1,049 research outputs found

    Penentuan Kriteria Fisik Pekerja Yang Sesuai Untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja Pada Stasiun Blow Moulding Dengan Pendekatan Fisiologi Kerja (Studi Kasus PT ”X” Indonesia)

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    Ide dasar dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas kerjastasiun blow moulding di PT. X dengan menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja yang sesuai dengan beban kerjadan karakteristik pekerjaan yang dihadapi. Tahap pertama adalah mengidentifikasi apakah beban kerjapara pekerja saat ini sudah sesuai dengan kapasitas individu masing-masing pekerja. Metode yangdigunakan adalah metode AAMA di mana beban kerja dan kapasitas kerja dilihat dari sisi fisiologis, yaitukebutuhan energi untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan (kcal/menit) dan energi yang mampu dihasilkan olehmasing-masing pekerja. Tahap berikutnya adalah menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja yang sesuai dengankarakteristik pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Kriteria fisik pekerja mencakup faktor-faktor jenis kelamin, usiadan dimensi tubuh (tinggi dan berat). Pertimbangan dalam menentukan kriteria fisik pekerja adalahEstimate Energy Requirement (EER), kapasitas individu masing-masing pekerja, dan ketelitian sertakerapian pekerja. Dari hasil uji coba diperoleh kriteria fisik pekerja yang mampu memenuhi targetproduktivitas yang ditetapkan oleh Perusahaan adalah : wanita, rentang usia antara 22 sampai 25 tahun,berat 40 sampai 60 kg dan tinggi 160 sampai 180 cm.Kata kunci : beban kerja, Estimate Energy Requirement, AAMA, kriteria fisik pekerja, produktivitaskerja. The basic idea of this research is to improve work productivity at blowmoulding division in PT.X. by finding worker physical criteria which suitable with workload and work characteristics. The firststep is to check a suitability of workload and individual capacity of current workers using AAMAmethodology. AAMA methodology is work physiology measurement tool that compare task energyrequirement and individual work capacity. The next step is to decide worker physical criteria that fit withwork characteristics. Worker physical criteria including factors such as sex, age and body dimension(height and weight). The research considered Estimate Energy Requirement (EER), individual capacity,accuracy and tidiness of worker as work characteristics. The result of this studies show that the workerphysical criteria that comply with the companies targets are : female, age between 22-25 years, weightbetween 40-60 kg and height between 160-180 cm

    Factors affecting job satisfaction at Hyundai – Sime Darby Motors Sdn. Bhd. / Nora Hazwani Azmi

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    This study is aimed to test the relationship of employees’ empowerment, employees’ training and teamwork on job satisfaction in a private sector organization, Hyundai – Sime Darby Motors (HSDM) Sdn. Bhd. at Shah Alam. This relationship was examined based on independent variables which are employees’ empowerment, employees’ training and teamwork. This study used quantitative method whereby set of questionnaires are used to collect the data. There were 66 respondents. The data analyses in this study were analysed using IBM SPSS statistics software. Descriptive statistics were used to measure relationship between employees’ empowerment, employees’ training, teamwork and job satisfaction. Meanwhile, testing of means analysis, Pearson Coefficient and multiple regression analysis were performed to examine the relationship between employees’ empowerment, employees’ training, teamwork and job satisfaction. Results indicate that there is a strong significant relationship between employees’ empowerment, employees’ training, teamwork and job satisfaction. The discussions of study implications and future research will be explained at the end of this study

    Rancangan Model Konseptual denganTheory of Contraints untuk Menyeimbangkan Lini Produksi dan Meningkatkan Output pada Industri Komponen Otomotif

