2,641 research outputs found

    Effect of Addition of Protein Fish Concentrates Cork (Channa Striata) on Donuts Against Consumer Acceptance

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    This research was aimed to determine the effect of addition of snakehead fish (Channa striata) protein concentrate on donut so that the correct amount of addition of catfish protein concentrate was obtained on donut processing which preferred by consumers. The methode used in this research was experimental methode, with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) non factorial and 4 levels of treatment i.e., D1 (without addition of catfish protein concentrate), D2 (5% of catfish protein concentrate), D3 (10% of catfish protein concentrate), and D4 (15% of catfish protein concentrate) Parameter in test is acceptance of consumer test organoleptic (appearance, flavor, texture, aroma), and proximate analysis (water, protein, fat, and ash content The result of this research is the addition of 50g fish cork protein concentrate with the value of consumer acceptance to the likes (93.75%), the taste value (97.5%), the texture value (98.75%), and the aroma value (97.5%), With a water content of 21.37%, 9.78% protein content, 19.41% fat content, ash content 8.35%. Keywors: Donuts, KPI cork, donut KPI cork consumer acceptanc

    Special based isolation system for low-rise RC building

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    In the past decade, there were a lot of seismic activities around the world that cause low rise reinforced concrete suffered severe damage and total collapse. A special based isolation system can be equipped to the low rise building to prevent it from damaged and collapse by improving the period, stiffness and damping of the structures. The based isolation system can increase the natural period of a rigid structure under first mode shape by applying low stiffness rubber isolators. These method can provide a better structural behaviour of low rise RC building as compared to moderate or high stiffness rubber isolators. Furthermore, the special based isolation system with maximum damping of 15% for 4 storey and 6 storey RC building. However, the value of optimum damping depends upon the characteristics of ground motions and frequencies of the earthquakes

    Characterization of erbium doped photonic crystal fiber

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    Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are a new emerging research area, and have been undergoing rapid development in recent years due to their unique and excellent optical properties and features. Studies on the characteristics of various types of PCFs have been reported. However, characterization on erbium-doped PCF has not previously been investigated. Therefore, in this paper, we have modeled an erbium-doped core PCF which has 7 rings of hexagonal air holes. The PCF structure, with a perfectly matched layer (PML), is modeled and simulated using Finite Element Method (FEM) via COMSOL software. The PML is optimized by varying the radius and thickness of the layer. Modal properties of the PCF have been investigated in terms of its effective index of the supported fundamental mode, confinement loss and thickness of the perfectly matched layer. This erbium-doped PCF has a confinement loss of 1.0E-6 at 1500 nm and a maximum effective refractive index of 1.476. This paper gathers useful data, which could be used for studying the characteristics of a PCF

    Analisis Potensi Ekonomi Sektoral pada Empat Kabupaten di Pulau Madura

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the pattern of the economy, the advanced sector/subsector on each district, and determining the growth center on the Madura Island. The analysis tools that are used in this research are Typology Klassen, Location Quotient (LQ), and analysis of gravity. The research concluded there are four (4) patterns of economic growth on four districts in the Madura Island. An area that "fast advance and grow" is Bangkalan, “the advanced but depressed" is Sumenep, the "growing fast" is Pamekasan, and the "relatively low" is district Sampan

    Effects Of Anthropogenic Activity On Stream Water Quality In Langsa, Aceh

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    Increased human activity towards the water bodies will change the condition of water quality. Case study in Langsa, Aceh, It was found that an increase in Some physical parameter (TSS) that exceeds the value determined in PP 82 of 2001 (Indonesian government standard). The high value of TSS in Station 2 and Station 3 indicates that the sediment loading to the water body is high, especially in Station 3, where the TSS concentrations far exceed the standard. Activity of type C surface mining materials tends to affect the brightness, turbidity, depth and TSS. Water conditions with low pH were also found in this study. In location studied no EPT larvae were foun

    Deteksi Antibodi terhadap Mycoplasma gallisepticum pada Serum Ayam dengan Pengujian Serologi Rapid Serum Agglutination (RSA), Kit ELISA Komersil dan inhouseELISA

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    Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) adalah bakteri penyebab penyakit pernapasan kronis pada ayam yang sering disebut sebagai chronic respiratory disease (CRD) dan infectious sinusitis pada kalkun. Kerugian akibat infeksi MG pada industri perunggasan di dunia mencapai lebih dari US $ 780 juta setiap tahun. Deteksi dini dan monitoring secara berkelanjutan sangat dibutuhkan dari hulu yakni hatchery sampai ke hilir di peternakan komersil. Di Indonesia kasus CRD maupun CRD kompleks sampai saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan di peternakan-peternakan ayam. Keberadaan MG dapat dideteksi dengan cara isolasi organisme atau deteksi DNA dari jaringan yang terinfeksi atau sampel swab atau dengan menggunakan pengujian serologi untuk diagnosis penyakit ini. Jenis pengujian serologi yang sudah umum dilakukan adalah dengan Rapid Serum Agglutination (RSA), Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) dan Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status antibodi ayam dari beragam kondisi di lapangan dengan uji RSA, ELISA komersil dan inhouseELISA (iELISA). Pengujian serologi dengan menggunakan 3 jenis pengujian memberikan hasil yang berbeda dalam mendeteksi antibodi terhadap MG pada sampel serum ayam dengan status yang bervariasi. Kit ELISA komersil lebih sensitif dalam mendeteksi antibodi terhadap MG, sehingga pengujian ini memberikan hasil positif paling banyak


