87 research outputs found

    Quantum numbers for relative ground states of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    We suggest a general rule for the shift quantum numbers k of the relative ground states of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings. This rule generalizes well-known results of Marshall, Peierls, Lieb, Schultz, and Mattis for even rings. Our rule is confirmed by numerical investigations and rigorous proofs for special cases, including systems with a Haldane gap. Implications for the total spin quantum number S of relative ground states are discussed as well as generalizations to the XXZ model.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. More information at http://www.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/makrosysteme

    Ground state properties of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings

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    Exact ground state properties of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings with isotropic next neighbour interaction are presented for various numbers of spin sites and spin quantum numbers. Earlier work by Peierls, Marshall, Lieb, Schultz and Mattis focused on bipartite lattices and is not applicable to rings with an odd number of spins. With the help of exact diagonalization methods we find a more general systematic behaviour which for instance relates the number of spin sites and the individual spin quantum numbers to the degeneracy of the ground state. These numerical findings all comply with rigorous proofs in the cases where a general analysis could be carried out. Therefore it can be plausibly conjectured that the ascertained properties hold for ground states of arbitrary antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin rings.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, uses epsfig.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. More information at http://www.physik.uni-osnabrueck.de/makrosysteme

    Transition from diffusive to ballistic dynamics for a class of finite quantum models

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    The transport of excitation probabilities amongst weakly coupled subunits is investigated for a class of finite quantum systems. It is demonstrated that the dynamical behavior of the transported quantity depends on the considered length scale, e. g., the introduced distinction between diffusive and ballistic transport appears to be a scale-dependent concept, especially since a transition from diffusive to ballistic behavior is found in the limit of small as well as in the limit of large length scales. All these results are derived by an application of the time-convolutionless projection operator technique and are verified by the numerical solution of the full time-dependent Schroedinger equation which is obtained by exact diagonalization for a range of model parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, approved for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Retarded versus time-nonlocal quantum kinetic equations

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    The finite duration of the collisions in Fermionic systems as expressed by the retardation time in non-Markovian Levinson-type kinetic equations is discussed in the quasiclassical limit. We separate individual contributions included in the memory effect resulting in (i) off-shell tails of the Wigner distribution, (ii) renormalization of scattering rates and (iii) of the single-particle energy, (iv) collision delay and (v) related non-local corrections to the scattering integral. In this way we transform the Levinson equation into the Landau-Silin equation extended by the non-local corrections known from the theory of dense gases. The derived nonlocal kinetic equation unifies the Landau theory of quasiparticle transport with the classical kinetic theory of dense gases. The space-time symmetry is discussed versus particle-hole symmetry and a solution is proposed which transforms these two exclusive pictures into each other.Comment: slightly revised, 19 page

    Quantum entanglement and Bell inequalities in Heisenberg spin chains

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    We show that in one-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg model two-qubit thermal entanglement and maximal violation of Bell inequalities are directly related with a thermodynamical state function, i.e., the internal energy. Therefore they are completely determined by the partition function, the central object of thermodynamics. For ferromagnetic ring we prove that there is no thermal entanglement at any temperature. Explicit relations between the concurrence and the measure of maximal Bell inequality violation are given.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    A simple model for magnetism in itinerant electron systems

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    A new lattice model of interacting electrons is presented. It can be viewed as a classical Hubbard model in which the energy associated to electron itinerance is proportional to the total number of possible electron jumps. Symmetry properties of the Hubbard model are preserved. In the half-filled band with strong interaction the model becomes the Ising model. The main features of the magnetic behavior of the model in the one-dimensional and mean-field cases are studied.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Physica

    The concept of correlated density and its application

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    The correlated density appears in many physical systems ranging from dense interacting gases up to Fermi liquids which develop a coherent state at low temperatures, the superconductivity. One consequence of the correlated density is the Bernoulli potential in superconductors which compensates forces from dielectric currents. This Bernoulli potential allows to access material parameters. Though within the surface potential these contributions are largely canceled, the bulk measurements with NMR can access this potential. Recent experiments are explained and new ones suggested. The underlying quantum statistical theory in nonequilibrium is the nonlocal kinetic theory developed earlier.Comment: 14 pages, CMT30 proceeding