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    Nowadays, competition among manufaktur industries is increasing rapidly. This competition causes similar industries to compete, including the automotive component industry. To win the competition, the automotive component manufaktur industry must carry out various repair methods. Improvements made include managing inventory, scheduling, delivery, quality management and eliminating waste. Based on observations, problems that often occur in the automotive component manufaktur industry are not achieving production output and unbalanced production lines so that problems such as waste and bootleneck arise. The purpose of this research is to design a model on the production line to increase production output and balance the production line. The method used to analyze and solve this problem is to design a conceptual model of Theory of Constraints (ToC). This method interprets structured and systematic stages to solve problems in the manufaktur industry. Based on the analysis, the results of this study produce a generic model that can be used in the automotive component industry. The models offered can increase production output, balance workloads and eliminate waste

    Penalaan Parameter Pengendali PID untuk Pengendalian Kecepatan Motor Arus Searah Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Genetika dan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    Dalam pemodelan dan pemecahan suatu masalah, banyak yang mendapatkan kesulitan dalam menemukan sebuah metode untuk melakukan pendekatan terhadap suatu masalah yang lebih optimal dan efisien. Beberapa metode telah dikembangkan untuk dapat digunakan dalam pemecahan berbagai permasalahan. Sebagian besar metode tersebut menerapkan prinsip probabilitas yang dianggap dapat meminimalisasi kesalahan. Pada penelitian ini dipergunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan untuk menentukan parameter peluang pindah silang (Pc) dan peluang mutasi (Pm) yang terdapat pada Algoritma Genetika untuk menentukan parameter pengendali Proportional Integral Derivative (PID). Penelitian ini mengambil objek motor arus searah. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil terbaik pada populasi 100 dengan parameter PID yaitu Kp bernilai 1.0309, Ki bernilai 25.9346 dan Kd bernilai 0.0186, dimana nilai fitnes terbaik, yaitu 0.22443 pada generasi ke 64, dengan nilai fitnes rata-rata 11.6918. Respon sistem yang dihasilkan juga tidak memiliki overshot, tidak memiliki peak time,  settling time 0.345 detik, dan rise time 10-90% sebesar 0.10977 detik. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa penggunaan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan yang dikombinasikan dengan Algoritma Genetika dalam menentukan parameter pengendali PID cukup berhasil

    Identifikasi Resiko Ergonomi Pada Pekerja Di PT. Asaba Industry

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi resiko ergonomi pada pekerja di PT. Asaba Industry yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan sendok dimana sebagian besar proses produksi dilakukan secara manual. Penelitian dilakukan melalui tahapan sebagai berikut : 1) mengidentifikasi stasiun kerja yang paling bermasalah menggunakan survey QEC; 2) mencari faktor penyebab ketidaknyamanan kerja; 3) mengidentifikasi area tubuh yang dikeluhkan sakit oleh pekerja menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map; 4) melakukan pengukuran denyut jantung pekerja untuk menghitung konsumsi energi dan konsumsi oksigen; dan 5) mengidentifikasi aktivitas pada stasiun kerja yang paling bermasalah menggunakan tool pada ERGOWEBâ JET dan RULA. Hasil perhitungan berdasarkan survey QEC menunjukkan bahwa stasiun kerja yang terdapat pada PT. Asaba Industry rata – rata mempunyai nilai Percent Exposure Level yang tinggi (96,09%). Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan diagram Ishikawa, dapat diketahui bahwa pada bagian gerinda operator bekerja dengan kurang nyaman. Adapun penyebab utama timbulnya ketidaknyamanan bersumber pada posisi kerja operator yang kurang nyaman, peralatan/fasilitas kerja yang kurang memadai dan tidak ergonomis, sehingga menimbulkan metode kerja yang kurang baik. Berdasarkan kuesioner Nordic Body Map diketahui bahwa keluhan yang banyak diderita para pekerja adalah pada leher bagian atas, pinggang, dan bokong, dan lutut sebelah kiri. Hasil pengukuran denyut jantung menunjukkan bahwa ketiga operator memiliki tren denyut jantung yang hampir sama. Pengukuran konsumsi energi menunjukkan rata-rata operator berada pada level heavy work. Stasiun kerja gerinda dengan aktivitas mengangkat pallet berdasarkan rekomendasi dari NIOSH, diharuskan untuk dilakukan pengawasan secara teknikal. Kata kunci : resiko ergonomi, Percent Exposure Level, pengawasan secara teknikal This study aims to identify the ergonomics\u27 risk in PT. Asaba Industry deals with the production of spoon where the majority of the production process is done manually. This research is done through the following phases: 1) identify the most problematic work station using QEC survey, 2) explore factors that causes work inconvenience, 3) identify the areas of the body which is complained by workers, using the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, 4) do the measurement of worker\u27s heart rate to calculate the consumption of energy and oxygen, and 5) identify the activities in the most problematic work station using tool of ERGOWEB ® JET and RULA. The Calculation\u27s result based on the QEC survey shows that work stations that are on the PT. Asaba Industry, in average, have a high Percent Exposure Level\u27s value (96.09%). Then, by using the Ishikawa diagram, it can be known that operator work with less convenient in the grindstone department. The main cause of the occurrence of this inconvenience brought on the less convenient position, less ergonomic and inadequate equipment / facilities, then finally cause a less work methods. Based on the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, it has been noted that the most complains that the workers suffered are at the top of the neck, waist, and buttocks, and the left knee. The result from the heart rate measurement shows that three operators have an almost the same heart rate trend. The measurement of the energy consumption shows that operator averagely on the level of heavy work services. The activity of lifting pallet in the grindstone work station recommended by NIOSH, are required to do the technical supervision

