259 research outputs found

    Macular Holes: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Complications

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    Macular hole is a condition that affects the central visual field of the eye. Without prompt diagnosis and intervention, macular holes can progressively worsen, significantly impacting both vision and overall quality of life

    Special Issue 'Surface Modification of Metals and Alloys'.

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    This special issue provides recent trends in nanostructuring and functionalization of solid materials such as metals and alloys with the goal of improving their functional properties. Many different and innovative approaches can be used to transform the metallic surface by means of physical, chemical, mechanical or biological characteristics providing different properties from the ones originally found on these surfaces allowing functionality for a given application and also for improving their properties

    Implicações jurídico-societárias do contrato de mútuo conversível em participação societária pactuado entre investidores-anjo e startups

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente estudo aborda as implicações jurídico-societárias da configuração de uma sociedade em comum entre investidor-anjo e startup que pactuam um contrato de mútuo conversível em participação societária. O problema central cinge-se à verificação das implicações jurídicosocietárias decorrentes desta constituição de uma sociedade de fato entre investidor e startup mutuária, mesmo diante da ausência do elemento volitivo das partes em tornarem-se sócios. Para corroborar a hipótese básica, estabelecida no sentido de que de fato estaria configurada uma sociedade em comum, disto decorrendo importantes responsabilidades societárias do investidor-anjo mutuante, este estudo utilizou-se da pesquisa descritiva, com coleta de dados documentais, inclusive mediante a consulta a contratos-modelo de mútuo conversível em participação societária por investidores-anjo. Utilizou-se como método de abordagem o modelo hipotético-dedutivo, a partir das técnicas da análise bibliográfica e hermenêutica, em continuidade à pesquisa descritiva realizada. O objetivo geral de investigar se a relação entre investidor-anjo e startup que pactuam o contrato de mútuo conversível em participação societária pode configurar uma sociedade de fato, delineando as implicações jurídicas advindas desta relação societária, dividiu-se em três objetivos específicos. O primeiro deles serve a contextualizar o ecossistema brasileiro das startups, descrevendo os ciclos de investimento nestas empresas e a análise da regulamentação destes investimentos no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em que se verificou a existência de mínima regulamentação do mútuo conversível em participação societária, que se reveste de completa liberalidade de contratação entre as partes. O segundo objetivo específico propõe-se a descrever o contrato de mútuo conversível em participação societária, averiguando-se as principais características jurídicas deste instrumento. A partir da consulta a dois modelos contratuais da pactuação destes investimentos, e analisando-se as específicas atribuições conferidas ao investidor mutuante em relação às atividades e tomadas de decisões da sociedade, compulsando-se, ainda, à teoria das relações jurídicas de fato, este estudo anunciou a possibilidade desta relação entre investidor e startup mutuária configurar uma relação em comum. Por fim, o terceiro objetivo específico consiste em investigar a possível caracterização de uma sociedade em comum entre as partes. Valendose da noção de superação do elemento volitivo das partes (affectio societatis) e a partir da análise do fim comum social, verificou-se a efetiva configuração da sociedade na relação jurídica entre investidor-anjo e startup mutuária. Em vista disso, elencaram-se os limites de responsabilização dos sócios nesta relação societária, cuja responsabilidade é subsidiária e ilimitada em relação às obrigações da sociedade e da própria empresa mutuária. Concluiu-se, portanto, para a importância de se avaliarem os riscos efetivamente assumidos pelo investidoranjo, a despeito de sua vontade expressa, ao pactuar o mútuo conversível em participação societária, senão à sua própria relação com a startup investida. Assim, os resultados encontrados neste estudo revelam a averiguação da hipótese básica estabelecida. O estudo da temática revela-se pertinente em razão de estar inserida no contexto do ecossistema brasileiro das startups e, especialmente, no ciclo de investimentos semente (seed investing). Além disto, as conclusões adotadas pelo estudo mostram-se relevantes, especialmente, para os investidoresanjo, visto que apontam para o risco de sua responsabilização subsidiária e ilimitada enquanto sócio da empresa investida.The present paper addresses the legal and corporate implications due to the establishment of a common society between an angel investor and a startup that engage on a convertible note with interest rate. The central issue addresses to the verification of the legal and corporate implications caused by the establishment of a de facto partnership between the investor and the borrower startup, even with of the absence of the parties’ common will on becoming partners. In order to endorse the basic hypothesis of the establishment of a common society, thus resulting on a crucial partnership’s liability regarding the lender angel investor, the present paper employed a descriptive research, with collection of documentary data, including referencing model contracts of convertible notes with interest rate covenanted by angel investors. As a method of approach, it was employed a hypothetical-deductive model, based on the bibliographical and hermeneutical analysis, as a follow-up to the descriptive research done. The main objective of investigating if the relationship between the angel investor and startup that engage on a convertible note with interest rate may establish a common society, outlining the legal implications resulting from this partnership, split into three specific objectives. The first one goes for the contextualization of Brazil’s startup ecosystem, describing the startups’ investment cycles and its regulation on Brazilian legal system, in which development it was found the occurrence of a minimal regulation of the convertible notes with interest rate, that reveals itself embedded by the liberality of contracting between parties. The second specific objective intends outline the convertible note with rate interest, investigating its main features. By consulting two model contracts of this contractual instrument, and analyzing the specific attributions assigned to the lender angel investor regarding the borrower’s operations and decision-making processes, and also scrutinizing to the de facto legal relations theory, this paper advertised the possible definition of a common society on the relationship between investor and borrower startup. Lastly, the third specific objective lies in the investigation of the potential characterization of a common society between the parties. Relying on the notion of the overcome of the common will (affectio societatis) and the analysis of the social common purpose, it was verified the establishment of a common society on the legal relationship between the angel investor and the borrower startup. Thereupon, the limits of the partners’ liability on this corporate relation were related, which occurred to being a subsidiary and unrestricted liability regarding the obligations of the common society and also respecting the borrower startup. Therefore, the paper concluded to the relevance of the analysis of the actual risks’ taken by the angel investor, regardless of their expressed will, when engaging on a convertible note with interest rate, if not the invested startup itself. Thereby, the findings in this paper reveals that the established basic hypothesis was ascertained. This topic’s study reveals itself meaningful as it is embedded on Brazil’s startup ecosystem and, mainly, in startups’ seedstage investment cycles. Furthermore, the conclusions taken in this paper shows relevance to angels investors due to stating to the risks of their subsidiary and unrestricted liability as a partner of the invested startup

