6 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini Melalui Metode Bercerita Di Lembaga Paud Meraje Gune

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    Early Childhood Language Development Through Storytelling Method at Meraje Gune PAUD Institution. This paper will explore the methods used in learning to develop early childhood language skills at the Meraje Gune PAUD Institution. The focus of this research will be on how to develop language at an early age by using the storytelling method in improving language skills at an early age. The study uses descriptive qualitative research where one of the studies that describes the findings or results in the field, observes and analyzes what is in the research. The results of this study indicate that, early childhood language learning using methods that can develop the potential of early childhood language. In fact, the influence of learning methods in developing children's language skills is by opening access to improve children's language skills, seeing from starting to speak, never feeling shy in asking questions, being active in various fields, namely storytelling, singing and being a leader in class


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    Menggunakan model pembelajaran “sentra”  sangat penting digunakan dalam pembelajaran khususnya pada pendidikan anak  usia dini guna untuk meningkatkan semua aspek kecerdasan pada diri anak salah satunya kecerdasan spiritual. maka tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui “Upaya guru dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual dengan model pembelajaran sentra di PAUD Meraje Gune. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua guru  PAUD KB Meraje Gune. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Haasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa model pembelajaran sentra bisa meningkatkan kecerdasan spiritual pada anak. Dalam hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan kebiasaan anak  dalam melakukan hal-hal kebaiakan, seperti berdo’a, solat, mengaji, bertutur kata yang sopan, saling membantu sasama teman.Keywords:  model pembelajaran sentra, kecerdasan spiritual


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    Pembelajaran Quantum merupakan model pembelajaran berbasis mencakup seluruh  aspek perkembangan stimulus otak anak usia dini. Hal ini, penting untuk dilakukan agar diaktualisasikan dalam proses pembelajaran, lebih khususnya pada pembelajaran anak usia dini (PAUD). Fokus penelitian ini, akan mengkaji beberapa aspek yang urgen untuk menjawab penelitian ini, Pertama, memahami prinsip-prinsip model pembelajaran Quantum. Kedua, langkah-langkah aplikasin model pembelajaran Quantum anak usia dini (PAUD). Ketiga, menganalisis implikasi Quantum sebagai basis mengembangkan potensi anak usia dini dalam proses pembelajaran. Adapun penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dimana salah satu penelitian yang menggambarkan sesuatu yang ada dilapangan, mengamati dan menganalisa apa saja yang ditemukan dalam penelitian tersebut: planning, organizing, acuatatingdan controlling, dari berbagai penyebab dalam memiliki konstribusi dengan penerapan model pembelajaran paud. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, pembelajaran model Quantum dapat mengembangkan potensi otak khusunya pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Secara realitas, pengaruh pembelajaran Quantum dapat menumbuhkan daya ingat dalam pembelajaran, menguatkan daya ingatan, dan menumbuhkan pembelajaran yang   efektif sesuai dengan aplikasi pembelajaran tersebut


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    Based on the existing literature, the social-emotional development of children is disrupted due to COVID-19. However, the facts found in the Creative Family Islamic Kindergarten institution are cheerful, the social and emotional development of early childhood both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, overall children are developing well. This is what causes researchers to be interested in studying more deeply related to the strategies used by teachers in improving the socio-emotional development of early childhood during the pandemic. This study uses a case study where the subjects of this study are teachers and students in the Kluarga Ceria Islamic Kindergarten, Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The number of respondents in this study involved three teachers, namely the principal and class teacher. This research shows that (1). The importance of increasing the socio-emotional development of early childhood is to be able to instill an attitude of self-awareness, teach children to have a sense of empathy and build relationships with all other people (2). The implementation of Children's Emotional Social Development Learning in BDR Learning at the Kereatif Islamic Kindergarten of the Ceria Family Yogyakarta runs optimally which can be seen from the children's self-awareness, being able to control themselves, having responsibility for their own behavior and that of others, respecting people's opinions. (3) The positive impact for teachers is being able to design effective learning media using technology media, the negative impact for teachers is limitations in teaching and learning so that learning is not effective for developing children's social emotional development. the positive impact for children is interacting more with their parents, children are accustomed to healthy living such as washing hands and wearing masks, the negative impact seen in children is less interaction, communication and playing with their peers

    Apprentice Mobile Car Wash / Ahmad Azhari Amin Nordin ... [et al.]

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    We would like to introduce our company as Apprentice Mobile Car Wash. Our nature of business is car wash business but not ordinary car wash we provide mobile car wash. We are tight down with preparation and production all the time. We would like to increase our staff strengths so that we can also carry out marketing at the same time. By doing this we do not mind increasing our targeted profit and since we are going to have professional teams, we are looking at higher returns then our targeted profit. We know that the possibilities of not reaching our target but since all the staff now are on their toes, with a good training and support from the General Manager, we are confident that we can make it. Additionally, we will provide excellent service, efficiently and expertly cleaning customer's cars so that they will be repeat users of the service. Our business is located in the heart of Shah Alam. This area has a number of benefits in terms of the market that it will provide for the business. That will also help to promote our company to the national market. The date of the commencement of our business is on the 1st of December 2006. We choose this type of business to position our company as the Best Mobile Car Wash Company in Malaysia through the organization. Our future prospect of this business is to be locally as well as internationally known throughout the world