    Perancangan Kursi Pada Stasiun Kerja Gerinda Di PT Asaba Industry

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang fasilitas kerja berupa kursi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya/posisinya sesuai dengan posisi tubuh pekerja pada stasiun kerja gerinda untuk aktivitas menggerinda di PT Asaba Industry. Perancangan dilakukan melalui 4 tahapan yaitu : 1) identifikasi kebutuhan ; 2) menetapkan target dan spesifikasi; 3) mendesain rancangan kursi; dan 4) memilih rancangan kursi. Pada tahap desain rancangan kursi diperoleh 64 rancangan, sedangkan hasil dari screening rancangan menunjukkan hanya 10 rancangan yang dapat dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut. Dari 10 rancangan terdapat 3 rancangan kursi yang terpilih melalui scoring sebagai alternatif yaitu rancangan 26,27 dan 28. Dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) yang melibatkan para expert, yaitu Manejer Perusahaan, Pengawas Lantai Produksi dan pekerja pada bagian stasiun kerja gerinda diperoleh rancangan kursi yang terpilih adalah rancangan 28, yaitu kursi dengan bahan rangka besi, bahan dudukan kursi menggunakan busa, kaki kursi dapat diatur ketinggiannya, lengan kursi tidak ada, letak tempat peralatan kerja menempel pada dudukan kursi, dan memiliki pijakan kaki yang dapat diatur posisinya dengan bobot 48,1495 %. Adapun kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan adalah kemudahan penggunaan, bahan, disain, Kenyamanan, keamanan, dan biaya pembuatan.Kata Kunci : screening, scoring, Fuzzy AHP This study aims to design facilities of seats that can be set height / position with the position of the body workers working on the station to activity in PT. Industry Asaba. The design is done through 4 stages, namely: 1) Identify the needs: 2) Setting targets and specifications 3) Design chair design: and 4) Selecting a design chair. At the design stage of the design obtained 64 seats design, while the results of the draft bahwahanya 10 shows the design that can be considered further. 10 of the draft there are 3 chair design that was selected through a scoring as an alternative design, namely 26.27 and 28. By using the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP), which involve the expert, the Company Manager, Floor Supervisor Produksidan workers at the iron in order, the holder of the seat foam, seat legs can be adjusted height, arm chair does not exist, the disposition of equipment stick to the seat holder and have feet that can be arranged with the position weight 48.1495%. The criteria used in selection is ease of use, materials, design, comfort, safety, and cost of making

    Pendampingan Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi di PT. Ganding Toolsindo

