155 research outputs found

    Effective Integration of Technology in a High School Beginning Japanese Class

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    Technological advancement is rapidly changing our daily lives. Many teachers seek ways to implement technology to improve students’ learning experiences. How do we determine what types of technological tools to use to maximize learning? This research investigated the effectiveness of the integration of the Substitution Augmentation Substitution and Redefinition (SAMR) model and other web applications in learning Japanese at the high school level. Fifty-one students in first-year Japanese language classes participated in a technology-integrated lesson. Technology-enhanced activities were selected with the SAMR model and were developed for students to learn and demonstrate Japanese language skills and cultural knowledge in a learning sequence based on second language theories. A pre-survey, formative assessments, summative assessments, homework logs, a post survey, and a teacher journal were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of such integration and its influences on learners’ language performance and motivation. Results indicated that students’ language performance increased in both interpretive and presentational modes of communication, however, there was no significant improvement in the interpersonal mode of communication. In addition, students also developed learning strategies with technology as they shared them with their peers

    Pandangan Ushul Fikih Al-Qurthubi dalam Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Jual Beli

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    Ushul fikih digunakan oleh mufasir sebagai pendekatan dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat hukum dalam Al-Qur’ān. Salah satu kitab tafsir yang menarik untuk dibahas dari sisi ushul fikihnya adalah Al-Jāmi’ li Ahkām al-Qurān karya Imam al-Qurthubi (w. 671 H). Tafsir milik al-Qurthubi merupakan tafsir bercorak fikih yang tidak mengedepankan fanatisme mazhab meskipun al-Qurthubi bermazhab Maliki, beliau lebih memihak kepada pendapat yang lebih bijak. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian pustaka yang menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis dengan data berupa penafsiran al-Qurthubi tentang 4 ayat Al-Qur’ān yang membahas hukum jual beli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan al-Qurthubi sebagai mufasir sekaligus fakih tentang penerapan kaidah ushul fikih, metode istinbat dan pendekatan tafsir yang digunakan dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat jual beli, serta untuk melihat pandangan ushul fikih al-Qurthubi yang sejalan dengan prinsip ekonomi Islam. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa ushul fikih melekat pada tafsir al-Qurthubi. Beliau selalu menerapkan kaidah-kaidah yang beragam dalam menggali hukum pada ayat jual beli. Pandangan beliau dalam ushul fikih dan hukum fikih terlebih dahulu dibandingkan dengan pendapat ulama lain sebelum ditegaskan mana yang menurut beliau lebih sahih

    Analysis of a change in bacterial community in different environments with addition of chitin or chitosan

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    The temporal changes of a bacterial community in soil with chitin or chitosan added were analyzed by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) targeting the 16S rRNA gene using total DNAs prepared from the community. Band patterns of PCR-DGGE confirmed that 31 species become predominant after the addition of chitin or chitosan. The determination of the nucleotide sequences of the bands of the 31 species indicated that 20 species belonged to the division Proteobacteria, and that the genus Celivibrio was apparently predominant among them (7/20). The 16S rRNA sequences of the 16 deduced species (16/31) showed less than 98% similarities to those of previously identified bacteria, indicating that the species were derived from unidentified bacteria. The total community DNAs extracted from bacterial cells adsorbed on the surface of flakes of chitin and chitosan placed in a river, a moat, or soil were subjected to PCR-DGGE to examine the extent of diversity of chitinolytic bacteria among different environments. The predominant species significantly differed between the chitin and chitosan placed in the river and moat, but not so much between those placed in the soil. The large difference between the diversities of the three bacterial communities indicated that a wide variety of bacteria including unidentified ones are involved in the degradation of chitin and chitosan in the above-mentioned natural environments. (C) 2009, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.ArticleJOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING. 109(5):472-478 (2010)journal articl

    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging assessment for glossopharyngeal neuralgia : value of three-dimensional T2-reversed MR imaging (3D-T2R) in conjunction with other modes of 3D MR imaging

