75 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Educational Beliefs of Music Teacher Candidates According to Different Variables on The Basis of Educational Philosophy

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    The aim of this study is to determine the demographic and socio-cultural factors that affect the education beliefs of music teacher candidates, and to evaluate them on the basis of their educational philosophies. The participants were composed of 90 music teacher candidates at Music Education Departments of Atatürk University, Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Burdur Mehmet Âkif Ersoy University, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Dokuz Eylül University, Gazi University and Trakya University in 2020-2021 academic years. The data were collected via "Educational Beliefs Scale" developed by Yılmaz, Altınkurt and Çokluk (2011) and using a questionnaire and personal information form prepared by the researcher. The research design adopted was descriptive survey model, a quantitative method. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program. Descriptive statistical methods (percentage, mean, standard deviation) were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the education belief most adopted by the music teacher candidates is Progressivism, and the least adopted educational belief is Essentialism. At the same time, it was revealed that there was a significant relationship between the variables of education level of parents and participation in scientific activities and educational philosophies of music teacher candidates. However, no significant difference was found in terms of gender, age, type of high school graduated, grade level and number of books read in a year

    Noninfectious causes of diffuse pulmonary infiltrations in chronic renal failure: metastatic pulmonary calsification

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    Metastatic pulmonary calsification (MPC) is a metabolic lung disease characterized by the deposition of calcium in pulmonaryparenchyma. It may occur due to many bening or malign pathologies. Especially it is most commonly seen in patients with endstage chronic renal failure received renal replacement treatment. The case we report here involved a history of renal transplantationabout 22 months ago. His thorax computed tomography had demonstrated bilateral disseminated infiltrations with ground-glass densities predominantly in the upper lobes and it was seen partially preserved subpleural areas and basal zones. Thehistopathological results in transbronchial lung biopsy indicated metastatic pulmonary calsification. We wanted to discuss patientwith the accompaniment of literature

    A reduction in the implicit sense of agency during adolescence compared to childhood and adulthood

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    Sense of agency (SoA), the fundamental feeling of control over our actions and their consequences, may show key developmental changes during adolescence. We examined SoA in childhood (9–10), mid-adolescence (13–14), late-adolescence (18–20) and adulthood (25-28) using two tasks (Libet Clock and Stream of Letters). SoA was implicitly indexed by intentional binding that reflects the agency effect on action-outcome temporal association. We found age effects on the sub-processes in both tasks. In the Libet Clock task, where performance was more reliable, we observed a U-shaped developmental trajectory of intentional binding suggesting an adolescent-specific reduction in the experience of control. This study provides evidence for the developmental effects on the implicit agency experience and suggests adolescence as a critical period. We discuss the possible implications of these findings

    Uzaktan Öğretimde Öğretmenlerin Müzikogram Yolcuğu

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    Covid-19 pandemisi ile Türkiyede uzaktan eğitimle yürütülen müzik derslerinde birlikte çalma ve söylemeyi gerektiren konular işlenememiştir. Bu nedenle öğretmenler ağırlıklı olarak müzik dinleme etkinliklerine yönelmişlerdir. Kuşkusuz ki müzik eğitiminde dinleme etkinlikleri çok farklı boyutlarda gerçekleşmektedir. Burada söz konusu olan genel müzik eğitimi ve çoğunlukla nota bilmeyen öğrenciler olduğu için Aktif Müzik Dinleme Yaklaşımı kapsamında geliştiren Müzikogram Tekniği gibi farklı yöntem, teknik ve uygulamalar dinleme etkinlikleri için daha çok tercih edilmiştir. Ancak müzik dinleme etkinliklerinde kullanılan bu yaklaşım sadece müzikogram şemalarının kullanımı düzeyinde kalmış öğretmenlerin yaklaşım ve tekniğin diğer ayrıntılarını uygulamadıkları gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiyede müzikogram tekniğinin müzik dersini yürüten öğretmenler tarafından ne düzeyde tanındığı ve nasıl uygulandığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda 80 öğretmene dört saat süren uygulamalı bir seminer verilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin müzikogram tekniği hakkındaki görüşlerinin alınması amacıyla seminer öncesinde anket uygulanmış ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 38 öğretmene de seminer sonrasında yine anket uygulanarak görüşleri karşılaştırılmış, öğretmenlerin seminer sırasında oluşturdukları müzikogram şemaları üç uzman tarafından incelenmiştir. Araştırma bu yönüyle karma desenli bir çalışmadır. Nicel verilerin analizi için normallik testi yapılarak Wilcoxon Testi uygulanmıştır. Nitel veriler ise içerik analizi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Nitel verilerin kodlama güvenirliği için üç uzmanın değerlendirmesine başvurulmuştur. Araştırma sonucuna göre, Türkiyede müzik dersini yürüten farklı alan öğretmenlerinin uzaktan eğitimle birlikte Müzikogram Tekniğini çok fazla bilgi sahibi olmadan, sadece şemaları kullanarak uyguladıkları%253B yapılan seminer ile öğretmenlerin müzikogram tekniğinin doğru kullanım ve tercih edilme düzeyinde anlamlı bir artış olduğu görülmüştür. Bu tekniğin hem öğretmenlerin hizmet içi eğitim konuları arasına hem de müzik derslerine entegre edilmesi önerilmektedir

