mass index, classroom behavior and academic performance. Conclusions Results following year one of CEMHaVi showed that a program of physical activity and health education had positive effects on obesity, behavior in the classroom and the ability to perform sport activities in obese adolescents. Significant inter-action in changes between variables was observed. Findings are important for designing intervention models to improve health in obese youth

    Comparison of two ActiGraph accelerometer generations in the assessment of physical activity in free living conditions.

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    International audienceUNLABELLED: ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to compare physical activity measured using GT1M ActiGraph and GT3X ActiGraph accelerometers in free living conditions. FINDINGS: Twenty-five adults wore GT1M and GT3X Actigraph accelerometers simultaneously during a typical weekday of activity. Data were uploaded from the monitor to a computer at the end of test (one day). Previously established thresholds were used for defining time spent at each level of physical activity, physical activity was assessed at varying intensities comparing data from the two accelerometers by ANOVA and Bland and Altman statistical analysis. The concordance correlation coefficient between accelerometers at each intensity level was 0.99. There were no significant differences between accelerometers at any of the activity levels. Differences between data obtained in minutes with the GT1M accelerometer and the GT3X monitor were to 0.56, 0.36, 0.52 and 0.44% for sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous, respectively. The Bland and Altman method showed good agreement between data obtained for the two accelerometers. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest that the two accelerometers provided similar results and therefore the GT3X may be used in clinical and epidemiological studies without additional calibration or validation studies

    Validation of the Vivago Wrist-Worn accelerometer in the assessment of physical activity

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    BACKGROUND: Most accelerometers are worn around the waist (hip or lower back) to assess habitual physical activity. Wrist-worn accelerometers may be an alternative to the waist-worn monitors and may improve compliance in studies with prolonged wear. The aim of this study was to validate the VivagoÂź Wrist-Worn Accelerometer at various intensities of physical activity (PA) in adults. METHODS: Twenty-one healthy adults aged 20–34 years were recruited for the study. Accelerometer data and oxygen uptake (VO(2)) were measured at sedentary, light, moderate and vigorous levels of PA. RESULTS: Activity categories and accelerometer counts were: sedentary, 0–15 counts·min(−1); light, 16–40 counts·min(−1); moderate, 41–85 counts·min(−1); and vigorous activity, >; 85 counts·min(−1). ANOVA repeated measures was used to determine the relationship between accelerometry data output and oxygen consumption (r = .89; p <; .001). The Bland and Altman method showed good agreement in the assessment of energy expenditure between the indirect calorimetry and the data obtained by the accelerometer. CONCLUSIONS: Results of the study suggest that the VivagoÂź wrist-worn accelerometer is a valid measure of PA at varying levels of intensity. The study has also defined threshold values at 4 intensities and hence te VivagoÂź accelerometer may be used to quantify PA in free living conditions among adults. This device has possible application in treating a variety of important health concerns

    Changes in physical activity patterns from adolescence to young adulthood: the BELINDA study

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    Physical activity (PA) is recognized as a marker of health. The aim was to investigate PA differences from adolescence to young adulthood. European adolescents included in the HELENA study were invited to participate in a follow-up study, 10 years later. The present study included 141 adults (25.0 ± 1.4 years) for whom valid accelerometer data were available in adolescence and adulthood. Changes in PA by sex, weight and maternal education level were explored with interactions. Time spent in sedentary activity, light PA (LPA) and moderate PA (MPA) increased by 39.1, 59.6 and 6.6 min/day, respectively, whereas the time spent in vigorous PA (VPA) decreased by 11.3 min/day compared with adolescent VPA (p < 0.05). Increases in MPA were greater on weekends compared with weekdays, but we found a greater decrease in VPA on weekdays compared with weekends. Moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) decreased significantly on weekdays (–9.6 min/day; 95%CI, –15.9 to –3.4), while it increased on weekends (8.4 min/day; 95%CI, 1.9 to 14.8). Significant heterogeneity was found across sexes for VPA and MVPA, with a stronger decrease in VPA in males compared with females and a significant decrease in MVPA (–12.5 min/day; 95%CI, –20.4 to –4.5) in males but not in females (1.9 min/day; 95%CI, –5.5 to 9.2). No significant heterogeneity was found to be linked to maternal education level or weight, irrespective of PA level. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the transition from adolescence to young adulthood is a critical period for lifestyle PA habits. A decline in VPA and an increasingly sedentary time were observed. The observed changes are worrying and may increase the risk of developing adverse health consequences later in life
