54 research outputs found

    The Improvement of Cognitive Function and Decrease the Level of Stress in the Elderly with Brain Gym

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    The decline in cognitive function in the elderly, which is part of the aging process can result in long-term memory problems and information processes, so it is often regarded as a stressor that causes stress and perceived as an adverse threat. Brain gym can improve memory, decreased emotional stress and the clearer mind. The aim of the study analyzed the effectiveness of brain gym in improving cognitive function and decreased the level of stress of elderly. Pre-experimental study of one group pretest-posttest design with 35 samples selected by simple random sampling. The frequency of Brain Gym exercise twice a week with duration of every 15 minutes and done in four weeks. Measurement of stress level using DASS, while Cognitive function with MMSE. Data analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results showed improvement of cognitive function in elderly and decreased stress level after brain gym (p = 0.001 and p = 0.009 at α = 0.05). Brain gyms are more effective at lowering stress levels than older cognitive function improvements that require longer and more intense time to improve concentration and elderly memory.   Keywords: Brain Gym, Kognitif, Stress, Elderl


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    This study demonstrates the distribution of various E. granulosus strains in sheep, cattle and camel. The common sheep strain G1 is mainly found in sheep and cattle, but also parasitized camels. In contrast, the camel strain G6 is found mainly in camels and rarely in sheep and cattle. However, the study also revealed the possible presence of cryptic species that are closely related to both genotypes in livestock of Libya as evident by high mutations in several specimens. Based on the occurrence of overlapping hosts of E. granulosus in Libya, more research on the transmission cycles and genotypes of E. granulosus in Libya is required. In addition, it is suggested that surveys on potential intermediate hosts, including in humans with dogs as the major final host in Libya using higher resolution molecular tools such as microsatellite markers is recommended.В данном исследовании представлено распространение различных штаммов E. granulosus овцы, крупного рогатого скота и верблюда. Обычный вид овечьего штамма G1 обнаруживают, в основном, у овец и крупного рогатого скота, однако верблюды также могут быть заражены этим штаммом.Напротив, верблюжий штамм G6, чаще всего, находили у верблюдов и реже у овец и крупного рогатого скота.Однако, в ходе исследований установлена вероятность наличия криптических видов, тесно связанных с обоими генотипами крупного рогатого скота в Ливии, что является подтверждением высокого уровня мутаций у некоторых видов.Исходя из того, что на территории Ливии отмечается преобладание хозяев штамма E. granulosus, необходимо провести дополнительные исследования циклов передачи инвазии и генотипов E. granulosus. Кроме того, рекомендуется провести обследование потенциальных промежуточных хозяев, включая частных владельцев собак, являющихся дефинитивными хозяевами, используя при этом молекулярные устройства высокого разрешения, такие как микросателлитные маркеры

    Analisis Break Event Point Dalam Kebijakan Perencanaan Penjualan Dan Laba (Studi Pada PT Wonojati Wijoyo Kediri)

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    Analysis of break even point is an analysis to obtain information which a sale must be achieved by a company that does not lose and not make a profit. The purpose of this study is provide an overview to the companyin order to plan sales and profit accordingly. The application of the break even point analysis can be used to plan sales and profit planning. The study was a descriptive study. The results of the analysis conducted in PT Wonojati Wijoyo in 2014 can be seen separation costs can be known semivariabel Rp 7.547.557.728,06 fixed costs and variable costs Rp 27.564.958.119,93 with a contribution margin ratio of 31%, while the BEP Multiproduct knowable that PT Wonojati Wijoyo reach break-even point at the time of sale of the company is Rp 24.335.622.425 or at the time of sale 15.944unit. Calculation of 39 % Margin Of Safety. If the company wants profit rose 20%, the sales to be achieved is Rp 43.081.969.753 or 27.718units for product Garden Furniture and 98.429units for products Parquet Block. Based on the analysis, break even point can be one of the tools that can be considered by the company for use in Sales and Profit Planning Policy

    Extracting features for the linguistic variables of fuzzy rules using hidden Markov model

