68 research outputs found

    Suicide in the indigenous population of latin america : a systematic review

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    Objetivo Se han reportado altas tasas de suicidio en algunas minorías étnicas, entre ellas comunidades indígenas en Latinoamérica. Este fenómeno se considera un problema de salud pública. Realizamos una revisión sistemática para describirlo. Métodos Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos de PubMed, Scopus, PscycNET, Scielo y Google Scholar. Resultados Se encontró un total inicial de 1.862 referencias; de estos artículos, se incluyeron 41 para extracción de datos según los criterios de inclusión, de los que 21 hacen referencia a Brasil, 13 a Colombia, 2 a Chile, 1 a Perú y 4 artículos a diferentes países agrupados. Las comunidades indígenas están pasando por un fenómeno de «muerte cultural» en el que los cambios en las culturas, los estilos de vida, la industrialización, la invasión del medio ambiente y el consumo de alcohol se convierten en desencadenantes del suicidio.Q4Artículo de revisión237-242Objective Due to the high rates of suicide reported among many ethnic minorities, a systematic review is presented on suicide in indigenous populations of Latin America. Methods Systematic review in PubMed, Scopus, PsycNET, Scielo and Scholar Google. Results From an initial total of 1862 articles, 41 were included for data extraction. They include 21 from Brazil, 13 from Colombia, 2 from Chile, 1 from Peru, and 4 articles grouped from different countries. Suicide is a public health issue in many communities. Lifestyle changes, industrialisation, environmental degradation, and alcohol have led the indigenous population experiencing what has been described as “cultural death.

    Cultura Organizacional e o Género do Gestor nas PMEs da Cali-Colômbia

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    This paper studies the relationship between Organizational Culture and the gender of the manager of small and medium-sized companies in the city of Cali (Colombia). A survey was made to 364 managers of companies from different economic sectors. Following the Cameron-Quinn method, indexes of the types of Organizational Culture are elaborated: Clan, Adhocratic, Market and Hierarchical. In addition, indexes are elaborated based on the principal components method as an alternative way of elaborating the indexes of culture types. A regression analysis is performed between the obtained indexes and the gender of the manager, controlling for various characteristics of the companies. It was found that companies managed by women tend to agree less with the practices and values of the Hierarchical Culture than companies managed by men. For the other 3 types of Organizational Culture, no significant differences were found between male- and female-led companies.En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre la Cultura Organizacional y el género del gerente de las empresas pequeñas y medianas de la ciudad de Cali (Colombia). Se realizó una encuesta a 364 gerentes de empresas de diferentes sectores económicos. Siguiendo el método Cameron-Quinn se elaboran índices de los tipos de Cultura Organizacional: Clan, Adhocrática, Mercado y Jerárquica. Además, se elaboran índices a partir del método de componentes principales como forma alternativa de elaborar los índices de tipos de cultura. Se realiza un análisis de regresión entre los índices obtenidos y el género del gerente, controlando diversas características de las empresas. Se encontró que las empresas dirigidas por mujeres tienden a estar menos de acuerdo con las prácticas y valores de la Cultura Jerárquica que las empresas dirigidas por hombres. Para los otros 3 tipos de Cultura Organizacional no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las empresas dirigidas por hombres y mujeres.Cet article étudie la relation entre la culture organisationnelle et le genre des dirigeants dans les petites et moyennes entreprises de la ville de Cali (Colombie). Une enquête a été réalisée auprès de 364 dirigeants d'entreprises de différents secteurs économiques. Selon la méthode Cameron-Quinn, des indices des types de culture organisationnelle sont élaborés : clan, adhocratique, marché et hiérarchique. En outre, les indices sont élaborés à partir de la méthode des composantes principales comme une autre façon d'élaborer les indices des types de culture. Une analyse de régression est effectuée entre les indices obtenus et le sexe du dirigeant, en tenant compte de diverses caractéristiques des entreprises. Il a été constaté que les entreprises gérées par des femmes ont tendance à être moins en accord avec les pratiques et les valeurs de la culture hiérarchique que les entreprises gérées par des hommes. Pour les trois autres types de culture organisationnelle, aucune différence significative n'a été constatée entre les entreprises dirigées par des hommes et celles dirigées par des femmes.Este documento estuda a relação entre a Cultura Organizacional e o género do gestor de pequenas e médias empresas na cidade de Cali (Colômbia). Foi realizado um inquérito a 364 gestores de empresas de diferentes sectores económicos. Seguindo o método Cameron-Quinn, são elaborados índices dos tipos de Cultura Organizacional: Clã, Adhocrática, Mercado e Hierárquica. Além disso, os índices são elaborados a partir do método dos componentes principais como uma forma alternativa de elaborar os índices dos tipos de cultura. É realizada uma análise de regressão entre os índices obtidos e o género do gestor, controlando para várias características das empresas. Constatou-se que as empresas geridas por mulheres tendem a concordar menos com as práticas e valores da Cultura Hierárquica do que as empresas geridas por homens. Para os outros 3 tipos de Cultura Organizacional, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as empresas lideradas por homens e mulheres

