22 research outputs found

    Italian Volcanic lakes: a diversity hotspot and refuge for European charophytes

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    Macrophytes are one of the most important components of primary producers in lacustrine environments. Charophytes represent the most threatened group of macrophytes and are included in many European Red-Lists. Thus, finding and preserving charophyte diversity hotspots is important for European macrophyte conservation strategies. Within the framework of a general project aimed at investigating aquatic plant diversity of Italian volcanic lakes (IVL), a field survey carried out in 2009-2010 recognized high charophyte diversity. Overall, 17 species of charophytes, which correspond to 50% of Italian stoneworts and 30% of the European species, were recorded. Nevertheless, only four IVL out of the nine lakes investigated can be considered Chara-dominated lakes. Three Chara-vegetation belts characterized the Chara dominated IVL, as in other pristine deep calcareous European lakes. A Chara aspera belt grew at a lower depth, followed by a Chara polyacantha belt at a medium depth and a Chara globularis dominated belt at a higher depth, up to the maximum growing depth. The most common species was Chara globularis, whereas seven species were rare. Sixteen of the 17 species found belong to the IUCN threatened categories throughout Europe. The most interesting taxa are Nitella hyalina, Nitella gracilis and Lychnothamnus barbatus. Nitella hyalina is extinct in Switzerland and Great Britain, critically endangered in the Balkans and in Germany. Nitella gracilis is extinct in Denmark and endangered in the Balkans, Sweden and Switzerland. The Lychnothamnus barbatus population found in Martignano is the only one known in Italy. Lakes Vico, Martignano, Bolsena and Bracciano host from 18% to 44% of European charophytes. The high number of species in each lake allows the selection of these lakes as European hotspots of charophyte diversity. Therefore, the IVL can be a reference system for the conservation of aquatic species that are typical of Italian and European deep lakes

    Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. Urban ecosystems

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    Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 requires member states to Map and Assess the state of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES). This report provides guidance for mapping and assessment of urban ecosystems. The MAES urban pilot is a collaboration between the European Commission, the European Environment Agency, volunteering Member States and cities, and stakeholders. Its ultimate goal is to deliver a knowledge base for policy and management of urban ecosystems by analysing urban green infrastructure, condition of urban ecosystems and ecosystem services. This report presents guidance for mapping urban ecosystems and includes an indicator framework to assess the condition of urban ecosystems and urban ecosystem services. The scientific framework of mapping and assessment is designed to support in particular urban planning policy and policy on green infrastructure at urban, metropolitan and regional scales. The results are based on the following different sources of information: a literature survey of 54 scientific articles, an online-survey (on urban ecosystems, related policies and planning instruments and with participation of 42 cities), ten case studies (Portugal: Cascais, Oeiras, Lisbon; Italy: Padua, Trento, Rome; The Netherlands: Utrecht; Poland: Poznań; Spain: Barcelona; Norway: Oslo), and a two-day expert workshop. The case studies constituted the core of the MAES urban pilot. They provided real examples and applications of how mapping and assessment can be organized to support policy; on top, they provided the necessary expertise to select a set of final indicators for condition and ecosystem services. Urban ecosystems or cities are defined here as socio-ecological systems which are composed of green infrastructure and built infrastructure. Urban green infrastructure (GI) is understood in this report as the multi-functional network of urban green spaces situated within the boundary of the urban ecosystem. Urban green spaces are the structural components of urban GI. This study has shown that there is a large scope for urban ecosystem assessments. Firstly, urban policies increasingly use urban green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in their planning process. Secondly, an increasing amount of data at multiple spatial scales is becoming available to support these policies, to provide a baseline, and to compare or benchmark cities with respect to the extent and management of the urban ecosystem. Concrete examples are given on how to delineate urban ecosystems, how to choose an appropriate spatial scale, and how to map urban ecosystems based on a combination of national or European datasets (including Urban Atlas) and locally collected information (e.g., location of trees). Also examples of typologies for urban green spaces are presented. This report presents an indicator framework which is composed of indicators to assess for urban ecosystem condition and for urban ecosystem services. These are the result of a rigorous selection process and ensure consistent mapping and assessment across Europe. The MAES urban pilot will continue with work on the interface between research and policy. The framework presented in this report needs to be tested and validated across Europe, e.g. on its applicability at city scale, on how far the methodology for measuring ecosystem condition and ecosystem service delivery in urban areas can be used to assess urban green infrastructure and nature-based solutions