    Investigating the effects of tDCS on visual orientation discrimination task performance: “the possible influence of placebo”

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    The non-invasive neuromodulation technique tDCS offers the promise of a low-cost tool for both research and clinical applications in psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience. However, findings regarding its efficacy are often equivocal. A key issue is that the clinical and cognitive applications studied are often complex and thus effects of tDCS are difficult to predict given its known effects on the basic underlying neurophysiology, namely alterations in cortical inhibition-excitation balance. As such, it may be beneficial to assess the effects of tDCS in tasks whose performance has a clear link to cortical inhibition-excitation balance such as the visual orientation discrimination task (ODT). In prior studies in our laboratory, no practice effects were found during 2 consecutive runs of the ODT, thus in the current investigation, to examine the effects of tDCS, subjects received 10 min of 2 mA occipital tDCS (sham, anode, cathode) between a first and second run of ODT. Surprisingly, subjects’ performance significantly improved in the second run of ODT compared to the first one regardless of the tDCS stimulation type they received (anodal, cathodal, or sham-tDCS). Possible causes for such an improvement could have been due to either a generic “placebo” effect of tDCS (as all subjects received some form of tDCS) or an increased delay period between the two runs of ODT of the current study compared to our previous work (10-min duration required to administer tDCS as opposed to ~ 2 min in previous studies as a “break”). As such, we tested these two possibilities with a subsequent experiment in which subjects received 2-min or 10-min delay between the 2 runs (with no tDCS) or 10 min of sham-tDCS. Only sham-tDCS resulted in improved performance thus these data add to a growing literature suggesting that tDCS has powerful placebo effect that may occur even in the absence of active cortical modulation

    Learning platform for smoking cessation project: From begining to date

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    Although 35% of the adults in Turkey are current smokers, the number of trained physicians and smoking cessation (SC) clinics are not enough to meet the demand. Aim: This national project aimed to create the necessary infrastructure for providing SC therapy all-around the country and to train physicians in this topic. This project was run by Turkish Thoracic Society Tobacco Working Group and supported by a grant from Pfizer Foundation. Methods: For this purpose, an organization network including field training teams was planned. The training materials were prepared and standardized. A website of the project including a wide e-learning platform was created (www.sigarabirakmadaogrenmezemini.org). Results: Firstly, a central training program was planned. Forty volunteers from all regions of Turkey were participated to this program. Afterwards, field training programs were started to perform by these trainers. From the beginning field training sessions were performed in 11 cities with more than 300 participants. The project website was visited by 10.369 visitors and 518 participants completed e-training module since April 2011. Conclusion: The SÖZ project enabled a training ground that will last for years; a professional website and a trainer staff to generalize the program. Through this project, the integration of SC intervention in all health service steps will be provided, the number of SC clinics in Turkey will increase, and in future smoking rate will reduce in our country

    The Turkish left and nationalism : the case of yön

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    Public Prosecutors in Turkey, "Powerless Emperors"? Study on A Professional Group Stuck Between Managerialization and Politization of justice