    A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing Virtual Learning Collaborative and Technical Assistance strategies to implement an early palliative care program for patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers: a study protocol

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    Background: Virtual Learning Collaboratives (VLC), learning communities focused on a common purpose, are used frequently in healthcare settings to implement best practices. Yet, there is limited research testing the effectiveness of this approach compared to other implementation strategies. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a VLC compared to Technical Assistance (TA) among community oncology practices implementing ENABLE (Educate, Nurture, Advise, Before Life Ends), an evidence-based, early palliative care telehealth, psycho-educational intervention for patients with newly diagnosed advanced cancer and their caregivers. Methods: Using Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) and Proctor’s Implementation Outcomes Frameworks, this two-arm hybrid type-III cluster-randomized controlled trial (RCT) will compare two implementation strategies, VLC versus TA, among the 48 National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) practice clusters that have not historically provided palliative care to all patients with advanced cancer. Three cohorts of practice clusters will be randomized to the study arms. Each practice cluster will recruit 15–27 patients and a family caregiver to participate in ENABLE. The primary study outcome is ENABLE uptake (patient level), i.e., the proportion of eligible patients who complete the ENABLE program (receive a palliative care assessment and complete the six ENABLE sessions over 12 weeks). The secondary outcome is overall program implementation (practice cluster level), as measured by the General Organizational Index at baseline, 6, and 12 months. Exploratory aims assess patient and caregiver mood and quality of life outcomes at baseline, 12, and 24 weeks. Practice cluster randomization will seek to keep the proportion of rural practices, practice sizes, and minority patients seen within each practice balanced across the two study arms. Discussion: This study will advance the field of implementation science by evaluating VLC effectiveness, a commonly used but understudied, implementation strategy. The study will advance the field of palliative care by building the capacity and infrastructure to implement an early palliative care program in community oncology practices. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov. NCT04062552; Pre-results. Registered: August 20, 2019. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04062552?term=NCT04062552&draw=2&rank=

    A Path Analysis of Latino Parental, Teenager and Cultural Variables in Teenagers' Sexual Attitudes, Norms, Self-Efficacy, and Sexual Intentions

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    ;;OBJETIVO:;; testar um modelo teórico com base na Expansão Parental da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado, examinando a relação entre pais selecionados, adolescentes e variáveis culturais e as intenções dos jovens latinos ao se envolverem com comportamento sexual.;;;;MÉTODO:;; um design correlacional de corte transversal baseado em uma análise de dados secundários de 130 pares de pais e adolescentes latinos.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; procedimentos de regressão e de análise de trajetória foram usados para testar sete hipóteses e os resultados demonstraram um apoio parcial para o modelo. O familismo parental e o conhecimento sobre sexo foram significativamente associados com as atitudes dos pais em relação a comunicação sexual com seus filhos. A aculturação dos pais latinos foi negativamente relacionada com sua auto-eficácia na comunicação sexual com os adolescentes e positivamente relacionada com suas normas subjetivas na comunicação sexual com os jovens. O conhecimento do adolescente sobre sexo foi consideravelmente associado com os mais altos níveis de suas atitudes e normas subjetivas sobre a comunicação sexual com seus pais. Apenas o preditor das atitudes dos adolescentes sobre ter relações sexuais nos próximos três meses foi significativamente associado com as intenções dos adolescentes em ter relações sexuais nos próximos 3 meses..;;;;CONCLUSÃO:;; os resultados deste estudo fornecem informações importantes para guiar pesquisas futuras que possam informar o desenvolvimento de intervenções para prevenir o comportamento sexual arriscado de adolescentes entre os latinos.;;;;OBJETIVO:;; poner a prueba un modelo teórico basado en " Parent-Based Expansion " y con base en la teoría del comportamiento planificado para examinar la relación entre los padres seleccionados, adolescente y variables culturales, como también en las intenciones de los adolescentes latinos a participar en el comportamiento sexual.;;;;MÉTODO:;; un diseño correlacional transversal basado en un análisis de datos secundarios de 130 padres latinos y sus diadas adolescentes.;;;;RESULTADOS:;; regresión y procedimientos de análisis camino se utilizaron para probar siete hipótesis y los resultados demostraron un apoyo parcial para el modelo. El familismo y el conocimiento sobre el sexo de padres se asociaron significativamente con las actitudes de los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con sus hijos adolescentes. La aculturación de los padres latinos fue negativamente asociada con la autoeficacia los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con los adolescentes y alteran asociados a normas subjetivas de los padres hacia la comunicación sexual con los adolescentes. Conocimiento del adolescente sobre el sexo fue significativamente asociado con niveles más altos de las actitudes y normas subjetivas acerca de la comunicación sexual con padres adolescentes. Sólo el predictor de actitudes de los adolescentes teniendo sexo en los próximos 3 meses se asoció significativamente con la intención de adolescentes tiene relaciones sexuales durante los próximos 3 meses.;;;;CONCLUSIÓN:;; los resultados de este estudio proporcionan información importante para orientar la investigación futura que puede informar al desarrollo de intervenciones para prevenir comportamiento sexual de riesgo entre los adolescentes latinos.;;;;OBJECTIVE:;; to test a theoretical model based on the Parent-Based Expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior examining relation between selected parental, teenager and cultural variables and Latino teenagers' intentions to engage in sexual behavior.;;;;METHOD:;; a cross-sectional correlational design based on a secondary data analysis of 130 Latino parent and teenager dyads.;;;;RESULTS:;; regression and path analysis procedures were used to test seven hypotheses and the results demonstrated partial support for the model. Parent familism and knowledge about sex were significantly associated with parents' attitudes toward sexual communication with their teenagers. Parent Latino acculturation was negatively associated with parents' self-efficacy toward sexual communication with their teenagers and positevely associated with parents' subjective norms toward sexual communication with their teenagers. Teenager knowledge about sex was significantly associated with higher levels of teenagers' attitudes and subjective norms about sexual communication with parents. Only the predictor of teenagers' attitudes toward having sex in the next 3 months was significantly associated with teenagers' intentions to have sex in the next 3 months.;;;;CONCLUSION:;; the results of this study provide important information to guide future research that can inform development of interventions to prevent risky teenager sexual behavior among Latinos.;

