22 research outputs found

    Ecological footprint, energy usage, and economic progress relationship: the MINT countries

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    This study explores the relationship between energy usage, per capita income, and ecological footprint as an assessment for ecological deterioration in the MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey) countries for the 1976–2016 period. This work estimates the long-term correlation between variables using a vector error correction model through panel vector autoregression analysis. By incorporating endogenous interactions between the variables in the system, the VAR approach addresses the endogeneity problem. Also, the impulse response functions and the effects of variables on certain lags are evaluated. Then, the cointegration between variables has been estimated with dynamic and fully modified ordinary least squares panel analysis to assess the longterm relationship further. After the examinations, a satisfactory Granger causality result of the short-term variables could not be achieved. However, the same cannot be said for long-run causality. In the impulse-response functions, the interactions of the variables on each other are evaluated. Only the increase in energy consumption, whose coefficient is statistically significant and coherent, increases the flexibility of the ecological footprint


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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin 1987(1)-2000(4) dönemine ait ithalat talebinin uzun dönem seyri ele alınmaktadır. Ekonomide ithal edilebilir mallar, dış ticarete konu olan ticari mallar ve dış ticarete konu olmayan mallar olarak üç sektör bulunmaktadır. İthalat talebinin GSYİH, ticari mallar ve dış ticarete konu olmayan malların fiyat endeksleri ile ilişkisi incelenmektedir. İthalat talebinin bu değişkenlerle uzun dönem ilişkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla koentegrasyon analizi yapılmaktadır. Koentegrasyon analizi için değişkenlerin durağanlık testleri yapılmış ve uygun VAR modeli seçilerek koentegre vektörlerin varlığı için koentegrasyon testi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca ithalat talebinin kısa dönem tahmini FIML yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilmektedir. Sonuçta, Türkiye'nin uzun dönemde ithal mallarının yerine ikame edilecek malların rekabet gücünün olup olmadığı değerlendirilmektedir

    Contributions of Turkish academicians supervising PhD dissertations and their universities to economics: an evaluation of the 1990-2011 period

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    In this study, doctoral dissertations conducted at the Turkish Universities for the period of 1990-2011 and the scientifically indexed publications of the professors supervising these dissertations were investigated. In the evaluations, the publications scores of the Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus as well as the citations belonging to the publications in these indexes were included. During the relevant period, 617 professors supervised all the 1,906 doctoral dissertations in the field of economics. The first three universities with the highest number of doctoral dissertations were determined to be Istanbul University, Marmara University, and Dokuz Eylul University whereas the first three universities with the highest scientific indexes were Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Middle East Technical University, and Bogazi double dagger i University. The academicians of the last three universities also outperformed those at the other universities regarding the scientific publications they produced and the citations they received. Overall, there is a low correlation between the dissertations conducted and scientific citations. Finally, academicians with publications and/or citations in Web of Science or Scopus were researched further via logistic regressions. The results indicate that there is positive and meaningful relation with PhD degrees earned abroad and number of publication in the Web of Science

    Türkiye'deki Bütçe Açıklarının Dış Ticaret Açıklarına Etkileri, Ekonometrik Bir Yaklaşım: (1984) (4)-2000 (2)

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de dış ticaret rejiminin değiştirildiği 1984 sonrası dönemde, bütçe açıkları ile dış ticaret açıkları arasındaki ilişki, Keynezyen ve Ricardocu yaklaşımlar bakımından değerlendiriliyor. Ampirik analizin sonuçları, bütçe açıkları ile dış ticaret açıkları arasında güçlü bir nedensellik ilişkisinin bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, koentegrasyon analizinde bu iki değişken arasında bir uzun dönem ilişkisinin varlığı da doğrulanmıştır. Buna göre Türkiye'deki bütçe açıklarıyla dış ticaret açıkları arasındaki ilişkiyi test eden ECM yaklaşımı, kısa ve uzun dönemde Keynezyen yaklaşımı desteklemektedir

    Efficiency determinations of the worldwide railway companies via DEA and contributions of the outputs to the efficiency and TFP by panel regression

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    This study attempts to obtain efficiency scores of thirty-one railway companies operating worldwide by using data envelopment analysis. To assess the data covering a term from 2000 to 2009, we use CCR and BCC methods. According to the results of the CCR model analysis, 17 firms are found to have technical efficiency in the first year, whereas this figure goes up to 18 companies in the last year. Input oriented and variable return analysis in the concept of the BCC model, the number of the firms found technically efficient at the beginning of the period are 20. At the end of the period, this figure is up to 24. We implement panel regression analysis to estimate the effects of the companies' output on their efficiency. Results imply that CCR models provide us more meaningful explanations. Malmquist Index analysis also indicates that total factor productivity increases by 0.03 % for the entire period

    Determination of the efficiency of the world railway companies by method of DEA and comparison of their efficiency by Tobit analysis

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    This paper attempts to measure the performance of railway companies that produce passenger and freight services around the world. The data covering 10 years from 2000 to 2009 is analyzed first via the data envelopment analysis method in order to obtain technical efficiency and allocative efficiency scores of 31 railway companies for the purpose of the study. In the analysis conducted by use of the CCR model, while total 17 firms were efficient in the first year, this figure reaches to 18 companies for the last year with one more addition. While only two companies seem efficient in the first year, this figure goes down to one for the last year. With input oriented and variable return analysis conducted by use of the BCC model, the firms having technical efficiency at the beginning of the period were 20 in number. At the end of the period, the figure reaches to 24. Next, the outputs of DEA are correlated by Tobit regression and tried to determine decisiveness of the outputs on the efficiency. It has been seen that the same output composition used with Tobit analysis gives more compliant results with the allocative efficiency scores rather than with the technical efficiency scores


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    Bu çalışmada TR71 Düzey 3 seviyesinde bölgesel kalkınma ile sosyal sermaye arasındaki ilişki panel veri regresyon yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma Kırıkkale, Aksaray, Kırşehir, Nevşehir ve Niğde illerinin 2009-2017 dönemine ait 9 yıllık veri setlerini kapsamaktadır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre sosyal sermaye göstergelerinden boşanma sayısı ve açılan kurs sayısı kişi başına bölgesel gelir üzerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı değildir. Buna karşın dernek sayısı ve girişim sayısı kişi başına milli gelir üzerinde istatistiki olarak anlamlı ve pozitif ilişkilidir. Evlilik değişkeni istatistiki olarak anlamlı olmasına rağmen negatif ilişki yönü olan bir değişkendir.In this study, the relationship between regional development and social capital at TR71 level 3 has been examined by using panel data regression method. This study covers 9 year data sets of Kırıkkale, Aksaray, Kırşehir, Nevşehir and Niğde provinces for the period 2009-2017. According to the results of the analysis, the number of divorces and the number of courses opened from social capital indicators is not statistically significant on regional income per capita. On the other hand, the number of associations and the number of enterprises are statistically significant and positively correlated to per capita income. Although marriage variable is statistically significant, the direction of the relationship is negative