47 research outputs found


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    Background and Purpose: Islam is a way of life that needs to be practised in all areas of Muslims’ life. Thus, Islamic education should be developed in the community of its people beginning at the early stage of childhood. Religiosity is related to the effectiveness of education obtained by a person. Muallaf is a group of people who have just embraced Islam that needs to be guided and educated so that they can truly practice the teachings of Islam. The aim of this study is to explain the effectiveness of Islamic education on the Islamic religiosity of Muallaf.   Methodology: This qualitative study used an interview approach on a total of 25 Muallaf from 5 zones, namely the North Zone (Kedah), East Coast (Terengganu), West Coast (Selangor), South (Johor) and Sabah (East Malaysia). In addition, interviews with four (4) figures who are directly involved in the management of Muallaf were also conducted.   Findings: The results of the study highlighted several aspects emphasized in the Islamic education of Muallaf which are the basics of faith, prayer education, implementation of fasting, reciting the Qur’an and the issues that concerned Islamic behavior. Muallaf needs to spend a certain period to improve themselves as a true Muslim. Conclusion and Contributions: The results of this study are significant in disclosing the real situation of Muallaf in Malaysia and providing information to certain parties to conduct further research.   Keywords: Islamic education, religiosity, management, Muallaf.   Cite as: Awang, A., Che Mat, A., Musa, R., & Abdul Ghani, R. (2023). The effects of Islamic education on religiosity among Muallaf students in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(1), 290-309. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss1pp290-30

    The relationship of brand marketing communication and brand authenticity / Wan Soraya Wan Abdul Ghani …[et al.]

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between brand marketing communication towards brand authenticity among the users of a local brand company. Brand marketing communication is related to enhancing the brand itself by shaping the brand authenticity perceptions directly and clarifying its positioning. The survey was conducted among the local coffee brand consumers at a local coffee shop conducting its business in a shopping mall. A sample size of 385 respondents were selected from different ages, races, backgrounds, and statuses in this study by convenience sampling. Four distinct forms of elements in the brand marketing communication were thus reviewed, namely: advertising, social media, sponsorship, and corporate social responsibility. In this research, all the elements showed their respective relationship with brand authenticity, whereby the difference was the extent of the relationships' strength in the results. The results shown were gathered via the latest SPSS software. Further discussions on the results were shared in this paper

    An empirical analysis of control activities in managing risk for sustainable Malaysian manufacturing SMEs / Nor Hafizah Abdul Rahman ... [et al.]

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    This study presents an empirical analysis of control activities among Malaysian manufacturing SMEs in managing risk of employee fraud for sustainable future SMEs. Continuous measurement, monitoring and evaluation of control activities are regarded as the basis to form effective controls against employee fraud. This study is based on an in-depth case study that examines how an organisation forms a good foundation of control activities to curb employee fraud in SMEs. Semi-structure interview was conducted with the owner of the three manufacturing SMEs from Food and Beverage industry. This study identifies and summarises the current control activities based on (1) response to objectives and risks, (2) design of appropriate types of control activities at various levels, and (3) segregation of duties. The result shows that most of the manufacturing SMEs implement control activities partially automated through the entity’s information technology system. This study provides a basis for several aspects of future research on other component of internal control by integrating each component in assessing business risk and explanation towards SME sustainability

    An empirical analysis of control activities in managing risk for sustainable Malaysian manufacturing SMES / Nor Hafizah Abdul Rahman … [et al.]

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    This study presents an empirical analysis of control activities among Malaysian manufacturing SMEs in managing the risk of employee fraud for the sustainability of SMEs. Continuous measurement, monitoring and evaluation of control activities are regarded as the basis to form effective controls against employee fraud. This study is based on an in-depth case study that examined how an organisation forms a good foundation of control activities to curb employee fraud in SMEs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the owner of three manufacturing SMEs from the Food and Beverage industry. This study identifies and summarises the current control activities based on (1) response to objectives risks, (2) design of appropriate types of control activities at various levels, and (3) segregation of duties. The result shows that most of the manufacturing SMEs implement control activities partially automated through the entity’s information technology system. This study provides a basis for several aspects of future research on other components of internal control by integrating each component in assessing business risks and explanation towards SME sustainability

    The modification of fiber-containing porous asphalt with various additives : A review

