212 research outputs found

    Hyperglycaemia as a predictor of mortality and prolonged length of stay in severe sepsis and septic shock patients presented to red zone of emergency department, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia: a retrospective study

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    Introduction: Initial or at-admission hyperglycaemia is a risk marker of morbidity and mortality in many acute critical illnesses. There has been no study to evaluate hyperglycaemia in severe sepsis and septic shock in the emergency department setting. Objectives: To investigate whether hyperglycaemia detected during patient initial presentation to emergency department has prognostic value in the outcome of severe sepsis and septic shock patients and compare it with other prognostic factors. Methods: A retrospective study in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock presented to the Red Zone of Emergency Department of Hospital University of Science Malaysia during 2008- 2011 was done. Data were collected by tracing patients medical records based on the attendance registry. Demographic data, initial capillary blood glucose and other factors which may predict the outcomes of severe sepsis and septic shock were collected and recorded. Results: Data were collected from 495 patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. The prevalence of stress hyperglycaemia was 14.9% and the overall initial hyperglycaemia was 40.2%. Initial hyperglycaemia did have significant prognostic value in determining mortality in non-diabetic patients (Chi-square 32.7% vs. 59.1%, p-value 0.001). No significant correlations were found between initial hyperglycaemia with prolonged hospital stay. However when multivariate analysis were done only high mMEDs score, lactate level and mechanical ventilator were associated with mortality and for prolonged length of stay only mMEDs score. Conclusion: Initial hyperglycaemia has prognostic value in determining mortality in non-diabetic but not in diabetic patients. No correlation can be made between initial hyperglycaemia and prolonged length of stay, as predicting length of stay is a complex nature and cannot be determined by single factor. When compared with other prognostic factors such as mMEDS score, lactate and ventilator use; hyperglycaemia was found to be inferior


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    Grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Caelifera) diversity were studied in three sites at different altitude in Jijel district (North East Algeria). The insects were captured with sweep net weekly from April to August 2016. It appears that 30 Grasshopper species belonging to 4 families and 11 subfamilies were identified amongst 712 individuals. Acrididae species (25) were the most frequent. The species richness was higher at medium altitude (23 species) and high altitude (22 species) than at low altitude (18 species). Species abundance distribution fitted the Broken stick model at low and high altitude while it fitted the Geometric or Motumura model at medium altitude. Grasshopper abundance increased with the altitude while diversity was not correlated with increasing altitude since diversity indices values were high in medium altitude


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    Abstract. The vernacular architecture of the Souf region in Algeria, a desert environment where wood is rare, presents multiple heritage values due to the way in which local materials (especially the desert rose stone) are exploited to build houses and erect distinctive domes. Unfortunately, extensive damage and abandonment compromise the stability of these buildings and accelerate their disappearance, which would negatively affect the urban landscape and the identity of the region. In order to safeguard this unique vernacular heritage, the study focuses on the definition of the typical typology of building, its structural and geometric characteristics, explaining the constructive technique used. Recurrent damage and pathologies that threaten this building culture are also highlighted. Then, estimation of mechanical parameters of the desert rose stone masonry is carried out defining typical characteristics according to the evaluation of the respect of "the rule of the art". Results are then used to perform numerical simulations of the structural behaviour of a typical building, through the finite element method with linear and nonlinear approaches. In particular, the structural behaviour of the dome has been investigated, being the most vulnerable element of the system


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang berlokasi di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 2 MUNTILAN telah dilaksanakan pada tangga l Juli-17 September 2014.Kelompok PPL di lokasi ini terdiri dari 3 mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran ,Tujuan diadakannya Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah untuk melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman yang nyata tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan kependidikan di sekolah, sebagai bekal untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai tenaga keguruan yang profesional. Kegiatan PPL yang telah di laksanakan meliputi praktek mengajar, pembuatan soal evaluasi, pembuatan media dan pembuatan RPP serta kegiatan lainnya. Praktik mengajar dimulai dari tangga 5 Agustus sampai dengan 17 September 2014, Pokok bahasan untuk kelas X ADP untuk mata pelajaran Pengantar Administrasi Perkantoran yang diajarkan meliputi Paradigma Dan Filosofi Pengantar Adaministrasi, Pengrtian dan unsur unsur administrasi perkantoran, Kegiatan kantor dan tujuan administrasi perkantoran, Jenis Jenis Dan Ciri Ciri Pekerjaan Kantor,Jenis Jenis Dan Ciri Ciri Pekerjaan Kantor ,untuk Kelas XI ADP mata pelajaran humas dan protokoler bahsan pokoknya yaitu Pengertian Humas Dan Jenis Jenis Humas,Fungsi Tujuan Dan Media Humas,Tugas–Tugas Dan Syarat petugas Humas,Protokol.Metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran adalah ceramah, tanya jawab,diskusi, Media yang digunakan adalah buku tentang materi, laptop, LCD, dan papan tulis. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Hambatan yang ditemui mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan PPL adalah: 1. Dari mahasiswa, kurangnya sumber untuk menyampaikkan teori dari siswa karna hanya sumber di internet dan beberpa buku yang bukan dari kurikulum 2013, 2. Karna ditekankan siswa aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar maka untuk membuat semua siswa aktif sangat sulit hanya beberapa yang aktif dalam kelas.. Secara umum, program-program dan kegiatan lain yang telah direncanakan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Munculnya hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan merupakan hal yang wajar.Tetapi hal tersebut dapat di atasi dengan adanya bantuan dari berbagai pihak.Mahasiswa berharap semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi yang membutuhkan sebagai referens

