973 research outputs found

    Replacing conventional energy sources of electricity with solar energy in the UK and Iraq using statistical inference with hypothesis testing

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    Solar power represents a vast resource which could, in principle meet the world’s needs for lowcarbon power generation many times over. Recent growth in the use of photovoltaic (PV) technology (of around 40% per year) and rapid reduction in its cost (20% per doubling of capacity) has demonstrated the potential of solar power to deliver on a large scale. Energy is a vital resource required for the operation of any business. Currently, the vast majority of businesses use electricity derived for non-renewable fossil fuels, which are expected to run out at its current rate of expenditure and causing substantial environmental damage threatening the future generations. In the UK and Iraq if the current energy source used by small and medium enterprises (SME’s) could be replaced by solar energy then damage to the environment can be prevented. Solar cells involve harnessing the energy from the sun to generate electricity and as such the amount of sunlight hours or solar insulation available in the country is of utmost importance. In this study a methodology has been developed to compare a model micro-business in the UK and Northern Iraq. The comparison shows that using statistically inference the different regions (latitudinally) in Northern Iraq have a reasonable constant supply of solar insulation compared with the U.K which shows that there is more variation and less solar insulation in the more northern regions of the country. Therefore, it is more feasible to replace the existing non-renewable fossil fuel sources with solar cells in all regions of Iraq than the U.K which requires further cost benefit considerations

    Carrier Status of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

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    To investigate nasal carriage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among dental healthcare workers (HCWs) , as the carriers could be the potential risk factor for the transmission of nosocomial infection when exposed to hospital setting during clinical posting. Methods: One hundred HCWs including postgraduate trainees, house physicians, staff nurses and technicians participated in the study. Nasal specimens were obtained by using cotton swabs moistened in sterile saline. The nasal specimens collected were processed as per (CLSI, 2008). Specimens were inoculated on blood agar to look for β-hemolysis of Staphylococcus aureus. Nutrient agar was used for the direct colony identification of Staphylococcus aureus. Mannitol salt agar (MSA) and DNAse were used as selective media for the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus and incubated at 35˚C for 48 hrs.Resistance to methicillin was detected with cefoxitin(30 μg) through Disk Diffusion Test and interpreted according to (CLSI, 2009). A diameter of ≥22 mm was considered as susceptible and ≤21 mm as resistant as per (CLSI, 2010).Results: Out of 100 nasal swabs collected, 71 nasal swabs were from the dental surgeons and 29 were from the nursing staff, 35 (35%) showed a growth of Staphylococcus aureus. Among those who were positive for Staphylococcus aureus 62.85%were positive for MRSA. Overall 22 (22%) out of a 100 individuals came out to be positive for MRSA.Conclusion: Health care workers (HCWs) were the potential colonizers of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus and may serve as reservoirs or disseminators of MRSA

    Document Layout Analysis on BaDLAD Dataset: A Comprehensive MViTv2 Based Approach

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    In the rapidly evolving digital era, the analysis of document layouts plays a pivotal role in automated information extraction and interpretation. In our work, we have trained MViTv2 transformer model architecture with cascaded mask R-CNN on BaDLAD dataset to extract text box, paragraphs, images and tables from a document. After training on 20365 document images for 36 epochs in a 3 phase cycle, we achieved a training loss of 0.2125 and a mask loss of 0.19. Our work extends beyond training, delving into the exploration of potential enhancement avenues. We investigate the impact of rotation and flip augmentation, the effectiveness of slicing input images pre-inference, the implications of varying the resolution of the transformer backbone, and the potential of employing a dual-pass inference to uncover missed text-boxes. Through these explorations, we observe a spectrum of outcomes, where some modifications result in tangible performance improvements, while others offer unique insights for future endeavors

    Reductions in Co2 emissions from electricity generation from solar energy at Sulaymanyah airport in Kurdistan, Iraq

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    The gradual increase in the earth’s temperature in the last three decades highlights how global warming has become a major concern for the future of our planet. To meet the world’s needs for low CO2 power generation, alternatives to conventional fossil fuels are required. Solar energy is an attractive alternative that represents a vast resource which can be harnessed in all regions of the world. Dependency on fossil fuels to generate electricity in order to match the rapid power demand and increasing populations has resulted in huge pollution and damage to the environment. This paper considers the electricity demand and the amount of CO2 reductions of Sulymaniah International Airport in Kurdistan, Iraq. The cost of replacing a proportion of the conventional fossil fuel power generation with solar energy is first estimated and then theoretical calculations of possible reductions in CO2 emissions are presented

