39 research outputs found

    Internalizing and externalizing syndromes in children with dyslexia

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    An einer Klinikstichprobe (n = 77) von RegelschĂŒlern mit einer Lese- und Rechtschreibstörung (LRS) wurde die PrĂ€valenz und KomorbiditĂ€t psychischer Störungen untersucht. Im Breitbandscreening mit der Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) zeigten sich viermal mehr VerhaltensauffĂ€lligkeiten als in der Normpopulation. Dabei wurden infolge einer besonderen administrativen PrĂ€valenz anders als in prospektiven Studien mehr internalisierende als externalisierende Symptome festgestellt. Bei 66,2 Prozent der Stichprobe waren psychiatrische Syndrome nach ICD10 zu diagnostizieren: wegen der kaum zu bewĂ€ltigenden Leistungsanforderungen besonders hĂ€ufig Anpassungsstörungen, gefolgt von hyperkinetischen und Angststörungen. Die Durchschnittswerte in beiden SekundĂ€rskalen der CBCL lagen zumeist im klinisch auffĂ€lligen Bereich, unabhĂ€ngig davon, welche Diagnose gestellt wurde, jedoch waren die Schwerpunkte unterschiedlich. Die hohe Rate an Verhaltens- bzw. psychiatrischen Störungen weist auf den großen Bedarf an psychotherapeutischer UnterstĂŒtzung bei LRS hin; Maßnahmen zur Leistungsförderung allein reichen vielfach nicht aus.(DIPF/Orig.)The prevalence and comorbidity of internalizing and externalizing syndromes was investigated in a clinical sample of children (n = 77) with dyslexia. In the normoriented broadband-screening of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) the rate of behavioral disorders is four times higher than in the standardisation sample. As a consequence of specific administrative prevalence the children have – in contrast to prospective studies – more internalizing than externalizing problems (according to the secondary scales of the CBCL). Psychiatric syndromes have been diagnosed in 66,2 percent: most frequently adjustment disorders, because of nonconformity to performance standards, followed by hyperkinetic disorders and anxiety. In all different diagnosis groups the scores of both secondary scales of the CBCL lie within or near the clinical range, only the priority was different. The high rate of psychiatric disorders indicates a great demand of personal or psychotherapeutic support in referred children with dyslexia, that has to be provided – besides interventions focusing on performance deficits.(DIPF/Orig.

    The reactions of aromatic compounds with nitrogen dioxide

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    In the first part of this thesis the reactions of 3,4,5-trimethylphenol (58), 3,4-dimethylphenol (71) and 4-methylphenol (88) with nitrogen dioxide in benzene, and in dichloromethane, are investigated. These phenols are unsubstituted at C2 and C6. Typically the products of the reaction are 2,6-dinitrophenols, and 4-nitro or 4-hydroxy cyclohexa-2,5-dienones. The mode of formation of these compounds is described. In the second part of this thesis 3,4,5-trimethylbiphenyl (91) and 2,3,4- trimethylbiphenyl (92) were treated with nitrogen dioxide in benzene. Reaction of 3,4,5-trimethylbiphenyl (91) gave ring nitrated biphenyls [(97), (98) and (99)], nitromethylbiphenyl (100) and ring nitrated nitromethyl biphenyls [(101), (102) and (103)]. In contrast reaction of 2,3,4-trimethylbiphenyl (92) gave nitratomethylbiphenyls [(111), (112) and (113)] and ketones [(117) and (118)] in addition to the ring nitrated biphenyls [(114), (115) and (116)]. The mode of formation of these compounds is described. In the third part of this thesis the reaction of phenanthrene (130) with nitrogen dioxide in benzene was carried out. This reaction gave the novel isomeric nitro nitrates [(135) and (136)] in addition to the dimeric nitro nitrate (132) and nitrophenanthrenes [(131), (133) and (134)]. An overall mechanistic scheme for the formation of these compound is proposed. Throughout this thesis, extensive use is made of high field Fourier transform n.m.r. techniques and in three cases single crystal X-ray structure analyses were necessary for structure determinations