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    Achieving production targets is the goal of all companies, especially manufacturing companies. PT Ganding Toolsindo is an automotive component manufacturing company that aims to provide a high level of service and is committed to its clients, so achieving production targets is essential. However, it is unfortunate that there are still problems regarding the non-fulfillment of production targets. In addition, issues regarding rusty raw materials and waste also occur there. The cause of this problem is the advantages and disadvantages of raw materials because production planning and control have not been appropriately implemented. Therefore, this Community Service (PkM) aims to assist partners in solving these problems through training, production planning, and control assistance. The PkM series is carried out with a preliminary survey, material preparation, training, and mentoring. The material given in this PkM activity is about "Introduction to Production Planning and Control" and "Production Planning and Control Systems for Make to Order (MTO) Type Companies.” In addition, assistance is provided to solve problems that are the company's focus, namely making Side Tube part products by making dual kanban for the parts. Based on the evaluation results, this PkM activity has been carried out well and received a positive response from PkM partners, namely PT. Ganding Toolsindo.Achieving production targets is the goal of all companies, especially manufacturing companies. PT Ganding Toolsindo is an automotive component manufacturing company that aims to provide a high level of service and is committed to its clients, so achieving production targets is essential. However, it is unfortunate that there are still problems regarding the non-fulfillment of production targets. In addition, issues regarding rusty raw materials and waste also occur there. The cause of this problem is the advantages and disadvantages of raw materials because production planning and control have not been appropriately implemented. Therefore, this Community Service (PkM) aims to assist partners in solving these problems through training, production planning, and control assistance. The PkM series is carried out with a preliminary survey, material preparation, training, and mentoring. The material given in this PkM activity is about "Introduction to Production Planning and Control" and "Production Planning and Control Systems for Make to Order (MTO) Type Companies.” In addition, assistance is provided to solve problems that are the company's focus, namely making Side Tube part products by making dual kanban for the parts. Based on the evaluation results, this PkM activity has been carried out well and received a positive response from PkM partners, namely PT. Ganding Toolsindo

    Proposed Design of Assistant Tools to Reduce the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDS) Operator of Weaving Work Station CV XYZ

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    The weaving operator of CV XYZ has an unergonomic work posture with a bent back and unbalanced legs at work. This non-ergonomic condition was identified by using the Nordic Body Map questionnaire to find out complaints on 28 body parts of three operators. From the identification of weaving operators using a nordic body map, it is known that there are complaints on the back, waist, and hips of the body. Identification using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment method shows that the final result of the assessment is 11, which means that there is a need for improvement now on the operator's work posture. The results of the QEC method show an exposure score of 97.12% for operator 3 and the action that must be taken is research and changes now. To reduce the risk of high work posture, a proposal for improving the working posture of the weaving machine set up operator was formulated by designing a manual scissor lift tool. In the process of designing tools, Indonesian anthropometric data is needed. The stages of designing tools are identifying operator needs, conceptualizing tools using a need metric matrix, selecting tools concepts with combination tables and scoring concepts and describing the design of tools using AutoCAD and CATIA software. From the results of the selection of several alternative concepts, a tool in the form of a manual scissor lift was chosen which has a combination of elements, namely a square working platform design, using 2 hydraulics and raw materials made of steel. Meanwhile, the manual scissor lift specification has a maximum height of 85 cm, a footing length of 70 cm and a footing width of 46 cm. It is known that before the proposed improvement, the final result of the REBA score was 11 and after the improvement the final result of the REBA score was 4 which indicates that the operator's work posture has improved after using the assistive device, especially in the arms, legs and back of the operato