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    Background: To retrospectively examine the usefulness of gray-scale reversal imaging of T2-weighted images (3D-T2R) in conjunction with other modes of 3D MRI for preoperative assessments in patients with glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN) due to neurovascular compression. Material/Methods: Imaging findings on 3D-T2R, constructive interference in steady state (CISS), and MRA were analyzed with reference to operative charts in 10 patients with GPN. Results: Offending vessels were associated with the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) in 9 of 10 patients (90%). Eight of the 10 patients (80%) had offending vessels located at the supraolivary fossette. Of those eight patients, six (75%) had a shift of the ipsilateral vertebral artery to the affected side. Five (42%) and seven (48%) contact points were associated with the root entry/exit zone and the peripheral nerve system segment, respectively. In six of nine contact points (67%), 3D-T2R demonstrated the pathomorphological features at the contact points better than CISS. Conclusions: The offending vessels were mostly associated with posterior inferior cerebellar arteries, were frequently located at the supraolivary fossette, and had attachments at the root entry/exit zone and at the peripheral segment of the glossopharyngeal nerve, which was well demonstrated on 3D-T2R

    Medical Tourism-Issues in Nigeria

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    This study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effects medical tourism has on Nigeria. This was done focusing on the trends on three major concerns which are: the effect of medical tourism on the health status of Nigerians, the effect of medical tourism on Nigeria’s economy and lastly, why medical tourism by Nigerians despite the development in our medical sector. Data for this study were collected majorly from secondary sources and the Desk review method of data analysis was used. This primarily entails the examination and evaluation of several studies using the Scoping review research design of collecting and collating important information for the research. This allowed for expansion of knowledge on other key areas that were not related to the scope of study, such as social health development and several others. Findings revealed that indeed, medical tourism by Nigerians has had some effects on several sectors of the country, one of which is a reduction in the revenue for sustaining the source country’s (Nigeria) local health sector and as a result, leads to poor performance on the medical officers, as they are short of logistics and facilities and in turn leads to lack of trust in medical practitioners and also high mortality rate. If the millions of Naira spent by some Nigerian government officials and the Nigerian elites on medical tourism abroad, are put into effective infrastructural development and are made to receive medical treatments here in Nigeria, they would indeed be doing the economy and the general image of the nation’s health status /sector a lot of good. Keywords: Medical tourism, health, scoping review research design DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-8-05 Publication date:August 31st 2020

    New bobtail squid (Sepiolidae: Sepiolinae) from the Ryukyu islands revealed by molecular and morphological analysis

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    Bobtail squid are emerging models for host-microbe interactions, behavior, and development, yet their species diversity and distribution remain poorly characterized. Here, we combine mitochondrial and transcriptome sequences with morphological analysis to describe three species of bobtail squid (Sepiolidae: Sepiolinae) from the Ryukyu archipelago, and compare them with related taxa. One Ryukyuan type was previously unknown, and is described here as Euprymna brenneri sp. nov. Another Ryukyuan type is morphologically indistinguishable from Sepiola parva Sasaki, 1913. Molecular analyses, however, place this taxon within the genus Euprymna Steenstrup, 1887, and additional morphological investigation led to formal rediagnosis of Euprymna and reassignment of this species as Euprymna parva comb. nov. While no adults from the third Ryukyuan type were found, sequences from hatchlings suggest a close relationship with E. pardalota Reid, 2011, known from Australia and East Timor. The broadly sampled transcriptomes reported here provide a foundation for future phylogenetic and comparative studies

    Factores comerciales que influyen en la preferencia de los consumidores millennials hacia las tiendas de conveniencia del distrito de San Miguel

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    La sociedad ha cambiado, es así como también el retail ha tenido que evolucionar para adaptarse a las necesidades y nuevos requerimientos de los consumidores. Las tiendas de conveniencia, formato dentro del sector retail, han tenido gran aceptación en el mercado peruano, ya que durante los últimos años hemos visto cómo locales de este tipo han incrementado en la ciudad formando parte casi de nuestro día a día. Sin embargo, en la actualidad no solo basta estar cerca del consumidor, sino entender qué necesita. La presente investigación dentro de la limitación de su población de estudio tiene como objetivo comprobar la influencia de la exposición y variedad de productos en el grado de preferencia de los consumidores en las tiendas de conveniencia. La metodología empleada en esta investigación fue cuantitativa no probabilística con un instrumento aplicado a 400 personas en un muestreo por cuotas para analizar variables como los atributos de tienda, motivos de selección y el comportamiento del consumidor.Society has changed, this is how retail has also had to evolve to adapt to the needs and new requirements of consumers. Convenience stores, a format within the retail sector, have had great acceptance in the Peruvian market, since in recent years we have seen how stores of this type have increased in the city, almost forming part of our daily routine. However, nowadays it is not only enough to be close to the consumer, but to understand what their needs are. The present investigation within the limitation of its study population aims to verify the influence of exposure and product mix on the consumer’s choice preference in convenience stores. The methodology used in this research was quantitative non-probabilistic with an instrument applied to 400 people in a quota sampling to analyze variables such as store attributes, selection reasons and consumer behavior.Tesi