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    Cette thèse porte sur le groupe professionnel des procureurs en Turquie et s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la transformation de leur activité sous l'effet de l'adoption des réformes du droit dans les années 2000 ainsi que de l'intensification des crises politiques dans le milieu judiciaire suite à l'émergence des affaires de corruption en 2013. Les réformes de la justice, qui avait visé à rendre l'institution plus efficace en s'appuyant sur le développement de pratiques managériales, ont conféré aux procureurs un rôle de premier plan, faisant d'eux les « empereurs de l'enquête ». Or, les procureurs ont connu dans la période étudiée des expériences qui se caractérisent au contraire par une grande impuissance ainsi que par la perte de leur autonomie en raison tant des contraintes managériales que des interventions politiques. Dans la pratique, cette impuissance judiciaire se manifeste d'une part dans la mise en place d'un système dans lequel ils délèguent leurs responsabilités judiciaires à la police durant la conduite de l'enquête ainsi qu'au juge qui reste dominant dans le déroulement des audiences et la décision finale. C'est pourquoi, contrairement au discours des réformes, les procureurs se considèrent comme « empereur sans pouvoir » dans l'exercice de leur métier. D'autre part, comme une conséquence de l'intensification récente des crises politiques, l'impuissance des procureurs résulte du fait que le pouvoir exécutif a pris, pour se protéger, des mesures légales qui affaiblissent les procureurs en les mettant sous la surveillance d'autres acteurs, la police, les préfets et les juges. Les procureurs font l'expérience de toutes sortes d'injustices dans l'évaluation de leur travail et doivent faire face à la normalisation de la pratique du favoritisme au sein du monde judiciaire et à la disparition de la méritocratie dans leur métier.La thèse est composée des chapitres suivants.Le premier chapitre de la thèse évoque les défis méthodologiques qui se sont posés à la chercheuse compte tenu des fluctuations du contexte politique et présente le travail réalisé sur le terrain. La thèse s'appuie notamment sur un ensemble de trente-deux entretiens réalisés entre 2012-2016 ainsi que sur des observations et l'étude de récits biographiques.Le chapitre 2 place le procureur dans le système judiciaire en Turquie dans une perspective socio-historique. Cette quête des racines du groupe professionnel montre les tendances récurrentes des procureurs dans leur réponse à l'instabilité politique.Le troisième chapitre, montre comment les réformes du droit engagées dans les années 2000 ont transformé les pratiques des procureurs et comment ceux-ci ont reçu et traité les impératifs managériaux.Le dernier chapitre examine les effets de l'intensification des tensions politiques sur l'exercice des activités judiciaires des procureurs et propose une analyse de leur positionnement face au renforcement de la politisation de la justice.L'ensemble de la recherche permet d'engager une réflexion plus générale sur l'évolution de ce groupe professionnel pris, depuis sa création, dans des tensions fortes entre la poursuite de l'idéal du métier - en tant que gardien du régime ou protecteur de l'ordre - les nouvelles injonctions managériales et le rapport de force avec les instances politiques.This thesis focuses on the professional group of prosecutors in Turkey and on the transformation of their activity under the effect of the adoption of law reforms in the 2000s as well as the intensification of political crises in the judicial environment following the emergence of corruption cases in 2013. The justice reforms, which had aimed to make the institution more efficient by relying on the development of managerial practices, gave prosecutors a leading role, making them the “emperors of the investigation”. However, during the period studied, the prosecutors have experiences that were characterized on the contrary by great powerlessness as well as by the loss of their autonomy due to both managerial constraints and political interventions. In practice, this judicial impotence manifests itself in the establishment of a system in which they delegate their judicial responsibilities to the police during the conduct of the investigation as well as to the judge who remains dominant in the conduct during hearings and the final decision. This is why, contrary to the discourse of the reforms, the prosecutors consider themselves to be “powerless emperors” in the exercise of their profession. On the other hand, as a consequence of the recent intensification of political crises, the impotence of the prosecutors results from the fact that the executive power has taken, to protect itself, legal measures which weaken the prosecutors by putting them under the surveillance of other actors, the police, the prefects and the judges. Prosecutors experience all kinds of injustices in the evaluation of their work and have to deal with the normalization of the practice of patronage within the judicial world and the disappearance of meritocracy in their profession.The thesis is composed by the following chapters.The first chapter of the thesis discusses the methodological challenges faced by the researcher given the fluctuations in the political context and it presents the field research. The thesis is based in particular on a set of thirty-two interviews carried out between 2012-2016 as well as on observations and the study of biographical narratives.Chapter 2 places the prosecutor in the judicial system in Turkey from a socio-historical perspective. This search for the roots of the professional group shows the recurring tendencies of prosecutors in their response to political instability.The third chapter shows how the legal reforms undertaken in the 2000s transformed the practices of prosecutors and how they received and dealt with managerial imperatives.The last chapter examines the effects of the intensification of political tensions on the exercise of judicial activities by prosecutors and offers an analysis of their position in the face of the strengthening of the politicization of justice.The research as a whole makes it possible to engage in a more general reflection on the evolution of this professional group caught, since its creation, in strong tensions between the pursuit of the ideal of the profession - as guardian of the regime or protector of order - the new managerial injunctions and the balance of power with the political authorities

