151 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study is to identify the influence of literary texts on development of basic language skills in Turkish language teachıng as a foreign language by using Analytical Hierarchical Process. Degree of importance of instrumentalism varies depending on the genres and factors such as the level of language that is being taught and the age group of learners. Primary witnesses in identifying the functionality level of literary texts upon the competence of language carriers in teaching Turkish as a foreign language are undoubtedly the teachers of Turkish. Provided always expert opinions are received and relevant sources are reviewed, the criteria, sub criteria and alternatives required for literary texts to be used for teaching of Turkish language as a foreign language, and data have been collected in face-to-face meetings with experts that teach Turkish as a foreign language. Analytical Hierarchical System has been used for analysing the data collected. According to the findings obtained, it has been determined that cultural transmission and vocabulary both play an important role for improved language skills in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. It has however been further observed that there were very few literary texts prepared according to language levels intended for use as a source in teaching Turkish as a foreign language to foreign speakers.   Article visualizations

    Krwotok do torbieli szyszynki: opis nietypowego przypadku leczonego zachowawczo

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    Pineal cyst apoplexy is a very rare entity with previously reported symptoms of severe frontal or occipital headache, gaze paresis and visual field defects, nausea or vomiting, syncope, ataxia, hearing loss and sudden death. The treatment options for symptomatic pineal cysts are observation, shunting, aspiration via stereotactic guidance or endoscopy, third ventriculostomy, ventriculocysternostomy, and/or surgical resection by craniotomy and microsurgery. Here, the authors report an unusual case of a 28-year-old male patient with pineal cyst apoplexy, presenting with headache, insomnia, and sexual dysfunction symptoms who is being managed conservatively and observed for two years by an academic tertiary care unit.Krwotok do torbieli szyszynki jest bardzo rzadki. Występujące wcześniej objawy to silny ból głowy okolicy czołowej lub potylicznej, porażenie spojrzenia i ubytki pól widzenia, nudności lub wymioty, omdlenie, ataksja, niedosłuch lub nagły zgon. Możliwości leczenia objawowej torbieli szyszynki obejmują obserwację, wszczepienie drenu, aspirację metodą endoskopową lub stereotaktyczną, wentrykulostomię komory trzeciej oraz wentrykulocysternostomię i/lub wycięcie chirurgiczne przez kraniotomię i metodą mikrochirurgiczną. W pracy opisano nietypowy przypadek 28-letniego mężczyzny z krwotokiem do torbieli szyszynki, u którego objawy obejmowały ból głowy, bezsenność i zaburzenia czynności seksualnych. Pacjent jest leczony zachowawczo i obserwowany od 2 lat w specjalistycznym ośrodku akademickim

    Atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte primer orbita osteoması: olgu sunumu ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi

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    Osteoma yüzün orta bölümündeki kavite ve kemiklerden oluşan paranasal sinüslerin en sık görülen iyi huylu yavaş büyüyen bir tümörüdür (3). Nadir olarak orbitadan primer olarak köken alır. Bu lezyonlar çoğunlukla hayatın dört ve beşinci dekadlarında gelişir ve özellikle erkeklerde görülür. İngilizce literatürde günümüze kadar sfenoid kemikten orijin alan üç tane primer orbita osteoması bildirilmiştir. Biz atipik fasial ağrı ile birlikte olan diğer bir primer orbita osteomasını sunup literatür eşliğinde tartışıyoruz.Osteoma is a benign, slowly growing tumor that mainly occurs in the bones and cavities of the middle third of the face, representing the most frequent benign tumor of the paranasal sinuses (3). It rarely originates primarily from the orbit. Most of these lesions develop in the fourth to fifth decades of life, and are more commonly encountered in males. In the English literature, there are so far three reported cases of primary osteoma of the orbit that originated from the sphenoid bone. Here we present another case of a primary osteoma of the orbit presenting with atypical facial pain and discuss the relevant literature

    Basel Sermaye Yeterliği Oranındaki Değişimin Türk Bankacılık Sektörü Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi: Katılım Bankaları ve Geleneksel Bankaların Karşılaştırmalı Oran Analizi1 Investigation of the Effects of Basel Capital Adequacy Ratio Change on the Turkish Banking Sector: Comparative Conventional and Islamic Banking with Ratio Analysis

