92 research outputs found

    Verification of Information Flow Properties under Rational Observation

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    Information flow properties express the capability for an agent to infer information about secret behaviours of a partially observable system. In a language-theoretic setting, where the system behaviour is described by a language, we define the class of rational information flow properties (RIFP), where observers are modeled by finite transducers, acting on languages in a given family L\mathcal{L}. This leads to a general decidability criterion for the verification problem of RIFPs on L\mathcal{L}, implying PSPACE-completeness for this problem on regular languages. We show that most trace-based information flow properties studied up to now are RIFPs, including those related to selective declassification and conditional anonymity. As a consequence, we retrieve several existing decidability results that were obtained by ad-hoc proofs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, version extended from AVOCS'201

    Formal properties of literal shuffle

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    Probabilistic Opacity for Markov Decision Processes

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    Opacity is a generic security property, that has been defined on (non probabilistic) transition systems and later on Markov chains with labels. For a secret predicate, given as a subset of runs, and a function describing the view of an external observer, the value of interest for opacity is a measure of the set of runs disclosing the secret. We extend this definition to the richer framework of Markov decision processes, where non deterministic choice is combined with probabilistic transitions, and we study related decidability problems with partial or complete observation hypotheses for the schedulers. We prove that all questions are decidable with complete observation and ω\omega-regular secrets. With partial observation, we prove that all quantitative questions are undecidable but the question whether a system is almost surely non opaque becomes decidable for a restricted class of ω\omega-regular secrets, as well as for all ω\omega-regular secrets under finite-memory schedulers

    Probabilistic Opacity in Refinement-Based Modeling

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    Given a probabilistic transition system (PTS) A\cal A partially observed by an attacker, and an ω\omega-regular predicate φ\varphiover the traces of A\cal A, measuring the disclosure of the secret φ\varphi in A\cal A means computing the probability that an attacker who observes a run of A\cal A can ascertain that its trace belongs to φ\varphi. In the context of refinement, we consider specifications given as Interval-valued Discrete Time Markov Chains (IDTMCs), which are underspecified Markov chains where probabilities on edges are only required to belong to intervals. Scheduling an IDTMC S\cal S produces a concrete implementation as a PTS and we define the worst case disclosure of secret φ\varphi in S{\cal S} as the maximal disclosure of φ\varphi over all PTSs thus produced. We compute this value for a subclass of IDTMCs and we prove that refinement can only improve the opacity of implementations

    Opacity for Linear Constraint Markov Chains

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    On a partially observed system, a secret ϕ is opaque if an observer cannot ascertain that its trace belongs to ϕ. We consider specifications given as Constraint Markov Chains (CMC), which are underspec-ified Markov chains where probabilities on edges are required to belong to some set. The nondeterminism is resolved by a scheduler, and opacity on this model is defined as a worst case measure over all implementations obtained by scheduling. This measures the information obtained by a passive observer when the system is controlled by the smartest sched-uler in coalition with the observer. When restricting to the subclass of Linear CMC, we compute (or approximate) this measure and prove that refinement of a specification can only improve opacity

    The Complexity of Diagnosability and Opacity Verification for Petri Nets

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    International audienceDiagnosability and opacity are two well-studied problems in discrete-event systems. We revisit these two problems with respect to expressiveness and complexity issues. We first relate different notions of diagnosability and opacity. We consider in particular fairness issues and extend the definition of Germanos et al. [ACM TECS, 2015] of weakly fair diagnosability for safe Petri nets to general Petri nets and to opacity questions. Second, we provide a global picture of complexity results for the verification of diagnosability and opacity. We show that diagnosability is NL-complete for finite state systems, PSPACE-complete for safe Petri nets (even with fairness), and EXPSPACE-complete for general Petri nets without fairness, while non diagnosability is inter-reducible with reachability when fault events are not weakly fair. Opacity is ESPACE-complete for safe Petri nets (even with fairness) and undecidable for general Petri nets already without fairness

    Intégration des modÚles Simulink dans le model-checker Cosmos

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    We present an implementation for Simulink model executions in the statistical model-checker Cosmos.We take profit of this implementation for an hybrid modeling combining Petri nets and Simulink models.Nous présentons une implémentation pour l'exécution de modÚles Simulink dans le model-checker Cosmos.Cette implémentation est ensuite utilisée pour la simulation de modÚles hybrides, combinant des réseaux de Petri et des modÚles Simulink

    Interrupt Timed Automata: verification and expressiveness

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    We introduce the class of Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA), a subclass of hybrid automata well suited to the description of timed multi-task systems with interruptions in a single processor environment. While the reachability problem is undecidable for hybrid automata we show that it is decidable for ITA. More precisely we prove that the untimed language of an ITA is regular, by building a finite automaton as a generalized class graph. We then establish that the reachability problem for ITA is in NEXPTIME and in PTIME when the number of clocks is fixed. To prove the first result, we define a subclass ITA- of ITA, and show that (1) any ITA can be reduced to a language-equivalent automaton in ITA- and (2) the reachability problem in this subclass is in NEXPTIME (without any class graph). In the next step, we investigate the verification of real time properties over ITA. We prove that model checking SCL, a fragment of a timed linear time logic, is undecidable. On the other hand, we give model checking procedures for two fragments of timed branching time logic. We also compare the expressive power of classical timed automata and ITA and prove that the corresponding families of accepted languages are incomparable. The result also holds for languages accepted by controlled real-time automata (CRTA), that extend timed automata. We finally combine ITA with CRTA, in a model which encompasses both classes and show that the reachability problem is still decidable. Additionally we show that the languages of ITA are neither closed under complementation nor under intersection
