699 research outputs found

    ISB watermarking embedding: a block based model

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    Many watermarking methods have been developed with different methodological complexity levels. Each of these methods tries to reduce exposure in different attack. In this study, the ISB watermarking method was implemented based on average of block of pixels together in order to improve the watermarking method to be more resistant against attacks than a single pixel. The results show that the quality of the images is suitable for the application of the proposed method, based on any size of block. In additional to that the robustness has been improved by increasing the size of the block for all the attacks, including the geometric transform attacks, although they were not improved when the method was applied based on only one pixel

    Strategi Kerjasama Sekolah Dengan Dunia USAha Dan Dunia Industri (Du/di) Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Lulusan Pada Smk Negeri 3 Banda Aceh

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    : Strategy is an art to manage resources in order to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. This study aimed to find out the capability of principal in establishing cooperation, including cooperation program between vocational high school (SMK) and business and industrial organization (DU/DI), mechanism of cooperation between SMK and DU/DI to improve the competence of graduates, and factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI. This study used qualitative approach with descriptive method. Techniques of data collection used were interview, observation, and documentation study. Subjects of this study were DU/DI, principal, vice principal for public relations, and school counselors in State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh. It was found from the results of the study that the cooperation programs between SMK and DU/DI were shown from the school's vision and mission, the formulation of curriculum, the implementation of cooperation and the assessment report of cooperation. The mechanism of cooperation was shown from the agreement of both parties in the form of MOU in the implementation of industrial practice and other cooperation, which were guest speaker, the implementation of competency test, and other seminars. Factors that influenced the cooperation between SMK and DU/DI in improving the competence of graduates were shown from the involvement and the commitment of school personnel in formulating school's regulation and profile. It is hoped that the principal and vice principal for public relations can foster the cooperation continuously. The cooperation that bases on the MOU should be socialized, so that both parties can exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations effectively. It is also hoped that State SMK 3 of Banda Aceh and the stakeholder can be more communicative in establishing cooperation in improving the competence of graduates of State SMKN 3 of Banda Aceh

    Vocational School-industry Partnership in Improving Graduate Competency

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    A wide variety of educational reform on vocational education in accordance with the policy of link and match requires the schools to do the partnership to encourage the improvement of graduate competency and the demands of the relevance of education to the job needs. The purpose of this research is to illustrate and analyze the partnership strategy of vocational schools with the business world in its efforts to improve the graduate competency. This research has been held at SMK 3 Banda Aceh using qualitative descriptive approach. The instrument in this research is a researcher itself. This is because in qualitative approach, the researchers are essential instruments. As key instruments, researchers have to create their own set of the guidelines, observation, interview and documentary of appraisal guidelines that is used as a general guide in the process of recording. The results of the study show that the strategies adopted by SMK in forge cooperation with the world of business and industry are through the establishment of the cooperation program, working mechanism and analysis of factors that affect the holding of cooperation between the two parties

    Improving Students' Activeness In Speaking Using Jigsaw II Of Sman 1 Kendawangan

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    This research was aimed to improve students' activeness in speaking using Jigsaw II to class XI IPA 1 of SMAN 1 Kendawangan in academic 2016/2017. In this research, the researcher implemented Jigsaw II as the technique. The actions were designed in order to improve students' activeness in speaking by discussing and presenting the material. The subject of this research were the students from class XI IPA 1 of SMAN 1 Kendawangan in academic year 2016/2017. The method of this research was a classroom action research. The researcher observed the improvement of students' activeness in speaking by collecting the data through observation and measurement technique. The data were in the form of observation checklist, and field notes. The data were collected by analyzing field notes and observation guidelines during the research and by measuring the students' mean score. This research was done in three cycles. The result of this research showed that Jigsaw II was effective to improve students' activeness in speaking. The students' mean score improved from 2.1 in the first cycle, 3 in the second cycle to 3.3 in the third cycle. It can be concluded that students' activeness in speaking taught by Jigsaw II was improved. In other words, this technique can help the students to speak actively

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Stres Kerja pada Karyawan Bank (Studi pada Karyawan Bank Bmt)

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    Stres kerja adalah respon emosional dan fisik yang bersifat menggangu atau merugikan yang terjadi pada saat tuntutan tugas tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan, sumber daya, atau keinginan pekerja. Stres kerja dapat memicu munculnya gangguan kesehatan pada pekerja seperti gangguan psikologis yang berakibat pada menurunnya produktivitas tenaga kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stres kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian analitik dengan metode cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Bank BMT sebanyak 47 orang. Besar sampel minimal dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin, dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling didapatkan sampel sebesar 35 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Rank Spearman dan Uji korelasi Biserial dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara jenis kelamin dengan stres kerja (p=0,805), ada hubungan antara umur dengan stres kerja (p=0,031), ada hubungan antara masa kerja dengan stres kerja (p=0,015), tidak ada hubungan antara beban kerja mental dengan stres kerja (p=0,300), ada hubungan antara hubungan interpersonal dengan stres kerja (p=0,045), ada hubungan antara peran individu dalam organisasi dengan stres kerja (p=0,032), tidak ada hubungan antara pengembangan karir dengan stres kerja (p=0,441), dan tidak ada hubungan antara struktur dan iklim organisasi dengan stres kerja (p=0,068). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa umur, masa kerja, hubungan interpersonal, dan peran individu dalam organisasi merupakan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan stres kerja pada karyawan Bank BMT

