3 research outputs found

    Oleoyl-estrone is a precursor of an estrone-derived ponderostat signal

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    Oleoyl-estrone (OE) is a powerful anti-obesity compound that decreases food intake, decreases insulin resistance and circulating cholesterol. OE stimulates a severe loss of body fat by decreasing adipose tissue lipid synthesis and maintaining lipolysis. Therefore, the body economy loses lipid energy because energy expenditure is maintained. This study analyses the discrepancy between OE effects and the distribution of labelled OE in plasma. Estrone radioimmunoassay of organic solvent plasma extracts of rats treated with OE showed the massive presence of acyl-estrone, but. saponification did not release estrone, but containing similar unknown compound. Analysis of label distribution in plasma after oral gavages of 3H-OE showed the presence of a more hydrophilic compound than OE or any estrogen as well as 3H2O, formed from 3H-OE in the acidic stomach medium. OE was not attached toa specific transporter in plasma. Through serum HPLC analysis we found W, a labelled derivative more hydrophilic than OE or estrone. The results were confirmed using 14C-OE. HPLC-MS/MS studies showed that plasma OE levels were one order of magnitude lower than those of W. When liver cell cytosols from rats laden with 3H-OE were incubated with nuclei from untreated rats, the OE-derived label (i.e., W's) was found attached to nuclear DNA. Neither estradiol nor estrone interfered with its binding. W is a fairly hydrophilic compound of low molecular weight containing the estrone nucleus, but it is not an ester because saponification or esterases do not yield estrone as OE does. It is concluded that OE acts through its conversion to W, its active form; which binds to a nuclear receptor different from that of estrogen. The estimated W serum levels are proportional to the pharmacological OE effects in vivo. We postulate W as a new type of hormone that exerts the full range of in vivo effects thus far attributed to OE. The full identification of W is anticipated to open the way for the development of new OE-like anti-obesity drugs

    Sintesi de lligands monovalents i divalents semi-rígids d'avidina i estreptavidina i estudi de la seva interacció.

