337 research outputs found

    The Composition operator induced by a polynomial of degree n

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    In this paper, we characterize normal composition operators induced by holomorphic self-map , when and .Moreover, we study other related classes of operators, and then we generalize these results to polynomials of degree n


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    Purpose  this study to describe the accessibility of sea transportation services for the people Hinterland in Batam City. This study uses descriptive research method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried through observation, interviews, and documentation. Interviews were conducted to Head  UPT Transportation Service, Private Boat Owner in the Bulang sub-district. This study was analyzed using the Dimension quality of public services, where accessibility is connecting how people obtain service marine transportation by seeing of service quality dimensions, are: 1) Reliability, to provide precisely and correctly, type of service has been promised community. 2) Responsiveness, awareness or desire to help and provide fast service to the community or willingness to help customers and carry out services sincerely. 3) Assurance, knowledge or insight, politeness,  government, and respect for the community, as well level of attention ethics and morals in providing services. 4) Empathy, the willingness of  government to approach providing protection, and trying  find out the wants and needs of the community, characterized by the willingness to know wants and needs of consumers. 5) Tangiable, physical appearance, meaning the services provided are realized in of physical appearance such as buildings, equipment, and other facilities

    Estimation of Export Supply Function for Citrus Fruit in Pakistan

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    There is strong evidence in the literature that export and economic growth have a positive relationship. In Pakistan, with an agrarian economy, earnings from primary agricultural exports are vital for the overall growth process. Fruits are the traditional export commodities, which contribute more than half of total export earnings from primary agricultural commodities. The persistent instability in world market prices for primary commodities has depressed the export earnings from these commodities over time. This poses great challenges to a country like Pakistan. The present study aims at examining changes in the volume of export of citrus fruit from Pakistan caused by such factors as changes in domestic and export prices, national product, foreign exchange rate, etc. The study uses time series data for the period 1975–2004 for citrus exports and related domestic price, export price, GDP, and foreign exchange rate, employing the co-integration and error correction techniques for analysis purposes.

    Impact of WTO’s Trade Liberalisation on Selected Food Crops in Pakistan

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    WTO has major implications for almost all the sectors of economy but agriculture sector is the one which is more prone to the implementation of its agreements, particularly the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). The study intended to evaluate the impact of WTO on domestic ma rket and farm-level prices, production and consumption of major food commodities like wheat and rice and ultimately their impact on the producer’s and consumer’s surpluses. The farm level impact was also evaluated to chalk out the eventual position at farm level with the purpose to identify necessary policies and actions to cope with the new world situation. The study tries to provide a useful guide to the likely impacts of agricultural trade liberalisation. It was found that openness of the economy would affect the domestic demand, supply and consumption along with affecting the producer and consumer surpluses. It was estimated that increased prices would have increased production of wheat which would have generated a gain of producer’s surplus of Rs 10,682 million. On the other hand due to increased wholesale price of wheat, the domestic demand of wheat would have declined and caused a loss to consumer surplus of Rs 12,557 million. Similarly, the increased production of rice would have generated a gain of producer’s surplus of Rs 3,708 million. However, due to increase in the wholesale price of rice, its domestic demand would have declined thus causing a loss to consumers’ surplus. Overall the impact of the increase in the international price of wheat would have resulted in a net loss to Pakistan of Rs 1,875 million during 2004-05 while in case of rice it would have resulted in a gain of Rs 1,215 million in 2004-05.Trade Liberalisation, Food Crops, Export, Consumer Surplus, Comparative Advantage, Free Trade.