    Kemalist halkçılığın çelişkili bir ifadesi olarak köy enstitüleri halkçılığı.

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    This thesis analyzes the populism of the Village Institutes by comparing it with Kemalist populism. In this context it is worth to say that throughout the thesis populism is defined as government by the people and discussed in relation to democracy. In order to do so as a first step - the democratic structure and function(ing) of the Village Institutes are discussed with reference to their fundamental principles, organizational structure, and educational program. Secondly, the contradictory conceptualization of the “people” and the separation between the “intellectual” and the “people” is tried to be analyzed with reference to the writings of İsmail Hakkı Tonguç (who is called as the architect of the Village Institutes), the memoirs of the graduates of the Village Institutes, and indepth interviews made with their graduates. The question hereby is to what extent this understanding of populism involve in itself what can be called the “paradoxical elitism” of the populist ideology, which arises out of the tensive relation between “social-egalitarian” and “administrative-institutional” aspects of populism. It is claimed that despite the similarities with Kemalist populism, the Village Institutes shifted the emphasis from the “administrative-institutional” to the “social-egalitarian” aspect of populism and surpassed the boundaries of Kemalist populism by implementing democratic principles like “equality” and “self-government”, and encouraging participation and by attempting to create a new kind of intellectual through “education within work”. Keywords: The Village Institutes, Populism, Elitism, Kemalist Populism, Democracy.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    The Effects Of Different Combination Of Wall Materials To Encapsulation Of Clary Sage Oil With Spray Dryer