    VECTOS: An Integrated System for Monitoring Risk Factors Associated With Urban Arbovirus Transmission.

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    In Colombia, as in many Latin American countries, decision making and development of effective strategies for vector control of urban diseases such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya is challenging for local health authorities. The heterogeneity of transmission in urban areas requires an efficient risk-based allocation of resources to control measures. With the objective of strengthening the capacity of local surveillance systems to identify variables that favor urban arboviral transmission, a multidisciplinary research team collaborated with the local Secretary of Health officials of 3 municipalities in Colombia (Giron, Yopal, and Buga), in the design of an integrated information system called VECTOS from 2015 to 2018. Information and communication technologies were used to develop 2 mobile applications to capture entomological and social information, as well as a web-based system for the collection, geo-referencing, and integrated information analysis using free geospatial software. This system facilitates the capture and analysis of epidemiological information from the Colombian national surveillance system (SIVIGILA), periodic entomological surveys-mosquito larvae and pupae in premises and peridomestic breeding sites-and surveys of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) in a spatial and temporal context at the neighborhood level. The data collected in VECTOS are mapped and visualized in graphical reports. The system enables real-time monitoring of weekly epidemiological indicators, entomological indices, and social surveys. Additionally, the system enables risk stratification of neighborhoods, using selected epidemiological, entomological, demographic, and environmental variables. This article describes the VECTOS system and the lessons learned during its development and use. The joint analysis of epidemiological and entomological data within a geographic information system in VECTOS gives better insight to the routinely collected data and identifies the heterogeneity of risk factors between neighborhoods. We expect the system to continue to strengthen vector control programs in evidence-based decision making and in the design and enhanced follow-up of vector control strategies

    A review of the literature on the use of probiotics to treat irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease

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    Introducción: el síndrome de intestino irritable (SII) y la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII), son motivos de consulta frecuente. Usualmente su tratamiento se hace en primer nivel de atención, con ajuste de estilo de vida y cambios dietéticos. Los tratamientos farmacológicos tienen eficacia limitada e importantes efectos secundarios, por lo que existe un interés creciente en terapias diferentes, como el uso de probióticos. Métodos: se realizó una revisión de la literatura en las bases de datos Medline y Embase buscando estudios que asociaran suplementos nutricionales con SII o EII, haciendo énfasis en probióticos. Resultados: de un total de 1598 referencias, 43 cumplieron criterios finales de inclusión. El uso de probióticos en SII y EII sugiere ser una terapia que ayuda a mantener los períodos de remisión de la enfermedad, mejorar la calidad de vida y atenuar el proceso fisiopatológico. Conclusiones: el uso de probióticos y prebióticos podría ser una alternativa de soporte nutricional en pacientes seleccionados.Q4Revisión de tema141-149Introduction: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are frequent reasons for medical consultation. Usually they are treated at the first level of attention with adjustment of lifestyle and dietary changes. Pharmacological treatments have limited efficacy and significant side effects, so there is growing interest in other therapies such as the use of probiotics. Methods: This is literature review of studies associating nutritional supplements with IBS or IBD that have an emphasis on probiotics and which found in the Medline and Embase databases. Results: Of a total of 1,598 references, 43 met the final inclusion criteria. The use of probiotics in IBS and IBD suggests a therapy that helps maintain periods of disease remission, improvement of quality of life and attenuation of the pathophysiological process. Conclusions: The use of probiotics and prebiotics could be alternative nutritional support for selected patients