    Spatial Frequency Implications for Global and Local Processing in Autistic Children

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    Visual processing in humans is done by integrating and updating multiple streams of global and local sensory input. Interaction between these two systems can be disrupted in individuals with ASD and other learning disabilities. When this integration is not done smoothly, it becomes difficult to see the “big picture”, which has been found to have implications on emotion recognition, social skills, and conversation skills. An example of this phenomenon is local interference, which is when local details are prioritized over the global features. Previous research in this field has aimed to decrease local interference by developing and evaluating a filter to help direct ASD patients towards normative processing of the global features in images. Within this process, this research focuses on whether an image’s spatial frequency was affected by the filter and how spatial frequency impacted the filter’s functionality. Spatial frequency can be defined as a measure of the periodic distribution of light versus dark in image. In this work, we isolated “hot spots”, which are areas in the image where the eye gaze of normative individuals fixated. Using the OpenCV package in Python, I implemented an algorithm to detect hotspots and draw a contour around each one. I then drew rectangles around the contours in each image and calculated the spatial frequency within each rectangle. Statistical analysis will reveal whether the spatial frequency of hot spots had an impact on the differences in normative and ASD fixations. We plan to use these findings to improve the image filter and conduct further research in this field

    O devir docente: olhares para a formação dos licenciandos em educação física a partir do estágio curricular supervisionado