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    In classifying handwritten characters, the stages prior to the classification phase play a role as major as the classification itself. This research work will be classifying the characters using a syntactical classification method namely fuzzy logic but will use the statistical method of Hidden Markov Model as an approach in extracting features for the linguistic variables of the fuzzy rule‐based system. In this paper the feature extraction method will be highlighted and detailed. The HMM Model of a variable to be used in the classification system will be discussed. Experimental results from a few sample images show that the proposed technique is both effective and efficient to be used in extracting features for the linguistic variables of fuzzy rules

    Chain coding and pre processing stages of handwritten character image file

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    In this paper detailed descriptions of the algorithms used in the pre-processing and feature extraction phases of an offline handwritten character are discussed. In classifying handwritten characters, the stages prior to the classification phase play a role as major as the classification itself. There are many pre-processing functions and methods that can be used and different research works will use different methods. This paper discusses in detail some of the algorithms used in the pre-processing stages of an offline handwritten character image file. This paper serves as part of the whole research work that aims at recognizing handwritten characters. The whole research presents a hybrid approach of HMM and Fuzzy Logic in the field of handwritten character recognition. Fuzzy Logic is used in the classification phase while HMM is used in the process of extracting features for the preparation of linguistic variables of the fuzzy rules. However, only the preprocessing stages as employed by the research are described here. The pre-processing phase starts from reading in the input file, the process of binarization, reference line estimation and thinning of the character image for further use in the next stage of the feature extraction and recognition process. Each of the pre-processing stages and the chain coding process will be described in detail giving improvised algorithms, and examples of the processes on existing samples from the database shown. Where comparing experiments with other methods is done, the experimental results are given


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    ABSTRAK  Masyarakat desa Gemawang, Kecamatan Jambu di kabupaten Semarang telah memulai usaha kecil menengah dalam porduksi batik dengan pewarna bahan alam indigo. Namun permasalahan yang muncul adalah dominasi warna yang ditemukan hanya monoton pada warna hijau dan biru. Dari permasalahan tersebut, Tim Pengabdian Ilmu Kelautan melakukan uji lanjutan modifikasi warna bahan alam untuk mengaplikasikan bahan alam dari darat dan dari laut yang jarang ditemukan dalam pemasaran pewarnaan bahan alam.  Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan warna alam yang menarik dan bervariasi dari tambahan warna tanaman mangrove dalam peningkatan kreatifitas sebagai upaya perluasan pasar batik di desa Gemawang, Kecamatan jambu Kabupaten Semarang. Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah daun dan batang tanaman mangrove yang di ekstraksi dan selanjutnya hasil ekstraksi dengan menggunakan fiksasi tawas, kapur dan tunjung dicelupkan pada kain untuk mendapatkan warna yang kuat dan tidak luntur. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pewarnaan dari daun dan batang pada 6 jenis tanaman mangrove yaitu: Sorenasia alba, Rizophora sp, Avecenia sp, Ceripos decandra, Lumicera sp memperlihatkan warna yang hampir sama, yakni dari warna coklat muda hingga coklat tua gelap. Hasil pewarnaan alam mangrove memperlihatkan variasi warna terang, yang berbeda,  tidak luntur terjadi pada batang dan daun jenis Agriceros sp serta batang dan daun jenis Lumicera sp.  Warna alam dari daun mangrove jenis Agriceros sp dengan fiksasi gabungan kapur dan tunjung tampak warna lebih kuat, dan tidak gelap serta tidak luntur

    Model of Bayesian tangent eye shape for eye capture

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    Iris recognition system captures an image of an individual's eye. In addition, the process of segmentation, normalization and feature extraction is followed by the iris of an eye image in the system. Using the algorithms proposed by J. Daugman, Iris recognition system has significantly improved over the last decade, and it has been used in so many practical applications. However, some difficulties related to Iris position and movement are still to be improved. To overcome these difficulties one can enhance the image acquisition process. Obtaining a method in extracting quality of eye images automatically from the video stream is the main area of interest in this study. Besides, a Bayesian inference solution called Bayesian Tangent Eye Shape Model (BTESM) was suggested depending on estimation of tangent shape. During image acquisition, constraints on the position and motion of the subjects can be decreased owing to this approach. Owing to maximum a posteriori estimation, we can identify similarity transform coefficients as well as the eye shape parameters in BTESM. To apply the maximum a posteriori procedure, tangent Eye shape vector was considered the state of the model which is hidden and expectation maximization depending on searching algorithm was adopted. Hence, after being tested and matched to future studies, the acquisitioned eye image has been proved to be adequate for Iris recognition system