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    Prestasi kerja pegawai merupakan kemampuan seseorang dalam usaha mencapai suatu hasil kerja yang ingin dicapai sebagai pelaksanaan tugas serta tanggung jawab yang diberikan pimpinan kepadanya dalam usaha pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Prestasi kerja menjadi hal yang sangat pokok dalam suatu organisasasi, dengan adanya prestasi kerja tersebut pegawai lebih termotivasi untuk bekerja lebih tekun, teliti dan hati-hati dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya berdasarkan kecakapan, pengalaman dan kesanggupan dengan waktu yang ditentukan. Prestasi sangat perlu karena apabila terbuka kesempatan untuk berprestasi maka akan menimbulkan dorongan psikologis untuk meningkatkan dedikasi pemanfaatan potensi yang dimiliki untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prestasi kerja pegawai pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yang merupakan analisis diskriftif, yitu dengan cara mengumpulkan dan mengelompokkan data sesuai dengan tema dan jenis masing-masing, kemudian menyajikan data kedalam bentuk tabel maupun kedalam bentuk teks, selanjutnya menganalisa data yang terkumpul dengan pengukuruan teknik skala likert kemudian diambil kesimpulan.. Prestasi kerja dalam penelitian ini diukur 4 indikator yaitu kerja sama, tanggung jawab, kedisipilinan dan kepemimpinan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang menjadi dimensi petunjuk prestasi kerja adalah kerja sama (r=807**) yang paling baik. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi kerja pegawai Pada Dinas Peridustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir termasuk dalam kategori cukup baik hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penghitungan menggunakan Nanalisis deskriptif kualitatif dimana hasil dari penilaian prestasi kerja sebesar 69,68%, dan diperkuat dengan hasil wawancara yang dilakukan


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Motivation on the performance of the apparatus in the Keritang Sub-district office, Indragiri Hilir district downstream. that the level of motivation of the apparatus in the office of Keritang Sub-District of Indragiri Hilir Regency is included in the high category. Furthermore, in the apparatus performance category at the Keritang Sub-District Office, Indragiri Hilir Regency is in a very high category, this might be caused by not doing the best if not coupled with good performance from the employees themselves, so therefore the awareness of the employees themselves on the importance of good performance can have an influence on service to the community. Hypothesis testing concludes that there is a negative and significant influence between motivation and performance. This is indicated by the test of the effect of the independent variable of motivation on performance variables which shows t count of 5.097 greater than the t table of 1.703 at the level of trust α = 0.05 and t table of 2.473 at the level of confidence α = 0.01. This shows that the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted, namely there is a significant effect between the independent variable motivation (X) on the dependent variable performance (Y).&nbsp

    The competing status of Urdu and English after declaration of Urdu as official langauge in Pakistan

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    The current research aims at exploring the status of Urdu and English in Pakistan. There has always been a rift between Urdu and English in order to stay dominant language in the spheres of power like education, law and bureaucracy in Pakistan. There were many steps taken to replace English practically and the latest of the plans was initiated in 2015 to replace Urdu with English as an official language. This necessitated the current research to re-assess the role of Urdu and English in this phase of transition. The data for the current research was collected by using interview protocol. A sample of 60 participants selected through purposive sample took part in the collection of data. The interview protocol comprised questions on the aspects like the importance of the language, the academic value of the language and the future of that language. The study concludes that the people understand the role of Urdu in the context of nation-wide connection while English is source of connecting with the world. English enjoys better academic value as well as better future prospects in comparison with Urdu.</p

    Impact of Crime on Socio-Economic Development: A Study of Karachi

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    This study was conducted to explore the impact of crime on socio-economic development of the country. The purpose of the study was to comprehend the increasing crime rate and to know its influences on socio-economic progress. To examine the crime and its impacts on country development, a field survey was conducted and questionnaires was developed to understand the ground situation. For the purpose of the interviews the members of the community were selected by using simple random sample technique.&nbsp; This study is found that crime rate is cumulative due to dissimilar socio-economic snags like, poverty, unemployment, uses of drugs, etc.&nbsp; Further this study highlights the causes and recommends possible solutions for the curbing the threat of crime in Karachi. The main focus of this research paper is to find out the pathways to overcome crime in Pakistan. Key words: Crime, Socio-Economic, Development, Karach
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