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    We understand becoming a teacher as a process ofcontinuous construction of teacher identities. This concept implies thinking of teacher education as a permanent and unfinished process. Thus, we adopt the conception of professional development for allocating a connotation of evolution and continuity, seeking to overcome the juxtaposition between initial training and teacher improvement. The constitution of teaching identities goes through experiences prior to the choice of the profession, the initial training period, and the professional experiences in different institutional spaces. Undergraduate courses play a relevant role in this process by providing future teachers with the necessary knowledge for professional practice. One of the central axes of initial training is the supervised curricular internship (SCI), whose main characteristic is to insert the students into the real context of their future profession. In this sense, this research aims to understand and analyze the pedagogical relationships built in the supervised curricular internship developed in the Physical Education undergraduate course at Juiz de Fora Federal University. This study was characterized as qualitative interpretive and used the case study method. The participants were eleven undergraduate students, five supervising teachers, and one supervising teacher. The data collection instruments were document analysis, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was used to interpret the data. Four categories emergedfrom the data analysis: a) the graduation in Physical Education course; b) the SCIin the context of initial formation; c) the pedagogical relationships built during the SCI;d) the contributions of the SCIin the perception of the students. In this analytical path, we came across several actors related to initial training in undergraduate courses that had a negative impact on the construction of pedagogical relationships during the development of the SCI: the fragmentation of the course into undergraduate and bachelor's degrees, the centrality attributed to the bachelor's degree, the secondary training in undergraduate courses, and the anachronism of the curriculum. The time allotted to SCIin this training context is reduced, not meeting the minimum proposed by the national guidelines for teacher training, not providing moments for discussions and reflections on pedagogical practice during the SCI. The main thread of this curricular component is conditioned and restricted to bureaucratic actions, causing a distance between the educational institutions, school and university. The analysis of the pedagogical constructions between the supervising teacher and the supervising teacher pointed out that they happen in a distant way, with rare moments of interaction,and are based on the fulfillment of bureaucratic actions. Regarding the pedagogical constructions between the supervising teacher and the undergraduate students, the research made it possible to understand that, despite the problems present in the development of this curricular component, these constructions prove to be powerful in contributing to the construction of teaching knowledge and professional identities. The instructors make an effort to welcome the trainees, although they have no time, other than during the classes, to analyze and discuss the pedagogical practices with the trainees. The instructors drew on their personal experiences to conduct the internships, imprinting their own characteristics. In the perception of the undergraduates, the SCIis considered fundamental in initial teacher education, proving to be a determining factor, in some cases, in their choice to remain in the profession. The direct contact with the professional field was pointed out as the most relevant component, and the relationship with the students, the teachers, the dynamics of the classes, the development of the activities, among others, were also mentioned as components that contributed to the professional training. Based on the analytical path of the research, itis possible to consider the SCIas primordial for the constitution of the professional identity of future teachers. However, it is necessary to review the curriculum that makes up the initial training of undergraduate students and how the SCIis developed in this training context. The research findings demonstrate the need for greater inter-relation between the training fields and the subjects of the process, so that the pedagogical constructions in this period of training are meaningful.Compreendemos o devir docente como o processo de construção contínua das identidades docentes. Esse conceito acarreta pensar a formação dos professorescomo um processo permanente e inacabado. Adotamos,assim, a concepção de desenvolvimento profissional docente,por alocaruma conotação de evolução e continuidade, buscando superar a justaposição entre formação inicial e aperfeiçoamento dos professores. A constituição das identidades docentesperpassaas experiências anteriores a escolha da profissão, o período da formação inicial e as experiências profissionais nos diferentes espaços institucionais. Os cursos de licenciatura assumem um papel relevante nesse processo,por proporcionarem aos futuros professoreso contato com os saberes necessários para a prática profissional. Um dos eixos centrais da formação inicial é o Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS),que tem como característica principal inserir os licenciandos ao contexto real de sua futura profissão. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender e analisar as relações pedagógicas construídas no estágio curricular supervisionado desenvolvido no curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.Este estudo se caracterizou por ser qualitativo interpretativo e foi utilizado o método do estudo de caso. Os participantes foram onze licenciandos, cinco professores orientadores e um professor supervisor. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram análise documental, observação sistemáticae entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para interpretação dos dados,foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo. A partir das análises dos dados emergiram quatro categorias: a) a licenciatura no curso de Educação Física; b) o ECS no contexto da formação inicial; c) as relações pedagógicas construídas no decorrer do ECS; d) as contribuições do ECS na percepção dos licenciandos.Nesse percurso analítico,deparamo-noscom vários intervenientes relativos à formação inicial em licenciatura que repercutiram negativamente na construção das relações pedagógicas no desenvolvimento do ECS: a fragmentação do curso em licenciatura e bacharelado, a centralidade atribuída à formação em bacharelado, aformação em licenciatura de maneira secundária e o anacronismo do currículo. O tempo atribuído ao ECS nesse contexto de formação é reduzido, não atendendo o mínimo proposto pelas diretrizes nacionais para formação docente,não proporcionandomomentos de discussões e reflexões sobre a práticapedagógica no decorrer do ECS.Ofio condutor desse componente curricular fica condicionado erestrito às ações burocráticas,provocando um distanciamento entre as instituições formadoras, escola e universidade.As análises sobre as construções pedagógicas entre professor supervisor e professor orientador apontaram que estasacontecem de forma distante, com raros momentos de interação,e se baseiam no cumprimento de ações burocráticas. Relativo às construções pedagógicasentre professor orientador e licenciandos,a pesquisa possibilitou compreender que, apesar dos problemas presentes no desenvolvimento desse componente curricular, essas construções se mostram potentes na contribuição da construção dos saberes docentes e das identidades profissionais. Os professores orientadores empreendem esforços para realizaro acolhimento dos licenciandos,apesar de não terem momentos, além das aulas, para analisar e discutir aspráticas pedagógicas com os estagiários. Os professores orientadores se basearam em suas experiências pessoais para conduzirem os estágios, imprimindo características próprias. Na percepção dos licenciandos, o ECS é considerado fundamental na formação inicial docente, mostrando-sedeterminante, em alguns casos, na escolha por permanecer na profissão. O contato direto com o campo profissional foi apontado como o componente de maior relevância;foram citadostambém, como componentes que contribuíram paraformação profissional,a relação com os alunosecom os professores, a dinâmica das aulas, o desenvolvimento das atividades, entre outros.A partir do percurso analítico da pesquisa,é possível considerar o ECS como primordial para a constituição da identidade profissional dos futuros docentes. Entretanto, faz-se necessário rever o currículo que compõe a formação inicial dos licenciandos e a maneira como o ECS se desenvolve nesse contexto de formação. Os achados da pesquisa demonstram a necessidade de uma maior inter-relação entre os campos de formação e entre os sujeitos do processo, para que as construções pedagógicas nesse período da formação sejam significativas

