132 research outputs found


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    Demam Berdarah Dengue merupakan penyakit yang didahului dengan demam tinggi, mendadak, terus menerus berlangsungan 2 sampai 7 hari, suhu tubuh mencapai 40 derajat celcius dapat dijumpai kejang demam. Penyakit ini dapat menyerang semua orang dan dapat mengakibatkan kematian terutama anak-anak. Demam berdarah dengue disebabkan oleh gigitan nyamuk yang di dalam tubuhnya terdapat virus dengue, nyamuk yang membawa virus tersebut nyamuk Aedes aeygpti. Faktor lingkungan dan perilaku masyarakat mempunyai peranan yang sangat besar terhadap kejadian penyakit demam berdarah dengue yang sering terjadi selama ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor lingkungan dan perilaku masyarakat dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue di Kelurahan Kuta Banjar Kecamatan Banjarnegara Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan case control study yang hasilnya di analisis secara deskritif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah penderita DBD yang tercatat di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Banjarnegara selama tahun 2009 dengan jumlah kasus 24 (sampel kasus) untuk sampel kontrol yaitu pendudukyang tinggal di Kelurahan Kuta Banjar dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji Chi-Square Testr dengan derajat segnifikan 5%, hasil penelitian menunjukan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara PSN (value 1,000 OR 1,185), kebiasaan menggantung pakaian dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue (value 0,008 OR 0,158) ada hubungan bermakna tempat biakan (value 0,029 OR 0,00). Ada hubungan ventilasi (value 0,00 OR 0,00) dengan kejadian demam berdarah dengue. Sarankan bagi masyarakat lebih meningkatkan partisipasi dalam PSN di lingkungan rumah dan bagi Kelurahan Kuta Banjar motivasi masyarakat untuk berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di antaranya dengan melakukan program 3M. Kata Kunci: hubungan faktor lingkungan, perilaku masyarakat, kejadian demam beradarah dengu


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    Cabang ilmu yang diajarkan pada seluruh jenjang pendidikan diawali dari prasekolah sampai sekolah tinggi salah satunya ialah matematika. Pemakaian LKPD bisa membuat peserta didik ikut serta aktif dalam pembelajaran. Pengembangan LKPD berbasis masalah dilakukan untuk mengembangkan peserta didik aktif saat pembelajaran matematika. Dalam pembelajaran materi pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel, peserta didik kesulitan ketika menentukan himpunan penyelesaian, belum mahir menyelesaikan pertidaksamaannya, dan kesulitan mengartikan soal cerita ke dalam model matematika. Maka dari itu, untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar tersebut digunakanlah permasalahan yang berkenaan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari yang berkaitan dengan konteks lingkungan lahan basah. Tujuan riset ini ialah guna memperoleh lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis masalah dengan konteks lingkungan lahan basah pada materi pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel yang valid dan praktis. Metode riset yang digunakan ialah metode riset pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Thiagarajan, Semmel, dan Semmel (4-D). Tahapan yang dilaksanakan dalam riset ini ialah tahap define, design, serta develop. Kriteria kevalidan produk LKPD dievaluasi bersumber pada validitas pakar oleh dua orang validator pakar. Hasil uji validitas LKPD yang dikembangkan sebesar 3,45 dengan kriteria valid. Kriteria kepraktisan dievaluasi berdasarkan uji coba di sekolah, yaitu guru dan peserta didik. Hasil uji kepraktisan LKPD yang dikembangkan bersumber pada lembar respon guru sebesar 89,2% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Hasil uji kepraktisan LKPD yang dikembangkan bersumber pada lembar respon peserta didik sebesar 90,91% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Atas dasar ini, dihasilkan LKPD berbasis masalah dengan konteks lingkungan lahan basah pada materi pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel yang valid dan sangat praktis

    Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan Melalui Program Keluarga Harapan

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    Poverty is a multidimensional problem that until now has become a world discussion. Poverty is also included in the main points of sustainable development (SDG's), therefore poverty reduction is a shared responsibility and comprehensive handling is needed, involving many parties and many sectors. One of the efforts made by the Indonesian government in poverty alleviation is the family hope program. This program has been launched since 2007 and is still running. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of the Family Hope Program, inhibiting factors and what efforts are made to overcome these inhibiting factors. Method: This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from previous research sources, which come from aticles, news, and social ministry sites. The results of this study show that PKH has provided benefits for its recipients, but still has shortcomings, namely the recipients of PKH assistance are limited where there are still many people who meet the criteria as PKH participants but are not registered as participants because they have met the quota that has been prepared.&nbsp

    The Effect Of Minimum Wages And MSMEs On Economics Growth In Tulungagung

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    The stability of the region can be shown in the economic growth. One's income can be used to examine welfare. MSMEs and the minimum wage are two sources of personal income. The goal of this study is to ascertain how Tulungagung's economic growth is impacted by the minimum wage and the number of umkm. Secondary data were used in this study, and literature studies were conducted to get them. The used data spans the years 2011 through 2021. Multiple linear regression is the analytical technique utilized to ascertain the impact of the minimum wage and the proportion of MSMEs on Tulngagung's economic growth. According to the study's findings, the number of MSMEs has an impact on Tulungagung's economic growth whereas the minimum wage has no bearing on it. The minimum wage and the proportion of MSMEs, meanwhile, have an impact on Tulungagung's economic expansion.Kesejahteraan suatu wilayah dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pendapatan seseorang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kesejahteraan. UMKM dan upah minimum adalah dua sumber pendapatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh UMK dan jumlah UMKM terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Tulungagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode studi literatur. Data yang digunakan mencakup tahun 2011 hingga 2021. Regresi linier berganda merupakan teknik analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh UMK dan jumlah UMKM terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung. Menurut hasil penelitian, jumlah UMKM berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung sedangkan UMK tidak berpengaruh. Sementara itu, upah minimum dan jumlah UMKM secara simultan berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan ekonomi Tulungagung

