205 research outputs found
La implementación del concepto de desarrollo en las políticas de cooperación al desarrollo y en materia migratoria
It is important to promote synergy between migration and development, as to meet the requirement of a greater coherence of policies, a principle aimed at safeguarding other policies from interfering in the purpose of cooperation. Nevertheless, cooperation is also seen as a tool that can help to stop migratory flows. This global approach has promoted the control of borders and the incorporation of cooperation in migration strategies. Es importante promover la sinergia entre migración y desarrollo, partiendo de un enfoque global que une migraciones y desarrollo para cumplir con la exigencia de una mayor coherencia de políticas, principio que pretende salvaguardar el resto de las políticas de interferencia en el objetivo propio de la cooperación. Sin embargo, también se ve la cooperación como una herramienta que puede contribuir a frenar los flujos migratorios. Este enfoque global ha fomentado el control de fronteras y la inclusión de la cooperación en las estrategias migratorias
Implementing the 3Rs in Laboratory Animal Research - From Theory to Practice
Editorial of the Special Issue "Implementing the 3Rs in Laboratory Animal Research—From Theory to Practice
Mice in translational neuroscience: What R we doing?
Animal models play a pivotal role in translational neuroscience but recurrent problems in data collection, an-alyses, and interpretation, lack of biomarkers, and a tendency to over-reliance on mice have marred neuroscience progress, leading to one of the highest attrition rates in drug translation. Global initiatives to improve repro-ducibility and model selection are being implemented. Notwithstanding, mice are still the preferred animal species to model human brain disorders even when the translation has been shown to be limited. Non-human primates are better positioned to provide relevant translational information because of their higher brain complexity and homology to humans. Among others, lack of resources and formal training, strict legislation, and ethical issues may impede broad access to large animals. We propose that instead of increasingly restrictive legislation, more resources for training, education, husbandry, and data sharing are urgently needed. The cre-ation of multidisciplinary teams, in which veterinarians need to play a key role, would be critical to improve translational efficiency. Furthermore, it is not usually acknowledged by researchers and regulators the value of comparative studies in lower species, that are instrumental in toxicology, target identification, and mechanistic studies. Overall, we highlight here the need for a conceptual shift in neuroscience research and policies to reach the patients
The impact of financial crisis and austerity policies in Andalusia, Spain: disentangling the mechanisms of social inequalities in health through the perceptions and experiences of experts and the general population
Background: Andalusia has been one of the regions most damaged by the economic crisis in Spain. A qualitative
study of the effects of the economic crisis and austerity policies in this region has been conducted within the
framework of the IMPACT-A project. This research seeks to analyse the perceived impact of the crisis upon the
health of the Andalusian population through the first-hand discourses of professionals from the health and social
sectors on the one hand, and citizens of different socioeconomic status (SES) on the other.
Methods: A total of five focus groups and ten semi-structured interviews were conducted and analysed following
an inductive process based on Grounded Theory (GT).
Results: Our results show a general perception among professionals: the financial crisis has either directly or
indirectly affected population health in Andalusia, though mostly impacting low-income individuals who were
already at risk of social exclusion. Professionals’ perceptions have been confirmed through the discourses of citizens
of a lower SES, which differ from those of middle and upper SES.
Conclusion: Findings reveal some of the most salient consequences on the socially vulnerable groups and
people at risk of social exclusion. In particular, our study highlights the importance of addressing three areas of
priority action: mental health, unmet (basic and medical) needs, and decline in the health system
Respuesta clínica en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal metastásico y farmacodinamia del irinotecán en los mismos.
El capítulo 4 Material y Métodos está sujeto a confidencialidad por la autora.
308 p.El irinotecán es un derivado de la camptotecina, inhibidor reversible de la ADN topoisomerasa I, indicado en pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer colorrectal estadio IV. Se transforma en su metabolito activo, el SN-38, por las enzimas hepáticas carboxilesterasas (CES). El SN-38, es eliminado por la orina tras la glucuronización por la enzima uridinadifosfato glucurosiltransferasa (UGT1A1). Polimorfismos en este enzima, especialmente los homocigotos para el alelo UGT1A*28 tienen disminuida la eliminación de este metabolito, lo que conlleva un aumento potencial del riesgo de toxicidad o de pobre efecto antitumoral.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es dosificar de manera individualizada el irinotecán en el tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer colorretal metastásico; para ello se ha desarrollado un modelo capaz de predecir el índice terapéutico óptimo para cada paciente en base a las característica propias del fármaco, características fisiológicas y demográficas del paciente, así como su patrón concreto. Así se podrá predecir que pacientes obtendrán mayor beneficio del tratamiento o quienes tendrán más probabilidades de desarrollar toxicidad. También se lleva a cabo el análisis del polimorfismo del enzima UGT1A1. Para ello se han analizado las concentraciones plasmáticas el fármaco y sus metabolitos en distintos, obteniéndose así un modelo farmacocinético poblacional con el que se ha podido estudiar la relación de los parámetros cinéticos del fármaco con variables bioquímicas, fisiopatológicas y genéticas, con la finalidad de encontrar covariables (predictores) que permitan explicar la variabilidad cinética. Por otro lado, se analizaran los polimorfismos del UGT1A1, y su posible relación con la toxicidad del fármaco
La constitución romana republicana: Cneo Pompeyo Magno
