795 research outputs found

    Nitrogenous substances in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers produced under organic and conventional crop management

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    The contribution presents data on crude protein and protein, free amino acid and nitrate contents in potato tubers produced under different crop management – conventional and organic. Field trials were carried out with five potato cultivars on two sites of different altitude in 2005. Mean content of crude protein was significantly higher in tubers from organic crop management than in tubers from conventional system (10.92 and 9.76 % in dry matter, respectively). Similar result was observed in protein content (5.44 and 5.09 % in dry matter, respectively). Cultivar was the factor having the highest direct effect on crude protein as well as protein contents. Tubers from conventional crop management showed an increased tendency to accumulate nitrates

    Operational building of artificial lake

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    Předmětem práce je provozní budova na vodním díle, která je umístěna v katastrálním území Loučky u Zátoru. Budova je určena pro zajištění provozu a bezpečnosti nově navrhovaného vodního díla. Objekt je samostatně stojící, třípodlažní a částečně podsklepený, půdorysný tvar kříže. Konstrukční systém je zděný, z cihelných bloků HELUZ, založený na základových pasech z prostého betonu. Stropy a schodiště jsou z monolitického železobetonu, střecha je sedlová z betonové krytiny BRAMAC.The object of this work is operational building of artificial lake, which is located in the cadastral area Loučky u Zátoru. The building is designed to provide the operation and safety of newly proposed water project. The building is detached, three floors and a partial basement, ground shape of a cross. The structural system is a brick, designed by the brick blocks HELUZ, based upon the strip foundation of plain concrete. Floors and stairs are made of reinforced concrete, gabled roof is covered up with concrete roofing BRAMAC.

    Real-time identification method of a heat transfer coefficient

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    The demands on machining accuracy have been increasing lately and therefore research of thermal behaviour of machine tool structures is crucial for successful manufacturing. Generated heat diffuses into the structure of the machine tool components, this process is affected by heat sinks such as heat transfer on the surfaces and cooling systems. Meanwhile the heat warms up the structure of the machine tool and thermal dilatation deforms the structure, which subsequently affects machining accuracy in a negative way. Different systems are used to eliminate the thermal error, but their efficiency corresponds to the quality of the thermal machine tool model. The key problems of machine tool thermal error reduction are not in the thermal model itself, but in the fast, or even real-time, identification of the heat sources and the heat transfer coefficients (HTC) on the surfaces. This paper brings up a new identification method of the HTC, which is based on an analytical description

    Calculation of synchronized induction machine

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    Základní myšlenka této práce spočívá v prozkoumání možností zvyšování účinnosti asynchronních motorů prostřednictvím reluktančního rotoru. V první části práce je krátce pojednáno o simulačním software elektromagnetických polí Ansoft Maxwell. Dále o principech činnosti motorů s reluktančními rotory a možnostech jejích konstrukce. Další část práce je věnována tvorbě a vyhodnocení modelu výchozího asynchronního motoru, na kterém je v poslední části práce posouzen vliv reluktančního rotoru na výsledné parametry stroje.The basic idea of this thesis is to explore the possibility of the increasing the efficiency of induction motors via reluctance rotor. The first part briefly describes the electromagnetic fields simulation software Ansoft Maxwell. The thesis is further dealing with the principles of reluctance motors with rotors and their structures. Another chapter desribes the creation and evaluation of the initial model of the induction motor. The last part of the thesis assess the influence on the resulting reluctance rotor machine parameters.