    the forest vegetation of the tolfa ceriti mountains northern latium central italy

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    The Forest Vegetation of the Tolfa-Ceriti Mountains (Northern Latium - Central Italy)The forests of the Tolfa-Ceriti mountains (Latium, central Italy) were investigated through a phytosociological approach. 249 relevés were performed and treated with multivariate analysis. 13 woodland communities were identified, of which 7 belong toQuercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 toFagetalia sylvaticae, 1 toPopuletaliaand 4 toQuercetalia ilicis. The thermophilous Turkey oak-forests occurring on the trachytic hills of the Ceriti Mountains and on the flysch substrates of the Tolfa Mountains were included inRubio peregrinae-Quercetum cerridisass. nova.Quercus cerrisandFraxinus angustifoliasubsp.oxycarpawoodland communities of the footslopes have been ascribed toFraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, while the widespread mesophilus Turkey oak forests have been ascribed toMelico-Quercetum cerridis. Cephalantero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridishas been restricted to acid and oligotrophic soils.Quercus petraeawoodlands, occurring on trachytic substrates have been described as a new association namedCarici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeaeass. nova. All these mixed oak woods have been included in the allianceCrataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridisArrigoni 1997. The nomenclatural problems concerning the prior nameTeucrio siculi-Quercion cerridisUbaldi 1988 are also discussed. The beech forests of the higher altitudes have been included inFraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, while theAlnus glutinosaravine woodlands have been described as belonging to the new associationPolysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Secondary communities ofAcer monspessulanumandAcer campestredeveloped on flysch substrates, and ofErica arboreaandArbutus unedo(Erico-Arbutetum unedonis) developed on trachytic substrates, have also been identified. Finally two types ofQuercus ilexwood have been identified:Cyclamino repandi-Quercetum ilicis, on sandstones, and the new associationArbuto unedonis-Quercetum ilicisass. nova on volcanic soils. This latter community can be considered as a coenological and geographical vicariant in central Italy of the sicilianErico-Quercetum ilicis

    A preliminary evaluation of lake morphometric traits influence on the maximum growing depth of macrophytes

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    Underwater light regime is widely considered the principal determinant of aquatic plant depth distribution. The majority of previous studies dealing with macrophytes in lakes have singled out Secchi disk transparency (SD) values as the key empirical proxy to explain the maximum depth of macrophyte colonization (Zc). Few studies have investigated the role played by lake morphometry in structuring macrophyte beds. Using a balanced dataset including 20 Italian lakes (10 shallow and 10 deep lakes), we analysed transparency and lake morphometric traits to investigate their possible effects on Zc. Our results demonstrate that lake area plays a significant role, and confirm a direct influence of SD values on Zc. Considering lakes with an equal degree of transparency, smaller lakes may yield a lower Zc than larger ones. Morphology has a great influence on lake ecological characteristics especially on water thermal conditions and mixing depth. Based on our data, we argue that the thermal stratification plays a non negligible role in explaining macrophytes zonation, due to its influence on macrophytes life cycles and phytoplankton vertical distribution. Therefore, the present data suggest the need to enhance and refine our knowledge about the relationship between aquatic plants distribution and lake thermal conditions to better model the response of macrophytes to climate change and eutrophication

    Gozdna vegetacija gorovja Tolfa-Ceriti (severni Lacij – srednja Italija)