    Portfoli 2019

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    Setting up for success : a qualitative study on teachers of students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology, Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

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    Teaching is a stressful and emotionally challenging profession with high attrition, effecting positive outcomes for students. Concurrently, children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) often have disrupted school experiences and those who thrive have an extensive support system, including caring parents and teachers. Little research has been conducted internationally on the experiences and wellbeing of teachers working with students who have FASD, and even fewer studies with New Zealand teachers working in this area. This thesis explored the experiences of teachers in working with students who have FASD, with a focus on teacher wellbeing. Six New Zealand teachers from both mainstream and special needs schools were interviewed. Through the qualitative approach of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the themes were teacher-student relationships and collaborative partnerships. This study revealed that it is necessary for school leaders and the Ministry of Education to understand FASD further in order to support the wellbeing of teachers working with children diagnosed with FASD

    Influencia del gobierno digital en la gestión, municipal de la Municipalidad Distrital de Umari, Región Huánuco 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene por título la influencia del gobierno digital en la gestión municipal de la municipalidad distrital de Umari, región Huánuco 2022. Lo cual tuvo el propósito primordial determinar la influencia del gobierno digital en la gestión municipal. Respecto a la metodología esta investigación tiene el enfoque cuantitativo, en cuanto a su alcance es de tipo aplicada y por su profundidad es descriptivo explicativo, el diseño es no experimental y su vez es transversal debido a que la investigación parte de un solo momento y lugar, el método es deductivo. Por lo que se concluyó de acuerdo al resultado, en la que se obtuvo una correlacional moderada entre el GD y la gestión municipal, que brinda la municipalidad distrital de Umari, de acuerdo al valor de Rho de Spearman r=.591, con un p=0.000 (p < .05), por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis la hipótesis propuesta, por lo que se afirma que existe un enlace moderado de GD en la Gestión Municipal, ofrecido por la MD de Umari


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    This quasi-experimental research study 1) explored the effectiveness of implementing a Virtual Reality CPR simulation for improving knowledge and skills on the Basic Life Support exam and 2) explored the favorability of using a CPR VR simulation for recertification as measured through a self-efficacy survey instrument. Participants included staff, faculty, or students at a small liberal arts college located in the southeast United States seeking re-certification in CPR. This study was conducted in the following steps; 1) conducted literature review that encompasses opportunities in CPR training, opportunities in VR, games and simulations in education, implementation challenges, and research opportunities and frameworks 2) applied for approval from the IRB at both Sam Houston State University and the participating college 3) acquired Oculus Go VR headsets and install the simulation software on each device 4) recruited an instructor and participants to participate in the study 5) scheduled classes and reserve facilities 6) conduct the study and analyze the data. This study provided evidence of the efficacy and favorability of using a CPR VR simulation as part of a CPR recertification course