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Menggunakan Permainan Tradisional Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Materi Gaya Di Kelas IV Min Ngronggot Nganjuk

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    Kasti is traditional games such as baseball games for students of primary schools/ madrasah, this is important because Kasti can develop the physical and psychological aspects of students. In the physical aspect, the game roundersable to make students more active in learning activities. Physical activeness contained in such games can be used to study the concept of stylish materials, whereas the psychological aspect, an element of fun baseball game. In the course of learning, pleasant atmosphere will affect the student's motivation to learn, so it can have an impact on improving student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is the first, to explain the effectiveness of learning using traditional games on motivation to learn. Based on the research, we concluded that, on the variable of learning motivation, learning application using the traditional game is more effective in increasing student motivation than learning without the traditional game

    Spiritual Experience, Depression, and Quality of Life in the Elderly in Mojokerto, East Java

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    BACKGROUND: Elderly experience physical infirmity, brain devolution, slow metabolic rate, slow cell replacement, which eventually have inadvertent impact on cognitive capability, emotional stability, and social interaction. These natural changes may cause depression in the elderly. Spiritual experience may improve coping strategy, lower depression, and enhance quality of life. This study aimed to estimate the relationship between spiritual experience, depression, and quality of life in the elderly. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a cross sectional study, conducted in Mojokerto, East Java. A sample of 100 elderly was selected by random sampling from 18 villages in Mojokerto. The exogenous variable in this study was spiritual experience, which was measured by a set of questionnaire. The endogenous mediating variable was the rate of depression, which was measured by Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). The quality of life in the elderly was measured by Index Barthel. Psychological wellbeing and social relationship were measured by a struc-tured questionnaire. The relationships among variables were estimated using Structural Equation Model (SEM) run in AMOS. RESULTS: The spiritual experience had negative effect on depression, and it was statistically significant (p=0.004). Larger spiritual experience reduced depression level. In turn depression level had negative effect on quality of life, and it was statistically significant (p=0.003). Deeper depression reduced quality of life. CONCLUSION: Spiritual experience can reduce depression and enhance quality of life in the elderly. Keywords: spiritual experience, depression, quality of life, elderl

    Peran Kelompok Batik “Berkah Lestari” Bagi Pemberdayaan Perempuan Di Dusun Karangkulon, Desa Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul, YOGYAKARTA

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    One of women empowerment strategies in Bantul regency is realized through supporting the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM).One success UKM is Batik Berkah Lestari, located in the hamlet of Karangkulon, Wukirsari Village, District Imogiri, Bantul. This study tends to determine the role of Berkah Lestari groupin empowering women in Karangkulon. This study uses the theory of AGIL (adaptation, goal attainment, integration, latency) of Talcott Parsons. Data are collected through: observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Berkah Lestari is able to contribute to women in Karangkulon through four things: adaptation, members of the group can customize the group rules and the changing environment; achievement of objectives, activities Berkah Lestari focus to achieve common prosperity, not a personal interest; integration, open communication between members and administrators make Berkah Lestari can survive and exist up to now; maintenance pattern, promoting a sense of kinship among the members of Berkah Lestari so that members feel comfortable and far from conflct. The results are clearly seen from three aspects: the economic aspects, namely increasing women's income compare toprevious occupation before joining the Berkah Lestari; political aspect, in which women of Karangkulon managed to form a group of batik to fiht for their interests withoutbeing inferior when talking to visitors of Berkah Lestari; socio-cultural aspects, where women are considered equal to men because they can perform multiple roles, as a good housewife as well as helping the family's income. In empowering women, Berkah Lestari relied heavily on trust, openness, and sense of family relation among its members. However, there are some barriers faced by the Berkah Lestari,such as: marketing is still limited to a conventional way (word of mouth), online marketing is not optimally used as a result of the lack of training on the developmentof batik and how to use internet


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    Tujuan dari program pengabdian adalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah dan kualitas produk batik cap, meningkatkan omset penjuaalan produk batik, meningkatkan pendapatan anggota Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) Sekar Cantrik, meningkatkan ketrampilan anggota dalam membuat perencanaan mencarian pelanggan baru, dan menyusun laporan keuangan. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah kain batik tulis dan kain batik cap. Permasalahan pada mitra adalah proses produksi batik cap belum maksimal, karena proses produksinya harus dikerjakan ke kelompok batik lain, pemasaran produk masih di lingkungan sekitar melalui pameran dan melalui kenalan, belum menyusun laporan harga pokok produksi dan laporan penjualan yang sesuai standar. Solusi yang diberikan adalah desain peralatan produksi batik cap berupa meja cap, wajan cap (lender) dan kompor cap; pelatihan dan praktek perencanaan mencari pelanggan baru; menyusun laporan Harga Pokok Produksi dan laporan penjualan. Luaran dalam program ini adalah jumlah produksi batik cap meningkat sebesar 10%, omzet penjualan kain batik rata-rata meningkat sebesar 10% per bulan, anggota KUB Sekar Cantrik mampu menyusun HPP dan laporan penjualan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel, publikasi ilmiah ke jurnal ilmiah nasional tidak terakreditasi, prosiding dari seminar nasional atau publikasi ke media masa. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah adalah praktek menggunakan peralatan batik cap, praktek menghitung harga pokok produksi dan membuat laporan penjualan menggunakan Microsoft Excel, pendampingan usaha dan monitoring.Kata Kunci:Batik cap, batik tulis, HPP, penjualan, pelangga