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    The forests of the Tolfa-Ceriti mountains (Latium, central Italy) were investigated through a phytosociological approach. 249 relevés were performed and treated with multivariate analysis. 13 woodland communities were identified, of which 7 belong to Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 to Fagetalia sylvaticae, 1 to Populetalia and 4 to Quercetalia ilicis. The thermophilous Turkey oak-forests occurring on the trachytic hills of the Ceriti Mountains and on the flysch substrates of the Tolfa Mountains were included in Rubio peregrinae-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova. Quercus cerris and Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa woodland communities of the footslopes have been ascribed to Fraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, while the widespread mesophilus Turkey oak forests have been ascribed to Melico-Quercetum cerridis. Cephalantero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridis has been restricted to acid and oligotrophic soils. Quercus petraea woodlands, occurring on trachytic substrates have been described as a new association named Carici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeae ass. nova. All these mixed oak woods have been included in the alliance Crataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridis Arrigoni 1997. The nomenclatural problems concerning the prior name Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988 are also discussed. The beech forests of the higher altitudes have been included in Fraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, while the Alnus glutinosa ravine woodlands have been described as belonging to the new association Polysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Secondary communities of Acer monspessulanum and Acer campestre developed on flysch substrates, and of Erica arborea and Arbutus unedo (Erico-Arbutetum unedonis) developed on trachytic substrates, have also been identified. Finally two types of Quercus ilex wood have been identified: Cyclamino repandi-Quercetum ilicis, on sandstones, and the new association Arbuto unedonis-Quercetum ilicis ass. nova on volcanic soils. This latter community can be considered as a coenological and geographical vicariant in central Italy of the sicilian Erico-Quercetum ilicis.Fitocenološko so bili raziskani gozdovih na pogorju Tolfa-Ceriti (Lacij, osrednja Italija). Izdelano je bilo 249 fitocenoloških popisov, ki so bili obdelani z multivariantimi metodami. Ugotovljenih je bilo 13 gozdnih združb, od katerih jih 7 uvrščamo v red Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, 1 v red Fagetalia sylvaticae, 1 v red Populetalia in 4 v red Quercetalia ilicis. Termofilni cerovi gozdovi, ki jih najdemo v gričevnatem svetu pogorja Ceriti in se razvijejo na flišu v pogorju Tolfa, so vključeni v asociacijo Rubio pereginae-Quercetum cerridis ass. nova. Gozdovi cera (Quercus cerris) in ozkolistnega jesena (Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa) na vznožjih so uvrščeni v združbo Fraxino oxycarpae-Quercetum cerridis, medtem ko so široko razširjeni mezofilni cerovi gozdovi uvrščeni v združbo Melico-Quercetum cerridis. Združba Cephalanthero longifoliae-Quercetum cerridis je razširjena le na grušču na kislih in oligotrofnih tleh. Gradnovi gozdovi, ki se pojavljajo na trahičnem substratu, so uvrščeni v novo asociacijo Carici olbiensis-Quercetum petraeae. Vsi obravnavani mešani hrastovi gozdovi so vključeni v zvezo Crataego laevigatae-Quercion cerridis Arrigoni 1997; poleg tega pa obravnavamo tudi starejše ime Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis Ubaldi 1988. Bukove gozdove, ki se pojavljajo na večjih nadmorskih višinah, uvrščamo v združbo Fraxino orni-Fagetum sylvaticae, medtem ko jelševe gozdove, ki jih najdemo po grapah, uvrščamo v novo asociacijo Polysticho setiferi-Alnetum glutinosae. Ugotovili smo tudi sekundarni združbi, in sicer na flišu združbo trokrpega javorja (Acer monspessulanum) in maklena (Acer campestre) ter na trahičnem substratu združbo drevesaste rese (Erica arborea) in jagodičnice (Arbutus unedo) – Erico-Arbutetum unedonis. Ugotovili smo tudi dva tipa gozdov črničevja (Quercus ilex): Cyclamino repandi- Quercetum ilicis na peščenjakih in novo asociacijo Arbuto unedeonis-Quercetum ilicis ass. nova na vulkanskih tleh, ki jo lahko obravnavamo kot cenološko in geografsko vikariantno združbo združbe Erico-Quercetum ilicis, ki jo najdemo na Siciliji

    Maximum growing depth of submerged macrophytes in European lakes.

