44 research outputs found

    Arbi Care: An Educational Game Innovation To Increase Healthy Behavior Among Preschoolers

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    To prevent diarrhea in children, an innovative approach is needed to promote healthy behavior. Games are widely recommended as a means of educating children in this regard. This paper describes the process of developing an educational game to increase healthy behavior for diarrhea prevention among preschool children. The reported study employed a research and development design involving four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. The process of developing the game involved (1) exploring the characteristics of games favored by the children; (2) designing an intervention based on those preferences; (3) validating the game prototype with experts and testing the game with preschool children to assess its applicability; and (4) revising the game for application as an intervention. Observation sheets were used to assess the game’s applicability. The results showed that 92% of the 10 preschool children were able to play the game (which we called arbi care) and to understand its message. The results indicate that the arbicare game can beused asa learning device to increase healthy behavior related to diarrhea prevention among preschool children

    Hubungan Health Locus of Control dengan Kepatuhan Diet pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di RSUD Kota Depok Tahun 2020

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    Latar Belakang. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) telah menyebabkan 4,2 juta kematian pada tahun 2019. Di Indonesia, penyakit DM merupakan salah satu PTM yang menyebabkan kematian utama. Kepatuhan diet menjadi perilaku yang sangat penting dan diperlukan kendali diri.Tujuan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hubungan lokus kendali diri untuk sehat baik dimensi internal, orang berpengaruh, keberuntungan dan faktor lainnya dengan kepatuhan diet pasien DM tipe 2 di RSUD Kota Depok tahun 2020.Metode. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross-sectional, pengambilan data dilakukan melalui convenience sampling pada 52 pasien DM tipe 2 yang berkunjung ke poli penyakit dalam RSUD Kota Depok.Hasil. Pasien memiliki nilai kepatuhan diet yang cukup yaitu 66,23 dari skala 100. Hasil uji korelasi pearson menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan kekuatan sedang dan positif antara lokus kendali untuk sehat dimensi internal dan dimensi orang berpengaruh dengan kepatuhan diet (r= 0,46 dan r= 0,28) diikuti dengan dimensi keberuntungan menunjukkan kekuatan sedang dan negatif terhadap kepatuhan diet (r= -0,28).Kesimpulan. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara health locus of control dimensi internal, powerful others dan chance dengan kepatuhan diet dengan kekuatan hubungan sedang dan arah korelasi positif pada dimensi internal dan powerful others sedangkan negatif pada dimensi chance. ABSTRACTBackground. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) caused 4.2 million deaths in 2019. In Indonesia, DM is an NCD that causes major deaths. Dietary adherence becomes a vital behavior and requires self-control. Objective. This study aimed to determine the relationship between health locus of control on internal, powerful-others, chance dimensions and other factors with dietary adherence among type 2 DM patients at Depok City Hospital in 2020.Method. This study used a cross-sectional design and data collection through convenience sampling on 52 type 2 DM patients who visited internist poly in Depok City Hospital.Results. This study indicates that patients have adequate dietary adherence values 66,23 on a scale of 100. Pearson correlation test results show a significant relationship between health locus of control on internal and powerful-others dimensions with a moderate and positive relationship with dietary adherence (r= 0,46 and r= 0,28). Meanwhile, the chance dimension shows a moderate and negative relationship with dietary adherence (r= -0,28).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between health locus of control internal, powerful others and chance dimensions with dietary compliance with moderate strength. The direction of the correlation is positive on the internal dimension and powerful others while negative on the chance dimension

    Association Between Out of Pocket Patient's Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention at Wisma Jaya's Community Health Centre, Municipality of Bekasi, 2007

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    Number of out of pocket patient tends to decrease during 2005 - 2006. Patient satisfaction affects to patient’s repurchase intention of health services. This research aim is to identify the association between out of pocket patient’s satisfaction and their intention to repeated visit to Puskesmas Wisma Jaya Bekasi in 2007. Research design used cross sectional approach. Data were collected from 219 respondents. Statistical multiple logistic regression analysis was used to analysis the data. The result shows proportion of respondent who wanted to re-utilize Puskesmas Wisma Jaya is 93.2 %. This study found out of pocket patient who satisfied will have 7.5 times to repeated visit Puskesmas Wisma Jaya than out of pocket patient who don’t satisfied after education, age and expenses are controlled. Health District Office of Bekasi City should use service coverage and patient satisfaction as indicators to asses the efficacy performance of Puskesmas

    Arbi Care: an Innovative Educational Game to Increase Healthy Behavior in Diarrhea Prevention among Preschoolers

