741 research outputs found

    Efectos de la movilización temprana en la rehabilitación funcional de los pacientes en estado crítico: una revisión sistemática

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    Contexto: A mobilização precoce vem sendo considerada uma intervenção capaz de modificar factores de risco de morbilidade, com impacto na reabilitação funcional em doentes críticos. Objetivo: Determinar os efeitos da mobilização precoce na reabilitação funcional de doentes internados em cuidados intensivos. Método de revisão: Utilizando a estratégia PICO, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura entre 2003 e 2013, considerandose artigos científicos em texto integral de estudos realizados com adultos internados em cuidados intensivos e submetidos à mobilização precoce. Pesquisaram-se as bases de dados PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Controlled Trial Database, Elsevier, LILACS, British Nursing Index e SciELO, revistas científicas de referência e as citações dos artigos selecionados. Na análise final dos estudos utilizaram-se ferramentas para avaliação da qualidade metodológica. Interpretação dos resultados: Dos seis trabalhos identificados resulta que a mobilização precoce pode facilitar a reabilitação funcional destes doentes, promovendo ganhos de força muscular e maior participação nas atividades de vida diária. Conclusão: São necessários estudos que usem as mesmas ferramentas de avaliação e que demonstrem o interesse da intervenção para a disciplina de Enfermagem.Background: Early mobilisation has been considered as an intervention capable of modifying risk factors for morbidity, with an impact on the functional rehabilitation of critically ill patients. Objective: To determine the effects of early mobilisation in the functional rehabilitation of patients admitted to intensive care units. Review method: Using the PICO strategy, a systematic review was conducted of full-text scientific articles on adults admitted to intensive care units who underwent early mobilisation and published between 2003 and 2003. The search was performed in the following databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Controlled Trial Database, Elsevier, LILACS, British Nursing Index and SciELO, and in scientific journals of reference and citations of the selected articles. Tools for methodological quality assessment were used in the final analysis of the studies. Interpretation of results: The six studies identified show that early mobilisation may facilitate the functional rehabilitation of these patients, promoting muscle strength gains and increased participation in the activities of daily living. Conclusion: Further studies using the same assessment tools and demonstrating the interest of this intervention for the Nursing discipline are needed.Marco contextual: La movilización temprana ha sido considerada una intervención capaz de modificar los factores de riesgo de morbilidad con un impacto en la rehabilitación funcional de los pacientes críticos. Objetivo: Determinar los efectos de la movilización temprana en la rehabilitación funcional de los pacientes internados en cuidados intensivos. Método de revisión: Utilizando la estrategia PICO, llevamos a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura entre 2003 y 2013, teniendo en cuenta artículos científicos con texto completo, estudios realizados con adultos ingresados en cuidados intensivos sometidos a la movilización temprana. Para esto, se consultaron las bases de datos PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Controlled Trial Database, Elselvier, LILACS, British Nursing Index y SciELO; revistas científicas de referencia y las citas de los artículos seleccionados. Para el análisis final de los estudios se utilizaron herramientas de evaluación de la calidad metodológica. Interpretación de los resultados: Los resultados de los seis estudios indican que la movilización temprana puede facilitar la rehabilitación funcional de estos pacientes, haciendo que ganen fuerza muscular y una mayor participación en las actividades diarias. Conclusión: Se necesitan estudios que utilicen las mismas herramientas de evaluación y que demuestren el interés de la intervención para la disciplina de enfermería.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Psychological violence within a partner relationship and alcohol abuse of Portuguese women: the mediating role of resilience

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    In this study, we explored how psychological violence within a partner relationship relates to resilience and alcohol abuse of Portuguese women, particularly, testing the mediating role of resilience. A cross-sectional sample of 464 Portuguese women with a partner relationship was screened for psychological violence, alcohol abuse, and resilience. Results showed differences in terms of age, marital status, and current employment situation. Psychological violence was negatively related to resilience and positively related to alcohol consumption. Resilience also showed a negative relationship with alcohol consumption. A partial mediation was found between psychological violence and alcohol consumption through resilience, supporting the crucial role of resilience to break the negative “chain” between psychological violence and alcohol consumption.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Appearance comparisons, affect, body dissatisfaction and eating pathology in Portuguese female university students

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    Physical appearance comparisons have been theorized to be associated with negative indicators of body image. This study aimed to study appearance comparisons and their association to affect, body dissatisfaction, and eating pathology. Three hundred and ten female university students with ages between 17 and 25 years (M = 20.2, SD = 1.9) completed sociodemographic and clinical data, self-reported questionnaires, and questions about appearance comparisons. Among the participants, 98.71% reported making appearance comparisons, and 42.15% of these reported making them frequently or always. Higher reported frequencies of appearance comparisons were related to higher levels of body dissatisfaction, negative affect, and eating pathology. Appearance comparisons to acquaintances were the most frequent. Comparisons in person and through media were reported in similar proportions. Upward comparisons were more frequent than lateral and downward comparisons and were related to higher levels of body dissatisfaction than downward comparisons and to higher levels of body dissatisfaction, negative affect, and eating pathology than lateral comparisons. Upward comparisons to close peers were associated with higher body dissatisfaction as opposed to models/celebrities. Results, limitations, and implications are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Potential of Circulating Cell-Free DNA Methylation as an Epilepsy Biomarker