    OpenAIRE im neuen Gewand - Portal, Dashboards, Services

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    KĂŒrzlich hat das OpenAIRE-Portal einen Relaunch erfahren. Dabei wurde eine Restrukturierung nach FunktionalitĂ€ten vorgenommen, die nun ĂŒber separate Einstiegsseiten erreichbar sind. Zudem wurden Services, die im Rahmen der OpenAIRE-2020 Projektphase entwickelt wurden, neu gebĂŒndelt und orientiert an Zielgruppen in Dashboards integriert. In der PrĂ€sentation werden der neue Webauftritt und die neuen Services im Lichte einer Infrastruktur fĂŒr offene Wissenschaft und wissenschaftliche Kommunikation vorgestellt und diskutiert

    OpenAIRE im neuen Gewand - Portal, Dashboards, Services

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    KĂŒrzlich hat das OpenAIRE-Portal einen Relaunch erfahren. Dabei wurde eine Restrukturierung nach FunktionalitĂ€ten vorgenommen, die nun ĂŒber separate Einstiegsseiten erreichbar sind. Zudem wurden Services, die im Rahmen der OpenAIRE-2020 Projektphase entwickelt wurden, neu gebĂŒndelt und orientiert an Zielgruppen in Dashboards integriert. In der PrĂ€sentation werden der neue Webauftritt und die neuen Services im Lichte einer Infrastruktur fĂŒr offene Wissenschaft und wissenschaftliche Kommunikation vorgestellt und diskutiert

    Exploratory investigation of intestinal function and bacterial translocation after focal cerebral ischemia in the mouse

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    The gut communicates with the brain bidirectionally via neural, humoral and immune pathways. All these pathways are affected by acute brain lesions, such as stroke. Brain-gut communication may therefore impact on the overall outcome after CNS-injury. Until now, contradictory reports on intestinal function and translocation of gut bacteria after experimental stroke have been published. Accordingly, we aimed to specifically investigate the effects of transient focal cerebral ischemia on intestinal permeability, gut associated lymphoid tissue and bacterial translocation in an exploratory study using a well-characterized murine stroke model. Methods: After 60 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) we assessed intestinal morphology (time points after surgery day 0, 3, 5, 14, 21) and tight junction protein expression (occludin and claudin-1 at day 1 and 3) in 12-week-old male C57BI/6J mice. Lactulose/mannitol/sucralose test was performed to assess intestinal permeability 24-72 h after surgery. To investigate the influence of cerebral ischemia on the local immune system of the gut, main immune cell populations in Peyer's patches (PP) were quantified by flow cytometry. Finally, we evaluated bacterial translocation to extraintestinal organs 24 and 72 h after MCAO by microbiological culture and fluorescence in situ hybridization targeting bacterial 16S rRNA. Results: Transient MCAO decreased claudin-1 expression in the ileum but not in the colon. Intestinal morphology (assessed by light microscopy) and permeability did not change measurably after MCAO. After MCAO, animals had significantly fewer B cells in PP compared to naive mice. Conclusions: In a murine model of stroke, which leads to large brain infarctions in the middle cerebral artery territory, we did not find evidence for overt alterations neither in gut morphology, barrier proteins and permeability nor presence of intestinal bacterial translocation

    Exploratory Investigation of Intestinal Function and Bacterial Translocation After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Mouse