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    The use of porous asphalt pavement has increased in recent years compared to conventional asphalt pavement. In this regard, pedestrian walkways and parking lots often make use of porous asphalt. These kinds of additives should be used in porous asphalt pavement because they enhance the pavements serviceability and mechanical performance. These types of pavement are used in various types of fiber and additives to improve the porous asphalt pavements physical characteristics and decrease the air void in the asphalt mixture. Incorporating different types of fibers with various types of additives should increase the overall performance of porous asphalt pavement though fiber has a significant impact over the additives on pavement structure. However, some additives increase the mechanical properties of porous asphalt. Pavement design mechanism and size of aggregate is a valuable component of serviceability of porous asphalt pavement. Consider all this factor it is easily determines the strength and durability of porous asphalt pavement in the context of physical and mechanical performences. This review focus on the overall performances of porous asphalt incorporating fiber with various types of additive


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    Abstract in English: Faraid is a set of rules and principles that regulates the distribution of a Muslim’s property upon his death which is based on the Sharia law. In Malaysia, the Islamic jurisdiction including the management of inheritance is under the administration of the state. However, from what we can see recently, the management of inheritance property still requires improvement and transformation in the perspective of management and administration. The average unclaimed worth of assets by the deceased's family members is valued at around RM 60 billion due to the lack of knowledge regarding the management of inheritance. Lack of knowledge on the role of the inheritance’s agencies among the Muslim society is also the main challenge in assisting them to resolve their disputes in property distribution. Hence, it is suggested that a Faraid One-Stop Centre will assists the Muslim community in settling the issues of inheritance efficiently. The Faraid One-Stop Centre (FOSC) model is a combination of all the inheritance management agencies under one roof or at one place. The model of FOSC consist of five agencies which are Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA), Small Estate Division of the Land Office, Amanah Raya Berhad, State's Religious Authority and the proposed Agency of Legal Aid and Advisory Services of Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA) is the most important agency in making decisions and giving advise to customers. Meanwhile, Small Estate Division of the Land Office is the agency that compiles all the inheritance cases. The Amanah Raya Berhad manages matters regarding the movable properties and grants the Letter of Declaration or Order. State's Religious Authority or Council will perform the valuation process of the property. Whereas The Agency of Legal Aid and Advisory Services will help in giving legal advise to the customers if needed and represent the clients in the court of law. The Model of FOSC may become a reference and guidance to the related agencies of inheritance to develop FOSC in each state in Malaysia. This model will improve the management and administration of inheritance to the next level, making the process of inheritance division and manangement easier for the people.   Abstract in Malay: Faraid merupakan sebuah sistem pengurusan harta selepas kematian yang dianjurkan oleh Islam. Di Malaysia, bidang kuasa hal ehwal Islam termasuk pengurusan harta pusaka adalah terletak di bawah kuasa pentadbiran negeri. Walau bagaimanapun, sistem pengurusan harta pusaka pada masa kini dilihat masih memerlukan kepada penambahbaikan dan transformasi dari sudut pengurusan dan pentadbirannya. Anggaran sebanyak RM60 bilion harta masih belum dituntut disebabkan oleh kesedaran masyarakat tentang pengurusan harta pusaka masih lagi di tahap yang rendah di samping kekeliruan dengan wujudnya pelbagai agensi yang menguruskan harta pusaka. Justeru, pembangunan model pusat sehenti pengurusan harta pusaka atau FOSC (Faraid One-Stop Centre) ini merupakan sebuah inisiatif yang dibangunkan untuk memudahkan masyarakat menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan harta pusaka dengan lebih efisien. Model pusat sehenti pengurusan harta pusaka (FOSC) ini menyatukan semua agensi-agensi yang terlibat dengan pengurusan harta pusaka di bawah satu pusat bagi memudahkan pengurusan harta pusaka. Model FOSC terdiri daripada lima agensi iaitu Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA), Bahagian Harta Pusaka Kecil, Amanah Raya Berhad, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri dan Agensi Guaman & Perundingan. Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA) dijadikan agensi yang berperanan penting dalam membuat keputusan dan memberi khidmat nasihat kepada pelanggan. Manakala, Bahagian Harta Pusaka Kecil sebagai agensi yang merekod kes yang dipohon dan diselesaikan dan Amanah Raya Berhad merupakan agensi yang menguruskan hal yang melibatkan harta alih dan mengeluarkan Akuan atau Arahan bagi harta alih. Majlis Agama Islam Negeri menyediakan khidmat pengiraan jumlah nilaian dan bahagian harta pusaka dan Agensi Guaman & Perundingan sekiranya pelanggan memerlukan khidmat peguam atau nasihat. Model FOSC ini boleh menjadi rujukan dan panduan kepada agensi berwajib berkaitan harta pusaka dalam mewujudkan pusat sehenti di negeri masing-masing. Model FOSC ini juga amat diyakini dapat memperkasakan pengurusan harta pusaka di Malaysia dan secara langsung dapat memudahkan masyarakat menguruskan harta pusaka secara mudah dan sahih.Faraid merupakan sebuah sistem pengurusan harta selepas kematian yang dianjurkan oleh Islam. Di Malaysia, bidang kuasa hal ehwal Islam termasuk pengurusan harta pusaka adalah terletak di bawah kuasa pentadbiran negeri. Walau bagaimanapun, sistem pengurusan harta pusaka pada masa kini dilihat masih memerlukan kepada penambahbaikan dan transformasi dari sudut pengurusan dan pentadbirannya. Anggaran sebanyak 60 Bilion harta masih belum dituntut disebabkan oleh kesedaran masyarakat tentang pengurusan harta pusaka masih lagi di tahap yang rendah di samping kekeliruan dengan wujudnya pelbagai agensi yang menguruskan harta pusaka. Justeru, pembangunan model pusat sehenti pengurusan harta pusaka atau FOSC (Faraid One-Stop Centre) ini merupakan sebuah inisiatif yang dibangunkan untuk memudahkan masyarakat menyelesaikan masalah berkaitan harta pusaka dengan lebih efisien dan kondusif. Model pusat sehenti pengurusan harta pusaka (FOSC) ini menyatukan semua agensi-agensi yang terlibat dengan pengurusan harta pusaka di bawah satu pusat bagi memudahkan pengurusan harta pusaka. Model FOSC terdiri daripada lima agensi iaitu Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA), Bahagian Harta Pusaka Kecil, Amanah Raya Berhad, Majlis Agama Islam Negeri dan Agensi Guaman & Perunding. Faraid USIM Consultant (FUSACA) dijadikan agensi yang berperanan penting dalam membuat keputusan dan memberi khidmat nasihat kepada pelanggan. Manakala, Bahagian Harta Pusaka Kecil sebagai agensi yang merekod kes yang dipohon dan diselesaikan dan Amanah Raya Berhad merupakan agensi yang menguruskan hal yang melibatkan harta alih dan mengeluarkan Akuan atau Arahan bagi harta alih. Majlis Agama Islam Negeri menyediakan khidmat pengiraan jumlah nilaian dan bahagian harta pusaka dan Agensi Guaman & Perunding sekiranya pelanggan memerlukan khidmat peguam atau nasihat. Model FOSC ini boleh menjadi rujukan dan panduan kepada agensi berwajib berkaitan harta pusaka dalam mewujudkan pusat sehenti di negeri masing-masing. Model FOSC ini juga amat diyakini dapat memperkasakan pengurusan harta pusaka di Malaysia dan secara langsung dapat memudahkan masyarakat menguruskan harta pusaka secara mudah dan sahih