    Sports and relaxation center

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    Účelem novostavby je výstavba sportovně-relaxačního centra ve městě Jihlava v kraji Vysočina. Objekt bude sloužit jako sportovní a zároveň relaxační centrum obsahující v 1NP squashové kurty, relaxační prostory s vířivkou, sauny a masáže. V 2NP se bude nacházet fitness s aerobikem, kanceláří vedoucího, dětským koutkem a barem s posezením. Objekt je tvořen dvěma nadzemními a jedním podzemním podlažím. Obvodové stěny jsou vyzděny zdícími prvky systému Heluz Family tl. 300mm 3in2 s vynikajícími tepelně-izolačními vlastnostmi, vnitřní nosné stěny ze systému Heluz STI tl. 300mm. Z budovy lze uniknout třemi nechráněnými únikovými cestami na volné prostranství směrem na severozápadní a jižní stranu. Stavba stojí v mírně svažitém terénu. Z hlavní komunikace se dostaneme do objektu přístupovou cestou do 1NP. Konstrukční výška prvního podlaží je 4,00m, druhého podlaží je též 4m a podzemního podlaží je 3,40m. Budova je tvořena třemi trakty v podélné konstrukční soustavě. Objekt má tři patra: jedno podzemní a dvě nadzemní podlaží. Střecha je plochá, jednoplášťová, nad squashovými kurty je šikmá se sklonem 6 stupňů. Půdorys je hmotově rozdělen v 1NP na 3 křídla s hlavním vstupem a schodištěm spojujícím všechny patra uprostřed dispozice. Půdorys objektu je podélně rozdělen na nestejně velké části chodbou, která se z každé strany napojují na schodiště ve středu budovy. Příjezd na pozemek je řešen vlastním parkovištěm s přímým vjezdem ze silnice.The purpose of the new building is the construction of sports and relaxation center in Jihlava in the Vysocina. The building will serve as a sports and leisure center also contains the 1st floor squash courts, relaxation area with jacuzzi, sauna and massage. In the 2nd floor will be located with aerobic fitness, office manager, a children's playground and a bar with seating. The building consists of two floors and a basement. External walls are lined with masonry elements of Heluz Family tl. 300 mm 3 square inches with excellent thermal insulation properties, the internal load-bearing walls of thick STI Heluz system. 300mm. The building can escape three unprotected pathways into the open towards the northwest and south. The building is situated in a slightly sloping terrain. From the main road to get to the building access road to the 1st floor. The overall height of the first floor is 4.00 m, the second floor is 4m and also underground floor is 3.40 m The building consists of three wings in the longitudinal structural system. The building has three floors: a basement and two floors. The roof is flat, single-layer, above the squash courts is inclined with an inclination of 6 degrees. The ground plan is mass divided into 3 wings on 1st floor with main entrance and staircase connecting all the floors in the middle of disposition. Ground object is longitudinally divided into differently sized parts of the corridor, which on each side of the staircase joining the center of the building. Check the plot is solved its own parking with direct entrance from the road.

    Spontaneous current-layer fragmentation and cascading reconnection in solar flares: II. Relation to observations

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    In the paper by B\'arta et al. (arXive:astro-ph:/1011.4035, 2010) the authors addressed some open questions of the CSHKP scenario of solar flares by means of high-resolution MHD simulations. They focused, in particular, on the problem of energy transfer from large to small scales in decaying flare current sheet (CS). Their calculations suggest, that magnetic flux-ropes (plasmoids) are formed in full range of scales by a cascade of tearing and coalescence processes. Consequently, the initially thick current layer becomes highly fragmented. Thus, the tearing and coalescence cascade can cause an effective energy transfer across the scales. In the current paper we investigate whether this mechanism actually applies in solar flares. We extend the MHD simulation by deriving model-specific features that can be looked for in observations. The results of the underlying MHD model showed that the plasmoid cascade creates a specific hierarchical distribution of non-ideal/acceleration regions embedded in the CS. We therefore focus on the features associated with the fluxes of energetic particles, in particular on the structure and dynamics of emission regions in flare ribbons. We assume that the structure and dynamics of diffusion regions embedded in the CS imprint themselves into structure and dynamics of flare-ribbon kernels by means of magnetic-field mapping. Using the results of the underlying MHD simulation we derive the expected structure of ribbon emission and we extract selected statistical properties of the modelled bright kernels. Comparing the predicted emission and its properties with the observed ones we obtain a good agreement of the two.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure


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    Word Sense Clustering

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací modulárního systému pro analýzu textového korpusu a následné vyhledávání sémanticky podobných slov. Systém umožňuje stemming korpusu, uživatel si může zvolit z různých způsobů analýzy korpus (matice spoluvýskytu, LSA).This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and implementation of a modular system focused on semantic similarity. System is able to stem the corpus and to analyze corpus in different ways - through coocurrence matrix or LSA.

    Family house with a design office

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    Předmětem práce je rodinný dům s projekční kanceláří, který je umístěn v katastrálním území městyse Jedovnice. V rodinném domě bude jedna bytová jednotka, která je navržena pro 4-5 osob. Objekt je samostatně stojící, dvoupodlažní a nepodsklepený, půdorysný tvar L. Konstrukční systém je zděný, z keramických tvárnic HELUZ, založený na základových pasech z prostého betonu. Stropy jsou z keramických nosníků a vložek, schodiště prefabrikované YTONG, střecha je sedlová z betonové krytiny.The object of the bachelor's thesis is a family house with a design office, which is located in cadastral of township Jedovnice. The house is detached, L-shaped plan, two-floor, with no cellar, designed for 4-5-member family. Construction system is brick, made from ceramic blocks HELUZ based on strip foundations made from plain concrete. Ceilings are made from ceramic beams and blocks HELUZ, there is a prefabricated stair YTONG, a roof has gabled design with concrete roofing.