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Tüketiciler gıdaların daha lezzetli, daha sağlıklı ve kolay tüketilebilir olmasını tercih etmektedir. İnsanlar gıdaları sadece açlıklarını yatıştırmak amacıyla değil, fiziksel ve mental olarak sağlıklı olmak ve beslenme kaynaklı hastalıkların önüne geçmek için tüketmektedirler. Bu eğilim, gıda araştırmacılarını ve üreticilerini insanların sağlıklı beslenmelerini sağlayacak gerekli araştırmalara daha çok yönelmesini desteklemektedir. Tüketicilerin bu taleplerinin sağlanması amacıyla gıda endüstrisinde kullanılan ve geliştirilen bir çok yeni teknoloji bulunmaktadır. Bu yeni teknolojilerden enkapsülayon işlemi gıdaların aktif bileşenlerinin korunması, stabilizasyonu ve yavaş salınımı için kullanılan ve tüketicilerin taleplerinin karşılanmasında kullanılan yeni bir teknolojidir. Esansiyel yağlar, çözücü ekstraksiyonu, presleme ve buhar distilasyonu yöntemleriyle elde edilen uçucu yağlardır. Bu yağlar gıda endüstrisinde aroma vericileri kullanan ya da aroma vericileri üretenler için çok önemli ve değerli kaynaklardır. Esansiyel yağların; aroma verici özelliklerinin yanı sıra antioksidan (oksidasyonu yavaşlatıcı/önleyici), antimikrobiyal (mikrobiyal gelişimi önleyici), antienflamatuar (inflamasyonu azaltıcı) ve antikanserojen (kanser gelişimini önleyici) aktivite gibi pek çok fonksiyonel özelliğe de sahip oldukları bildirilmektedir. Esansiyel yağların çeşitliliği sıcaklık, bitkinin yetiştiği toprağın şartları ve bitkinin yetiştiği yüksekliğe göre farklılık gösterir. Esansiyel yağlar bütünüyle yağlı bileşenler değildir, kısmen suda çözünürler, kolay alevlenirler, alkolde çözünürler ve insan vücudu tarafından kolayca emilirler. Doğal gıdalar olarak dikkat çekerler ve genel olarak güvenli olarak kabul edilirler. Adaçayının gıda biliminde kullanım alanlarına bakıldığında antik çağlardan beri baharat olarak çok büyük kullanımının olduğu görülür. Farklı adaçayı türlerinin birçok biyolojik aktivitesi ve antimikrobiyal, antioksidan, antienflamatuar, antifungal, antiplasmodial, hipoglisemik ve antikansorejen etkileri kanıtlanmıştır. Ayrıca adaçayının endemik türleri esansiyel yağ asidi kaynağı olarak yetiştirilen aromatik bitkilerdir. Ek olarak adaçayı doğal antioksidan olarak gıda endüstrisinde ticari öneme sahiptir. Adaçayı yağı gibi esansiyel yağların en önemli problemi oksidatif bozulmaya yüksek duyarlılığı ve istenmeyen koku ve aromalarının oluşumudur. Bu yağların bir yerden bir yere taşınırken, proses sırasında ve depolama süresi boyunca dikkatle korunmaları gerekmektedir. Bu gibi yağların çevresel ve proses koşullara dayanıklı olması enkapsülasyon yöntemleri ile mümkün olmaktadır. Püskürtmeli kurutma prosesi bu yağların ve aromaların enkapsülasyonu için yaygın olarak kullanılan bir prosestir. Enkapsülasyon işlemi gıdaların özellikle raf ömrünü arttırmak, besin değerini yükseltmek, sindirilebilirliği sağlamak, olgunlaşma süresini kısaltmak gibi birçok amaçlarla uygulanmaktadır. Örneğin bu teknoloji ile gıdaların tat ve aromalarında farklılaşmayı, kötü tatların ve kokuların maskelenmesi, gıda bileşenlerinin stabilitelerinin sağlanması ve biyoyarlılığının artırılmasına fırsat sağlamaktadır. Esansiyel yağların enkapsülasyon işleminde dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli nokta, esansiyel yağın doğal kompozisyonunun enkapsülasyon işleminden sonra korunmasıdır. Enkapsülasyon işleminde kaplama materyalleri olarak genellikle modifiye nişastalar, proteinler, gamlar, lipidler veya bu maddelerin çeşitli kombinasyonundan yararlanılır. Gıda bileşenlerinin enkapsülasyon metotları; püskürtmeli kurutma, dondurarak kurutma, akışkan yatakta kaplama, ekstrüzyon, kokristalizasyon, moleküler kalıntı ve kümeleme'dir. Bu çalışmada, adaçayı yağının, püskürtmeli kurutma yöntemi ile maltodekstrin, modifiye bir nişasta olan em-cap ve akasya gamı gibi farklı kaplama malzemelerinin birbirinden farklı oranlarda kullanılarak, enkapsülasyonu sağlanmıştır ve adaçayı yağının kimyasal yapısını en iyi koruyacak formülasyona ulaşmak amaçlanmıştır. Adaçayı yağının doğal yapısını en iyi koruyan formülasyonda deneyler tekrar edilerek sonuçların optimizasyonu sağlanmıştır. En uygun formülasyona ulaşmak için elde edilen toz ürünlerin nem, su aktivitesi, enkapsülasyon verimi gibi değerleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Her bir deney setine ait örneklerin camsı geçiş sıcaklıkları (Tg) ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca GC-MS kullanılarak adaçayı yağının püskürtmeli kurutma ile enkapsülasyon işleminden önce ve sonra kimyasal yapısı analiz edilerek adaçayı yağının ana bileşenleri olan linalyl acetate, linalool ve α-terpinol tutma oranları karşılaştırılmıştır. Enkapsüle toz ürünlerin enkapsülasyon verimleri %94,1 ve %98,6 aralığında değişmektedir. Camsı geçiş sıcaklıkları (Tg) 54,9 °C ve 87,6 °C arasında değişmektedir. Değerler karşılaştırıldığında hepsi oda sıcaklığından yüksek değerlerdir. nem miktarları 0,8 ile 1,7 aralığında, su aktivitesi (aw) değerleri 0,11-0,2 aralığında değişmektedir. Optimum koşullarında Salvia Sclarea cinsi adaçayı yağının doğal yapısına en yakın olacak şekilde enkapsüle edildiği formülde