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    Submerged macrophytes are important elements for the structure and functioning of lake ecosystems. In this study, we used chemical and maximum colonisation depth (C_max) data from 12 European countries in order to investigate how suitable C_max may describe the impact by eutrophication. The analyses include data from 757 lakes and 919 lake years covering oligotrophic to eutrophic lakes. Overall, C_max was closely related to Secchi depth (R2 = 0. 58) and less closely to chlorophyll a (R2 = 0. 31), TP (R2 = 0. 31) and total nitrogen, TN (R2 = 0. 24). The low coefficients of determination between C_max and nutrient concentrations suggest that other response factors than nutrient-phytoplankton-light conditions are important for C_max and that it will be difficult to establish strong relationships between external nutrient loading and C_max. Yearly monitoring for 13-16 years in eight Danish lakes showed considerable year-to-year variability in C_max, which for the individual lakes only related weakly to changes in Secchi depth. The use of C_max as an eutrophication indicator is especially relevant in not very shallow lakes (maximum depth >4-5 m), not too turbid lakes (C_max >1 m) and not very humic lakes (colour <60 mg Pt/l). © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

    Isoëtes sabatina (Isoëtaceae, Lycopodiopsida):taxonomic distinctness and preliminary ecological insights

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    Abstract Isoëtes sabatina is the rarest aquatic quillwort in Europe. Although recently found (2013) in Lake Bracciano (central Italy), the species is just one step away from extinction with an estimated population not exceeding 400 individuals and a spatial range of a few hundred square metres. Lake Bracciano is a deep, oligo-mesotrophic Mediterranean volcanic lake that has been subjected to human activities. From January to October 2017, the lake experienced a dramatic water level decrease (up to −1.50 m), which significantly affected the littoral zone and the habitat of I. sabatina. To improve the chances of survival of I. sabatina, the first eco-taxonomic investigation on this species was carried out to describe its genetic distinctness, physical and chemical requirements and companion species. The phylogenetic position of I. sabatina was investigated by applying standard DNA barcoding methods. Simultaneously, during summer 2019, the physical and chemical features of water and sediments of the I. sabatina population and five small Alpine lakes colonized by Isoëtes echinospora — a supposed close relative — were characterized. These data were then compared with the available data on the trophic requirements of the target obligate aquatic Isoëtes, together with Isoëtes lacustris and Isoëtes malinverniana. The present survey confirmed the taxonomic and ecological distinctness of I. sabatina — providing the first evidence of genetic differentiation from I. echinospora. Isoëtes sabatina grows in waters with temperature, conductivity and total alkalinity up to 30°C, 561 μS cm⁻¹ and 3.45 meq L⁻¹, respectively. The edaphic requirements of I. sabatina confirm its outstanding conservation value, and this study offers a basic understanding of how to prevent its extinction. Now, all possible actions must be taken immediately to save this species

    The Silent invasion of <i>Eichhornia crassipes</i> (Mart.) Solms. in Italy

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    This article provides general information and original data on the period of first introduction in Europe (1823–1825) and in Italy (first half of the 19th century), and on the current distribution and impacts in Italy of the invasive macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes. Two main pathways are responsible for the presence of this species in Italy: (i) introduction as an ornamental and (ii) research and use for phytoremediation. After a time lag of more than 100 years, E. crassipes has recently started invading the Italian freshwaters. A specific action plan for this species is required, including local eradication and awareness campaigns. Furthermore, regulations in the trade sector of invasive aquatic plant species need to be introduced and the possibilities for biological or integrated control evaluated