    The Application of The Pancasila Profile in The Skill Aspect at SDN Tayem East 3

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    This study aims to analyze the application of the Pancasila profile in the aspect of skills at SDN Tayem Timur 3. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, teachers, and students of grades V and VI. The results of the study show that the application of the Pancasila profile in the skills aspect at SDN Tayem Timur 3 is quite good, as can be seen from the development of student’s skills in various aspects such as critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. In addition, the application of the Pancasila profile also helps increase student awareness of Pancasila values as a guide in everyday life. However, more efforts are still needed to improve the quality of the application of the Pancasila profile in the skills aspect, such as by providing training and guidance to teachers and students


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    Bank Syariah Indonesia was inaugurated on February 1, 2021, which is a combination of BNI Syariah, Mandiri Syariah, and BRI Syariah. One of the ease of transaction facilities for customers is using an ATM (Automated Teller Machine). BSI currently has 18,291 ATMs spread throughout Indonesia and 10 of them are located in Jember Regency. The purpose of the ATM is to increase customer convenience and public trust in BSI. Ease of access to ATMs will affect the number of customers because ATM locations that are easily accessible can increase the number of profits obtained by BSI. The main factors in determining the location of ATMs that need to be considered are easy to reach, close distances, and safe locations. The Fuzzy C Means (FCM) method is used to classify the right area in determining the location of ATMs. The results of this study, the Jember district can be grouped into 6 clusters, wherein each cluster there is one ATM with the first cluster and the sixth cluster with as many as 9 districts, the second cluster with as many as 6 districts, the third cluster as many as 5 districts, the fourth cluster as many as 7 districts, and the fifth cluster as many as 4 districts. The conclusion of this study, is the exact location of BSI ATMs in Jember Regency based on the number of clusters that have been determined to be in Patemon Village, Antirogo Village, Jubung Village, Jember Lor Village, and Sumbersari Village. Clustering validation uses the Silhoutte Index (SI) with an average silhouette coefficient of 0.83028

    The Influence of Learning Styles on The Learning Outcomes of Students in Grade 5 at SDN Ciporos 3

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    This study aims to determine the effect of learning styles on the learning outcomes of grade 5 students at SDN Ciporos 3. The research method used is quantitative using survey techniques and questionnaires as data collection tools. The sample for this study was 60 grade 5 students who were randomly selected from the student population at SDN Ciporos 3. The results showed that there was a significant influence between learning styles and learning outcomes of grade 5 students at SDN Ciporos 3. Visual and kinesthetic learning styles had a positive effect on learning outcomes, while auditory learning styles did not have a significant effect

    Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation And Education Centre

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    Indonesia is among the countries most vulnerable to disasters compared to other countries in the world. This is because of the geographical location that is in the area of fire rings. One of the areas with high potential for vulnerability to disasters is D.I.Yogyakarta Province, where there are 12 potential natural and social disasters that threaten. Under Indonesian government policies, local and provincial officials are required to be at the forefront of disaster management. On the basis of the "Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation and Education Center" was built as an effort in developing the ability of the community in facing the threat of danger from the disaster that occurred so that the number of casualties can be reduced. In the framework of disaster adaptation the area is also equipped with facilities that can accommodate disaster victims or refugees due to the disaster that occurred in DIY. In order to realize a good and efficient design result, an appropriate baseline analysis is conducted based on data from the Provincial BPBD of DIY on areas with the highest intensity of disaster occurrence. The first step of this analysis is to determine the exact location as the site for further design development. Then, the selected sites include accessibility analysis, vegetation, climate, tailored to the needs of regional functions that apply the concept of Behavioral Architecture

    Penampilan Genotip-Genotip Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) Tipe Kompak Hasil Pemisahan dari Populasi Campuran

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    Cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Konsumsi buah cabai rawit untuk kebutuhan industri maupun kebutuhan rumah tangga dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Namun belum diikuti dengan peningkatan produktivitas sehingga perlu ditingkatkan agar sesuai dengan potensi dan preferensi konsumen. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui penampilan delapan galur  cabai rawit tipe kompak hasil pemisahan dari populasi campuran. Pene-litian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari 2017 sampai September 2017 di Desa Sidomulyo Kecamatan Semen Kabupaten Kediri Jawa Timur. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri atas 8 perlakuan yaitu 8 genotip cabai rawit. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga terdapat 24 petak percobaan. Setiap petak percobaan terdiri atas 20 tanamandan 6 tanaman sebagaisampel. Karakter kuantitatif yang diamati terdiri atas 10 peubah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing genotip cabai rawit memiliki ciri khusus yang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Lima genotip cabai rawit yang memiliki produktivitas lebih dari 9 ton/ha yaitu CRUB 46 (13.59 ton/ha), CRUB 55 (14.31 ton/ha), CRUB 65 (9.45 ton/ha), CRUB 110 (12.15 ton/ha), dan CRUB 232 (10.22 ton/ha)

    Nomophobia Phenomena Analysis at SDN 2 Bembulang

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    Nomophobia is a term used to describe the fear of losing or not being able to use a cell phone. This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of nomophobia among students of SDN 2 Bembulang. The research method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study show that nomophobia is common among students at SDN 2 Bembulang. Causes of nomophobia among such students include technology addiction, peer pressure, and the need to be constantly connected. The effects of nomophobia among such students include decreased academic performance, social withdrawal, and physical health problems. The findings from this study suggest the need for intervention and education programs to help SDN 2 Bembulang students manage their cell phone use and prevent nomophobia
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