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    This article is part of the Research Topic: Cellular and Molecular Targets In Epileptogenesis Focusing on Disease Prevention.Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) are highly degraded DNA fragments shed into the bloodstream. Apoptosis is likely to be the main source of cfDNA due to the matching sizes of cfDNA and apoptotic DNA cleavage fragments. The study of cfDNA in liquid biopsies has served clinical research greatly. Genetic analysis of these circulating fragments has been used in non-invasive prenatal testing, detection of graft rejection in organ transplants, and cancer detection and monitoring. cfDNA sequencing is, however, of limited value in settings in which genetic association is not well-established, such as most neurodegenerative diseases.Recent studies have taken advantage of the cell-type specificity of DNA methylation to determine the tissue of origin, thus detecting ongoing cell death taking place in specific body compartments. Such an approach is yet to be developed in the context of epilepsy research. In this article, we review the different approaches that have been used to monitor cell-type specific death through DNA methylation analysis, and recent data detecting neuronal death in neuropathological settings. We focus on the potential relevance of these tools in focal epilepsies, like Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with Hippocampal Sclerosis (MTLE-HS), characterized by severe neuronal loss. We speculate on the potential relevance of cfDNA methylation screening for the detection of neuronal cell death in individuals with high risk of epileptogenesis that would benefit from early diagnosis and consequent early treatment.RM-F was funded by an FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) fellowship (grant number SFRH/BD/137900/2018). Unit for Multidisciplinary Research in Biomedicine (UMIB) was funded by FCT Portugal (grant numbers UIDB/00215/2020 and UIDP/00215/2020), and Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR) (LA/P/0064/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Políticas de igualdade e inclusão : reflexões e contributos I

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    No âmbito das actividades desenvolvidas no curso, nomeadamente, visando o envolvimento das/os estudantes em actividades científicas, pareceu-nos importante a edição de um e-book, no qual se pudessem reunir alguns dos textos produzidos na pós-graduação ou relacionados com as suas temáticas e que mostrassem a diversidade de reflexões produzidas sobre os temas nela trabalhados. Esta edição inclui assim um conjunto de reflexões e investigações iniciadas no curso e que terão com certeza continuação e aprofundamento no futuro

    P3-111: Cutaneous side–effects of erlotinib treatment in lung cancer patients

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    A relação entre profissionais de relações públicas e jornalistas em contexto digital

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    Em ambiente digital, serão apenas os Jornalistas os principais stakeholders das ações dos profissionais de Relações Públicas em contexto digital? Qual é ponto de situação da relação bidirecional entre os Jornalistas e os profissionais de Relações Públicas, derivado das mudanças impulsionas pelo digital? A comunicação digital e as potencialidades da web foram disruptivas e alteram paradigmas e formas de trabalhar nos dois lados do campo. A relação entre Jornalista e Relações Públicas passou a ser uma relação ‘pública’, os planos de comunicação dos profissionais de Relações Públicas passaram a ter uma vertente mais estratégica e integram os novos players entram na equação: os Influenciadores Digitais e os Citizen Journalists. Apesar de o digital ter impactado a área do Jornalismo e das Relações Públicas, acredita-se que o estabelecimento de relações offline é mais relevante e importante para o propósito de promoção de relações duradouras e de confiança entre Jornalistas e Relações Públicas, sendo que o ambiente online apenas estimula o que já existe. No âmbito dos relações Públicas, a relação online estimula uma relação simétrica bidirecional, onde há mais comunicação e partilha, e o online proporciona novas ferramentas de trabalho, assim como práticas, contribuindo para uma comunicação mais eficaz por parte dos Profissionais de Relações Públicas. Os principais resultados da presente dissertação indicam que o contexto digital dinamiza as relações entre os profissionais de Relações Públicas e Jornalistas, no entanto, essas relações apenas serão confiáveis se forem criadas presencialmente entre os dois profissionais. Também é ainda constatado que através do contexto digital os profissionais de Relações Públicas podem assim conhecer melhor o perfil dos Jornalistas, o que lhes possibilita direcionar melhor as comunicações, e que, com o digital emergem novos players no processo comunicacional, o que lhes permite contornar as barreiras jornalistas no processo de divulgação de comunicações.In digital environment, are only Journalists the main stakeholders in the actions of Public Relations Professionals? With the digital and Internet changes, what is the state of play of the two-way relationship between Journalists and PR Practitioners? Digital communication and the potential of the web have been disruptive, changing paradigms and ways of working on both sides of the field. Not only has the relationship between Journalist and Public Relations become a "public", but also the communication plans of Public Relations practitioners has become more strategic and integrates new players into the equation: Digital Influencers and Citizen Journalists. Despite the impact of the digital in Journalism and Public Relations, it is believed that establishing offline relationships is more relevant and efficient for the purpose of promoting lasting and trusting relationships between Journalists and Public Relations, and the online environment only stimulates what already exists. For Public Relations practitioners, the online relationships stimulate a two-way symmetrical relationship where there is more communication and exchange and the online environment provides new working tools as well as practices, contributing to a more effective communication of PR companies and organisations. The main results of this dissertation indicate that with the digital environment the relationships between Public Relations practitioners and Journalists are more dynamics. However, these relationships will only be trusting if thet are created in person between both professionals. It is also found that through the digital context, Public Relations professionals can have a better understanding about Journalists, which enables them to better direct communications, and that with digital emerge new players in the communication process, which allows them to circumvent journalist barriers in the process of publicizing communications