adaçayı yağı %8, su %52, maltodekstrin %38 ve gam arabik %2 oranında kullanılmıştır. Buna göre enkapsülasyon işleminde belirlenen koşullarda adaçayı yağının doğal yapısını en iyi koruyan duvar malzemelerinin maltodekstrin ve akasya gamı olduğu gözlenmiştir.Consumers prefer foods to be tastier, healthier and easier to consume. People consume food not only to calm their hunger, but to be physically and mentally healthy and to prevent nutritional diseases. This trend encourages food researchers and producers to focus more on the necessary research to ensure that people are fed healthy. There are many new technologies that are used and developed in the food industry in order to provide these demands of the consumers. Encapsulation is a new technology used for the protection, stabilization and controlled release of the active ingredients of foods and for meeting consumer demands. Encapsulation is a new technology used for the protection, stabilization and slow release of the active ingredients of foods and used to meet consumer demands. Essential oils are obtained by solvent extraction, pressing and steam distillation methods. These oils are very important resources for those who use flavorings or produce flavorings in the food industry. Essential oils have antioxidants effects, antimicrobial effect, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activities as well as aromatizing properties. The diversity of essential oils varies according to temperature, plant conditions and plant height. Essential oils are not entirely oily components, they are partially soluble in water, easily flamable, soluble in alcohol and easily absorbed by the human body. They attract attention as natural foods and are generally regarded as safe. The areas of use of essential oils vary depending on the source, quality and methods of obtaining. They are used in perfumes, cosmetics, soups and shampoos. In addition to these, they are used in the food industry for the production of sweetened products such as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages due to their antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, nematicide, insecticide and antioxidant properties. In addition that when we look at the usage areas of sage in food science, it is seen that since ancient times it has been used as a spice. Several biological activities of different sage species and antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antifungal, antiplasmodial, hypoglycemic and anticancer effect have been proven. In addition, the endemic species of the sage are aromatic plants grown as an essential fatty acid source. In addition, sage has commercial preservation in food industry as natural antioxidant. The most important problem of essential oils such as sage oil is the high sensitivity to oxidative deterioration and the formation of unwanted odors and aromas. When transporting these oils from one place to another, care must be taken during processing and throughout the storage period. The use of microencapsules in food products ensures that foods are healthier, tastier and more usable. This has increased the demand for microencapsules in recent years. Encapsulation methods enable such oils to withstand environmental and process conditions. Spray drying process is a commonly used process for the encapsulation of these oils and aromas. The most important point to note in the encapsulation process of essential oils is that the natural composition of the essential oil is preserved after the encapsulation process. In the literature 39 components of Salvia sclarea essential oil composition have been reported. The most important components of clary sage oil are linalyl acetate, linalool and α-terpineol. Encapsulation methods of food components; spray drying, freeze drying, fluid bed coating, extrusion, cocrystallization, molecular residue and clustering. Encapsulation is applied to foods in many ways, such as increasing the shelf life, increasing the nutritional value and providing digestibility. For example, with this technology, the differentiation in taste and flavor of food, the masking of bad tastes and smells, the provision of the stability of food ingredients and the increased bioavailability are provided. Essential oils can be used as an alternative to synthetic antioxidants in order to delay the oxidation of oils in various food products and prolong the shelf life of the product. The encapsulation process is in which the active ingredients are entrapped in the carrier materials. In this way, it is ensured that consumers can easily access food items in time and place. The encapsulation process is used for many purposes such as increasing the shelf life, increasing the nutritional value, digestibility, shortening the ripening period. For example, with this technology, the differentiation in taste and flavor of food, the masking of bad tastes and smells, the provision of the stability of food ingredients and the increased bioavailability are provided. The encapsulation process generally utilizes modified starches, proteins, gums, lipids, or various combinations of these materials as coating materials. Spray