    Solar photovoltaic generation potential and plant capactiy in Northern Iraq

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    Energy is an essential requirement globally, a reliable supply of energy is vital for our modern life; nowadays the majority of the energy supply comes from non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuel. In the last three decades “Global Warming” has increasingly become a major concern for the future of our planet. More dependency and the use of fossil fuel to generate electricity in order to match the rapid power demand due to development of technology and increasing populations have resulted in huge pollution and damage of the environment. The reliance on fossil fuel sources needs to be reduced by efficient energy management and replacement with renewable energy sources. Solar energy photovoltaic cells (PV) have emerged as promising candidates. This study aims to introduce the feasibility and potential of solar electricity generation on the basis of solar radiation data gained from Agro-Meteorological-sub-sector [1], in the Erbil-Northern Iraq region. Analysis using linear regression and insolation data available for the region suggests that significant electricity output can be generated using solar power from available fixed plant areas. The results and the measurement calculations used justify and support clearly the method been utilised in the stud


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    The room and pillar mining method is responsible for high death toll and disability rate of coal mine workers in Baluchistan. The frequent incidents of roof falls day to day accidents, and suffocation due to sufficient emission of methane are the main causes of increased death rate. Substantial increase in injuries are also causing complications in the life of poor coal workers

    Prevalence of depression among subjects with and without gestational diabetes mellitus in Bangladesh: a hospital based study

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    Background Data on association between depression and diabetes during the pregnancy period in Asia, specifically in Bangladesh are scarce. The study was designed to measure the prevalence of depression during pregnancy with or without Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). Methods Seven hundred and forty eight pregnant women (382 with GDM, 366 without-GDM) attending at the Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, participated in the study. Blood glucose was measured following both WHO and ACOG criteria; GDM was diagnosed within 24–28 weeks. Depressive symptoms were assessed following MADRS scale. Semi-structured questionnaire was used to record their socio-demographic status and clinical and family history. Blood pressure, height, weight were also measured. Results Overall prevalence of depression was 18.32 %. Depression was higher in GDM subjects (25.92 %) compared to without-GDM subjects (10.38 %) with mean age of of 28.34 and 27.17 years respectively. Prevalence of depression was alarming in both the extreme of age. Dwelling place (P < 0.009) and past history of GDM (P < 0.018) had strong association with Depression. Higher prevalence of depression was found in Primipara whereas the risk of GDM increased with parity. Other obstetrical factors did not show any significant association with depression and GDM. Income (self and total family), physical exercise, sedentary lifestyle and workload had no significant statistical association with depression or GDM. Conclusion Higher rate of depression in pregnancy deserves medical attention especially women diagnosed with GDM. Further studies should estimate adverse pregnancy outcome for untreated depression especially in GDM cases

    Energy analysis for replacing fossil fuel energy source of electricity wtih solar cells in the UK and Kurdistan, Iraq

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    Energy is a vital resource required for the operation of any business. Currently, the vast majority of businesses use electricity derived for non-renewable fossil fuels, which are expected to run out at its current rate of expenditure and causing substantial environmental damage threatening the future generations. In the UK if the current energy source used by small and medium enterprises (SME’s) could be replaced by solar energy then damage to the environment can be prevented and reduce costs as solar cells become more efficient. Solar cells involve harnessing the energy from the sun to generate electricity. In this study a methodology has been developed to compare a model micro-business in Manchester, UK and Kurdistan, Iraq. The comparison shows quantatively that even though Kurdistan, Iraq is abundant in oil and gas its climatic conditions favour the implementation of solar cells. Therefore, it is more feasible to replace the existing non-renewable fossil fuel sources with solar cells in Iraq due to greater solar radiation striking the earth’s surface. Our research suggests that solar cells can replace a reasonable amount of the energy requirements even in Manchester, UK and a much higher proportion in Kurdistan, Iraq. Using existing 20% efficient silicon solar cells we can replace 28% and 88% of the energy requirements of the micro business in UK and Kurdistan, Iraq respectively

    Corruption in Islamic Perspective and the Roles of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) to Control It

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    Corruption is a hurdle for development and good governance in the least developed countries (LDC), and emerging and development economies (EDE). In Islamic Shariah it is a great sin. It has a bad impact upon the socio-economic development of any nation. Since the last couple of decade Academics have given strong attention on controlling corruption. In this modern information age Information and Communication Technology (ICT) becomes almost compulsory in daily life. Effort of this study is to see ICT as an anti corruption tool to prevent corruption to comply Shariah rules. Key Words: ICT, Corruption, Islamic Ethics, Social Developmen
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