172 research outputs found

    Constitutional Liberties in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    Abstract.The paper is a part of the research analyzing methods of verbalizing the social and cultural notion“family” in the works “War and peace” by a well-known Russian writer Leo Tolstoy and “The man of property” by a prominent British writer John Galsworthy. The whole research is much broader studying the use of words denoting various family relationships in these two works; in this paper we do not go further than comparing the use of the word “family” and detecting the methods of realizing ameliorative and pejorative emotional attitudes to the notion “family” when using this word. As the result of the given level of our research we draw the conclusion about the linguistic means enabling to realize positive and negative connotative components of the meaning of the word “family” used in combination with it. Also the images of the families in the British and Russian works depicted by the analyzed linguistic units are compared.Key words: cultural notion, social notion, verbalization, stylistic devices, ameliorative emotiveness, pejorative emotiveness


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    Abstract. The article explores a celebrity biography of the person known to have written a number of works,but yet didn’t qualify for a literary biography. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire (1757-1806) was an 18 th century socialite who, among other achievements, wrote poetry and fiction. However, she did not gain her fame through literature. The authors study the function of pieces of written works used in the biographies of the Duchess. The biographer’s tend to choose the Duchess’s works known to be autobiographical. The 1779 novel “The Sylph” arises the most interest. The custom has been to dismiss the novel as a roman à clef. Though all of the Duchess’ biographers to various degrees include her creative works, none of them can be called literary biography, because they do not recognise their literary value. They do not view Georgiana as a writer, as writing was not her chief occupation. Her political activity and private misfortunes overshadowed her talents.Keywords: biography, Duchess of Devonshire, The Sylph, roman à clef, 18 th century novel

    Macrostructural parameters of unilingual Russian phraseological dictionaries

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    The paper analyzes macrostructural parameters of unilingual Russian phraseological dictionaries beginning from the very first ones to the latest diachronically. The focus of the research is the process of selecting phraseological units, methods of their arranging in the dictionary, alphabetical and other indexes use, target user etc., and changes these parameters of dictionaries undergo. The above mentioned characteristics of dictionaries are considered to be part of their metalanguage

    Мусульмане Великобритании: динамика численности и трансформация общины

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    The paper of A.R. Ayupova deals with answers of Muslim communities in Great Britain to challenges of the modern globalizing world. In the twentieth century Muslim diaspora in the country changed a lot. First, its identity was much influenced by colonial legacy of the British Empire. Massive immigration was caused first by reasons of economic development in England of the mid-twentieth century. From the 1980s British Muslim population increased due to political immigrant flows from the Middle East and other Asian and African countries of the Third World. In the 1990s 68,000 immigrants are estimated to have been installed in Great Britain. In diaspora they formed communities according to their ethnic, confessional and regional origin. Adherents of Islam constitute today the second largest confession after Christianity. Transformation of Muslim diaspora is going on.В статье А.Р. Айюповой рассматривается реакция мусульманских общин Великобритании на реалии современного глобализированного мира. В течение двадцатого века в мусульманской диаспоре страны произошли серьезные изменения. Во-первых, на ее самовосприятие значительное влияние оказало колониальное наследие Британской империи. Массовая иммиграция была спровоцирована в первую очередь экономическим развитием Англии в середине ХХ века. Начиная с 1980-х гг. мусульманское население Великобритании увеличивалось за счет потоков политических иммигрантов с Ближнего Востока и из других азиатских и африканских стран «третьего мира». Согласно оценкам, в течение 1990-х гг. в Великобритании осели 68 000 иммигрантов. Внутри диаспоры они формировали сообщества по этническому, конфессиональному и региональному принципу. На сегодняшний день ислам – вторая по численности адептов конфессия после христианства. Преобразования внутри мусульманской диаспоры продолжаются и сегодня


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    Purpose: The paper is devoted to the study of verbalizing the social and cultural notion "family" in the second volume of the novel “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy and the novel “In Chancery” by J. Galsworthy. It describes the stylistic devices enabling to realize positive and negative connotative components of the meaning of linguistic units verbalizing the notion “family”. Methodology: In order to achieve the goal of our research we conducted a thorough comparative analysis of the texts of the works under study. Result: The results of our study allow us to draw a conclusion regarding the linguistic means enabling to realize ameliorative and pejorative connotative components in the meaning of the word “family” used in combination with it. Furthermore, the evidence from this study allowed us to compare the images of the British and Russian in the studied works represented by the analyzed linguistic means. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Verbalization of “Family” as a Cultural Notion in the Novels “War and Peace” BY L. Tolstoy and “In Chancery” by J. Galsworthy is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The project of Hejaz railway construction : a historical and historiographic review

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    One of the last attempts to raise the prestige of the Ottoman caliphate during the reign of Abdul Hamid II was the initiative of the Sultan in the construction of the Hejaz railway, which was to provide an easier and a faster access for pilgrims to the shrines of Mecca and Medina. At the end of the 19th century, as well as during several previous centuries, the main link between the Ottoman administration and the Hejaz residents were the gifts and the donations from the Sultan of the Caliph to religious figures, the sheikhs of the tribes and the population of sacred cities. Of course, such a grandiose construction could aggravate the financial debts of the Ottoman Empire, but, according to preliminary calculations, the road had to pay off, and besides, to glorify Abdul Hamid II. In this regard, the goals and the objectives of this study are to analyze the official ideology of the Ottoman Empire and ideological projects implemented in practice during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the form of influence on the social-political situation in the Ottoman Empire, as well as the influence of Islamic unity ideas on Muslims embodied in practice by the carrying out the propaganda campaign for the implementation of the Hijaz railway construction project.peer-reviewe


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    This work contains the history and solutions of the famous problems of antiquity, which played an important role in the development of mathematics. The presentation is accompanied by interesting information about the development and methods of mathematics. The work is focused on a beginning mathematician-student of the first year and a student of the upper secondary school