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de fosfato diamónico para el mercado de la selva

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por finalidad determinar la viabilidad o no de instalar una Planta de Producción de Fosfato Diamónico (fertilizante fosfatado más comercializado a nivel mundial) para satisfacer el mercado de la Selva Peruana. A continuación, detallaremos brevemente el contenido y resultados obtenidos en los capítulos más importantes de la investigación realizada. En primer lugar, en el capítulo de estudio de mercado, se mostrará la demanda proyectada para los años de aplicación del Proyecto comprendidos entre el 2020 al 2024, donde se obtiene una demanda en el último año de 67,869 sacos de 50kg del Producto. En el capítulo de localización de planta mostraremos las localidades más relevantes para instalar la fábrica, realizando evaluaciones con diversos factores, tanto objetivos como subjetivos, en donde obtenemos como ubicación estratégica la región y provincia de Piura. En el capítulo de tamaño de planta, veremos los factores que limitan lo establecido, en donde para la presente investigación estará limitado por el tamaño-mercado. En el capítulo de ingeniería del proyecto, definimos el producto técnicamente, así como los procesos de producción y las máquinas necesarias para fabricar nuestro producto. Además, hacemos hincapié en la gestión ambiental, de calidad, de mantenimiento y seguridad y salud ocupacional que se desempeñará dentro de la planta productiva que comprende un área de 4,924.50 m2. En el capítulo de organización y administración definimos la estructura organizacional dentro de la empresa industrial y las tareas que realiza cada uno de los 26 colaboradores, además del fin de la empresa y los valores que se inculcan dentro de ella. Por último, en el capítulo de presupuestos, detallaremos la viabilidad económica y financiera mediante indicadores como VANE S/ 200,564, TIRE 24.10%, VANF S/ 655,861 y TIRF 29.99% para la implementación de la planta industrial, así como los beneficios que generarían a los accionistas y los impactos socioeconómicos en la zona de influencia del Proyecto.The purpose of this research work is to determine the feasibility or not of installing a Diammonium Phosphate Production Plant (the most commercialized phosphate fertilizer in the world) to satisfy the Peruvian jungle market. Next, we will briefly detail the contents and results obtained in the most important chapters of the research carried out. Firstly, in the market study chapter, we will show the projected demand for the years of application of the Project from 2020 to 2024, where we obtain a demand in the last year of 67,869 50kg bags of the Product. In the plant location chapter we will show the most relevant locations to install the factory, making evaluations with various factors, both objective and subjective, where we obtain as strategic location the region and province of Piura. In the chapter of plant size, we will see the factors that limit the established, where for the present investigation will be limited by the size-market. In the project engineering chapter, we define the product technically, as well as the production processes and the machines necessary to manufacture our product. In addition, we emphasize the environmental, quality, maintenance and occupational health and safety management that will be performed within the production plant, which covers an area of 4,924.50 m2. In the organization and administration chapter, we define the organizational structure within the industrial company and the tasks performed by each of the 26 collaborators, as well as the purpose of the company and the values instilled within it. Finally, in the budget chapter, we will detail the economic and financial viability through indicators such as NPV S/ 200,564, EIRR 24.10%, NPV S/ 655,861 and EIRR 29.99% for the implementation of the industrial plant, as well as the benefits that would be generated to the shareholders and the socioeconomic impacts in the area of influence of the Project

    Diversification of mandarin citrus by hybrid speciation and apomixis

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    The origin and dispersal of cultivated and wild mandarin and related citrus are poorly understood. Here, comparative genome analysis of 69 new east Asian genomes and other mainland Asian citrus reveals a previously unrecognized wild sexual species native to the Ryukyu Islands: C. ryukyuensis sp. nov. The taxonomic complexity of east Asian mandarins then collapses to a satisfying simplicity, accounting for tachibana, shiikuwasha, and other traditional Ryukyuan mandarin types as homoploid hybrid species formed by combining C. ryukyuensis with various mainland mandarins. These hybrid species reproduce clonally by apomictic seed, a trait shared with oranges, grapefruits, lemons and many cultivated mandarins. We trace the origin of apomixis alleles in citrus to mangshanyeju wild mandarins, which played a central role in citrus domestication via adaptive wild introgression. Our results provide a coherent biogeographic framework for understanding the diversity and domestication of mandarin-type citrus through speciation, admixture, and rapid diffusion of apomictic reproduction