    Pelatihan Pengendalian Risiko pada Keselamatan Kerja di Jasa Binatu

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    Laundry services are essential to support other industries, such as tourism and health. Hospitals, hotels, and restaurants are customers of the laundry industry. Occupational health and safety risks in the laundry sector have become a government concern through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia issuing the Hospital Laundry Ergonomics Guide. This activity aims to provide knowledge regarding occupational safety risk control for the laundry service industry. Workers in this sector face risks of ergonomics and chemical hazards. Ergonomics risk comes from lifting and transporting linen material in sorting, washing, and drying activities up to the final process. Workers need to be given the insight to care about safety and how to control the hazards they face. By carrying out this activity, it is hoped that participants will become more aware of occupational safety risk control to improve their quality of life.Layanan binatu sangat penting sebagai penunjang industri lain seperti industri pariwisata dan kesehatan. Rumah sakit, hotel, dan restoran adalah pelanggan dari industri binatu. Risiko kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di bidang binatu menjadi perhatian pemerintah melalui Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dengan diterbitkannya Panduan Ergonomi Laundry Rumah Sakit. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada pengelola dan pekerja jasa binatu mengenai pengendalian risiko keselamatan kerja. Pekerja di sektor ini menghadapi risiko bahaya ergonomi dan kimia. Risiko ergonomi berasal dari kegiatan angkat dan angkut material linen pada aktivitas sortir, pencucian, pengeringan sampai dengan proses akhirnya. Pekerja perlu diberikan wawasan untuk peduli pada keselamatan dan bagaimana mengendalikan bahaya yang dihadapinya. Dengan dilaksanakannya kegiatan ini, diperoleh hasil pengabdian bahwa peserta menjadi lebih memahami pengendalian risiko keselamatan kerja, sehingga kualias hidup mereka dapat meningkat


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    Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) merupakan model bisnis untuk menggunakanpihak ketiga sebagai subkontraktor atau pemasok bagian-bagian tertentu dalam rangka integrasiproduk akhir. Pemasok OEM platform dibagi beberapa tingkatan. Pemasok tingkatan 1 (tier 1) adalahpemasok yang terbesar, tier 1 memproduksi barang yang penting untuk perusahaan OEM. PerusahaanOEM 1st tier tidak terlepas dari waste yang ada di perusahaan itu sendiri. Studi kasus dilakukan padaperusahaan manufaktur OEM supplier tier 1 yang memproduksi brake untuk kendaraan roda 2 (twowheels). Besarnya kuantitas permintaan dari produsen sepeda motor (OEM) dan varian modelnya,serta masih terdapat loss genba (waste) di shop-floor, dan adanya cost reduction yearly dariperusahaan OEM. Maka, perlu dibuat sebuah model atau sistem untuk meningkatkan kinerjaperusahaan. Model yang dibuat berdasarkan prinsip lean yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi ataumenghilangkan waste pada proses manufaktur dengan tools Objective Matrix (OMAX), Value StreamMapping (VSM), Eliminate-Combine-Rearrange-Simplify (ECRS) dimana goal akhir adalahpeningkatan kinerja (produktivitas) perusahaan. Part yang dipilih untuk improvement adalah linemachining master cylinder 5P0, dengan nilai produktivitas dasar OMAX adalah 300. Dilakukananalisa dengan VSM sebagai visualisasi waste yang terdapat pada shop-floor saat ini. Diperoleh wasteyakni motion, over process dan waiting. Setelah dilakukan analisis waste yang ada, berikutnya adalahmelakukan perbaikan menggunakan pendekatan ECRS. Perbaikan dilakukan menggunakanpendekatan ECRS. Hasil yang diperoleh gap waktu standar sebelum dan sesudah adalah 8.29 detik(atau turun sebesar 17%). Perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah eliminate proses facing machining,combine tool burrytori, rearrange penempatan material, simplify penempatan air minum di line.ECRS menunjukkan hasil menaikkan nilai produktivitas di bulan berikutnya sebesar 432, 959, 334,770, 921, 959. Hasil lainnya adalah 4 bulan setelah aktivitas, line machining untuk kebutuhan mastercylinder 5P0 yang sebelumnya menggunakan 6 line direduksi menjadi 5 line (reduksi 1 line). Darihasil pengujian T-test terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai produktivitas dasar terhadapnilai produktivitas setelah perbaikan
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