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    Çalışmada, sermaye yeterliliği oranının, katılım bankaları ve geleneksel bankaların karlılıkları, faiz-kar payı gelirleri gibi kalemleri üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymak amacıyla Türk bankacılık sektörüne ait veriler oran analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Buna göre incelenen dönemde her iki banka grubunda da sermaye yeterliliği oranı düşüş eğilimindedir. Her iki grupta da sermaye yeterliliğinin düşmesine neden etkenlerden biri olan kredi ve alacaklar kalemi yıllar içinde artış göstermiş, yine bununla aynı doğrultuda faiz (kar payı) gelirlerinde de bir artış yaşanmıştır. Ancak bu noktada katılım bankaları daha iyi performans göstermiş, katılım bankalarında sermaye yeterliliği oranı daha az düşmesine rağmen faiz (kar payı) gelirlerindeki artış geleneksel bankalara göre daha yüksek olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Buna rağmen sermaye yeterliliği oranının azalması karşısında kredi rakamları artarken, bankaların özkaynak karlılıkları artmamış, bu noktada sermaye yeterliliği oranının azalmasının karlılık rakamları üzerinde herhangi bir kaldıraç etkisi gözlenmemiştir. In the study, in order to determine the effect of the capital adequacy ratio on the items such as the profitability and interest-share incomes of the Islamic banks and the traditional banks, the datas of Turkish banking sector are examined with ratio analysis method. Accordingly, the capital adequacy ratio of both bank groups tends to decrease in the period examined. In both groups, credit and assets, which are one of the factors causing the decrease in capital adequacy, increased during the period and there was an increase in interest (profit share) revenues in the same way. However, at this point, Islamic banks performed better and the increase in interest (profit share) incomes was higher than that of the more traditional banks, even though the capital adequacy ratio in Islamic banks decreased less. Nevertheless, while the credit figures increased in the face of the decrease in the capital adequacy ratio, the return on equity of the banks did not increase and there was no leverage effect on the profitability figures of the decrease in the capital adequacy ratio at this point

    Jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii odszedł od nas ponad dekadę temu, a w literaturze neurochirurgicznej nie poświęcono mu większej uwagi

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    One of the giants of neurological surgery left us over a decade ago. Charles George Drake died September 15, 1998 in London, Ontario after an extended bout with lung cancer. Although he will always be identified with taking posterior fossa aneurysm surgery from the realm of the daring to the domain of the routine, his contributions were much broader. Clinical neurosciences have been blessed in the past century by the life and works of Drake. In the neurosurgical world, the achievements of Drake are very well known and have been well recorded. Unfortunately, in the past decade since his passing, only one paper has been published about him and his contributions to neurosurgery. This is a historical paper regarding Charles George Drake that attempts to (1) remember Drake as a pioneer; (2) to evaluate lessons that we have learned from him; and (3) to address the question ‘What made him great?’. As per Drake's teachings, this paper is meant to articulate the unique perspectives Charlie provided with respect to how we learn our craft, maintain the integrity of reporting, and implement suggestions as to how we may progress into the future. In conclusion, it is our hope that this paper will bring to life the unique character of Drake and his unprecedented blend of genius, creativity, technical skill, introspection, and ever-present humility for all international neurosurgeons to appreciate.Charles George Drake, jeden z gigantów neurochirurgii, zmarł przed ponad 10 laty. Chociaż jego nazwisko będzie zawsze kojarzone z wprowadzeniem do praktyki chirurgicznego leczenia tętniaków tylnego dołu czaszki, wkład Drake'a w neurochirurgię jest znacznie szerszy. Niestety, w ciągu dekady od jego odejścia opublikowano tylko jeden artykuł poświęcony jego życiu i wkładowi w neurochirurgię. Niniejszy historyczny artykuł dotyczący Charlesa George'a Drake'a podejmuje próbę upamiętnienia go jako pioniera, poddania ocenie pozostawionej przez niego spuścizny i odpowiedzi na pytanie, co uczyniło go wielkim. Mamy nadzieję, że artykuł ten przybliży środowisku neurochirurgów wyjątkowy charakter Drake'a i cechujące go bezprzykładne połączenie geniuszu, kreatywności, sprawności technicznej, wglądu i nieodłącznej skromności

    The Effect of Discharging Patients with Low Hemoglobin Levels on Hospital Readmission and Quality of Life after Adult Spinal Deformity Surgery

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    Adult spine deformity; Anemia; Patient outcome assessmentDeformidad de la columna en adultos; Anemia; Evaluación del resultado del pacienteDeformitat de la columna en adults; Anèmia; Avaluació dels resultats del pacientStudy Design Retrospective cohort. Purpose This study aims to evaluate the impact of anemia on functional outcomes, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and early hospital readmission (EHR) rates after adult spinal deformity (ASD) surgery at the time of discharge from the hospital. Overview of Literature Concerns with risks of transfusion, insufficient evidence for its benefits, and the possibility of associated adverse outcomes have led to restrictive transfusion practices. Therefore, patients are discharged according to patient blood management programs that are implemented in hospitals nationwide to reduce unnecessary blood transfusions. However, not many comprehensive kinds of studies exist on the effect of postoperative anemia on functional life and complications. Methods Anemia severity was defined following the 2011 World Health Organization guidelines. All patients had HRQoL tests as well as complete blood counts pre- and postoperatively. EHR is the admission within 30 days of discharge and was used as the dependent parameter. Results This study comprised 225 surgically treated ASD patients with a median age of 62.0 years, predominantly women (80%). Of the 225 patients, 82, 137, and six had mild, moderate, and severe anemia at the time of discharge, respectively. Seventeen of the patients (mild [11, 64.7%]; moderate [5, 29.4%]; severe [1, 5.9%]) were readmitted within 30 days. The mean hemoglobin values were higher in readmitted patients (p=0.071). Infection was the leading cause of readmission (n=12), but a low hemoglobin level was not observed in any of these patients at the time of discharge. Except for Scoliosis Research Society-22 questionnaire, HRQoL improvements did not reach statistical significance in early readmitted patients in the first year after surgery. Conclusions The results of this study demonstrated that the occurrence and the severity of postoperative anemia are not associated with EHR in surgically treated patients with ASD. The findings of the current research suggested that clinical awareness of the parameters other than postoperative anemia may be crucial. Thus, improvements in HRQoL scores were poor in early readmitted patients 1 year after surgery.European Spine Study Group is a clinical research group funded by a research grant from DePuy-Synthes