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    This study was aimed at measuring and comparing the activity concentration of soil samples collected from some selected hand – dug wells with their corresponding depths of collection in Abeokuta metropolis. Total of twenty (20) soil samples were collected from hand-dug wells in five sites (Obada, Adigbe, Kuto, Olorunsogo, and Obantoko) within Abeokuta with four (4) soil samples from each hand-dug well at the surface, (0.0m) through to 2.25m depth. Gamma ray spectroscopy with High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector was used for the measurements. The average activity concentrations obtained for the three natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in Bq/Kg are 34.31 ± 2.01, 128.73 ± 4.41 and 152.31 ± 2.59 respectively at depth 0.00 m (surface), 23.00 ± 1.61, 68.39 ± 3.24 and 191.08 ± 3.11 respectively at depth 0.75 m, 31.52 ± 2.21, 145.37± 4.95 and 375.56 ± 5.50 respectively at 1.50 m and lastly 28.57±1.70, 95.61 ± 3.71 and 181.10 ± 3.94 respectively at 2.25 m depth. The world average activity concentrations for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K are given to be 35 Bqkg-1, 30 Bqkg-1 and 400 Bqkg-1 respectively (UNSCEAR 2000). 232Th showed  higher average values than the world’s average while averages of 226Ra and 40K were lower but most of the activity concentration values obtained in some of the locations are higher than the world’s average values, especially 226Raand 232Th in the soil samples.

    Molecular epidemiology of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in Jericho and its vicinity in Palestine from 1994 to 2015

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    Cutaneous leishmaniases (CL) are vector-borne parasitic diseases endemic inmany countries of the Middle East including Palestine. Between 1994 and 2015, 2160 clinically suspected human cases of CL from the Jericho District were examined. Stained skin tissue smears and aspirates were checked by microscopy and cultured for promastigotes, respectively. For leishmanial species identification, amplification products from a PCR-ITS1 followed by RFLP analysis using Hae III. Data were analyzed using Epi Info free-software. The overall infection rate was 41.4% (895/2160), 56.3% (504/895) of the cases were male, 43.7% (391/895) female, 60.5% (514/849) children under age 14, 41.3% (259/627) of the cases were caused by Leishmania major and 57.3% (359/627) by Leishmania tropica. The case numbers peaked in 1995, 2001, 2004, and 2012. Statistically-significant clusters of cases caused by L. major were restricted to the Jericho District; those caused by L. tropica were from the districts of Jericho, Bethlehem, Nablus and Tubas. CL is seasonal and trails the sand fly season. Distribution of cases was parabolicwith fewest in July. Themonthly total number of cases of CL and just those caused by L.major correlated significantly with temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, evaporation, wind speed and sunshine (P b 0.05, r2= 0.7–0.9 and P b 0.05, r2=0.5–0.8, respectively). Cases caused by L. tropica, significantly, had a single lesion compared to cases caused by L. major (P=0.0001), which, significantly, had multiple lesions (P=0.0001). This and previous studies showed that CL is present in all Palestinian districts. The surveillance of CL has increased public awareness and molecular biologicalmethodology for leishmanial species identification is an essential addition to classical diagnosis. The overall results are discussed, correlated to climatic and environmental changes and largescale human activities.This work received financial support from grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Scho 448/6-1-3, Scho 448/8-1, Scho 448/8-2 that extended from 1998 until 2015. It also received support fromEurNegVeg COST Action TD1303 (Cost 037/13). At one time during the study WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), Division of Communicable Diseases (DCD) and the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR): the EMRO/DCD/TDR Small Grants Scheme for Operational Research in Tropical and Communicable Diseases financially supported this work. We thank Dr. L. F. Schnur for going over our manuscript

    Hollow-core photonic crystal fiber refractive index sensor based on modal interference

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    A refractive index sensor based modal interference in hollow core photonic crystal fiber (HCPCF) is proposed and demonstrated. The sensor is realized by splicing both ends of a HCPCF section to single mode fiber (SMF). At both splicing points, the HCPCF air holes are fully collapsed by the arc discharge. The collapsed regions excite and recombine core and cladding modes which formed modal interference for sensing purpose. The HCPCF sensor is tested in sugar solution and the response is measured from the wavelength shift in the interference spectra. The achieved sensitivity and resolution are 36.184 nm/RIU and 5.53-10-4 RIU, respectively, in refractive index range between 1.3330 and 1.3775. Result also shows that the sensor has a small temperature sensitivity of 19 pm/°C in the range of 35.5°C to 60.5 °C. The propos sensor potentially can be applied in biomedical, biological and chemical applications

    Refractive index sensor based on lateral-offset of coreless silica interferometer

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    A compact, cost-effective and high sensitivity fiber interferometer refractive index (RI) sensor based on symmetrical offset coreless silica fiber (CSF) configuration is proposed, optimized and demonstrated. The sensor is formed by splicing a section of CSF between two CSF sections in an offset manner. Thus, two distinct optical paths are created with large index difference, the first path through the connecting CSF sections and the second path is outside the CSF through the surrounding media. RI sensing is established from direct interaction of light with surrounding media, hence high sensitivity can be achieved with a relatively compact sensor length. In the experimental work, a 1.5 mm sensor demonstrates RI sensitivity of 750 nm/RIU for RI range between 1.33 and 1.345. With the main attributes of high sensitivity and compact size, the proposed sensor can be further developed for related applications including blood diagnosis, water quality control and food industries
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