    Hybrid of HMM and fuzzy logic for handwritten character recognition

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    This paper presents a hybrid approach of HMM and Fuzzy Logic in the field of handwritten character recognition. Fuzzy Logic is used in the recognition phase while HMM is used in the process of extracting features for the preparation of linguistic variables of the fuzzy rules. Experimental results from a few sample images give a reasonable recognition rate on a more challenging database of lower-case handwritten characters. This proved the proposed hybrid of the two techniques are compatible and can be used to complement each other effectively

    COVID-19 aerosol box as protection from droplet and aerosol contaminations in healthcare workers performing airway intubation: a randomised cross-over simulation study

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    Background Concerns over high transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 have led to innovation and usage of an aerosol box to protect healthcare workers during airway intubation in patients with COVID-19. Its efficacy as a barrier protection in addition to the use of a standard personal protective equipment (PPE) is not fully known. We performed a simulated study to investigate the relationship between aerosol box usage during intubation and contaminations on healthcare workers pre-doffing and post-doffing of PPE. Methods This was a randomised cross-over study conducted between 9 April to 5 May 2020 in the ED of University Malaya Medical Centre. Postgraduate Emergency Medicine trainees performed video laryngoscope-assisted intubation on an airway manikin with and without an aerosol box in a random order. Contamination was simulated by nebulised Glo Germ. Primary outcome was number of contaminated front and back body regions pre-doffing and post-doffing of PPE of the intubator and assistant. Secondary outcomes were intubation time, Cormack-Lehane score, number of intubation attempts and participants’ feedback. Results Thirty-six trainees completed the study interventions. The number of contaminated front and back body regions pre-doffing of PPE was significantly higher without the aerosol box (all p values<0.001). However, there was no significant difference in the number of contaminations post-doffing of PPE between using and not using the aerosol box, with a median contamination of zero. Intubation time was longer with the aerosol box (42.5 s vs 35.5 s, p<0.001). Cormack-Lehane scores were similar with and without the aerosol box. First-pass intubation success rate was 94.4% and 100% with and without the aerosol box, respectively. More participants reported reduced mobility and visibility when intubating with the aerosol box. Conclusions An aerosol box may significantly reduce exposure to contaminations but with increased intubation time and reduced operator’s mobility and visibility. Furthermore, the difference in degree of contamination between using and not using an aerosol box could be offset by proper doffing of PPE

    Effects of vitamin D supplementation on endothelial function:a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials

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    Background: In addition to regulating calcium homoeostasis and bone health, vitamin D influences vascular and metabolic processes including endothelial function (EF) and insulin signalling. This systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials (RCTs) were conducted to investigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation on EF and to examine whether the effect size was modified by health status, study duration, dose, route of vitamin D administration, vitamin D status (baseline and post-intervention), body mass index (BMI), age and type of vitamin D.  Methods: We searched the Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and Scopus databases from inception until March 2015 for studies meeting the following criteria: (1) RCT with adult participants, (2) vitamin D administration alone, (3) studies that quantified EF using commonly applied methods including ultrasound, plethysmography, applanation tonometry and laser Doppler.  Results: Sixteen articles reporting data for 1177 participants were included. Study duration ranged from 4 to 52 weeks. The effect of vitamin D on EF was not significant (SMD: 0.08, 95 % CI −0.06, 0.22, p = 0.28). Subgroup analysis showed a significant improvement of EF in diabetic subjects (SMD: 0.31, 95 % CI 0.05, 0.57, p = 0.02). A non-significant trend was found for diastolic blood pressure (β = 0.02; p = 0.07) and BMI (β = 0.05; p = 0.06).  Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation did not improve EF. The significant effect of vitamin D in diabetics and a tendency for an association with BMI may indicate a role of excess adiposity and insulin resistance in modulating the effects of vitamin D on vascular function. This remains to be tested in future studies