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    Innovation is needed to improve healthy behaviors of children in order to prevent diarrhea. Education through games is widely recommended as a way to change behavior in children. This study describes the process of developing an educational game to increase healthy behaviors of preschool children. This study used research and development design techniques with four stages, including: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Observation sheets were used to assess the effectiveness of the game in educating children. The process of developing this educational game included several phases: 1) exploration of the characteristics of games favored by children; 2) design of the intervention based on games preferred by children; 3) validation of the game prototype by experts and testing of the game by preschool children, and 4) revision of the game in order to obtain a game focused on diarrhea prevention that can be used as a behavioral health intervention. Results showed that in testing of the game by ten preschool were able to play and understand the message of the game 92% of the time. The results showed that the Arbi Care game can be used as a learning device to increase healthy behavior in preschool children

    Persepsi Ibu Terhadap Iklan Vaksin Measles Rubella (MR)

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    Measles and Rubella (MR) is a disease that is highly contagious and usually occurs in children aged 9 months until the age of 15 years. One effort that can be done to reduce the incidence of the disease is through health promotion about the importance of immunization. Purpose the promotion was packaged in the form of advertisements on electronic media with the aim of building perceptions that the importance of immunization for public health. Methods this research was a qualitative study with a method of collecting in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The number of informants in this study was 19 mothers who had children aged 0.9 to 15 years in one of the Puskesmas work areas in Merangin District, Jambi Province. Before the data collection process, all informants were asked to see two MR immunization advertisements. Results that immunization advertisements are interesting and contain humor. Meanwhile, informants who did not give MR immunization to their children tended to be negative towards MR immunization advertisements and tended to ignore the effects that arose if they did not give immunizations to their children. The recommendation that MR immunization advertisements should avoid using the fear arousal method and use the pay off idea method in those ad

    Peran Kepercayaan Terhadap Penggunaan Pengobatan Tradisional Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Kota Bengkulu

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    Latar Belakang. Hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan serius yang menyebabkan kematian. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 menunjukkan 21,6% masyarakat Bengkulu menderita hipertensi. Provinsi Bengkulu menempati posisi 10 besar provinsi yang paling banyak penderita rawat jalan pada pengobatan tradisional setahun terakhir termasuk penderita hipertensi.Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan penderita terhadap penggunaan pengobatan tradisional setelah faktor karakteristik sosial demografi dikendalikan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Nusa Indah Kota Bengkulu.Metode. Rancangan penelitian yang dipakai adalah studi potong lintang dengan melakukan survey pada 190 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Wawancara dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa multivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan model regresi logistik ganda.Hasil. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa 66,8% penderita hipertensi menggunakan pengobatan tradisional. Nilai rerata variabel kepercayaan adalah 56,2 (skala 100). Dalam analisis bivariat menggunakan kai kuadrat, variabel kepercayaan berhubungan signifikan dengan penggunaan pengobatan tradisional. Namun berdasarkan analisis multivariat, variabel kepercayaan tidak mempengaruhi penggunaan pengobatan tradisional melainkan variabel pendidikan yang berpengaruh


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    Mutu pelayanan kesehatan adalah derajat atau tingkatan yang menunjukkan tingkat kesempurnaan pelayanan kesehatan yang disatu pihak dapat menimbulkan kepuasan pada setiap pelanggannya. Pelanggan yang merasa puas akan melakukan kunjungan ulang untuk memperolehpelayanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dimensi kepuasan pasien dengan niat berkunjung kembali di Unit Rawat Jalan RSUD Sevang. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan cross sectional, melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Untuk mengukur kepuasan pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan menggunakan metode SERVQUAL.Hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan di pelayanan rawat jalan RSUD Serang ditemukan bahwa rerata skor kepuasan pasien yaitu 96.26 (skala 100). Seluruh dimensi kepuasan memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan niat berkunjung kembali. Dimensi kepuasan yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan niat berkunjung kembali adalah DimensiAssurance. Manajemen RSUD Serang sebaiknya melakukan konsolidasi atas kemampuan dan kecepatan petugas rumah sckit dalam melayani pasien mulai dari awal pasien datang sampai pulang serta mempunyai Standar Prosedur Operasional dalam melaksanakan kegiatan serta tindakan medis agar dapat bekerja secara efisien dan efektif


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    Number of malnutrion of children under five year increased in Karawang District during 2001-2006. This situation represents a low performance of nutrient staff. Performance of nutrition staff is related to puskesmas‘s head leadership. This research aim is to assess relationship between performance of puskesmas‘s head leadership with nutrition staff in Karawang. The study design was a cross-sectional study. Total sample was 43 person nutrition staff in all puskesmas in Karawang. Data were analysed using multiple logistic regression. Result of this research found nutrition staff performance shows goodness (55,8%) in general, but management of malnutrition chidren under five years is still unsatisfied. Puskesmas‘s head leadership has a largest association with nutrition staff performace compared to other variables.. Staff who perceived good on puskesmas head leadership will have 13 times greater to have good performencec than staff who perceived poor. Karawang Health District Office should conduct a leadership training for nutrition staff and also for the head of Puskesmas