    Costunolide prevents renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by reducing autophagy, apoptosis, inflammation, and DNA damage

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    Objective(s): Renal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) is a vital health condition leading to acute kidney injury. Costunolide (COST) is an actively used molecule clinically for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties. In the present study, we searched for the possible protective effects of COST against renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury in rats.Materials and Methods: We established a renal I/R rat model. We divided forty rats into four groups: group I (sham), group II (I/R), group III (I/R+COST 5 mg/kg), and group IV (I/R+COST 10 mg/kg). We collected blood, kidney, and lung samples for analysis. Results: COST administration performed anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity by reducing oxidant parameters and proinflammatory cytokine levels. COST alleviated DNA damage through declining 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels. In addition, COST diminished tubular damage and inflammation by reducing kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) production. COST administration also ameliorated apoptosis and autophagy by decreasing caspase-3 and microtubule-associated protein light chain 3B (MAPLC3, LC3B) expression.Conclusion: COST demonstrated protective effects against renal I/R-induced injury

    The importance of the mean platelet volume in the diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia

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    This retrospective study aimed to investigate the diagnostic relation between the mean platelet volume (MPV) and supraventricular tachyarrhythmia (SVT) in patient with documented atrial tachyarrhythmia in the emergency department (ED). Two study groups were compared; a SVT group with arrive at the ED with documented SVT (n=122) and 100 healthy adult without any palpitation symptom, arrhythmic disease, and with normal physical examination results that were brought for checkups to the cardiology polyclinic were classified as control group. Blood samples were obtained from all patients for determining the hematologic counts and MPV during first hour in ED period. In terms of the focus of the study, hemoglobin, neutrophil count, mean cell volume (MCV), red cell distribution width (RDW), platelet, white blood cell (WBC), and lymphocyte counts were similar in both group (p > 0.05). MPV in the SVT group was signifi cantly higher than in the control group (9.12±1.22 fl vs 8.64±0.89 fl , p < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that just MPV was independent predictor of SVT in patients with palpitation in ED (odds ratio [OR] 8.497, 95% confidence interval (6.181 to 12.325), p=0.012). The present study described that MPV is helpful parameter for the diagnosis of SVT in emergency department, for the first time in the literature.Keywords: mean platelet volume, inflammation, palpitation, supraventricular tachycardia, diagnosticAfrican Health sciences Vol 14 No. 1 March 201

    Assessment of the left atrial volume index and plasma NT-proANP level in patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction

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    OBJECTIVES: Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction is associated with ventricular dysfunction due to ischemia-induced progressive myocardial damage. The decrease in ventricular compliance causes left atrial dilatation and stretching of the atrial myocardium, which are the main stimuli for the secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide. The aim of this study was to evaluate left atrial dimensions and atrial natriuretic peptide levels in patients early after their first acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction and assess the probable interaction between coronary lesions and these measurements. METHODS: A total of 110 patients with acute myocardial infarction and 50 controls were studied. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide was measured at admission. Left ventricular function, diameter, and volume index were evaluated using transthoracic echocardiography. Gensini and vessel scores of the patients who underwent coronary angiography were calculated. RESULTS: Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide in the patients with myocardial infarction was increased compared with that in controls (3.90±3.75 vs. 1.35±0.72 nmol/L,

    Evaluation of left ventricular systolic asynchrony in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism

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    Background: The heart was very sensitive to fluctuating thyroid hormone levels. To assess intra-left ventricular (LV) systolic asynchrony in patients with subclinical thyroid dysfunction. Methods: Fifty patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and 40 controls were included. A diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism was reached with increased TSH and normal free T4. All subjects were evaluated by echocardiography. Evaluation of intra-LV systolic asynchrony was performed by tissue synchronization imaging (TSI), and four TSI parameters of systolic asynchrony were calculated. LV asynchrony was defined by these parameters. Results: All of the groups were similar in terms of demographic findings and conventional and Doppler echocardiograpic parameters except peak systolic velocity and early diastolic velocity. LV systolic asynchrony parameters of TSI including; standard deviation of Ts of the 12 LV segments (Ts-SD-12), maximal difference in Ts between any 2 of the 12 LV segments (Ts-12), standard deviation of TS of the 6 basal LV segments (Ts-SD-6), maximal difference in Ts between any of the 6 basal LV segments (Ts-6) were significantly lengthened in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism than controls (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The prevalence of LV asynchrony was significantly higher in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism than control. Conclusions: Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism present evidence of LV asynchrony by TSI. LV systolic asynchrony could be a warning sign of the early stage in cardiac systolic dysfunction in subclinical hypothyroid patients