45 research outputs found

    ID based cryptography for secure cloud data storage

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the security issues of storing sensitive data in a cloud storage service and the need for users to trust the commercial cloud providers. It proposes a cryptographic scheme for cloud storage, based on an original usage of ID-Based Cryptography. Our solution has several advantages. First, it provides secrecy for encrypted data which are stored in public servers. Second, it offers controlled data access and sharing among users, so that unauthorized users or untrusted servers cannot access or search over data without client's authorizatio

    SODA-IIoT4ConnectedCars: Spread updates between cars with limited Internet access

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    International audienceA blockchain infrastructure, combined with cryptographic signatures, can improve availability and accountability for the deployment of IoT updates.However, cars with limited or intermittent Internet access may have difficulties in downloading full updates fromthe blockchain. Therefore, we allow cars that successfully downloaded updates to share them with other cars by means of a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) mechanism

    A Decentralized Federated Learning using Reputation

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    Nowadays Federated learning (FL) is established as one of the best techniques for collaborative machine learning. It allows a set of clients to train a common model without disclosing their sensitive and private dataset to a coordination server. The latter is in charge of the model aggregation. However, FL faces some problems, regarding the security of updates, integrity of computation and the availability of a server. In this paper, we combine some new ideas like clients’ reputation with techniques like secure aggregation using Homomorphic Encryption and verifiable secret sharing using Multi-Party Computation techniques to design a decentralized FL system that addresses the issues of incentives, security and availability amongst others. One of the original contributions of this work is the new leader election protocol which uses a secure shuffling and is based on a proof of reputation. Indeed, we propose to select an aggregator among the clients participating to the FL training using their reputations. That is, we estimate the reputation of each client at every FL iteration and then we select the next round aggregator from the set of clients with the best reputations. As such, we remove misbehaving clients (e.g., byzantines) from the list of clients eligible for the role of aggregation server

    Practical Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption for More Flexible and Efficient Secure Federated Aggregation (preliminary work)

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    In this work, we introduce a lightweight communication-efficient multi-key approach suitable for the Federated Averaging rule. By combining secret-key RLWE-based HE, additive secret sharing and PRFs, we reduce approximately by a half the communication cost per party when compared to the usual public-key instantiations, while keeping practical homomorphic aggregation performances. Additionally, for LWE-based instantiations, our approach reduces the communication cost per party from quadratic to linear in terms of the lattice dimension

    On the practical CPAD security of “exact” and threshold FHE schemes and libraries

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    In their 2021 seminal paper, Li and Micciancio presented a passive attack against the CKKS approximate FHE scheme and introduced the notion of CPAD security. The current status quo is that this line of attacks does not apply to ``exact\u27\u27 FHE. In this paper, we challenge this status quo by exhibiting a CPAD key recovery attack on the linearly homomorphic Regev cryptosystem which easily generalizes to other xHE schemes such as BFV, BGV and TFHE showing that these cryptosystems are not CPAD secure in their basic form. We also show that existing threshold variants of BFV, BGV and CKKS are particularily exposed to CPAD attackers and would be CPAD-insecure without smudging noise addition after partial decryption. Finally we successfully implement our attack against several mainstream FHE libraries and discuss a number of natural countermeasures as well as their consequences in terms of FHE practice, security and efficiency. The attack itself is quite practical as it typically takes less than an hour on an average laptop PC, requiring a few thousand ciphertexts as well as up to around a million evaluations/decryptions, to perform a full key recovery

    At Last! A Homomorphic AES Evaluation in Less than 30 Seconds by Means of TFHE

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    Since the pioneering work of Gentry, Halevi, and Smart in 2012, the state of the art on transciphering has moved away from work on AES to focus on new symmetric algorithms that are better suited for a homomorphic execution. Yet, with recent advances in homomorphic cryptosystems, the question arises as to where we stand today. Especially since AES execution is the application that may be chosen by NIST in the FHE part of its future call for threshold encryption. In this paper, we propose an AES implementation using TFHE programmable bootstrapping which runs in less than a minute on an average laptop. We detail the transformations carried out on the original AES code to lead to a more efficient homomorphic evaluation and we also give several execution times on different machines, depending on the type of execution (sequential or parallelized). These times vary from 4.5 minutes (resp. 54 secs) for sequential (resp. parallel) execution on a standard laptop down to 28 seconds for a parallelized execution over 16 threads on a multi-core workstation

    Towards Better Availability and Accountability for IoT Updates by means of a Blockchain

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    International audienceBuilding the Internet of Things requires deploying a huge number of devices with full or limited connectivity to the Internet. Given that these devices are exposed to attackers and generally not secured-by-design, it is essential to be able to update them, to patch their vulnerabilities and to prevent hackers from enrolling them into botnets. Ideally, the update infrastructure should implement the CIA triad properties, i.e., confidentiality, integrity and availability. In this work, we investigate how the use of a blockchain infrastructure can meet these requirements, with a focus on availability

    Optimized stream-cipher-based transciphering by means of functional-bootstrapping

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    Fully homomorphic encryption suffers from a large expansion in the size of encrypted data, which makes FHE impractical for low-bandwidth networks. Fortunately, transciphering allows to circumvent this issue by involving a symmetric cryptosystem which does not carry the disadvantage of a large expansion factor, and maintains the ability to recover an FHE ciphertext with the cost of extra homomorphic computations on the receiver side. Recent works have started to investigate the efficiency of TFHE as the FHE layer in transciphering, combined with various symmetric schemes including a NIST finalist for lightweight cryptography, namely Grain128-AEAD. Yet, this has so far been done without taking advantage of TFHE functional bootstrapping abilities, that is, evaluating any discrete function ``for free\u27\u27 within the bootstrapping operation. In this work, we thus investigate the use of TFHE functional bootstrapping for implementing Grain128-AEAD in a more efficient base (B>2B > 2) representation, rather than a binary one. This significantly reduces the overall number of necessary bootstrappings in a homomorphic run of the stream-cipher, for example reducing the number of bootstrappings required in the warm-up phase by a factor of ≈\approx 3 when B=16B=16

    Putting up the swiss army knife of homomorphic calculations by means of TFHE functional bootstrapping

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    In this work, we first propose a new functional bootstrapping with TFHE for evaluating any function of domain and codomain the real torus T by using a small number of bootstrappings. This result improves some aspects of previous approaches: like them, we allow for evaluating any functions, but with better precision. In addition, we develop more efficient multiplication and addition over ciphertexts building on the digit-decomposition approach. As a practical application, our results lead to an efficient implementation of ReLU, one of the most used activation functions in deep learning. The paper is concluded by extensive experimental results comparing each building block as well as their practical relevance and trade-offs

    Practical Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption for More Flexible and Efficient Secure Federated Aggregation (preliminary work)

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    In this work, we introduce a lightweight communication-efficient multi-key approach suitable for the Federated Averaging rule. By combining secret-key RLWE-based HE, additive secret sharing and PRFs, we reduce approximately by a half the communication cost per party when compared to the usual public-key instantiations, while keeping practical homomorphic aggregation performances. Additionally, for LWE-based instantiations, our approach reduces the communication cost per party from quadratic to linear in terms of the lattice dimension