7 research outputs found

    The use of remote sensing for monitoring spatial and temporal changes in mangrove management

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    Mangroves are important in protecting shorelines against tidal waves and erosion. Since the mangrove forests in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Perak, Malaysia are managed with sustainable objectives, spatial information on the mangroves needs to be acquired and updated from time to time. This paper describes the application of SPOT 4 satellite images for mapping mangrove forest extent and quantifying temporal changes within a 10-year period (1989-2000) in Kuala Trong, Perak of MMFR. Multi temporal SPOT 4 images of 1989 and 2000 were enhanced and classified using Erdas image processing software. Digital change detection technique was applied on both images and the magnitude of changes in mangrove region was analysed. Secondary data on the mangrove was obtained from the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia and used in the image classification, change detection analysis and field verification processes. Results showed that the mangrove forest at Kuala Trong, MMFR can be classified into five classes: excellent, good, poor, dryland and damaged forests. The overall image classification accuracy obtained was more than 70%. Remote sensing is an effective tool for mangrove monitoring in MMFR

    Indoor air quality (IAQ) in educational institutions: a review on risks of poor IAQ, sampling strategies, and building-related health symptoms

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    Health and academic achievement of students from every level of education are affected by the provision of good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) since the students spend more than 5 hours of a day in school on average. Hence, this paper discusses on issues related to IAQ studies in maintaining a healthy level in educational institution. The presence of indoor pollutants such as VOCs, CO2, and other hazardous elements were assessed in terms of its effects on students’ well-being and health. This paper also examines commonly reported health problems related to poor IAQ such as sick building syndrome (SBS) and asthma. Every measurements and consideration regarding IAQ provision comes with different techniques and strategies, which were highlighted regarding its relative importance and frequency of use by different researchers. The review suggested substitution of natural-based products for indoor cleaning agents and installation of air ventilation and purification systems for a more acceptable indoor air quality

    Guidelines from an expert panel for the management of diabetic macular edema in the Malaysian population

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    AIM: To derive a Malaysia guideline and consensus as part of the Malaysia Retina Group's efforts for diagnosis, treatment, and best practices of diabetic macular edema (DME). The experts' panel suggests that the treatment algorithm to be divided into groups according to involvement the central macula. The purpose of DME therapy is to improve edema and achieve the best visual results with the least amount of treatment load. METHODS: On two different occasions, a panel of 14 retinal specialists from Malaysia, together with an external expert, responded to a questionnaire on management of DME. A consensus was sought by voting after compiling, analyzing and discussion on first-phase replies on the round table discussion. A recommendation was deemed to have attained consensus when 12 out of the 14 panellists (85%) agreed with it. RESULTS: The terms target response, adequate response, nonresponse, and inadequate response were developed when the DME patients' treatment responses were first characterized. The panelists reached agreement on a number of DME treatment-related issues, including the need to classify patients prior to treatment, first-line treatment options, the right time to switch between treatment modalities, and side effects associated with steroids. From this agreement, recommendations were derived and a treatment algorithm was created. CONCLUSION: A detail and comprehensive treatment algorithm by Malaysia Retina Group for the Malaysian population provides guidance for treatment allocation of patients with DME

    Endogenous endophthalmitis: a 9-year retrospective study at a tertiary referral hospital in Malaysia

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    Abstract Background The objective of this study was to determine the clinical presentation, systemic risk factors, source of infective microorganism, treatment outcomes, and prognostic indicators of endogenous endophthalmitis at a main tertiary referral hospital for uveitis in Malaysia. A retrospective review of medical records of 120 patients (143 eyes) with endogenous endophthalmitis over a period of 9 years between January 2007 and December 2015 was undertaken. Results Identifiable systemic risk factors were present in 79.2%, with the majority related to diabetes mellitus (60.0%). The most common source of bacteremia was urinary tract infection (17.5%). A positive culture from ocular fluid or other body fluids was obtained in 82 patients (68.9%), and the blood was the highest source among all culture-positive results (42.0%). Gram-negative organisms accounted 42 cases (50.6%) of which Klebsiella pneumonia was the most common organism isolated (32.5%). Sixty-nine eyes (48.6%) were managed medically, and 73 eyes (51.4%) underwent vitrectomy. Final visual acuity of counting fingers (CF) or better was achieved in 100 eyes (73.0%). Presenting visual acuity of CF or better was significantly associated with a better final acuity of CF or better (p = 0.001). Conclusions The visual prognosis of endogenous endophthalmitis is often poor, leading to blindness. As expected, gram-negative organisms specifically Klebsiella pneumonia were the most common organisms isolated. Urinary tract infection was the main source of infection. Poor presenting visual acuity was significantly associated with grave visual outcomes. A high index of suspicion, early diagnosis, and treatment are crucial to salvage useful vision

    The management of sinogenic peri-orbital abscess

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    Complication following from infection of the paranasal sinus still occur, despite the broad use of antibiotic. Sinusitis is the commonest cause of orbital inflammation. The orbital complications are still threatening to the vision and occular movement and even to life. Sinogenic orbital inflammation occurs frequently in children. A case of orbital complications in acute sinustis is presented and the pathogenesis and management are discussed. Key words : sinusitis, peri-orbital abscess, endoscopic sinus surger

    Poster presentations.

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