    The Project ENABLE Cornerstone Randomized Controlled Trial: Study Protocol for a Lay Navigator-led, Early Palliative Care Coaching Intervention for African American and Rural-dwelling Advanced Cancer Family Caregivers

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    Background: Family caregivers play a vital, yet stressful role in managing the healthcare needs and optimizing the quality of life of patients with advanced cancer, from the time they are newly diagnosed until end of life. While early telehealth palliative care has been found to effectively support family caregivers, little work has focused on historically under-resourced populations, particularly African American and rural-dwelling individuals. To address this need, we developed and are currently testing Project ENABLE (Educate, Nurture, Advise, Before Life Ends) Cornerstone, a lay navigator-led, early palliative care coaching intervention for family caregivers of African American and rural-dwelling patients with newly diagnosed advanced cancer.Methods: This is a 2-site, single-blind, hybrid type I implementation-effectiveness trial of the Cornerstone intervention versus usual care. Cornerstone is a multicomponent intervention based on Pearlin’s Stress-Health Process Model where African American and/or rural-dwelling family caregivers of patients with newly diagnosed advanced cancer (target sample size = 294 dyads) are paired with a lay navigator coach and receive a series of six, brief 20–60-min telehealth sessions focused on stress management and coping, caregiving skills, getting help, self-care, and preparing for the future/advance care planning. Subsequent to core sessions, caregivers receive monthly follow-up indefinitely until the patient’s death. Caregiver and patient outcomes are collected at baseline and every 12 weeks until the patient’s death (primary outcome: caregiver distress at 24 weeks; secondary outcomes: caregiver: quality of life and burden; patient: distress, quality of life, and healthcare utilization). Implementation costs and the intervention cost effectiveness are also being evaluated.Discussion: Should this intervention demonstrate efficacy, it would yield an implementation-ready model of early palliative care support for under-resourced family caregivers. A key design principle that has centrally informed the Cornerstone intervention is that every caregiving situation is unique and each caregiver faces distinct challenges that cannot be addressed using a one-size-fits all approach. Hence, Cornerstone employs culturally savvy lay navigator coaches who are trained to establish a strong, therapeutic alliance with participants and tailor their coaching to a diverse range of individual circumstances

    Availability of Family Caregiver Programs in Us Cancer Centers

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    IMPORTANCE: Family caregivers provide the majority of health care to the 18 million patients with cancer in the US. Yet despite providing complex medical and nursing care, a large proportion of caregivers report no formal support or training. In recognition of this gap, many interventions to support cancer caregivers have been developed and tested over the past 2 decades. However, there are few system-level data on whether US cancer centers have adopted and implemented these interventions. OBJECTIVE: to describe and characterize the availability of family caregiver support programs in US cancer centers. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional national survey study was conducted between September 1, 2021, and April 30, 2023. Participants comprised clinical and administrative staff of Commission on Cancer-accredited US cancer centers. Data analysis was performed in May and June 2023. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Survey questions about the availability of 11 types of family caregiver programs (eg, peer mentoring, education classes, and psychosocial programs) were developed after literature review, assessment of similar program evaluation surveys, and discussions among a 13-member national expert advisory committee. Family caregiver programs were defined as structured, planned, and coordinated groups of activities and procedures aimed at specifically supporting family caregivers as part of usual care. Survey responses were tabulated using standard descriptive statistics, including means, proportions, and frequencies. RESULTS: Of the surveys sent to potential respondents at 971 adult cancer centers, 238 were completed (response rate, 24.5%). After nonresponse weight adjustment, most cancer centers (75.4%) had at least 1 family caregiver program; 24.6% had none. The most common program type was information and referral services (53.6%). Cancer centers with no programs were more likely to have smaller annual outpatient volumes (χ2 = 11.10; P = .011). Few centers had caregiver programs on training in medical and/or nursing tasks (21.7%), caregiver self-care (20.2%), caregiver-specific distress screening (19.3%), peer mentoring (18.9%), and children caregiving for parents (8.3%). Very few programs were developed from published evidence in a journal (8.1%). The top reason why cancer centers selected their programs was community members requesting the program (26.3%); only 12.3% of centers selected their programs based on scientific evidence. Most programs were funded by the cancer center or hospital (58.6%) or by philanthropy (42.4%). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this survey study, most cancer centers had family caregiver programs; however, a quarter had none. Furthermore, the scope of programming was limited and rarely evidence based, with few centers offering caregiving education and training. These findings suggest that implementation strategies are critically needed to foster uptake of evidence-based caregiver interventions