28 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 27-28[ES] En el presente trabajo se expone la figura de Pompeyo y su relación con la constitución romana republicana, esto es con el entramado institucional y político de la República romana. Es sabido que no existe una “constitución romana” como tal, en el sentido moderno del concepto, pero la historiografía moderna ha acuñado el término convencionalmente. El punto de partida de este trabajo será la frase del historiador británico M. Crawford (1981, 31) que hace referencia a la esencia del gobierno republicano: el mando colectivo de una aristocracia en la República romana, y por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo se centra en la pregunta de hasta qué punto la carrera de Pompeyo cuestiona esa caracterización y si su carrera y los hechos que la comprenden se pueden considerar extraordinarios. El trabajo incluye un análisis del contexto histórico que comienza en el año 107 a.C. y que concluye en el año 48 a.C., fechas del nacimiento y la muerte de Pompeyo. Este contexto histórico atraviesa diversas épocas de la República romana en su dimensión política, social y bélica, comenzando desde que Pompeyo es tan solo un niño, pasando después a formar parte del bando silano y a hacerse un hueco en la cúspide de Roma, y llegando, finalmente, a consagrarse como uno de los hombres más importantes de Roma. En un segundo bloque, en el cuarto capítulo del trabajo, se analizan unos hitos particularmente significativos de la vida de Pompeyo, unos hitos que son de gran importancia a la hora de analizar y comprender el punto de partida del trabajo: su comienzo y primer triunfo bajo las órdenes de Sila (83-78 a.C.), segundo triunfo y consulado (71-70 a.C.), la lex Gabinia (67 a.C.), la lex Manilia (66 a.C.) y el consulado sine collega del año 52 a.C.[EN] In this work, the figure of Pompey and his relationship with the Roman republican constitution, that is, with the institutional and political framework of the Roman Republic, is analysed. It is well known that there is no “Roman constitution” as such, in the modern sense of the concept, but modern historiography has coined the term conventionally. The starting point of this work will be the phrase of the British historian M. Crawford (1981, 31) which refers to the essence of republican government: the collective command of an aristocracy in the Roman Republic, and therefore, the aim of this work is to know to what extent Pompey’s career questions this characterization and whether his career and the facts surrounding it can be considered extraordinary. The work includes an analysis of the historical context from 107 BC to 48 BC, dates of Pompey’s birth and death. This historical context, therefore, is made up of various periods of the Roman Republic and their respective political, social and even war situations, starting from the time Pompey was only a child, then going on to become part of the silan side and to make his place at the apex of Rome, and finally coming to consecrate himself as one of the most important men of Rome. In a second block, in the fourth chapter of the work, some particularly significant milestones in Pompey’s life, milestones with a great importance in analyzing and understanding the starting point of the work: his beginning and first triumph under the orders of Sila (83-78 BC), second triumph and consulate (71-70 BC), the lex Gabinia (67 BC), the lex Manilia (66 BC), and the consulate sine collega of 52 BC
El fenómeno de las bajeras como espacios urbanos de sociabilidad juvenil
En este trabajo fin de grado se realiza un análisis del fenómeno de las bajeras juveniles
como espacios de sociabilidad en la Cuenca de Pamplona-Iruñea. Este fenómeno surge
como consecuencia de la exclusión social de la juventud de los espacios urbanos
desarrollados por la ciudad moderna. Un modelo donde los jóvenes carecen de
lugares propios para organizar su tiempo de ocio y son remitidos continuamente a los
ámbitos mercantilizados y privados. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se han
utilizado grupos de discusión, entrevistas a diferentes perfiles sociológicos y la
observación participante. El análisis se desarrolla a lo largo de cinco secciones que
abordan este fenómeno en relación con sus cuestiones teóricas, refieren las
estrategias metodológicas y que presentan los resultados obtenidos a partir del
trabajo de campo.The present report analyzes the phenomenon known in Spanish as “bajeras juveniles”
as spaces for young people sociability in the Basin of Pamplona-Iruñea. This
phenomenon arises from the exclusion of youth from urban spaces developed by the
modern urbanism and because they are relegated to the commodified and private
ones. Discussion groups, some interviews to people with different sociological profiles
and observation are used in order to carry out the investigation. The analysis is
developed along five sections that address this phenomenon in relation to their
theoretical questions, the methodological strategy and present the results from
fieldwork.Graduado o Graduada en Sociología Aplicada por la Universidad Pública de NavarraSoziologia Aplikatuan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
The impact of an invasive exotic bush on the stopover ecology of migrant passerines
Migration is highly energy-demanding and birds often need to accumulate large fuel loads during this period. However, original habitat at stopover sites could be affected by invasive exotic plants outcompeting native vegetation. The impact of exotic plants on the stopover behavior of migrant bird species is poorly understood. As a general hypothesis, it can be supposed that habitat change due to the presence of exotic plants will affect migrants, having a negative impact on bird abundance, on avian community assemblage, and/or on fuel deposition rate. To test these predictions, we used data obtained in August 2011 at a ringing station in a coastal wetland in northern Iberia which contained both unaltered reedbeds (Phragmites spp.) and areas where the reedbeds had been largely replaced by the invasive saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia). Passerines associated with reedbeds during the migration period were used as model species, with a particular focus on sedge warblers (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus). The saltbush promoted a noticeable change on bird assemblage, which became enriched by species typical of woodland habitats. Sedge warblers departed with a higher fuel load, showed a higher fuel deposition rate, and stayed for longer in the control zone than in the invaded zone. Invasive plants, such as saltbush, can impose radical changes on habitat, having a direct effect on the stopover strategies of migrants. The substitution of reedbeds by saltbushes in several coastal marshes in Atlantic Europe should be regarded as a problem with potential negative cons equences for the conservation of migrant bird species associated with this habitat
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