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Canva Berbasis Model Problem Based Learning di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran Canva berbasis model Problem based learning pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila di Kelas IV SD yang valid dan praktis. Metode penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 langkah: 1) Analysis 2) Design 3) Development 4) Implementation 5) Evaluation. Data yang didapatkan dari angket validasi serta angket praktik. Dimana subejk penelitiannya yakni 3 validator ahli, 1 guru, serta 23 peserta didik kelas IV SDN 18 Air Tawar Selatan. Hasil penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran Canva memiliki tingkat validitas yang sangat valid, validitas materi 90% dengan kategori sangat valid, validitas bahasa 95% dengan kategori sangat valid, validitas media 98% kategori sangat valid. Kemudian, didapatkan hasil praktikalitas respon siswa sejumlah 89,31% dengan kategori sangat praktis serta respon dari guru mendapatkan hasil 91,66% yang berkategori sangat praktis. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut memaparkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran Canva berbasis model  Problem Based Learningsangat valid dan praktis digunakan dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar


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    The purposes of this research are to analyze farmers adoption level on Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), factors related to the adoption level, and the constraints faced by farmers in the implementation of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). This research was conducted in Kota Agung subdistrict of Tanggamus district, by interviewing 74 respondents, mangosteen farmers who joined and applied Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) at Kota Agung. Data were collected using a survey method with descriptive analysis and Rank Spearman correlation test to examine hypothesis. The results showed that adoption level of mangosteen farmers on GAP is included on a medium classification (64,86%), the factors related are experience of farming, formal education level, characteristics of innovation, and level of cosmopolite characteristic, while the unrelated factors are land area and capital availability. The constraints faced are unpredictable weather conditions, pests and plant diseases, price determination by traders, lack of information and knowledge of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), and unpublished Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) land registration number in Penanggungan village.Key words: adoption level, good agriculture practices (GAP), mangosteen farmer


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    In the Souf region of Algeria, all vernacular buildings are covered by domes, built with an unusual building material, the desert rose stone, peculiar to the region. These domes represent an element of identity of the region and describe a unique urban landscape that deserves to be protected and enhanced. Unfortunately, these architectural elements have suffered damage that devalues the urban landscape compromising their conservation. In particular, many domes have severe cracks and have collapsed in large areas.Diagnostic investigations were carried out with the aim to understand the causes of the damages and to carry out guidelines for consolidation.In particular, in situ surveys have allowed to analyze the employed construction technique, the collection of samples for the chemical-physical and mechanical investigations of the materials and a manual geometric survey of a typical building module. In addition, a Finite Element Model of a building module was realized with the aim of investigating structural behavior.Considerations were made on the influence of the dome shape on structural behaviour and on the fractures pattern detected in many domes.</p

    Diagnosis processes for desert rose domes of the souf region in Algeria

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    Perancangan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Pengenalan Komputer untuk Anak Didik Usia Sekolah Dasar

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    This event will be based on research by learning how important the Computer against the primary level, since with the introduction of computerized technology early on then the child will be familiar with computerized technology in the future.From all types of media, interactive entertainment media learning learning through games including one that has more value, because basically the game is for entertainment and with the Foundation of the learning media can make kids or students being more pleased in learning because they can play while learning at the same time.Making this game aims to add insight to children of the importance of technology, through this interactive game expected user or users feel interested and not feel bored in study.The research method used was the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Water Fall and Game Design Document (GDD) who used the stage of the research (1) stage of analysis, (2) the stage of design, the programming phase (3), (4) the stage of testing, (5) stages maintenance.Needs analysis stage includes material and hardware and software requirements specifications.This form of the game is about questions concerning about the device and the computer functions with multiple choice answers.As well as answering the test, players stay clicking one answer to every question that appears by using the games with java applications.