drying is one of the oldest methods of encapsulating active materials. In the spray drying process, the emulsion is formed by dissolving the active ingredients and the carrier materials in an aqueous solution, followed by atomization of the mixture into the hot chamber. During this process, the film is formed on the droplet surface. The evaporation of larger active compounds is delayed by evaporating smaller water molecules. The carrier material used in spray drying should meet the requirements of active ingredient protection, high solubility in water, molecular weight, vitrification, crystallinity, dispersion, good film forming properties, good emulsifying properties and low cost. Carriers which are used in this methods are natural gums (gum arabic, alginates, carrageenans), proteins (milk proteins, soy proteins, gelatins), carbohydrates (maltodextrin and cellulose derivatives) and oils (waxes and emulsifiers). Microcapsules obtained by conventional spray drying provide the active ingredients as soon as they come into contact with the water. Spray drying is the most common method used for microencapsulation of oils and aromas. The products in powder form that are formed as a result of the process have high quality and low water activity. In addition, it provides easy handling and storage, and protects the active ingredients from undesirable reactions. The characteristics of carrier materials and prepared emulsion (stability, viscosity and size of droplets) in the spray drying process affect the process efficiency and the stability of the microcapsule product. In order to obtain a product with a successful microencapsule, it is necessary to keep the minimum amount of surface oil and the active material maximum. The most commonly used coating material in the microencapsulation method by spray drying is the arabic gum. Gam arabic has many desirable properties such as high solubility, low viscosity and good emulsifying properties which enable it to be a good encapsulated agent and can be combined with different wall materials due to the problems encountered in the supply and the continuously increasing prices. Maltodextrin is a hydrolyzed starch with a suitable cost and high water solubility (> 75%). It has the advantages of low cost, lack of specific flavor and taste, low viscosity and good protection against oxidation. Despite all these advantages, the biggest problem with maltodextrin is its low emulsion formation capacity. Combinations of surface active polymers such as gum arabic, modified starch and proteins may be preferred as carrier materials to obtain effective microcapsules by spray drying. In this study the effects of maltodextrin, arabic gum and modified starch which is Em-Cap as an encapsulating agent on spray dried clary sage oil (salvia sclarea) was studied. In addition that this study aimed at evaluating the potential of maltodextrin combination with different wall materials in the microencapsulation of clary sage oil by spray drying in order to maximize encapsulation efficiency and glass transition temperature (Tg). Maltodextrin was mixed with gum arabic and modified starch em-cap. In the spray dried samples, encapsulation efficiency, moisture content and water activity (aw), chemical structure (GC-MS) and glass transition temperature (Tg) were studied. In addition, the content of sage oil before and after the encapsulation process was analyzed using GC-MS. The retention rates of linalyl acetate, linalool and α-terpineol the main constituents of sage oil in powder products, were compared. Encapsulation efficiencies of encapsulated powder products vary between 94.1% and 98.6%. Glass transition temperatures (Tg) range from 54.9 ° C to 87.6 ° C. When values are compared, they are all higher values than room temperature. Moisture values vary between 0.8 and 1.7, while water activity (aw) values vary between 0.11-0.2. In the determined experiment conditions, sage oil was used in the form of 8%, water 52%, maltodextrin 38% and gum arabic 2% in the form in which the Salvia Sclarea sage oil was encapsulated to be closest to the natural structure. According to this, it is observed that the wall materials which protect the natural structure of sage oil, encapsulate sage oil in the determined conditions are maltodextrin and gum arabic. It is thought that the products obtained as a result of this study can be used in the confectionery industry. In particular, the unique smell and taste of sage oil will lead consumers to this product. However, applicability in the gum industry is very high. Thanks to the antimicrobial properties of sage oil, encapsulated powder products are thought to regulate intraoral flora which is a desirable feature in the gum industry. In addition, a product with flavor and smell that will be enjoyed by consumers will be obtained. Applicability is also available in industries such as baked goods, biscuits, cakes, and chocolate. The powder products obtained will have a wide use area in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics industry and perfume industry thanks to its predominantly pleasant aroma and odor character.Yüksek LisansM.Sc