7 research outputs found

    Taman Wisata Kopeng Di Kabupaten Semarang Dengan Pendekatan Konsep Arsitektur Vernacular

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    Pariwisata saat ini telah berkembang lebih dari sekedar melakukan perjalanan ke suatu tempat atau lokasi, namun berinteraksi dengan masyarakat sekitar dan adanya kecenderungan pada kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan alam serta keperdulian terhadap lingkungan. Kecenderungan baru dalam bidang pariwisata ditandai dengan semakin banyak wisatawan yang tertarik mengunjungi daerah-daerah terpencil yang jarang dijamah wisatawan masal seperti arung jeram, safari, kemping, mendaki gunung hingga tinggal di pondokan desa terpencil. Belantara tropika di seluruh kepulauan Indonesia merupakan suatu tujuan ekowisata yang memiliki nilai khas budaya yang tinggi serta keunikan alam yang merupakan potensi pengembangan wisata yang harus dikelola dengan baik. Kawasan Wisata Kopeng merupakan salah satu tujuan ekowisata Kecamatan Getasan yang terdiri dari: Penginapan Kartika Wisata, Bumi Perkemahan Umbul Songo, dan pos Pendakian Gunung Merbabu di dusun Tekelan. Pengelolaan obyek yang ada di Kawasan Wisata Kopeng cenderung berdiri sendiri-sendiri dan kurang melibatkan peranserta masyarakat dalam pengelolaan dan pengambilan keputusan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan pariwisata baik dari segi promosi maupun penyediaan sarana prasarana penunjang sehingga dinilai kurang kompetitif. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya penentuan strategi pengembangan yang dapat memaksimalkan potensi wisata yang ada serta mampu mengenalkan Kawasan Wisata Kopeng pada khalayak yang lebih luas. Potensi Kawasan Wisata Kopeng mencakup kegiatan di sektor pariwisata dan sektor pertanian. Tourism today has grown beyond just traveling to a place or location, but interacting with the surrounding community and a tendency towards activities related to nature and environmental awareness. The new trend in tourism is characterized by more and more tourists who are interested in visiting remote areas rarely touched by mass tourists such as rafting, safari, camping, mountain climbing to live in remote village huts. Tropical wilderness throughout the Indonesian archipelago is an ecotourism destination that has a distinctive high cultural value as well as the uniqueness of nature which is a tourism development potential that must be managed properly. Kopeng Tourism Area is one of the ecotourism destination of Getasan District which consists of: Kartika Wisata, Umbul Songo, and Mount Merbabu climbing post in Tekelan hamlet. Management of existing objects in Tourism Area Kopeng tend to stand alone and less involving the participation of the community in the management and decision-making related to the development of tourism both in terms of promotion and provision of supporting facilities so that infrastructure is considered less competitive. Therefore it is necessary to determine the development strategy that can maximize the existing tourism potential and be able to introduce Tourism Area Kopeng to a wider audience. Potency of Kopeng Tourism Area covers activities in tourism sector and agriculture sector

    Islamic economics: a survey of the literature

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    A central thesis of this paper is that social science is the study of human experience, and hence is strongly conditioned by history. Modern Western political, economic and social structures have emerged as a consequence of the repudiation of religion associated with the Enlightenment and are based on secular principles. Many of these are inimical to Islamic principles, and cannot be adapted to an Islamic society. Muslim societies achieved freedom from colonial rule in the first half of the twentieth century and have sought to construct institutions in conformity with Islam. The development of Islamic economics is part of this process of transition away from Western colonial institutions. This paper is a survey of the literature on Islamic economics, which focuses on the contrasts between Western economic theories and Islamic approaches to the organization of economic affairs

    Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature

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