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    Background and Purpose: The gut communicates with the brain bidirectionally via neural, humoral and immune pathways. All these pathways are affected by acute brain lesions, such as stroke. Brain-gut communication may therefore impact on the overall outcome after CNS-injury. Until now, contradictory reports on intestinal function and translocation of gut bacteria after experimental stroke have been published. Accordingly, we aimed to specifically investigate the effects of transient focal cerebral ischemia on intestinal permeability, gut associated lymphoid tissue and bacterial translocation in an exploratory study using a well-characterized murine stroke model.Methods: After 60 min of middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) we assessed intestinal morphology (time points after surgery day 0, 3, 5, 14, 21) and tight junction protein expression (occludin and claudin-1 at day 1 and 3) in 12-week-old male C57Bl/6J mice. Lactulose/mannitol/sucralose test was performed to assess intestinal permeability 24–72 h after surgery. To investigate the influence of cerebral ischemia on the local immune system of the gut, main immune cell populations in Peyer's patches (PP) were quantified by flow cytometry. Finally, we evaluated bacterial translocation to extraintestinal organs 24 and 72 h after MCAO by microbiological culture and fluorescence in situ hybridization targeting bacterial 16S rRNA.Results: Transient MCAO decreased claudin-1 expression in the ileum but not in the colon. Intestinal morphology (assessed by light microscopy) and permeability did not change measurably after MCAO. After MCAO, animals had significantly fewer B cells in PP compared to naïve mice.Conclusions: In a murine model of stroke, which leads to large brain infarctions in the middle cerebral artery territory, we did not find evidence for overt alterations neither in gut morphology, barrier proteins and permeability nor presence of intestinal bacterial translocation

    Mediterranean diet or extended fasting's influence on changing the intestinal microflora, immunoglobulin A secretion and clinical outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia: an observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in the intestinal bacterial flora are believed to be contributing factors to many chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases including rheumatic diseases. While microbiological fecal culture analysis is now increasingly used, little is known about the relationship of changes in intestinal flora, dietary patterns and clinical outcome in specific diseases. To clarify the role of microbiological culture analysis we aimed to evaluate whether in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or fibromyalgia (FM) a Mediterranean diet or an 8-day fasting period are associated with changes in fecal flora and whether changes in fecal flora are associated with clinical outcome. METHODS: During a two-months-period 51 consecutive patients from an Integrative Medicine hospital department with an established diagnosis of RA (n = 16) or FM (n = 35) were included in the study. According to predefined clinical criteria and the subjects' choice the patients received a mostly vegetarian Mediterranean diet (n = 21; mean age 50.9 +/-13.3 y) or participated in an intermittent modified 8-day fasting therapy (n = 30; mean age 53.7 +/- 9.4 y). Quantitative aerob and anaerob bacterial flora, stool pH and concentrations of secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) were analysed from stool samples at the beginning, at the end of the 2-week hospital stay and at a 3-months follow-up. Clinical outcome was assessed with the DAS 28 for RA patients and with a disease severity rating scale in FM patients. RESULTS: We found no significant changes in the fecal bacterial counts following the two dietary interventions within and between groups, nor were significant differences found in the analysis of sIgA and stool ph. Clinical improvement at the end of the hospital stay tended to be greater in fasting vs. non-fasting patients with RA (p = 0.09). Clinical outcome was not related to alterations in the intestinal flora. CONCLUSION: Neither Mediterranean diet nor fasting treatments affect the microbiologically assessed intestinal flora and sIgA levels in patients with RA and FM. The impact of dietary interventions on the human intestinal flora and the role of the fecal flora in rheumatic diseases have to be clarified with newer molecular analysis techniques. The potential benefit of fasting treatment in RA and FM should be further tested in randomised trials

    DocMan: A Document Management System for Cooperation Support

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    This paper describes DocMan, an interactive document management system which supports cooperative preparation, exchange, and distribution of documents. Document folders are shared among people, allowing for collaboration on the basis of a common information space. Access to document folders is provided transparently. Each folder contains a set of document revisions and a set of drafts currently in preparation. Metainformation concerning what is going on with folders, revisions, drafts, and users is distributed. DocMan's revision concept is based on a soft-locking scheme, avoiding both loss of work done simultaneously and access restrictions, thereby allowing users to work mobilly while being periodically disconnected from any network