12 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation for osteoid osteoma

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    BACKGROUND This retrospective study aims to compare the efficacy of computed tomography-guided percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of osteoid osteoma. MATERIAL AND METHODS We evaluated 40 patients with osteoid osteoma who underwent either percutaneous excision or radiofrequency ablation between 2012 and 2015. The cohort consisted of 10 female and 30 male patients, with a mean age of 15.1 years (range: 4-27 years) and a mean follow-up time of 19.02 months (range: 11-39 months). Percutaneous excision was performed in 20 patients, while radiofrequency ablation was performed in the remaining 20 patients. RESULTS The success rates of percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation were comparable, with unsuccessful outcomes observed in 10% and 5% of patients, respectively. The reasons for failure in the percutaneous excision group were attributed to a marking error and incomplete excision of the wide-based nidus. Complications were limited to pathological fracture (n=1) and deep infection (n=1) in the percutaneous excision group, while no complications were encountered in the radiofrequency ablation group. CONCLUSIONS Both percutaneous excision and radiofrequency ablation demonstrate high success rates in treating osteoid osteoma. However, radiofrequency ablation offers the advantage of a quicker return to daily activities without the need for activity restrictions or splints. While being a more cost-effective option, percutaneous excision should be considered cautiously to minimize potential complications

    Epidemiological Study of Adamantinoma from US Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program: III Retrospective Analysis

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    Objective. Adamantinomas are rare low-grade malignant bone tumors. This study aims to describe the demographic characteristics and survival rates of patients suffering from adamantinomas. Methods. The National Institute of Cancer Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Recent Results (SEER) database was used, and patients diagnosed with adamantinoma between 1973 and 2016 were screened. Patients were classified according to sex, age, race/ethnicity, and marital status, and also tumors were classified according to year of diagnosis, laterality, type of treatment, and follow-up. Results. The mean age of patients was 30.8 ± 16.7 (range: 4–75). A total of 92 patients were identified; of these, 43 were females and 49 were males. The mean follow-up period was 138.1 ± 90.3 (range: 1–156) months. Mean survival duration was 287.8 ± 15.4 (95% CI: 257.7–317.9) months. Five- and ten-year survival rates were 98.8% and 91.5%, respectively. Besides, survival time was also observed to be independent of gender, age groups, race, marital status, tumor location, and year of diagnosis. Conclusion. Adamantinoma is a very rare bone tumor that affects the long bones in lower extremities and is more common in men. Five- and 10-year survival prognoses are reasonably satisfactory. Also, survival time is independent of variables such as gender, age, and tumor location


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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the reliability of health related data available to patients at Turkish websites. For this purpose, meniscus tear was chosen as a subject for the pilot study

    Џиновска епидермоидна циста стопала

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    WOS: 000344306900016PubMed ID: 25518543Introduction Epidermoid inclusion cysts are usually composed of epidermal elements implanted into the dermal layers. Patients are seen in the outpatient clinics with a mass. Most of the complaints are mechanical and cosmetic problems. Case Outline A 34-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic because of swelling and pain in her right foot. A palpable mass was detected in the first web. On the x-rays of the foot no osseous lesion was detected. There was a soft tissue mass in the first web according to MRI report. Soft tissue mass was excised and sent to pathology. According to pathology report the mass was an epidermoid cyst 5x2x1.5 cm in size. There were no problems during follow-up of the patient for 6 months after surgery. The patient had no swelling in the foot and had no additional complaints on checkup. Conclusion In the differential diagnosis, we should take into consideration epidermoid cyst of large soft tissue masses of the foot. Surgical excision should be done within the appropriate limits.Увод Епидермоидна инклузиона циста обично је састављена од епидермалних елемената имплантираних у дермалне слојеве. Болесници с израслином се обично виђају у клиничким амбулантама. Већина их се жали на механичке и естетске проблеме. Приказ болесника Жена старости 34 године примљена је на нашу клинику због отока и болова у десном стопалу. Палпирањем је откривена поткожна маса у регији између прва два ножна прста. Рендгенским снимком стопала се није видела коштана лезија. Налаз магнетне резонанције је открио масу меког ткива у регији између прва два ножна прста. Извршена је ексцизија масе меког ткива, а узорак је упућен на патолошку анализу. Према патолошком налазу, у питању је била епидермоидна циста величине 5×2×1,5 cm. Током шестомесечног периода клиничког праћења после операције код болеснице није дошло до компликација. Жена више није имала проблем израслине у стопалу и приликом контролног прегледа није се жалила на било какве додатне проблеме. Закључак Потребно је да се у диференцијалној дијагнози размишља и о могућности епидермоидне цисте код налаза велике масе меког ткива, а хируршка ексцизија треба да се уради унутар адекватних границ

    Tendon-Holding Capacities of Two Newly Designed Implants for Tendon Repair: An Experimental Study on the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Tendon of Sheep

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    BACKGROUND: Two main factors determine the strength of tendon repair; the tensile strength of material and the gripping capacity of a suture configuration. Different repair techniques and suture materials were developed to increase the strength of repairs but none of techniques and suture materials seem to provide enough tensile strength with safety margins for early active mobilization. In order to overcome this problem tendon suturing implants are being developed. We designed two different suturing implants. The aim of this study was to measure tendon-holding capacities of these implants biomechanically and to compare them with frequently used suture techniques MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this study we used 64 sheep flexor digitorum profundus tendons. Four study groups were formed and each group had 16 tendons. We applied model 1 and model 2 implant to the first 2 groups and Bunnell and locking-loop techniques to the 3rd and 4th groups respectively by using 5 Ticron sutures. RESULTS: In 13 tendons in group 1 and 15 tendons in group 2 and in all tendons in group 3 and 4, implants and sutures pulled out of the tendon in longitudinal axis at the point of maximum load. The mean tensile strengths were the largest in group 1 and smallest in group 3. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the new stainless steel tendon suturing implants applied from outside the tendons using steel wires enable a biomechanically stronger repair with less tendon trauma when compared to previously developed tendon repair implants and the traditional suturing techniques

    Liberação percutânea do dedo em gatilho com micro bisturi oftalmológico vitreorretiniano de lâmina 19

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    OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma nova técnica de liberação percutânea do dedo em gatilho, usando microbisturi oftalmológico vitreorretiniano (MVR) de lâmina 19. MÉTODO: O tratamento conservador do dedo em gatilho inclui, com frequência, injeção local de esteroide. Esse método apresenta alta taxa de falha, sendo necessárias injeções repetitivas. Quando o tratamento conservador falha, recomenda-se a liberação a céu aberto da polia A1. Foram relatados vários métodos que empregam diversos instrumentos. Usamos um microbisturi oftalmológico vitreorretiniano (MVR, de microvitreoretinal blade) de lâmina 19 na liberação percutânea do dedo em gatilho. RESULTADOS: Liberamos 50 dedos em gatilho por via percutânea com essa lâmina. CONCLUSÃO: Foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios em 45 deles (90%). Nivel de Evidência VI, série de casos

    Catastrophic Wear of Tibial Component of Total Knee Replacement Due to Neglected Dislocation of Polyethylene Insert: A Case Report

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    We report a case of 69-year-old female patient who presented with a dislocated insert causing tibial component failure and catastrophic metallosis after 4 years of prosthesis implantation. In case of a trauma history, surgeons must suspect friction noise and motion loss as clinical symptoms indicating dislocation of the insert at the initial postoperative period. Timely diagnosis can prevent catastrophic consequences