239 research outputs found

    The role of control system in increasing corporate social performance: The use of levers of control

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    One important instrument to be used in the control system design is strategic behaviors that can lead to the expected organization performance.Referring to the extended definition of strategic behavior using stakeholder-based strategic behavior, corporate social performance is kind of strategic behavior to be influenced by using control system. This paper discusses how control system, using Simons’ levers of control can play important role in increasing the corporate social performance. The interaction between control system, including belief system, boundary system, diagnostic control system, and interactive control system, as well as the corporate financial performance (CFP) can affect the corporate social performance (CSP) due to fact that increase in CFP resulting from the appropriate use of control system components enables the company has more chance to do the CSP. The levers of control are deemed to form an integral part of employee socialization and support the development of an organization’s culture, the system of shared beliefs, values, norms, and mores of organizational members which are deemed to be a primary determinant of the direction of employee behavior

    “Triple Bottom Line” as “Sustainable Corporate Performance”: A Proposition for the Future

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    Based upon a review of corporate performance, corporate financial performance and corporate social performance, we propose that the concept of ―triple bottom line‖ (TBL) as ―sustainable corporate performance‖ (SCP) should consist of three measurement elements, namely: (i) financial, (ii) social and (iii) environmental. TBL as SCP is proposed to be derived from the interface between them. We also propose that the content of each of these measurement elements may vary across contexts and over time. Furthermore, TBL as SCR should be interpreted to be a relative concept that is dynamic and iterative. Continuous monitoring needs to be performed, adapting the content of the measurement elements to changes that evolve across contexts and over time in the marketplace and society. TBL as SCP may be seen as a function of time and context. Keywords: triple bottom line; sustainable corporate performance; corporate social performance; financial performanc

    Institutional Ownership and Corporate Social Performance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesian Companies

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    Prior research on the relationships of institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility has focused on North American (U.S. and Canada) and European companies. With the passage of Indonesian Law No. 40 in 2007, Indonesian companies are now obligated to conduct CSP. As these companies objected to the passage of this law, awareness of how CSP may benefit Indonesian companies in terms of its positive impact on institutional investors needs to be in- vestigated. Thus, this paper examines the relationships of IO and CSP for Indonesian compa- nies. Unfortunately, contrary to the results for North American and European companies, we found no relationships between institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility for Indonesian companies. This finding suggests that most institutional investors do not include CSP as part of their investment decisions. Keywords: Institutional ownership, Corporate social performance (CSP), corporate social responsibility (CSR), Indonesian companie

    The Role of Control System in Increasing Corporate social Performance: The Use of Levers of Control

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    One important instrument to be used in the control system design is strategic behaviors that canlead to the expected organization performance. Referring to the extended definition of strategicbehavior using stakeholder-based strategic behavior, corporate social performance is kind ofstrategic behavior to be influenced by using control system. This paper discusses how controlsystem, using Simons’ levers of control can play important role in increasing the corporate socialperformance. The interaction between control system, including belief system, boundarysystem, diagnostic control system, and interactive control system, as well as the corporate financialperformance (CFP) can affect the corporate social performance (CSP) due to fact thatincrease in CFP resulting from the appropriate use of control system components enables thecompany has more chance to do the CSP. The levers of control are deemed to form an integralpart of employee socialization and support the development of an organization’s culture, thesystem of shared beliefs, values, norms, and mores of organizational members which aredeemed to be a primary determinant of the direction of employee behavior. Copyright © www.iiste.or

    Value relevance of earnings and book value: evidence from Jordan

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    This paper examines the value relevance of earnings and book value of equity (individually and in aggregate), relative to price and return models, for Jordanian industrial companies for the period 1992 to 2002.The main findings of this paper are twofold.First, relative to price model, the value relevance of both earnings and book value (individually) have increased, whilst the value relevance of earnings increased and book value became irrelevant in their combination. Secondly, relative to return model, the value relevance of earnings either individually or in aggregate has increased while that of book value has declined.Overall, it is found that earnings are more important in explaining the variance in share price and return than book value.Furthermore, the results indicate that earnings and book value individually are more value relevant in price model.In contrast, these variables in aggregate are more value relevant in return model.The study shows that earnings help more in explaining market values in Jordanian industrial companies.This paper is the first in using price and return models in one study in Jordan

    The use of graphs in Malaysian companies’ corporate reports: A longitudinal study

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and extent of voluntary disclosure of graphical information in the annual reports of 54 non-financial public listed companies in Malaysia using a longitudinal approach.The results show that the disclosure of graphical information in Malaysian companies’ annual reports has increased at an ‘average level’ over the thirty-year period. The majority of Malaysian companies prefer to use the bar graphs and the most frequently graphed variables are profit, turnover, earnings per share, and shareholders’ fund.The implications of this study are that: a) companies should be aware of the usefulness and advantages of providing graphical information for the benefit of various user groups; b) it may timely for the accounting regulatory bodies to propose a minimum/adequate level of graphical information using selected items of high importance to users of annual reports; and to formulate suitable guidelines in order to standardise the presentation of graphical information in annual reports of companies

    Conceptual framework for IFRS adoption, audit quality and earnings management : the case of Bangladesh

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    This study propose to explore the moderating role of audit quality on the relationship between IFRS adoption and earnings management as well as the effect of IFRS adoption on earnings management in the context of Bangladesh, as developing economy. Earlier literature document that the relationship among IFRS adoption, audit quality and earnings management are not conclusive. In case of IFRS adoption, it is incoherent which may be the result of difference in culture, practices and legal strength of the country. This study considers discretionary accruals as proxy of earnings management which is measured by the extended modified Jones model. Moreover, the influence of audit quality on the association between IFRS adoption and earnings management is also proposed to investigate. This study expects to explore the effect of IFRS adoption on earnings management in the context of developing country, like Bangladesh. It may be informative for the reader to understand the outcome of IFRS adoption, audit quality on earnings management in developing economy.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of the scholarship program by the education fund management institute in Indonesia