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    [cat] L'avidina i l'estreptavidina són proteïnes tetramèriques molt conegudes degut a la seva elevada constant d'associació (Ka ≈ 1015 M-1 i 2.5 x 1013 M-1 respectivament) al seu lligand natural, la biotina. Aquesta forta unió ha fet possible la utilització del sistema (estrep)avidina-biotina en moltes aplicacions biomèdiques. L'objectiu del present treball ha estat la síntesi de nous lligands d'avidina (Av) i estreptavidina (SAv) i l'estudi de la seva interacció. S'han sintetitzat lligands monovalents d'Av i SAv amb un sistema bicíclic de tipus [3.3.1], tant de tipus propandiurea (PDU), com dimetilpropandiurea (DMPDU) i s'ha demostrat que aquests lligands s'uneixen a les proteïnes Av i SAv. S'ha observat que aquests lligands presenten les següents característiques: - El canvi de sistema bicíclic de DMPDU a PDU es tradueix en un augment de la constant d'associació tant a Av com a SAv. - La introducció d'una cadena lateral de valerat sobre l'àtom de N per a generar l'enantiòmer (+) comporta un augment important de la constant d'associació (Ka) a SAv i Av, tant en el sistema de tipus PDU com en el de tipus DMPDU. En canvi, quan s'introdueix la cadena de valerat sobre el N per a generar l'enantiòmer (-), els canvis en la Ka són molt menors i de signe contrari, és a dir, hi ha un petit increment en el cas de la DMPDU, però una petita disminució en el cas de la PDU quan s'uneix a SAv. En canvi, amb Av es produeix sempre una disminució de Ka. - En els lligands de tipus DMPDU, passar de tenir la cadena de valerat unida del C cap de pont a tenir-la unida al N del grup ureido com a enantiòmer (+), comporta un augment de la Ka, més important en Av que en SAv. - En els lligands amb cadena de valerat unida al N, l'enantiòmer (+) té una major afinitat per Av i SAv que l'enantiòmer (-), tant en els lligands de tipus PDU, com en els de tipus DMPDU. - En el compost DMPDU-C-C4-COOH, la derivatització de la cadena lateral d'àcid carboxílic en forma d'amida afecta poc a la seva Ka a SAv, però fa disminuir bastant la Ka en el cas d'Av. - El compost (+)-PDU-N-C4-COOH és el que presenta major Ka, tant a Av com a SAv, essent inclòs superior a la del compost anàleg derivat del glicoluril (+)-Gril-N-C4-COOH. Per algunes aplicacions pot resultar interessant l'ús de lligands divalents, els quals tenen dues unitats d'un lligand monovalent unides covalentment a través d'un espaiador. La longitud òptima de l'espaiador hauria de ser coneguda per tal d'evitar processos d'oligomerització. En aquest sentit pot resultar útil la utilització de lligands monovalents amb una moderada constant d'associació a Av i SAv, per tal d'obtenir lligands divalents reversibles. Amb aquests lligands es poden mesurar fàcilment les constants d'associació a Av i SAv, donant una indicació de com d'apropiat és l'espaiador per a cada proteïna amb la finalitat de formar el complex intramolecular. Amb aquest objectiu, s'han sintetitzat una sèrie de lligands, i s'ha mesurat la constant d'associació a SAv. La unitat monovalent d'aquests lligands es basa en el sistema bicíclic dimetilpropandiurea, el qual presenta una moderada constant d'associació (Ka = 2.8 x 105 M-1) per SAv. Els braços espaiadors dels lligands divalents eren o bé cadenes alifàtiques o bé cadenes de polièters d'etilenglicol, amb la formació de lligands que presenten una major constant d'associació per SAv que el lligand monovalent de referència. La introducció de l'anell aromàtic a l'espaiador es tradueix en un augment significatiu de la constant d'associació a SAv, com a resultat de la preorganització del lligand divalent. Aquestes diferències han estat inferiors o pràcticament inapreciables per a Av. Finalment s'han explorat noves rutes de síntesis de nous lligands divalents amb una part rígida més extensa que en els lligands anteriors.[eng] "Synthesis of monovalent and divalent semi-rigid ligands of avidin and streptavidin and study of their interaction" Avidin and streptavidin are tetrameric proteins well-known for their high binding affinity (Ka ≈ 1015 M-1 and 2.5 x 1013 M-1 respectively ) towards biotin, its natural ligand. This strong binding has allowed to use the (strept)avidin-biotin system in many biochemical applications. The aim of the present work was the synthesis of new ligands of avidin and streptavidin and the study of their interaction. New monovalent ligands with a bicyclic framework [3.3.1], of the type propanediurea (PDU) or dimethylpropanediurea (DMPDU) has been synthesized and proved to bind the proteins avidin and streptavidin. For some applications it might be interesting to use divalent ligands, i.e. those having two units of a monovalent ligand covalently linked via a spacer arm. In order to design these divalent ligands, the optimal spacer length should be known, otherwise oligomerization could be placed. More informative could be the use of divalent ligands having two units of a monovalent ligand of moderate binding affinity for avidin and streptavidin. With these reversible ligands it should be possible to easily measure the binding constants of the complexes with avidin and streptavidin, giving an indication of how appropiate a given spacer is for each protein in order to form the intramolecular complex. For this purpose, a series of divalent ligands has been synthesized, and their binding affinity to streptavidin has been measured. The monovalent unit of these divalent ligands is based on the dimethylpropanediurea bicyclic framework, and shows a moderate binding affinity (Ka = 2.8 x 105 M-1) for streptavidin. The spacer arms of the divalent ligands were either aliphatic or polyethers chains derived from ethylene glycol, with the former ligands showing a higher binding affinity for streptavidin than the monovalent ligand of reference. Introduction of an aromatic ring into the spacer arm lead to a significant increase in the binding affinity for streptavidin, as a result of the preorganization of the divalent ligand. These semi-rigid divalent ligands have effective molarities of up to 2.7 M towards streptavidin, which means that they preferentially form of the divalent complex (intramolecular binding) with streptavidin in a broad range of concentrations up to their effective molarity. Several ways for the synthesis of new divalent ligands with a more extended rigid part were explored

    Oleoyl-estrone is a precursor of an estrone-derived ponderostat signal

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    Oleoyl-estrone (OE) is a powerful anti-obesity compound that decreases food intake, decreases insulin resistance and circulating cholesterol. OE stimulates a severe loss of body fat by decreasing adipose tissue lipid synthesis and maintaining lipolysis. Therefore, the body economy loses lipid energy because energy expenditure is maintained. This study analyses the discrepancy between OE effects and the distribution of labelled OE in plasma. Estrone radioimmunoassay of organic solvent plasma extracts of rats treated with OE showed the massive presence of acyl-estrone, but. saponification did not release estrone, but containing similar unknown compound. Analysis of label distribution in plasma after oral gavages of 3H-OE showed the presence of a more hydrophilic compound than OE or any estrogen as well as 3H2O, formed from 3H-OE in the acidic stomach medium. OE was not attached toa specific transporter in plasma. Through serum HPLC analysis we found W, a labelled derivative more hydrophilic than OE or estrone. The results were confirmed using 14C-OE. HPLC-MS/MS studies showed that plasma OE levels were one order of magnitude lower than those of W. When liver cell cytosols from rats laden with 3H-OE were incubated with nuclei from untreated rats, the OE-derived label (i.e., W's) was found attached to nuclear DNA. Neither estradiol nor estrone interfered with its binding. W is a fairly hydrophilic compound of low molecular weight containing the estrone nucleus, but it is not an ester because saponification or esterases do not yield estrone as OE does. It is concluded that OE acts through its conversion to W, its active form; which binds to a nuclear receptor different from that of estrogen. The estimated W serum levels are proportional to the pharmacological OE effects in vivo. We postulate W as a new type of hormone that exerts the full range of in vivo effects thus far attributed to OE. The full identification of W is anticipated to open the way for the development of new OE-like anti-obesity drugs