    Comparing the effects of vitamin E tocotrienol-rich fraction supplementation and α-tocopherol supplementation on gene expression in healthy older adults

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the differential gene expression resulting from tocotrienol-rich fraction and α-tocopherol supplementation in healthy older adults. METHODS: A total of 71 eligible subjects aged 50 to 55 years from Gombak and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were divided into three groups and supplemented with placebo (n=23), α-tocopherol (n=24) or tocotrienol-rich fraction (n=24). Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 3 and 6 months of supplementation for microarray analysis. RESULTS: The number of genes altered by α-tocopherol was higher after 6 months (1,410) than after 3 months (273) of supplementation. α-Tocopherol altered the expression of more genes in males (952) than in females (731). Similarly, tocotrienol-rich fraction modulated the expression of more genes after 6 months (1,084) than after 3 months (596) and affected more genes in males (899) than in females (781). α-Tocopherol supplementation modulated pathways involving the response to stress and stimuli, the immune response, the response to hypoxia and bacteria, the metabolism of toxins and xenobiotics, mitosis, and synaptic transmission as well as activated the mitogen-activated protein kinase and complement pathways after 6 months. However, tocotrienol-rich fraction supplementation affected pathways such as the signal transduction, apoptosis, nuclear factor kappa B kinase, cascade extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2, immune response, response to drug, cell adhesion, multicellular organismal development and G protein signaling pathways. CONCLUSION: Supplementation with either α-tocopherol or tocotrienol-rich fraction affected the immune and drug response and the cell adhesion and signal transduction pathways but modulated other pathways differently after 6 months of supplementation, with sex-specific responses