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    The primary objective of this investigation is to conduct a comparative analysis between the target formulation and outcomes of the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) scholarship program and the targeting outcomes of program model. The research paradigm employed is post-positivism, utilizing qualitative methods to explore program development and assess its effectiveness. Two key conclusions emerge from this study: i) the prescribed structure of the LPDP scholarship program is considered insufficient, marked by a focus on outcomes and activities and ii) the LPDP scholarship program's performance has fallen short of anticipated standards, primarily attributable to a significant disparity between scholarship recipients and program graduates. In light of these findings, five recommendations are proposed for future enhancements to the LPDP scholarship program: i) undertake a comprehensive study to develop a vision for addressing the human resource needs in Indonesia, taking into account regional variations, industries, professions, and scientific disciplines; ii) incorporate scholarship initiatives targeting the foundational stratum; iii) foster collaboration with ministries and institutions engaged in comparable program management and industry sectors; iv) adjust the standard of living and payment mechanisms accordingly; and v) implement stringent consequences within the LPDP framework for scholarship recipients who fail to graduate within the stipulated timeframe

    Development of Normoxic Polymer Gel Dosimeters Based On Hydroxyethylacrylate And Hydroxyethylmethacrylate Monomers and Their Characterizations Using Raman Spectroscopy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner

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    Polymer gel dosimeters in conjunction with the nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are potentially useful for verification of complex dose distributions in three dimensions (3D) applied in radiotherapy treatment planning. The radiation-induced normoxic polymer gels of polyhydroxyethylacrylate (PHEAG) and polyhydroxyethylmethacrylate (PHEMAG) have been studied using Raman spectroscopy and MRI scanner. The studies are focused on PHEAG and PHEMAG because these monomers belong to acrylic group. Most of the monomer in the acrylic group will indicate physical changes dramatically due to radiation given. The PHEAG and PHEMAG were synthesized from 2-hdroxyethylacrylate (HEA) and hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) monomer (2 to 5% w/w) respectively and together with methylene-bis-acrylamide (BIS) crosslinker (1 to 4% w/w), gelatine (3% w/w), ascorbic acid (5 mM to 15 mM) and completed with de-ionized water. The dosimeters were irradiated with 60Co teletherapy γ-rays source at a constant dose rate of 0.177 Gy/min, receiving doses up 20 Gy for the single point dose measurement and the 3D dose distributions scanning. The polymerization intended for PHEMAG was followed by the change of Raman intensity at Raman shift of 812 cm-1, 1978 cm-1 and 2885 cm-1 assigned for C-C stretching, C=O stretching and CH3 stretching respectively and at 812 cm-1 assigned for C-C stretching in favour of PHEAG. The Raman intensity y corresponding to the amount of polymer formed in both PHEAG and PHEMAG increases with increasing dose D and follows a mono-exponential equation given as ( / 0 ) 0 y = y + A1− e−D D . The dose sensitivity 0 D derived from the equation and k factor derived from a linear relationship between 0 D and co-monomer concentration were found increasing with the increase of initial concentrations of monomer, cross-linker and anti-oxidant. The consumptions of co-monomers in PHEAG were studied by a decrease intensity of C=C stretching at 2887 cm-1 and 2602 cm-1 of HEA and BIS respectively and at 2602 cm-1 and 2369 cm-1 of HEMA and BIS respectively in favour of PHEMAG. The intensity decreases with increasing dose and follows mono-exponential equation given as ( / 0 ) 0 y = y − A1− e−D D . The dose sensitivity 0 D and k factor were also found to increase with the increase of monomer, cross-linker and anti-oxidant concentrations. The PHEMAG phantoms synthesized from HEMA monomer (3% w/w), BIS crosslinker (2 to 4% w/w), gelatine (3%), anti-oxygen ascorbic acid (15 mM to 55 mM) and completed with de-ionized water were exposed with single and crossed beams to simulate radiotherapy treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner was used to scan dose distribution of the phantoms and the 3D images were evaluated using a digital densitometer. It was found that the absorbed dose decreases with the increase of depth dose inside the phantom and the consequently two crossed beams of 20 Gy each produced less than 35 Gy beyond 3 cm depth dose. There is a slightly increase in dose with the increase of ascorbic acid concentration for all the radiation beams tested, indicating the use of ascorbic acid alone as anti-oxidant agent in PHEMAG was able to produce normoxic polymer gel dosimeters. Referring to the results of dose correlation factor k, it can be concluded that kHEMA is more significant than kHEA

    Bayesian approach to classification of football match outcome

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    The football match outcome prediction particularly has gained popularity in recent years. It attract lots type of fan from the analyst expert, managerial of football team and others to predict the football match result before the match start.There are three types of approaches had been proposed to predict win, lose or draw; and evaluate the attributes of the football team. The approaches are statistical approach, machine learningapproach and Bayesian approach. This paper propose the Bayesian approaches within machine learning approaches such as Naive Bayes (NB), Tree Augmented Naive Bayes (TAN) and General Bayesian Network (K2) to predict the football match outcome. The required of football data is the English Premier League match results for three seasons; 2016 – 2017, 2015 – 2016 and 2014 – 2015 downloaded from http://www.football-data.co.uk. The experimental results showed that TAN achieved the highest predictive accuracy of 90.0 % in average across three seasons among others Bayesian approach (K2 and NB). The result from this research is hope that it can be used in future research for predicting the football match outcome